Short filmTranscript
00:00I'm not afraid of anything, I just can't find peace.
00:03even if you used to be my bodyguard,
00:07but after all,
00:08I'm the one who loves Yansheng the most.
00:10We are in the middle of a bad time.
00:12If you really want to let Yansheng go...
00:15Stop talking about that.
00:17He's not in this state
00:19because he saved his life.
00:21What do you want?
00:23If you want to die, just do it.
00:25Do you want to die?
00:27If you want to die, just do it.
00:41you moron
00:45I will never like you
00:49Chen Zhuoxi
00:50I think you get the point
00:52Mianmian will be back to China very soon
00:54You're just her replacement
00:57After you get the money, leave
00:58別惦記不屬於自己的東西 Don't think about things that don't belong to you.
01:02路燕是你 Lu Yan is you.
01:06封我什麼? What did you do to me?
01:08我穿進去裡了! I'm in the drama!
01:14記得,這個劇情是路燕盛的白月光時出描回國 You remember, this is the story of Lu Yan when Bai Yueguang came back to China.
01:19拋下了患有癌症的沈淑琪就匆匆接人去了? Shen Shuqi, who had cancer, rushed to pick her up?
01:24惦...惦記你啊? You?
01:26我惦記你死還差不多! I'd rather see you die!
01:29我深知劇情的走向,沈淑琪根本沒有得癌症,只要她或許堅持治療,就不會死。 But I know the direction of the plot. Shen Shuqi doesn't have cancer at all. As long as she persists in treatment, she won't die.
01:41可惜我不是你,既然我不穿進這部劇,我就要給這部劇換個男人。 It's a pity that I'm not you. Since I'm not in this drama, I'm going to give this drama to another man.
01:54這個項目所有的原寫內容都在這兒了,給大家回去研究研究。 All the original content of this project is here, and you can review it later.
01:58明天呢? What about tomorrow?
01:59起床! Get up!
02:00下床下床! Go to bed!
02:01你怎麼來的? Why are you here?
02:02是要送小甜甜,是嗎? What's the matter, Miss Sun?
02:05歸在你,領機票給我。 I'm here to give you the plane ticket.
02:09你們是有什麼事嗎? What's the matter, Miss Sun?
02:31去,把路燕盛裹一下。 Go, wrap up Lu Yan Sheng.
02:40沈淑琪又搞什麼樣的意思? What's wrong with Shen Shu Qi?
02:44怎麼了,燕盛? What's the matter, Lu Yan Sheng?
02:45我還有點事啊,一會兒找人來送你。 I have something to do. I'll find someone to send you later.
02:48沈淑琪,我回來了。這下你只能是我的手下敗將了。 Shen Shu Qi, I'm back. Now you can only be my loser.
02:57沈淑琪,你到底想幹什麼? Shen Shu Qi, what the hell do you want to do?
03:03不幹什麼,就是來通知你。老娘不幹了。 I don't want to do anything, I just want to inform you. I'm not doing it.
03:09這林子大了呀,傻子才會掉在你這一棵歪脖子樹上。 This forest is too big for a fool to fall on a crooked tree like you.
03:14路燕盛,姐夫陪你玩兒吧。 Lu Yan Sheng, I'm not playing with you.
03:19你當我陸氏集團什麼地方?想來就來,想走就走。 What do you think I am? You can come and go as you like.
03:24沈淑琪,你不會以為你這樣就能讓我多看幾遍吧? Shen Shu Qi, you don't think you can make me look at you more like this, do you?
03:28不好意思,我只會覺得你更好。 I'm sorry, I'll only think you're better.
03:32路燕盛,人呢,不要太看得起自己。 Lu Yan Sheng, don't look down on yourself.
03:35我承認以前是我眼瞎,現在呢,我多看你一眼,我都覺得噁心。 I admit that I was blind before, but now, I feel disgusted when I look at you.
03:42趕緊把離職申請勾了。 Hurry up and apply for resignation.
03:45你是知道棉被壞了,所以想欲擒故縱,明著我嗎? You know that棉被壞了, so you want to play hard to get, don't you?
03:48沈淑琪,我告訴你,你永遠都比不上路燕盛,趁早死了這份心。 Shen Shu Qi, I'm telling you, you'll never be as good as Lu Yan Sheng. You'd better die early.
03:59男人,渣女,不可怕。 Men, don't be afraid of them.
04:03可怕的是,自殺,或是自斃,算什麼東西? What's scary is suicide, or being forced to do something?
04:13你也配提棉被的人。棉被是我見過最...棉被是我見過最單純善良的女孩子,我真理,是這個人欺負的。 You don't deserve to mention Nian Mian. Nian Mian is the most... Nian Mian is the kindest girl I've ever seen. I'm serious. She bullied me.
04:22你,不要以為你是棉被的姐姐,我就不敢逗你。別裝蒜,快說出來。 You, don't think you're Nian Mian's sister, or I won't dare to make fun of you. Don't say anything, just say it.
04:28你算什麼? What's wrong with you?
04:30離職申請請勾了。 Apply for resignation.
04:32都給我回來。 Give it back to me.
04:35陸院生,你喜歡人喜歡多了,是吧? Mr. Lu, you like more people, don't you?
04:38沈淑琪,你是不是忘了,沈氏已經不是你了,離開了陸氏,什麼都不是了。 Chen Shuqi, have you forgotten that Shen Shi is no longer you, and you have nothing to do with Lu Shi anymore.
04:44跟你有什麼關係? What does it have to do with you?
04:46老娘,不要亂問我。 Mom, stop asking me.
04:50聽明白了嗎?以後見了我繞著鼻子,否則我見你一次,打你一次。 Do you understand? If you see me again, I'll beat you up.
