• last month
00:00About what the Warriors can do. What are they willing to do? What are they wanting to do?
00:04This is interesting new audio. You have not heard this yet
00:07And the reason I know that is because we have not heard this yet nice
00:10This has just been handed to us fresh off of the internet
00:16And it is courtesy of a very big voice in NBA media
00:20And that is Sam Amick and this is from
00:23Fandul TV and listen to what he says about the Warriors interests and what they are and are not willing to do right now
00:31They don't have interest in
00:34Giving him the deal that he's waiting for on the other end
00:37And I don't think they're looking to make him a rental and have it be you know a strained
00:40Relationship with him coming to town if they somehow were able to get him in spite of the fact that they don't want to do
00:45A max extension that being said we have a month to go right so the other night when I'm in San Francisco
00:51And they get walloped by Miami
00:54After the game there's a place called the Bridge Club near the the arena floor at Chase Center
00:59And the owner Joe Lake of a GM Mike Dunleavy often meet there
01:03You know back when Bob Myers ran the team that's where they would meet as well
01:06And it sounds like it got a little spicy down there just as far as the post loss
01:11Unpacking of what had happened on the floor and you felt you know some people who walked by and even engaged with
01:17Joe and Mike could really feel the frustration from the group and that makes a lot of sense
01:21They just got beat really badly, so then what happens is whether it's Jimmy Butler or anybody else
01:26You know there's gonna be a constant recalculation happening for teams like the Warriors
01:30And just what do we need to do because it's one thing to not feel like you're a contender
01:36It's another to go out and just get destroyed by a heat team that didn't have Jimmy Butler
01:41Okay, so the the indication off the top is that the Warriors at this point are not interested at all in Jimmy Butler
01:49They do not want to part ways with Jonathan Kaminga however
01:54we're also getting that news on January 9th and
01:58things can change quickly based on the way that they're playing that's one and
02:03and and two
02:05He's sort of indicating that as we get closer to the deadline or meet maybe even that specific game
02:12That effort against the Miami Heat
02:15Might have changed opinions
02:17Yeah about what they're interested in right it might have changed the opinions as far as the desperation on what you want to do to
02:23Add because I think you can watch this team and the reality is they're not good enough
02:27What you have right now is not good enough even if you have Jonathan Kaminga healthy. It's not enough
02:33It's not good enough
02:34And you look around the West and even the NBA at large and you mentioned it last night you watch Cleveland and OKC
02:41Going toe-to-toe with teams that have five six and seven players deep that are all really good players
02:47And this team just doesn't have that more from Sam on why right now the Warriors are not interested in Butler
02:53Their reasoning for not going after Jimmy even beyond the money is that to this point?
02:58They've been pretty happy with Andrew Wiggins's play and they in the idea of also giving up a Jonathan Kaminga in that deal
03:05Even though he's heard right now is something they weren't looking to do the prospect of Wiggins and Kaminga going out and Butler coming in
03:12They didn't like kind of how that looked for them. Keep saying that in past tense
03:15They didn't like it right to this point. They've been happy with Wiggins to this point
03:20They have not wanted to deal Jonathan Kaminga
03:23But he keeps saying it as in that was in the past and I don't think he's saying that it's changed
03:28I think what he's saying is that's being now re-evaluated
03:32I get it, but I don't think it's being re-evaluated for Jimmy Butler and you know
03:36He said forget the money part of it, which is 46 or whatever the money is
03:41So if you do want to get involved in that and it is Wiggins and Kaminga
03:46You're looking at still another 15 million dollars worth of player going out. That's probably easy to find though
03:51Don't you think you can't trade Dennis Schroeder until the day before the deadline?
03:54He's not eligible to be a part of it
03:57And then you're looking at Kavon and GP2 and picks and whatever it is, right?
04:02I do think that the reluctance to deal Kaminga would be the biggest sticking point in all that
04:07I agree, but here's what I this is the fear and and also the opportunity
04:13but this is the fear I
04:15I feel as a warrior fan. I feel like if I were running this team
04:22The alarms went off
04:24early this week
04:26That that was it sirens
04:28so what happens there then is
04:31You are vulnerable
04:33to making a move out of desperation and
04:36When you make a move out of desperation
04:39Obviously, you're not in a power spot and you're vulnerable and you could do something that's damaging in an effort to
04:48Put the fire out
04:49That's what I don't want the Warriors to do. But at the same time I get it
04:54like I sort of listen to the conversation you and I have been having since we got back for the new year and
05:02And your your standpoint is that there is no deal that can make it better
05:08Which kind of makes me go I wonder what it is
05:10Then that you would do if you were running the Warriors right now make it better
05:14There are deals to make it better
05:16But what you're gonna make better is you're gonna go from being a 10 11 seed to being a 7 8 seed
05:22Okay, but don't hide the idea that you're gonna be better next year and that's important though, right?
