Mumbai: Actor Mohit Malik was recently seen at Homemade Cafe in Juhu, looking relaxed and cool in a light blue sweatshirt paired with fitted pants. His well-groomed hair and beard added a polished touch to his casual outfit. While at the cafe, he talked about his movie, encouraging people to watch his show with family. In a friendly gesture, he even offered coffee to the paparazzi, showcasing his warm personality.
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#MohitMalik #Juhucafe #stylishlook #Trending #2025 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Actor Mohit Malik was seen recently at Homemade Cafe in Juhu, wearing a relaxed and cool look
00:07in a light blue sweatshirt and fitted pants on a very casual morning.
00:11This choice of outfit not only reflected his sense of style, but also added much to the
00:17comfort factor.
00:18Mohit was sure to groom his hair and beard to give his easy-going outfit a polished touch.
00:24That detail brought out his easy charm and made him shine even more.
00:28During the visit, he spoke about his latest movie and urged everyone to watch his movie
00:33with family.
00:34Also, he showed a friendly gesture by offering coffee to the paparazzi.
00:39On the work front, Mohit made his Bollywood debut in 2025 with the film Azad, which starred
00:46Ajay Devgn and Diana Penty, alongside debutants Rashad Adani and Aman Devgn.