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ليه بنسمع صوتنا مختلف في الفويس نوت؟

هل لاحظت إن صوتك في الفويس نوت بيكون مختلف عن اللي بتسمعه لما تتكلم؟ 🤔 في الفيديو ده، هنكتشف السبب العلمي وراء الظاهرة دي. هنتكلم عن الفرق بين الصوت اللي بيسجله المايكروفون والصوت اللي بيسمعه الإنسان لنفسه.

ليه الصوت بيكون أعمق وأوضح في رأسنا؟ وإزاي تتأثر أذاننا بما نسمعه؟

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
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00:00Many people like to listen to the voice note after it's been sent
00:03And you wonder why our voice in the voice note is different from our normal voice
00:09If you are one of them, stay with us till the end
00:11When we speak, the sound is generated from the vocal folds
00:15And then the sound moves from the throat to the inside of the mouth and the air passages
00:21And it goes through the mouth and the nose
00:23This sound moves in the air and reaches the external ears through the air duct
00:29But at the same time, something else happens, which is the bone connection
00:33When the sound is generated from the vocal folds, the vertebral bones vibrate
00:38Especially the bone around the inner ear
00:42And this allows the sound to move directly to the inner ear through the bones
00:47This sound reaches the inner ear in a different way from the sound coming from the air
00:52And it has additional features
00:54This means that we know that the sound reaches in two ways
00:57Through the air and through the bones
00:59But still, how does this affect our voice?
01:02And this makes it sound sharper and less deep than the sound we hear while speaking
01:07The natural sound is the sound we hear while speaking
01:11It passes through the bone, which makes the low frequencies reach the inner ear more clearly
01:18And this makes the sound sound warmer and less sharp
01:22So why do we like to hear our voice after we record it?
01:25There is something called impression
01:27We are used to hearing our voice with the effect of bone connection
01:31Therefore, when we hear the recording, the sound seems strange or unnatural to us
01:36And this affects our impression of our voice
01:39And it makes us not comfortable hearing it in the recording
01:41And we like to hear it again to make sure it's good and perfect
01:45And there is another theory that explains the subject
01:48The effect of simple exposure
01:50When we hear our voice in the voice node repeatedly, we start to love it more and accept it
01:55And as time goes by, we start to love hearing our voice in the recordings
01:58Because we build a relationship with it
02:00In a study published in Journal of Voice
02:03I found that participants prefer to hear their voice while speaking more than hearing it in the recording
02:09But with repetition in hearing the recordings, their impression changes
02:13After all, the subject depends on how the sound is transmitted
02:17And if you like to hear your voice after you record it, listen to it normally
02:21And don't worry, you are not alone