05:27I think that's important. That to me is not a desperation Jimmy Butler move
05:31Well, maybe maybe not my point is though is that if you sit because now I think maybe we're further we're closer on the same page
05:39Because if you think there are deals out there that take a 10 11 seed to a 6 7 seed do it
05:47Freakin do it. Well, I agree if it gives you a player that you have next year
05:50Well, but that to me is the biggest piece of that and that's fine
05:53And for example Vucevich or a Cam Johnson would be that agreed. Yeah, okay
05:58So the reason that the I think that that's important though is
06:02Because of a quote that Steve Kerr gave to Tim Kuhn in that feature article that posted on ESPN
06:08Earlier this week when he said we want to give Steph that at that
06:12What that says to me is the Warriors are not right now in the mode of we owe Steph Curry a
06:19Championship roster. They probably agree with you. That's not out there
06:24You can't snap your fingers and turn this into the favorite, but what you can do
06:31Get him into the dance
06:34That's what Steph's asking and I think that's important my opinion
06:39Steph is not asking for the Warriors to be magicians and do something. That's not out there to do
06:45He's saying do enough to give me a chance if you can get me to the playoffs
06:51Let me handle the rest and if we fall short, that's on me
06:55but if you can't even give me pieces to knock down a flippin open three-pointer and
07:02Get me
07:0334 wins if you can't do that, that's on you. Well, they've already done that have they well, they they turned
07:11Clay Thompson into three players. They use the mid-level to bring in a fourth and then that player got hurt
07:17He swapped him out to another player who is a veteran a guy who should come in and help you
07:23So you went and you got Melton in slow-mo and healed and then Melton became Schroeder
07:28So you got three veterans you got Schroeder you got slow-mo and you got healed they've done a lot to help you Steph
07:36They've brought pieces in to help you, right?
07:39But wouldn't you agree we've been hearing these trade rumors and ideas from the beginning of the season
07:45Which say it suggests to me that the Warriors even though they thought they had gotten better
07:49They knew that this wasn't enough
07:51But you knew at 12 and 3 and I was listening to Steve Kerr earlier today after the game where they won
07:56To get to 12 and 3 and I was looking at other quotes around that time
08:00There was not the same clamor for trades and for upgrades
08:04Yeah, we all thought that they might go big game hunting
08:07We got to strike no one was thinking that you know healed wasn't gonna be good enough and slow-mo wouldn't fit and you know
08:13Melton was still here, but you turned him into Schroeder
08:15And yeah that you've gone on a big skid and Steph Curry's been a big part of that all of a sudden now
08:21We're gonna get desperate and now we need to do step solid yes, you've lost almost all of your basketball games for a month
08:28Well, he's lost all the basketball. Yes, but let's not divorce him from the loss
08:33Yeah, but that's asking for too much. That's asking for too much. I disagree
08:37You have a roster of veteran players who?
08:40You brought in to be good enough to get you to where you thought you could get I know
08:45All of a sudden punt on that. I don't know that they thought that I don't know that
08:49I thought that they came into the season with all kinds of questions and things went
08:54Swimmingly for the first month of the season whether they bought into that or not
08:59I don't know a lot of us bought into it. That's fine. We're just watching. What do we know?
09:05I look at that similar to whenever you get a new boss at work
09:08You ever gotten a new boss at work you love the new boss for the first month and a half
09:12Everybody oh boy this place can be great now now. It's gonna now
09:16It's gonna operate like a fine-oiled machine
09:21Six months later you're tired of the boss like that's the bit and and like yeah the shine came off the shine came off
09:28I don't know what the Warriors thought though
09:32Preseason and specifically once Melton goes down now. They're looking at this and the vibe
09:37I've gotten is they've thought from the jump
09:40Especially as soon as Melton got hurt this ain't it. It's not enough
09:44Well you turn Melton into Schroeder, and you're all excited about Schroeder. He's a veteran player
09:48He's a good perimeter defender, and he's a guy averaging 18 a night in Brooklyn
09:53We all were saying great move, and I said it too great move
09:56You took an injured guy who was expiring and you turned him into an actual player who was also expiring and then everything else
10:03That's happened around that and the coming injury is
10:06Unfortunate really sad that it happened when it happened because he was starting to trend
10:11Toward being a real number two for this team
10:14but I don't think it's fair to look at it and just say well they all kind of knew that 12 and 3 was a
10:19Was a charade
10:21No, but I don't know ultimately who they thought, but I don't know
10:25I don't know it was clear to me that when Melton got hurt there was concern on their face
10:30And the record was still good at that hour
10:34The record was still good
10:35And it was clear to me that they were bothered by that and I mean that but in front of the scenes and behind
10:41You could see that that was like uh-oh right
10:45Oh, and they immediately brought someone in to a place as soon as they were pretty quick as soon as they could pretty quick
10:50They brought someone in and I would still argue that the site the sample size is too small
10:55To say it has or it has not worked. It hasn't worked. It hasn't worked yet
10:59I'm not ready to write it off
11:01All I'm saying is that you brought in veterans and you have enough pieces of players that you know
11:06You love pods and the owner didn't want to trade pods in the offseason. He was all but untouchable sure and then this year
11:12He was kind of unplayable and then he got hurt. Those were words though those were the owners words, right?