04:58沈淑琪,你別後悔。 Chen Shuqi, don't regret it.
05:01放心,姐呢,已經有新的身份了。 Don't worry, my sister has a new identity.
05:08拜拜呢,傻丫頭。 Bye, silly girl.
05:31祁鈺啊? Qi Yu?
05:35祁鈺啊? Qi Yu?
05:38這祁鈺不愧是財閥齊家的唯一繼承人,帥氣多金,又深情專一,簡直是男主的不二人選啊。 Qi Yu is the only heir of the Qi family. He is handsome, rich, and passionate. He is the perfect choice for the male lead.
06:01齊總,沈大小姐從陸氏離職了。 Mr. Qi, Ms. Shen has resigned from Lu's Group.
06:04繼續盯著。 Keep an eye on her.
06:10渣男劈腿的我豬家一死,一騎如虎之騎,現從烏煙上掌撈一擊,斷了乾淨。 The scoundrel kicked me out of the house, and before I could return to my home, I was cut off from the world.
06:23沈小姐,經鑒定,這次玉面佛價值八百萬了。 Ms. Shen, I have confirmed that this jade talisman is worth 8 million.
06:28沈小姐,這套水墨實驗價值六百萬了。 Ms. Shen, this jade talisman is worth 6 million.
06:33給我快一杯玉前冬龍解啊。 Give me a cup of jade before winter solstice.
06:37您錢清花一尊,價值一千八百萬了。 Ms. Shen, your money is worth 18 million.
06:47沈小姐,您屋內的所有資產已經全部清算完畢,一共是四千六百八十七萬。 Ms. Shen, all the assets in your house have been cleared. The total is 46.87 million.
06:54稍後通知主門,打到您的卡上,請注意查收。 We will notify the owner of your house later. Please check your card carefully.
06:58玉面佛價值這麼多錢,居然沒有一件上一億。 The jade talisman is so valuable. It's worth more than a hundred million.
07:06這個房子是不是沒有算了? Is this house not counted?
07:10沈小姐,您這要幹什麼呀? Ms. Shen, what are you doing?
07:13看不出來嗎?賣東西啊。 Can't you see it? I'm selling something.
07:17這浪吃不走啊。 How can you sell it?
07:19我問你,房子的房產證上寫著誰的名字? Let me ask you, whose name is written on the property certificate of the house?
07:23是你。 It's you.
07:24那我賣我自己的東西,有問題嗎? Can I sell my own stuff?
07:33我應該進回了家會頭。 I should go back to the family meeting.
07:38什麼家會頭? What family meeting?
07:40怎麼回事? What's going on?
07:42沈小姐早日正在清算家財,還照顧著賣房子呢。 Ms. Shen is clearing the assets early, and she is also selling the house.
07:48屎出車賣房子。 She is selling the house.
07:54陸總。 Mr. Lu.
07:56這就是陸應聖的白月光,水春年。 This is the white moon and spring spring of Lu Yingsheng.
07:59我當了三年的替身本身。 I have been a bodyguard for three years.
08:02有意思,姐來會會你。 It's interesting, let me meet you.
08:05陸總,你,你可回來了。 Mr. Lu, you, you can come back.
08:08沈小姐,這話怎麼說? Ms. Shen, what are you talking about?
08:11姐姐,你想要買什麼你可以跟我說啊。 Sister, you can tell me what you want to buy.
08:14你怎麼能隨便賣應聖的房子呢? How can you sell Yingsheng's house casually?
08:16我可以不賣啊。 I can not sell it.
08:17那我想去死。 Then I want to die.
08:19姐姐,你怎麼能這麼說呢。 Sister, how can you say that?
08:21我這麼做都是為你好。 I am doing this for your own good.
08:23畢竟這房子是應聖給你的。 After all, this house is given to you by Yingsheng.
08:26什麼應聖啊?麻煩你搞搞清楚。 What Yingsheng? Please make it clear.
08:29這房子的房產證上寫的是名字。 What is written on the property certificate of this house?
08:32你們現在這種行為叫顧忌自來自闖名宅。 You are doing this behavior now. It's called taking advantage of the opportunity to break into a famous house.
08:35找人賣個房。 Find someone to sell a house.
08:37就算寫的是你的名字, Even if it's your name,
08:39但這房子畢竟是應聖給你的。 but this house is given to you by Yingsheng.
08:42你不能賣。 You can't sell it.
08:47你說不能賣就賣。 You said you can't sell it.
08:49你算老幾了,趕緊滾出去啊。 You are old enough to die. Get out of here.
08:51什麼倒楣,哎呀。 What are you talking about? Oh my god.
08:55姐姐,你說話怎麼能這麼難聽呢。 Sister, how can you speak so badly?
08:59我只是。 I am just.
09:01只是?只是什麼? What is it?
09:03哎喲,心臟又不舒服了。 Oh, my heart is uncomfortable again.
09:05你這心臟碗一陣一陣的,也沒見你去死啊。 Your heart is beating so fast, but I haven't seen you die.
09:10嗯,應該挺好吃的。 Um, it should be delicious.
09:12哎,姐姐拜託。 Hey, sister, please.
09:14胡姐,你在屋裡說什麼?滾出去。 Sister, when are you going to say something? Get out of here.
09:17氣死我了。氣死我了。 I'm going to kill you.
09:20渭先生,你大早以後看多了是吧。 Yingsheng, you've seen too much in the morning, haven't you?
09:36渭先生。 Yingsheng.
09:38誰給你的膽子敢打我。 Who gave you the guts to hit me?
09:40我說了,你以後再敢招惹我,我見你去,打你去。 I said, if you dare to provoke me again, I'll see you and hit you again.
