• last month
(Adnkronos) - “La partnership con Ferrari costituisce la possibilità di offrire, ai clienti UniCredit e ai nostri fan, qualcosa di unico. È un modo per dire alla comunità: ‘Siete importanti per noi’”. Parole del Ceo di Ferrari, Benedetto Vigna, all’incontro con la stampa per la presentazione della partnership, già annunciata lo scorso settembre, tra UniCredit e il Cavallino. Il sodalizio tra le due eccellenze made in Italy sarà celebrato con un grande evento il prossimo marzo, a Milano, che coinvolgerà la città e la comunità di appassionati di automobilismo.


00:00Another important value of this partnership is the possibility to offer together something unique to our clients and to our fans.
00:13The community is important for both our companies and this is a way to show attention and tell them that they are very important for us, for our companies and for our teams.
00:25When we met in Amacena, Bologna, we talked about the best way to involve people at the corporate level, be it a bank, be it a car company, be it a sports company.
00:39Without people, companies cannot grow. Without people, certain goals cannot be achieved.
00:46One of the things that we liked from the beginning is that we talk at all organizational levels.
00:56We are two people who want to instill in our companies the importance of dialogue at all organizational levels.
01:06Because if a company works as a network, it is a bit like a Formula 1 team.
01:10Everyone works together to achieve their goal.
01:12This is an important value that unites us.