11:18But they're words publicly into a microphone. You never know why someone is saying that publicly was
11:24He didn't get traded. Oh, I know but he was oh he was untouchable
11:27Or does Joe Lacob want people to think that he's untouchable well Steve
11:31I don't know Steve Kerr played him a ton
11:32He played him more than most and he hasn't produced and buddy heels has gone in the crapper
11:37and so all these other things and
11:39Everybody wants to just wave a magic wand and make it better, and I don't think that's gonna happen
11:44Well, that's fine that you don't think it's gonna happen, but I don't know about everybody wants to make wave a magic wand
11:49There's one person that matters and it's what does Joe Lacob want to do?
11:54Let's play again a portion of what we just played you from Sam Amick and
11:59Let's highlight
12:01What he's talking about listen to this now
12:03This is after the heat loss and he's talking about what's going on behind the scenes
12:09Specifically between Lacob and Dunleavy the other night when I'm in San Francisco, and they get walloped by Miami
12:17After the game
12:18There's a place called the Bridge Club near the the arena floor at Chase Center
12:22And the owner Joe Lacob and GM Mike Dunleavy often meet there you know back when Bob Myers ran the team
12:28That's where they would meet as well, and it sounds like you got a little spicy down there. Just as far as the post loss
12:34Unpacking of what had happened on the floor, and you felt you know some people who walked by and even engaged with Joe
12:40And Mike could really feel the frustration from the group and that makes a lot of sense
12:44They just got beat really badly, so then what happens is whether it's Jimmy Butler or anybody else
12:48You know there's gonna be a constant recalculation happening for teams like the Warriors
12:52And just what do we need to do because it's one thing to not feel like you're a contender
12:58It's another to go out and just get destroyed by a heat team that didn't have Jimmy Butler
13:03They dibs I'm focused on quote it got a little spicy down there
13:07And and I wasn't there, and I didn't see it. We've heard multiple people refer to this out Tim
13:12Kawakami did as well and to me what that means we know we know the parties involved
13:18Joe Lakeham and Mike Dunleavy
13:20And I would I would bet that Joe Lakeham is telling Mike Dunleavy
13:25We can't do this for much longer you said you were in information gathering mode a month ago now JK is out
13:34Listen if we do this for three more weeks while we're waiting gathering information
13:39We're gonna be too far out of this. This is unacceptable
13:42This is not entertaining Steph Curry is staring into the rafters with with a blank look on his face Mike
13:48We can't do this right okay, Joe, so what do you want me to do something?
13:54Yeah, right job exactly and as spicy as you wanted to get but there isn't if there's no fix
13:59Then there's no fit right, but Joe can get mad at Mike all he wants
14:03But unless Mike wants to shovel four firsts to Miami for Jimmy Butler
14:09For a guy who is meteoric for two months at Jimmy Butler who may or may not want to play for you
14:14I don't know you're allowed to you're allowed to make all the bad trades you want
14:17I don't can get as mad as he won
14:19I get it and you might be right, but this is the world in which they live we have been told
14:25Over and over this is Joe Lakeham. That's how that's the kind of boss. He's never he's never I don't think
14:32commanded his
14:33Allegiance to make a move that's been a bad move. He joked he literally joked about a week and a half ago
14:40You know we're not gonna jump in any trades, and then he quipped at the end of it
14:44He kind of threw it at the end. I mean unless we keep losing like this right and you have exactly
14:51I all I'm saying dibs. I think that this is and I am agreeing with you this makes you vulnerable
14:57But I I think the urgency got turned all the way up the other well
15:00I'm just saying this Joe Lakeham has also said we're not gonna be a lottery team and
15:06So far since he said that they're one for one on being a lottery team exactly you can make
15:11I don't want to do it again make a reckless desperation move the deadline you're the owner, and I'm just a fan
15:16I'm just a dude with a microphone, and I'll either criticize or laud your move
15:22But if you make a desperation move, and it doesn't net you what you want to net now
15:27You're looking at four or five more years after this of being a lottery team and your stars
15:32Probably don't want to leave at that point