09:45帶著你們滾出去,別在這兒挨打。 Take them all out, and don't hurt them here.
09:48老大,房租給你。 Boss, I'll give you the house.
09:50沒問題。 No problem.
09:52房子是我給你的。 I gave you the house.
09:54別以為房產證寫了你的名字就可以為所欲為。 Don't think you can do whatever you want just because the house certificate says your name.
10:06渭先生。 Yingsheng.
10:08你敢招惹我。 How dare you provoke me.
10:10我打你都敢不敢。 I dare not even hit you.
10:12房租給我。房租給我。 I'll give you the house.
10:16房租給我。房租給我。 I'll give you the house.
10:18給我。 Give it to me.
10:24陸總,是你嗎? Mr. Lu, is it you?
10:26是,對不起。 Yes, I'm sorry.
10:28你算是個瘋子。 You're a lunatic.
10:30瘋子?當年要是沒有我這個瘋子,你陸先生能跟你怎麼講呢? Lunatic? If I hadn't been a lunatic, how could you have told Mr. Lu?
10:34什麼意思? What do you mean?
10:40房租呢?房租給我。房租給我。 Where's the house certificate?
10:42我已經帶了。 I've brought it.
10:44你要是不想繼續跟我搞的話,就帶兩個人滾出去。 If you don't want to continue messing with me, just take two people out.
10:48你想離婚就離婚吧。 You want to divorce?
10:54金書奇,我倒要看看離了我,還有誰敢收留我。 Mr. Lu, I'd like to see who dares to take me away from me.
11:04也不知道我男朋友和齊悅的情況是…… I don't know if my boyfriend is in a relationship with Qi Yue.
11:16沈書奇,怎麼了? Mr. Shen, what's up?
11:18沈大小姐居然自動內打,難道又是為了那個陸先生? Ms. Shen, how did you get a call from Mr. Lu?
11:22齊悅。 Qi Yue.
11:23什麼事? What's up?
11:24齊悅,你忙嗎?晚上想約你見一面,有點適合一張臉。 Qi Yue, are you busy? I'd like to meet you tonight. It's a good time to have a chat.
11:28有什麼事不能電話裡說啊? What's the matter? You can't talk on the phone.
11:30電話裡說沒意思啊。 It's boring to talk on the phone.
11:31不會是陸氏破產了,讓你來找我來合作吧? Is it possible that Mr. Lu went bankrupt and asked you to work with me?
11:34齊總,先別吃醋。中間的事沒關係啊。 Mr. Qi, don't be jealous. It's not a big deal.
11:37那到底什麼事? What's the matter?
11:38晚上夜色酒吧520包廂,你來了就知道了。 We're having a party at the night club 520. You'll know when you get there.
11:43沈書奇,又在玩什麼把戲? What kind of game is Shen Chuqi playing?
11:46對不起啊。 Sorry.
11:48晚上的會議取消。 Cancel the meeting tonight.
11:50晚上是跨國會,可能不太好取消。 It's a cross-national meeting, so it's hard to cancel it.
11:53而且你為了審查消息,推遲了跨國會。 And you postponed the meeting because of Shen Chuqi.
11:57我做事什麼時候輪到你提議啊? When is it your turn to listen to me?
12:15我記得了,圓珠好像有一個關係通報。 I remember, there seems to be a relationship report from Yuan Zhu.
12:19寶貝,今晚老地方不見不散。 Baby, see you at the old place tonight.
12:21不見不散,今天有十分重要的人要見。 See you at the old place tonight.
12:36寶貝。 Baby.
12:37今天那麼開心。 I'm so happy today.
12:38為了慶祝你成功脫離災難的壞,我們乾一杯。 To celebrate your successful escape from the disaster, let's drink.
12:42乾杯。 Cheers.
12:46對了,寶貝。 By the way, baby.
12:47你說你有一個十分重要的人要見。 You said you have a very important person to meet.
12:49誰啊? Who?
12:51等到了你就知道了。 You'll know when you meet him.
12:53不是吧,這個東西真好下架嗎? No way, is this really a good idea?
12:57什麼下架呀? What do you mean?
12:59我今天晚上本來是有正式的婚宴。 I have a formal wedding tonight.
13:01好,好,我懂,我懂。 Okay, okay, I understand.
13:04今天這兒呢,是我帶你的。 Today, I'm taking you.
13:06跟你啊,沒有任何關係。 It has nothing to do with you.
13:10這還差不多。 That's more like it.
13:13今天晚上我請客,刷卡。 I'll treat you tonight.
13:17這還差不多。 That's more like it.
13:18燕盛,今天的事你不要放在心上。 Yansheng, don't take what happened today to heart.
13:21姐姐也慣了,回頭我會勸勸她的。 I'm used to it. I'll talk to her later.
13:26沈淑琪今天說的是什麼意思? What did Shen Shuqi mean?
13:30當年救我的人真的是她? She was the one who saved me?
13:31燕盛,你不相信我了嗎? Yansheng, don't you believe me anymore?
13:34姐姐之所以會那麼說,是因為我告訴過她我小時候的事。 The reason I said that was because I told her about my childhood.
13:38她... She...
13:44沈淑琪,你竟然敢去那種地方? Shen Shuqi, how dare you go to that kind of place?
13:49怎麼了? What's wrong?
13:51是姐姐出什麼事了嗎? Did something happen to my sister?
13:55你先回去,我還有點事。 You go back first, I have something to do.
14:02沈淑琪,是不是不管我做什麼你都能這麼吸引別人的目光? Shen Shuqi, no matter what I do, can you attract people's attention?
14:09齊總,你該不會要省約吧? Mr. Qi, are you going to cancel the appointment?
