• 2 months ago
00:00Central post office requesting the central government, the complete cancellation of the
00:18tungsten block that was awarded in the recent auction, Nayakarpatti, Vellalapatti, Aritapatti
00:24tungsten block. And we all know, the state government has written a letter in the month
00:31of February 2024, wherein the state government had never objected to this block being auctioned
00:38by the central government. So accordingly, the central government has called for a tender
00:44and in November, an enterprise has won the tender. Post that, the villagers have opposed
00:51any form of mining happening over this block. The total block is 4,979 acre, where the biodiversity
00:59hotspot is close to 477 acre. So based on the villagers' protest and objection, the
01:06Bharatiya Janata Party, the leaders, we met Kishan Reddy garu, who is our mining minister
01:11in Delhi, on 12th December. Based on our letter, immediately the minister has put everything
01:18on hold. He has requested the Tamil Nadu government not to issue a letter of intent
01:23and also the mining lease for the said area. Now today we have come and we have promised
01:29the people that when Kishan Reddy garu, the mining minister, is coming to Tamil Nadu right
01:34after Pongal, and the Honourable Minister would make an announcement that paying to
01:40villagers' heed, in fact, is the state government which has misguided through its letter and
01:45where they have never objected to it, which is the single cause of confusion on the whole
01:48thing. And Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji has always stood with farmers. Recently
01:53you must have seen the hydrocarbon project, methane hydrocarbon project, getting cancelled
01:58across seven, eight districts after people have expressed their apprehension. Now even
02:02this issue, the minister will clarify, will say that we are not going ahead with the tender,
02:08which the minister has clarified. Now he will say that we are not going ahead with this
02:11tender and this tender will stand cancelled. The Honourable Minister will explain. And
02:16now whatever the little confusion our elders are having in this area, even that will get
02:22cleared right after Pongal. That is why we came here, met the villagers, met the elders.
02:27We have told how the process happened, how the whole auction process happened and the
02:33solution for it.
02:34Q. Hindi language is not a national language, just like Amritsar language?
02:39A. Correct, it is not a national language, which Annamalai is also telling you. Not only
02:43my dear friend Ashwin has to say that, not only anybody has to say that, it is not a
02:47national language. It was a link language, it is a language of convenience and nowhere
02:52I am saying, nowhere anybody is saying Hindi is a national language, which Ashwinji is
02:56correct and he happens to be a good friend also. Nothing wrong in what he said.
03:02Q. Hindi language is not a national language, just like Amritsar language?
03:08A. Correct, it is not a national language, just like Amritsar language.
