• last month


00:00It's all about sharing.
00:07Let's roll.
00:09You have come to Anjin village today.
00:12You have been invited to the inauguration.
00:19In this way, you can talk to Mr. Narayan.
00:21Mr. Narayan, I got a message at 11.50 in my office.
00:29There is an MSEB program here.
00:32I got a call from Yogayog and the collectors.
00:35I told them that we will be happy to take part in any development work of the Baramati Lok Sabha.
00:42When we meet in Delhi, many ministers always tell us that
00:49if you all are present, we should encourage people and represent the people.
00:56So, we have come for the work that is done for the welfare of the people.
01:04If we get to know about the work done by the government,
01:13we will be able to attend more events.
01:17You have met the sugar factories in Baramati today.
01:21Do you have any plans to meet them?
01:28There are two-three important issues.
01:31Milk, soybeans, cotton, onions, sugar production.
01:36MSP and basic value are not given to the farmers.
01:42They should get justice.
01:44When I visited the village, I was grateful.
01:52There was a demand to increase the price of milk.
01:56So, I went to the milk market.
01:58There is a competition going on.
02:01How can the milk market be strengthened?
02:04How can it be strengthened competitively?
02:06Can our government play a role in the milk market?
02:09I went to the milk market for this discussion.
02:11The farmers should get a good price.
02:16The sugar industry needs to be exported.
02:27Prices have dropped.
02:29MSP should be decided by the central government.
02:37It should be increased.
02:40This is the most important issue.
02:42The third issue is a mixed issue.
02:45The Petroleum Ministry and the Agriculture Ministry
02:48come under both these departments.
02:50The price of ethanol should be increased.
02:54The policy of ethanol has changed.
02:57I will give you an example of onions.
02:59The farmers are demanding that the prices of onions should be exported.
03:05But the government does not allow it.
03:06The government has imposed a 40% tax on exports.
03:10The government has increased the price by 20%.
03:13We want the prices to be zero.
03:15Pakistan's onions are exported to the world.
03:19So, why shouldn't India's and Maharashtra's onions be exported to the world?
03:23The farmers should get a good price.
03:25It should be a matter of happiness for us.
03:28This is a policy on the important issues of the sugar industry.
03:32A few days ago, a bridge was built in Baramati.
03:38It is a big issue of pollution.
03:41There is a bridge in the entire area.
03:45It was built during the time of the late Pawar Saheb Ambedkar.
03:49All the fish were caught in the bridge.
03:53It was a very dangerous situation.
03:56That is why I thought that we should meet immediately.
04:01I spoke to the farmers there.
04:03They said that there is a lot of pollution in the area.
04:07I also asked the central government to audit all the waters in Baramati.
04:14It is a big issue.
04:16I also called the state ministers.
04:18Water is a state subject.
04:20So, Maharashtra and the central government should meet.
04:23As Namo Gange proposed 10 years ago,
04:28I don't know what happened after that.
04:32But all the water bodies in Baramati Lok Sabha Madrasangha,
04:37whether it is Ujjwani, Kalwe or Vihri,
04:41the water pollution is a big issue.
04:44How can we stop it immediately and improve it?
04:47It is a big issue.
04:48I want to start a team in Maharashtra and in Baramati Lok Sabha Madrasangha.
04:54I will try to stop the water pollution as a teamwork.
05:00The government is asking for a loan.
05:03Yesterday, the Chief Minister, Ajit Bhaure,
05:06asked for a loan.
05:08I did not ask for a loan during the election.
05:13They said that I will not get a loan.
05:17I heard Devendra Fadnavis's statement on your channel.
05:21We will ask for 7-12 crores and forgive the loan.
05:24The Indian people supported him in his campaign.
05:28When he was promoting, he was speaking.
05:31So, we will definitely ask the Chief Minister.
05:34The way farmers are committing suicide today,
05:38and you yourself are on the field.
05:40The price of milk, cotton, onion,
05:42soyabeans, etc. is very unhealthy for the farmers.
05:47The factory has spent Rs. 2800 per day.
05:52The farmers' committee has asked for a loan.
05:57What is your response to the factory owners?
06:01Today, when I went to the factory,
06:04both the chairman and the government were there.
06:07I realized that I had written a letter.
06:12Today, I have written a letter to both the chairmen.
06:16If they give me time as a local representative,
06:26I will try to reach their hearts.
06:33Today, I have written a letter to both the chairmen.
06:36I have also written a letter to both the chairmen.
06:40I will try to reach their hearts.