14:13哎,對了寶貝,沈家過兩天會有一個盧焰盛,聽說是盧焰盛做主的,是嫌惡沈天霖在宴會上宣布沈初眠成為沈氏集團的下任主持人。 Oh, baby, I heard that Lu Yansheng will be in charge of the Shen family in two days. I heard that Lu Yansheng will be in charge of the Shen family in two days.
14:21是嫌惡沈天霖在宴會上宣布沈初眠成為沈氏集團的下任主持人。 Hey, baby, I heard that Lu Yansheng will be in charge of the Shen family in two days.
14:27寶貝,要不然咱們去鬧一下。 Baby, how about we go and make some noise?
14:30你以為是盛主,那也不是自盛的好機會。 You think you're the winner, but that's not a good opportunity to win.
14:38真晦氣,說曹操曹成警方,沈初氣死我了。 What a bad luck, saying that Cao Cao is the police. I'm so pissed off.
14:42誰要你來助理? Who asked you to stop me?
14:44怎麼是你啊? Why is it you?
14:46不是我,還想試試。 It's not me, who do you want to test?
14:49只要不是你盧焰盛,不是誰都行。 As long as it's not you, Lu Yansheng, not everyone can do it.
14:53跟我回去。 Come back with me.
14:55你,盧焰盛。 You, Lu Yansheng.
14:58你們陸氏集團就這麼閒的嗎?你們是跑出來多管什麼閒事嗎? Is your Lu's Group always this idle? Why do you have to meddle in other people's business?
15:02沈初氣,我自己告訴你,我的忍耐是有限的。跟我回去。 Shen Shuqi, I'm telling you, my patience is limited. Come back with me.
15:16齊悅,你來幹什麼? Qi Yu, what are you doing here?
15:17我不太以為你是欲擒故縛的,原來早就找好下場了。你真厲害。 I didn't think you were going to make a mistake. It turns out that you've been looking for trouble for a long time. You're amazing.
15:33陸總要是閒得沒事幹的話,爸可以找一個像沈崇元一樣相似的替身。你根本爛蛤蟆也沒出來過一次。 Mr. Lu, if you don't have anything to do, dad can find a substitute like Shen Chongyuan. You're not good at it at all.
15:41替身不是你自願的嗎?你自己心甘情願當替身,你現在又裝什麼高手? A substitute is not what you want. You are willing to be a substitute. What are you doing now?
15:46白月光不在身邊就找替身,陸總這麼耐苦的技藝,誰有比你高尚的人? Mr. Bai Yueguang is not around, so he's looking for a substitute. Mr. Lu is so hardworking, who has someone better than you?
15:52我跟他之間的事跟你有什麼關係? What does my relationship with him have to do with you?
15:54我跟誰有關係?那都是我自己的事。你要還想要別人的嗎? Who am I related to? That's my own business. If you want someone else's face, you have to save some money for yourself.
16:00齊總,看著我受凍,不太紳士吧? Mr. Qi, I don't look like a gentleman, do I?
16:06所有事和我商量,就是為了讓歐陽勝吃醋,沈淑琪,這樣的事做多了,很沒意思。 Everything you discuss with me is to make Lu Yansheng jealous. Mr. Shen, it's boring to do too many things like this.
16:17那你可就冤枉我了。我要是想看他吃醋,剛剛就跟他走了。 Then you wronged me. If I wanted to see him jealous, I would have just left with him.
16:26那你到底有什麼事? What's the matter with you?
16:30齊總,我問你一個問題。 Mr. Qi, I want to ask you a question.
16:34問我什麼問題? What's the matter with me?
16:36問我什麼問題? Ask me a question.
16:38問我什麼問題? Ask me a question.
16:40問我什麼問題? Ask me a question.
16:42問我什麼問題? Ask me a question.
16:44齊總,我不喜歡歐陽勝。我想和你在一起。 Mr. Qi, I don't like Lu Yansheng. I want to be with you.
16:49我想和你在一起。 I want to be with you.
17:10齊悅,你可以不相信我,但我允許我向你證明。 Qi Yu, you don't have to believe me, but I'll prove it to you.
17:14過兩天,沈家有個回國宴。我請你看場好戲。 I'll invite you to a good show at Shen's birthday party in two days.
17:17有什麼好看的?趙姐,開車。 What's there to see? Ms. Zhao, get in the car.
17:21是。 Yes.
17:24這就走了?這男人真不解風情。 He's leaving so soon? He's really not a gentleman.
17:29明天去把沈氏集團收購吧。 We'll take over Shen's Group tomorrow.
17:32至於沈經理,我記得沈氏集團的經濟虧空了。至於沈經理,我記得沈氏集團的經濟虧空了。 As for Mr. Shen, I remember that Shen's Group's economic deficit was caused by him.
17:37讓他把傢伙背出去,把沈氏集團通乾淨。 Let him take his family out and clean up Shen's Group.
17:41是。 Yes.
17:42不過,姐姐,怎麼突然想到動沈氏集團。 But, sister, why did you suddenly think of Shen's Group?
17:46看著它有用。 I think it's useful.
17:48那過兩天沈氏集團的業務要來全面。 Then Shen's Group will be fully operational in two days.
17:51去。 Go.
17:55老陳,老王,我給你們介紹一下啊。 Mr. Chen, Mr. Wang, let me introduce you.
17:58這是我的女兒,沈初綿,剛從國外回來。 This is my daughter, Shen Chu Mian, who just came back from abroad.
18:01以後啊,還希望二位多多關照啊。 I hope you can take care of her in the future.
18:04聽眾王總好。 Hello, Mr. Wang.
18:06一定。一定。一定。 Of course. Of course.
