• 2 weeks ago
00:00oh that is a cool cat that's amazing oh my god no way that's the most most
00:06patient cat i've ever seen in my life normally cats will be like
00:10what are you doing no these guys are ruining
00:14their car why what what is the point i don't know but by the way
00:18i love the guy no no ah that hurt my heart
00:22that hurt my heart that wasn't okay no i'm just curious what is gonna be
00:26i mean i don't know everything for the reason on the five minute everything
00:32five minute crafts has reasons for things
00:35okay sorry okay so now they're making a big ball
00:40okay this is important for reasons important what is it oh i love that
00:44squashing machine yeah cool and it's made by car jack yeah and
00:50a drill right yeah cool nice what is the label
00:55it's in there still no there is not that the mercedes emblem is still in
01:01there it's it's in the middle of it no we would see this or they tricked us
01:07maybe me but maybe no okay did they trick you
01:10let us know yeah okay soda we're melting down this metal for
01:18ah oh of course what yeah yes what
01:25what justice or of course what else it could be right
01:29no it's just glasses yeah you gotta look cool right yeah
01:33of course that's why i wear them i don't need these
01:37they're completely useless i have 20 you need them
01:41to be cooler i have 20 yeah that's what do you want to say
01:44yeah i have 2021 vision okay 2023
01:51what year is it we need more especially me
01:54more details what does it mean 2023 vision
01:58uh that means i see everything as it is in the year 2023
02:02uh okay and is it good it's all right the year's okay no i'm just
02:08saying yeah yeah it's a good year yeah okay
02:11yeah it's a good year not for everybody obviously it's a good year for some
02:15people that you know no it's a bad year it's a bad
02:18year yeah so what is this uh
02:28looks satisfying yeah but what is the practical
02:32the practical point is that you look sick as hell
02:37then you can see nothing yeah no it there come it comes to cost with
02:41everything right huh everything costs something so
02:44being cool costs your vision that's it yeah true true
02:50how daredevil he can't see anymore but he's cool
02:54but why why why the life itself like uh you need to pay for everything i mean
03:01because then it's not worth getting nothing nothing
03:05you know that you don't have to work for is worth getting
03:10it should be unless you just get randomly like a million dollars in a
03:13briefcase but then you might have like the mob on
03:16you so maybe not okay look at that
03:21nice useless glasses i love it uh what do you think about these glasses
03:27oh they messed up one of the holes no how dare
03:32you were that you were supposed to be the pinnacle of society
03:35the everything of quality exactly you betrayed us
03:40and what oh i didn't know coins were made like that i don't think they are no
03:44no no no it looks like a okay and they broke the coin
03:50now we're cutting the coin to get a two rings
03:53yes okay one ring for a lady one ring for a fella
03:58or one ring for a small fella and one ring for a bigger fella
04:02yeah now they similar the whole your theories was i was wrong i was
04:09completely wrong well maybe they have weird fingers maybe
04:12they have really strange shaped fingers maybe
04:14could be how are your fingers are they strangely shaped
04:17let us know
04:20they are your fingers no i don't know for me normal but for in
04:26other people it could be completely wrong it's true maybe they are
04:30too small maybe they're too saucy yeah why
04:35s it looks like an s or five oh that was just not useful it's uh
04:43it's like heat puzzle or something you know it does look like a puzzle yeah
04:47but what is the purpose i don't know i don't know that's why i'm
04:52watching five minute crafts we want to know everything we want to
04:58know it now even though we're going to be shown
05:01later we're going to ask questions more questions a lot of questions it's a
05:07butterfly butterfly it's a butterfly
05:12butter how butter watch the video and see it's a butterfly
05:18no battery watch the video it's it's glasses glasses but it flapped like a
05:23butterfly you know what i'm talking about it
05:25looks like um yeah i don't know oh look at that 90 degree angle oh nice
05:32that's not really 90 degrees though
05:36okay we're making some nice little notches
05:39with a screw oh but make the thread first
05:42before screw it in nice um yes they look a little flimsy they
05:48look like uh they'll flop all over your face
05:52it looks too small that's what i wanna yeah
05:56yeah all eyes are the same there's no such thing as normal
06:00yes but they are too small okay which is oh my gosh they are too
06:05small never mind kind of if it's for a kid
06:10maybe for a child but a small child an infant for a newborn child
06:17it could be but why i mean they have to look cool too
06:22yeah so all to to all the other kids so that they're at the top of the social
06:29that is a cool cat that's amazing oh my god
06:32no way that's the most most patient cat i've ever seen in my life normally cats
06:37will be like like flip out exactly even if you will
06:41put small thing on them they will i'm amazed that that
06:44it's the cat's taking it i'll kind of like some cool
06:48yeah you're cool yeah now okay epoxy resin
06:55what is what was that it's a jeans it looked like jeans yeah denim
07:06that reminds me of a friday night
07:09it's a word i mean
07:14okay so now we have more jeans uh uh-huh to make a
07:21i don't know just mention it could be skateboard deck or something that would
07:27be nice jean skateboard sounds so not a good idea
07:32that's if it will be in a boxer zine and make it
07:35hard so yeah yeah could be could be so yeah it's possible anything's possible
07:42if you put your mind to it five minute crafts is proof of that
07:48why are you laughing you were there that's
07:52totally true yes uh but what is going on here five minute crafts make your
07:58dreams come true ah again again again glasses it looks
08:03like it yes it's totally glasses they're making
08:06glasses weird glasses right yeah they really like jeans glasses
08:11and jeans just confusing the hell out of us
08:14well but i like this systematic so it is cool yeah bring back the saw
08:21bring back the saw yeah i'm sorry that i didn't support you
08:26it's okay i don't need support
08:30everybody needs that's true
08:35what's the day today this is a weird day yeah i'm feeling weird
08:39you guys feeling weird let us know down in the comments yeah
08:43maybe it's the day maybe it's everyone's day today it's just weird maybe
08:46yeah depending on whatever but uh yeah it depends
08:50uh we have different days if you don't know we're from
08:55future we're future people no we're actually past
08:59we're time travelers yeah that's a horrible
09:02they did a bad job there yeah yeah it's gonna be
09:06more straight and straight yeah and nice and polished
09:13and more glasses ah and
09:19and more pretty and more practical
09:26and more okay that's enough thank you i feel pressure from you
09:33and and and and everything those are kind of nice maybe it's
09:38just her no that's
09:42sorry what was that no she's uh the glasses is good yes the
09:48glass looks good on her it suits her yes beautiful eyes
09:53glasses eyes yeah glasses jeans with the jeans
09:58unbelievable wood wood mood that puts me in a wood mood
