• il y a 2 mois
Chevauchant un bolide, l'"Aigle de la route" sème la panique sur le bitume. Les représentants de la loi se lancent dans une folle course-poursuite. Après avoir provoqué de nombreux accidents, l'homme, acculé par le policier Max Rockatansky, périt tragiquement. Un peu plus tard, Max et son collègue Jim Goose se rendent sur les lieux d'une agression. Max réussit à arrêter Johnny Môme, le chef d'une bande de pillards motorisés. Par peur des représailles, le procureur chargé du dossier acquitte le criminel. Avec la complicité de ses sbires, il décide de se venger de Max en massacrant sa famille. Fou de douleur, Max va leur faire payer leurs crimes...
00:00Somewhere, on the abandoned highways of tomorrow, where law is another word for vengeance,
00:17where justice is a forgotten memory, and order lies shattered in the ruins of civilization,
00:29somewhere on the head, a hero is waiting, Max, the crack interceptor for the main force
00:44patrol, his power is a badge of bronze, the night rider, remember him when you look at
01:09the night sky, we know who you are, bronze, we remember the night rider, the strange,
01:16where does he have to get you, get out of here, his only weapon, 600 horses of fuel injected
01:25machinery, his mission is a non-stop high-torque pursuit of speed-crazed bandits, the bronze,
01:39the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the
01:45night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night
01:50rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
01:57the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
02:22the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
02:52the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
02:53the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
02:54the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
02:55the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
02:56the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
02:57the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
02:58the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider, the night rider,