18:09你不是還有個大女兒,怎麼今天沒見啊? Don't you have another daughter? Why didn't you see her today?
18:14她?她才不算。 She? She doesn't count.
18:17姐姐平時不回家,平時一個人在外面住,一個人習慣了。 I don't usually go home. I usually live alone. I'm used to being alone.
18:22好了,反正啊,她總也不加了。 Alright, she's not coming home anyway.
18:25今天呢,是綿綿的回國宴。 Today is Mianmian's return party.
18:27之前呢,都是燕盛一直照顧著綿綿。 Before that, it was Yansheng who took care of Mianmian.
18:32我估計不久的將來,還得請你們喝喜酒啊。 I guess we'll have to invite you to a wedding soon.
18:37好,好,恭喜啊。 Congratulations.
18:49都在呢。 They're all here.
18:51她怎麼來了? Why is she here?
19:03姐姐,你怎麼來了? Sister, why are you here?
19:06你該不會是來搗亂的吧? You're not here to make trouble, are you?
19:10你還真說對了。 You're right.
19:12我今天來啊,就是來搗亂。 I'm here to make trouble.
19:18首先,非常感謝各位能在百忙之中抽出空來參加我媽的追悼會。 First of all, thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend my mom's wedding.
19:29非常感謝各位在百忙之中抽空來參加我媽的追悼會。 Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend my mom's wedding.
19:33你說什麼? What did you say to your mom's wedding?
19:35追悼會?追悼會還不是12小姐婚規宴嗎? Not the All-Decades Anniversary of Lady Fair?
19:39就是啊。 No, it is not.
19:40再說,她也沒聽過沈家的故事。 Anyway, she is not here to see me.
19:44沈家的老太太還健身轉身讚? Mrs. Shen is even in the process of working out before marriage?
19:45郭栩鑫,把這宴席都給我們關了! Cheng Shuiqing, claim the wedding hall.
19:47關了這個?不是我媽的追悼會嗎? Why? It's my mom's wedding.
19:50Many years ago, the funeral you held for my mother was also in a hurry.
19:55For so many years, you have never held a decent banquet.
19:58You bastard! How many years has your mother died?
20:00This banquet is to welcome the new year.
20:03What are you doing here?
20:04I thought you were holding a memorial service for my mother.
20:08You didn't tell me.
20:10I don't even have an invitation.
20:12If it wasn't for my information,
20:14Don't talk about her.
20:15Even if you die one day,
20:17I don't even know where to go to see you.
20:20I won't hit you.
20:22Get out!
20:23It's you.
20:27Shen Tianlin is at home.
20:29Don't stand up by yourself.
20:30It's you.
20:31Don't speak for Shen Shuqi.
20:32You are too busy.
20:33You don't know anything.
20:35She won't be surprised.
20:36Because Shen Tianlin's equipment now
20:39is my mother's legacy.
20:42I used my mother's money to hold a memorial service for her.
20:45What's the problem?
20:47You bastard!
20:49You took my mother's legacy.
20:53Shen Tianlin's mother's legacy
20:57Shen Tianlin's mother's legacy
21:01Shen Tianlin's mother's legacy
21:08The battle was a mess.
21:10I heard my sister's wedding.
21:12Shen Tianlin didn't even inform his big sister.
21:14Then you are wrong.
21:16Shen Chunmian is not my sister.
21:18My mother only had one daughter.
21:20Shen Chunmian and Shen Xinran
21:22are the illegitimate daughters of Shen Tianlin and Liu Qing.
21:27Xiaoyao and Shangrui
21:28are the children of the other two daughters.
21:31Shen Shuqi
21:32What are you talking about?
21:33Shut up!
21:35Shut up?
21:36Why should I shut up?
21:39You dare to do it
21:40but don't dare to help?
21:42I know dad's remarriage will have a great impact on you.
21:45But I always treat you as a family.
21:47Let's talk about it at home.
21:49It's none of your business.
21:50In this family
21:51only my mother and I have a family.
21:53You three little blind men
21:54really think you are famous.
21:56We are not famous.
21:58You, Shen Shuqi, are not famous.
22:00Of course
22:01I am the legitimate daughter of Shen Tianlin.
22:03Why am I not famous?
22:05when my mother was alive
22:07the Shen family had more money than now.
22:10What is your mother's legacy?
22:13Don't you just want the shares of the Shen family?
22:16I will tell you today
22:19anyone in the Shen family can have a heir.
22:22Except you, Shen Shuqi.
22:25It's impossible.
22:26What right do you have to decide the heir?
22:28According to my mother's will
22:30the legitimate heir of the company is Shen Shuqi.
22:34It's me.
22:38Shen Tianlin is a beast.
22:40He didn't say anything.
22:42He's gone.
22:43He's been gone for five years.
22:44He just left the school.
22:45Then he married a mistress.
22:48What does this mean?
22:52You are right.
22:53Since they got married
22:55I haven't had a day of peace.
22:58If you don't believe me, you can go to the Shen family.
23:00My room has been taken by them.
23:03Your mother turned the company into Shen Shuqi.
23:08The company was originally owned by Shen Tianlin.
23:10Your mother wrote it clearly in her will.
23:13Besides, you were young at that time.
23:16Even if the company is left to you
23:17do you have the ability to manage it?
23:19Even if the company's name is written
23:21but as a son and daughter
23:23I also have a share in the company.
23:24Since you took over the company project
23:27how much money have you lost?
23:29Do you want me to help you?
23:32Since I took over Shen Group
23:34since I ran it
23:36every year's profit is exceeded and completed.
23:38What's the loss?
23:42I have a loss.
23:44What does it have to do with you, Shen Shuqi?
