• 2 months ago
八点最热报 | 交通部长陆兆福今天在Prasarana国家基建公司召开新闻发布会,发表该公司2024年的业绩报告。陆兆福指出,国家基建公司在2024年的收入增长了大约5%,主要是因为乘客人数有所增加。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04Lu Zhaofu, the Minister of Transportation, held a press conference at the Prasavana National Infrastructure Company today
00:08and published the performance report of the company in 2024.
00:11Lu Zhaofu pointed out that the national infrastructure company's revenue increased by about 5% last year.
00:15He explained that the revenue of the national infrastructure company has not significantly increased.
00:19The main reason is that the public transportation ticket price has not risen,
00:22and most passengers are using My50 wireless tickets.
00:26Lu Zhaofu believes that as long as public transportation services are improved and improved,
00:30and more people choose to take public transportation,
00:33the national infrastructure company's revenue will naturally increase.
00:36When asked about the national infrastructure company's revenue goal for 2025,
00:40Lu Zhaofu replied that the national infrastructure company is not a listed company,
00:44and there is no need to explain to shareholders, so there is no need to worry too much about profit.
00:48On the contrary, public transportation services are the top priority.
00:54Lu Zhaofu, the Minister of Transportation, held a press conference at the Prasavana National Infrastructure Company today
00:57and said that the number of passengers who use public transportation will be further increased to 1.4 million.
01:03He said that the number of passengers who use public transportation and bus services
01:07operated by the national infrastructure company has increased by 24% compared to 2023.
01:12In 2024, the total ridership has increased by 24% compared to 2013.
01:20The average ridership has increased by 1.18 million people every day.
01:32Lu Zhaofu also mentioned that the number of trains operated by the national infrastructure company has increased by 21%,
01:37up to 179 trains.
01:39At the same time, the company has also successfully greatly reduced the number of railway service interruptions.
01:44In 2025, we hope to reduce the number of interruptions from 71 to a minimum.
01:53We hope that by 2026, the number of interruptions will be reduced to 1 million.
02:00This means that we do not want interruptions to occur within 1 million kilometers.
02:06Lu Zhaofu also gave passengers some good news.
02:09Starting in May this year, users of My50 will no longer have to queue at the counter every month to buy tickets.
02:17Users can purchase electronic wallets through My50, which is expected to attract 200,000 passengers.
