• 2 months ago
00:00With you throughout is the kind of principle with which even today from the Vedic days till today the weddings happen
00:07But we don't highlight any of that
00:11Even at that time here
00:15One photo no, you're in a hurry. All right, come, please take a
00:19Come say come was up the fatigue a month Rika
00:23man woman equality
00:26nothing better than that
00:33An indigenous
00:35Civilizational value
00:38I'll finish with this is a month of Margazhi a
00:43very sacred month and
00:45Why do I talk about this month now?
00:48in Tamil Nadu
00:50from 8th century a
00:55Woman a child
00:57adolescent girl
00:59Who wanted only to marry Shri Krishna?
01:04In the form of Ranganatha
01:09Composes 30 verses
01:12She's also composed a different poem altogether
01:16And in that looks at Krishna as her home, you know, I want to marry him. I want to be with it and
01:23brings out the achievements of the Lord in all the
01:29The scholarship the bhakti that devotion with which she aspires only to marry him no human
01:40This civilization
01:42has treated her as
01:45one of the twelve
01:48Alvars, Alvars are people who praise the Lord Vishnu
01:53It was not reserved only for men Alvars a woman Alvar
01:58adolescent Alvar a girl and
02:01her worship
02:03Her way of worshipping is treated as one of the highest forms of bhakti
02:10We didn't stay away. We didn't wait to beatify people monks woman, you know
02:19Women nuns or monks as you would call
02:23They were part of us
02:25The way she worshipped is the way in which all of us think bhakti should be displayed
02:32So we didn't ever deny
02:35Without taking more of your time
02:38So this is a civilizational issue
02:41It's a civilizational
02:44marker for us
02:46That our standards of dealing with women our standards of giving role to women are
02:52unique about which we should talk in our terms and
02:57we should be proud to do that rather than try to fix it into some other template and
03:03Always found out always find ourselves wanting but in that this is a great attempt
03:09I once again congratulate Bharteshwari Shakti for it. Thank you