23:51It has nothing to do with me.
23:53It has nothing to do with me.
23:54Don't force me to keep all the evidence.
23:59Even if there is evidence
24:01what can you do?
24:03Even if I give you all the evidence now
24:06do you dare to take it?
24:08We are a group.
24:10We should be united as one.
24:12If you don't believe me
24:13you can check it with your own eyes.
24:16If you don't believe me
24:17you can check it with your own eyes.
24:21Who said that you can choose to be the heir?
24:29Who said that you can choose to be the heir?
24:32The heir of the Qijia family, Qi Yu.
24:34Why is he here?
24:35No way.
24:36This is a big loss.
24:37He is the crown prince
24:38who has the same position in the world.
24:42Mr. Qi.
24:44It seems that the Qijia family is too slow.
24:46Who said that Shen Shi
24:47is still your Shen Tianlin?
24:49Mr. Qi, what do you mean?
24:50Actually, I have acquired all the assets of Shen Shi.
24:53I have transferred them to Shen Shuqi.
24:55Transfer to Shen Shuqi?
24:57Mr. Qi, are you kidding me?
24:59Shen Shi is already a Shen family.
25:02what did you get
25:04by helping Shen Shuqi?
25:06Just do it.
25:07There are not so many reasons.
25:09That's right.
25:12The reason to break up
25:14should be that Mr. Qi thinks that I am still you.
25:18Mr. Qi.
25:19Shen Shuqi doesn't have the ability
25:20to take care of Shen Shi Group.
25:21If you give it to this loser
25:23our Shen family will be over.
25:24Mr. Qi.
25:25Please forgive me.
25:27Please let us go.
25:29You, Shen Tianlin, take care of Shen Shi.
25:31You are not a loser.
25:32I am not a loser.
25:34Don't say anything else.
25:35Is Qi Yu's attack
25:37worthy of recognition?
25:38Did you hear that?
25:39You old bastard.
25:40Either you get out of Shen Shi
25:42or I throw you out.
25:46Either you get out of Shen Shi
25:48or I throw you out.
25:50Don't even think about it.
25:52Shen Shi Group is in the business world.
25:55That's also a big change.
25:57Even if it's a set of seven fairies
25:59that's not a sentence.
26:01One sentence.
26:02You can buy it.
26:06You mean
26:08you can't buy a Shen Shi Group?
26:11What are you doing?
26:12Shen Shi Group is run by you.
26:14You can't even say a word
26:16about a fairy in the world.
26:18Our Mr. Qi's eyes
26:20are so dense.
26:21You don't understand.
26:22You think you have Mr. Qi's support.
26:24You don't understand.
26:25Don't even think about it.
26:27Is it worth a Shen Shi Group?
26:29Mr. Qi.
26:30I know.
26:31Do you know?
26:32I think I know.
26:34Zhao Jie.
26:35Isn't your Mr. Qi's action
26:36a little too slow?
26:37When can you let us know
26:39what we are doing?
26:41One minute left.
26:42One minute?
26:43What are you kidding me?
26:45Who's kidding you?
26:47One minute is one minute.
26:5230 seconds left.
26:53Don't blame me for not reminding you.
26:55If you leave now,
26:56it's not too late.
26:57If you want to leave later,
27:00I'm so drunk
27:02that I don't know
27:03what a shame is.
27:05I don't know
27:06what a shame is.
27:12Come on.
27:13Hurry up.
27:14Bad news, Mr. Shen.
27:15Shen Shi Group
27:16has been acquired by Mr. Qi.
27:18What did you say?
27:19I don't know, Mr. Shen.
27:26Shen Shi Group has been acquired?
27:28Not only the company has been acquired,
27:29but also all the debts of the company
27:31have been deposited under your name.
27:33What's going on?
27:34I don't know, Mr. Shen.
27:36Who have you offended recently?
27:39Qi Yu?
27:41It's Qi Yu.
27:43He really did it.
27:46Mr. Qi.
27:47You are so kind.
27:48Just let Shen Shi Group go.
27:50Mr. Qi.
27:51Did you hear that?
27:52You are mistaken.
27:53This is not mine.
27:54This is not mine.
28:01I didn't tell the world
28:02that you changed your name.
28:04It's because of you
28:06that I have a weak relationship with you.
28:07Don't get involved.
28:11What's going on?
28:13What's going on?
28:16Shen Shi Group
28:17has been acquired.
28:21Shen Shi Group
28:22has been acquired.
28:23It's impossible.
28:24How could it be possible?
28:25How could it be possible now?
28:29Please help me to persuade my sister.
28:30She likes you the most.
28:31Please help me to persuade her.
28:33Let Shen Shi Group go.
28:35Secretary Shen.
28:36They are also your family.
28:37You don't have to do this.
28:40If I don't do it,
28:41if Shen Shi Group
28:42is willing to admit it,
28:43can you please
28:44let Shen Shi Group go?
28:47Don't do this.
28:48Shen Shi Group
28:49has been acquired.
28:51Shen Shi Group
28:52has always been yours.
28:53No one can take it away from you.
28:56at this occasion,
28:57I want to make a promise.
28:59What's that?
29:01besides the graduation party
29:02of my mother,
29:03I also want to announce
29:04an important thing.
29:05I, Shen Shuqi,
29:07will marry Mr. Qi Yuchi
29:09and get married.
29:11I will live a happy life
29:12and have a happy life.
29:14We will have a happy life
29:15and have a happy life.
29:16We will have a happy life
29:17and have a happy life.
29:18We will have a happy life
29:19and have a happy life.
29:21Come here.
29:34Where did you learn
29:35those lines just now?
29:36What lines?
29:38Those are all my words.
29:40Mr. Qi,
29:41how is it?
29:42Do you like it?
29:45Shen Shuqi.
29:48What are you doing here?
29:49Let's talk.
29:51What you said just now,
29:52I will take it as you said it.
29:53Now, let's go back to the group.
29:56Mr. Lu,
29:57are you deaf or amnesia?
30:00What do you want to do?
30:01Because of your fiancée.
30:03What fiancée?
30:12What do you think?
30:14It's impossible.
30:15Even if you want to marry her,
30:16Mr. Qi won't agree.
30:17No one can control my life.
30:20I can't decide
30:21what I like
30:22and what I want to marry.
30:24It's all up to me.
30:25I don't believe you.
30:27Shen Shuqi,
30:28I'll give you three seconds.
30:29Come with me.
30:30Lu Yansheng,
30:31if you have nothing to do,
30:32don't watch those stupid dramas.
30:33If you really have nothing to do,
30:35just go and think about
30:36your fiancée.
30:38I'm sorry.
30:39Don't bother me.
30:40I'm sorry.
30:48Didn't Mr. Qi say he wouldn't come?
30:50Miss Shen,
30:51Mr. Qi is afraid
30:52that you'll be bullied there alone.
30:54Shut up.
30:56Mr. Qi
30:57doesn't want to give an explanation.
30:59You've spent the money.
31:00Why don't you watch the drama?
31:03It's really just for the drama,
31:05not for me.
31:17Zhao Jie,
31:18how do you drive?
31:19I'll go back and re-take the driving test.
31:21Mr. Qi,
31:22I was just being careless.
31:24Get up.
31:25No, Mr. Qi.
31:26Did you record
31:28what I said
31:29at the banquet?
31:30You won't hear
31:31that again.
31:33It's a pity
31:34that you didn't record it.
31:36Miss Shen,
31:37such an important video,
31:38you always
31:39try to...
31:48Zhao Jie,
31:49your salary will be deducted for two days.
31:53That's it?
31:54Miss Shen,
31:55shouldn't you have seen a lot of trials?
31:59That's it?
32:10Come to work tomorrow.
32:14Didn't you say you would marry me
32:16to cultivate our relationship?
32:19Of course.
32:20Zhao Jie,
32:21arrange a job for Miss Shen tomorrow.
32:23Mr. Qi,
32:24what kind of position?
32:25Ask her.
32:26Of course,
32:27what kind of position?
32:28What kind of position to arrange
32:29to cultivate a relationship?
32:31By the way, Mr. Qi,
32:33if you want to cultivate a relationship,
32:35do you have to start with a co-op?
32:37When Miss Shen and Mr. Lu
32:39cultivated a relationship,
32:40they also started with a co-op.
32:43Mr. Qi,
32:44are you jealous?
32:47Are you really jealous?
32:50We didn't...
32:53You're lying.
32:55It's true.
32:56He doesn't like me.
32:58Give me a hand.
33:00Mr. Qi,
33:01if a man is too stingy,
33:03you can't get married.
33:09Then I'll go to work with you tomorrow.
33:11I'll report to you on time at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
33:148 a.m.?
33:15Isn't it too early?
33:178 a.m.
33:18I'll report to you on time.
33:29Miss Shen,
33:30actually, it's not that
33:31Mr. Qi bought you flowers.
33:34I'm Mr. Qi's flower vase.
33:56Why did you call me?
33:58Are you angry?
34:00Dad, you haven't been with me for a long time.
34:04Can you pick me up today?
34:09I'll pick you up later.
34:11I'll pick you up later.
34:14If you don't give me
34:15a reasonable explanation today,
34:16who will be the secretary?
34:18This is my friend's child.
34:20When she was born,
34:21we had a car accident and died.
34:23Our two families are business partners.
34:26I decided
34:27to let her live in our house.
34:32Are you busy?
34:33Miss Shen.
34:34Wait for me.
34:35Pick me up together.
34:46Mr. Qi,
34:47you have an emergency meeting.
34:48You have to attend it in person.
34:50you have to ask Miss Shen
34:51to pick up Miss Su first.
34:53I'll go first.
34:54I understand.
34:55Go ahead.
34:56Remember to send me
34:57Su Su's photo.
34:58I'm sorry.
35:04Who said I didn't have a dad?
35:05My dad will pick me up later.
35:08I don't have a dad.
35:09I have a mom.
35:10Do you have a mom?
35:13I will have a mom.
35:14No one wants a wild child.
35:18Only dad.
35:21No mom.
35:23I'm done playing with you.
35:28You damn girl.
35:29How dare you hit my son?
35:30I'll kill you.
35:34Su Su, don't be afraid.
35:35I'm your mom.
35:36I'll protect you.
35:37I'll tell you
35:38who kissed you.
35:41So your mom is Shen Shu Qi.
35:43No wonder everyone says
35:44you're a wild child no one wants.
35:46You not only steal other people's feelings,
35:47but also have a child with a wild man.
35:49Mr. Qi doesn't know about this, does he?
35:51Shen Shu Qi,
35:53you're so shameless.
35:54It's okay.
36:04How dare you hit me?
36:05How dare you hit me?
36:06How dare you hit my daughter?
36:07Why would I dare?
36:08Let me tell you.
36:09I know the shareholders of this school.
36:11You'd better not offend me.
36:12Let your daughter
36:13apologize to my son.
36:15If you dare to hit my daughter again,
36:17I'll hit you to the ground.
36:19You dare?
36:20Why wouldn't I dare?
36:22You bullied my daughter.
36:24Shen Shu Qi,
36:25I'm warning you.
36:27Don't mess around.
36:28Other classmates can prove
36:30that your daughter is the one who did it first.
36:32Someone can prove it?
36:33What should I do?
36:34If you want your daughter to kneel down
36:36and kowtow to my son to apologize,
36:38then let's do it.
36:43Shen Shu Qi, what do you want to do?
36:44I won't do anything.
36:45You bastard.
36:46I'll fight with you.
36:47If you win,
36:48I'll take my daughter
36:49to apologize to you.
36:50Shen Shu Qi, are you crazy?
36:51Who wants to fight with you?
36:53Shen Shu Qi,
36:54do you know
36:55who the shareholders of this school are?
36:59I don't care who they are.
37:00If you don't do something today,
37:01don't think about leaving.
37:02Shen Shu Qi,
37:03Shen Shu Qi,
37:04I'm warning you.
37:05This school
37:06belongs to my brother-in-law,
37:07Lu Jia Sheng.
37:08Aren't you afraid that I'll tell him?
37:12He's your brother-in-law,
37:13not your husband.
37:14What right do you have
37:15to make trouble here?
37:16If you don't know,
37:17I thought
37:18you were going to
37:19force your way out.
37:21I'll fight with you.
37:24Shen Shu Qi,
37:25let me go.
37:27Hurry up and call my sister.
37:28What are you doing?
37:29Hello, Miss Zhu Yan.
37:34What's the matter?
37:35Who are you talking to?
37:37The school called
37:38and said that
37:39my sister and Xin Ran
37:40had a fight at school.
37:42Why did she go to school?
37:44my sister and Mr. Qi
37:46already have a child.
37:48Go and see.
37:51Shen Shu Qi,
37:52I will make Yan Sheng
37:54hate you completely.
37:58Everyone can
37:59take a good look at what's going on.
38:00Excuse me.
38:01Excuse me.
38:03Miss Zhu Yan called
38:05and said that
38:06my sister and Mr. Qi
38:07had a fight at school.
38:08Call Shen Shu Qi.
38:10I can't.
38:11I don't have money.
38:15I will fight
38:17to avenge my wife.
38:18Shen Shu Qi,
38:19why did you run away?
38:22Let go of me.
38:23I'll save you.
38:24Let go of me.
38:25I'll let go
38:26if you ask me to.
38:27My sister is a good sister.
38:28No, sister.
38:29Xin Ran is your sister.
38:31How can you
38:32fight her
38:33in front of so many people?
38:35Sister, save me.
38:37Okay, I won't fight.
38:43Shen Shu Qi,
38:44that's too much.
38:46As a sister,
38:47I can't teach
38:48two sisters
38:49about right and wrong.
38:50Shen Shu Qi,
38:51are you crazy?
38:54I'll warn you one last time.
38:56If you dare to slander me again,
38:58I'll make you suffer.
38:59What did you say just now?
39:01She is your daughter?
39:02Mr. Lu,
39:03don't you understand human language?
39:07Mr. Lu,
39:08don't you understand human language?
39:14Go back.
39:16This is really
39:17Shen Shu Qi and Qi Yu's daughter.
39:18You bullied my daughter?
39:20Mr. Qi,
39:21you are too much.
39:22It was your daughter
39:23who bullied my son first.
39:25I know my child.
39:27She won't bully others casually.
39:28I haven't figured it out yet.
39:30Mr. Qi said
39:32it's not your daughter
39:33just because of one sentence.
39:34What do you think?
39:35Yes, Mr. Qi.
39:36It's normal for children
39:37to fight.
39:38If I had known you and...
39:40If I had known you and
39:41my sister's daughter
39:42were also in the school
39:43under Mr. Lu,
39:44I would have treated you better.
39:45Treat me better?
39:51Buy the school.
39:52We will also treat
39:53Mr. Lu's children better.
39:55Right, Qi?
39:56Mr. Qi.
39:58Do you think the shareholders
39:59of Lu's Group
40:00and Shen's Group are the same?
40:01Lu's Group has only been
40:02doing well for a few years.
40:03Do you really think you are too good?
40:05Lu's Group's people
40:06are not good enough
40:07in the eyes of Qi's Group.
40:09They even bought Lu's Group.
40:10They take themselves too seriously.
40:12Do I look down on myself?
40:14You can try.
40:15I'd like to see
40:17if you have the ability to buy Lu's Group.
40:23The Royal School
40:24is the common property
40:25of Lu's Group's internal shareholders.
40:27Mr. Lu is naturally
40:28the biggest shareholder.
40:29Even if you have money,
40:31you can't buy
40:32the Royal School
40:33so easily.
40:35We'll see
40:36if it's easy.
40:38Two minutes.
40:42Mr. Qi.
40:43To put it bluntly,
40:44do you have the ability to buy Lu's Group?
40:47You don't have to worry about this.
40:48Mr. Qi is not like you.
40:49I finally see you.
40:53We are all family.
40:54There is no need
40:55to fight for this little thing.
40:58Mr. Lu.
40:59What is she?
41:01Shen Shu Qi.
41:02You are a loser
41:03who can only rely on men.
41:05Get her out of here.
41:06Who dares to touch her?
41:08I'll break her.
41:10Mr. Qi.
41:11I know you want to protect your sister.
41:12But you are
41:13too arrogant.
41:15You are not qualified
41:16to be targeted by Mr. Qi.
41:17Mr. Qi.
41:18All the shares
41:19have been acquired.
41:23You really bought the Royal School?
41:24Shen Shu Qi.
41:25How can you be so protected
41:26by Qi Yu?
41:28Mr. Qi.
41:29You have to have a limit
41:30when you talk to her.
41:31The Royal School is two provinces away from you.
41:33I don't believe you can...
41:37Mr. Lu.
41:38The Royal School has been acquired.