• 2 months ago
Amor Amargo Capitulo 49 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 49 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 49 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 49 Completo HD
00:00And that in your plans you were going to kill her?
00:02Don't you dare!
00:03Do it.
00:04Do it so you can see how it goes, you idiot.
00:08Don't scare me.
00:09No, Vera, don't interrupt anything.
00:12I was just telling Francisco that
00:15the doctors determined that whoever
00:19tried to poison me
00:21and I was just asking him if he had noticed anything strange.
00:25Oh, Javi.
00:27Don't tell me that.
00:29There's so much evil in this world.
00:33You didn't notice anything strange at the party?
00:36Well, only Tomas' surprise arrival.
00:38You told me he wasn't coming, right?
00:41Yes, of course.
00:43And you?
00:44Why are you here?
00:45Do you need something?
00:47Oh, I was just going to check these documents.
00:49Nothing important.
00:50It's about the loans we made.
00:52And is there a problem with that?
00:54No, no, no, no.
00:55Everything is fine.
00:56It's just so I can keep up with the numbers.
01:00And Francisco?
01:01I thought you didn't work for this company anymore.
01:04Francisco is going to stay here.
01:06And if you want, you can check the documents with him
01:09or we can go to my office and we'll check them together.
01:13Really? You're staying?
01:15Oh, what a pleasure, right?
01:19We're all very happy that you're still here.
01:22Well, I'll leave you to check that.
01:25Excuse me.
01:28What happened with Marlon?
01:29Is there any news?
01:31We confirmed that Marlon was run over in the place indicated by the anonymous
01:34and that Francisco's car is involved.
01:36But hey, he has a fourth confirmed.
01:39Sit down, please.
01:40Can I offer you something to drink?
01:41Do you want something?
01:43Are you okay?
01:45Well, but they could have agreed to cover each other, right?
01:48Well, I would like to tell you yes,
01:49but the evidence confirmed that it was not Francisco who left the car in the mirror.
01:53How do you know?
01:55We found the tracks inside and outside the car
01:57and they do not correspond to Francisco's footwear.
01:59I verified the same.
02:01So what's going to happen?
02:02Who did it?
02:04I don't know.
02:05The corresponding investigations are being done.
02:08That fact is classified as a homicide.
02:15Tomás, on the other hand,
02:17I wanted to tell you what I'm going to do with the videos you gave me of that woman
02:20who met your father before he died.
02:23I don't know.
02:24I decided, if you allow me,
02:26that we can set up a campaign to look for her here in the town.
02:29The videos you gave me,
02:30honestly, are much better than the picture you mentioned.
02:33It may be easier for someone to recognize her on social media
02:35or perhaps in community groups.
02:37Well, let's do what we have to do
02:39so that this investigation progresses.
02:46And now they made peace or what?
02:49What's wrong with that?
02:52You know that the love I feel for Gabriela is very strong.
02:55And where there was fire...
02:59Oh, don't be ridiculous, please.
03:02Look, there's a group of men with a dose of very big stupidity.
03:06And what a shame to tell you, but you belong to them.
03:10Do you think Gabriela is going to look at you again?
03:12How naive.
03:13Why not?
03:15Gabriela just fought with Tomás at the meeting.
03:17He got very aggressive and she stood by her grandmother.
03:22That's weird.
03:24They just died of love a few days ago.
03:27Well, I don't know how it was,
03:29but now Gabriela suspects Tomás.
03:34She thinks he was the one who wanted to poison her.
03:41it seems that despite all the stupidity you used,
03:45the plan worked.
03:55I'm just asking you
03:57to be prudent this time.
04:01Prudent is not to tell her that you were the one who killed her
04:04and that in your plans you were going to kill her?
04:06Don't you dare.
04:07Do it.
04:08Do it so you can see how stupid you are.
04:12Don't scare me.
04:14And of course I'm not going to do it.
04:17You have to start treating me like I deserve.
04:21And how should I treat a sick person like you?
04:25Well, let's change the subject.
04:30Now what I need is to find out why they stole my car to kill that guy
04:34and why they wanted to involve me.
04:37I already told you.
04:39Because you became a nuisance.
04:42It is clear to me that they want to get rid of me.
04:46What they don't know is that before they do,
04:49I'm going to ruin their lives one by one.
04:53Including you, Vera.
04:55So you're alert, huh?
04:57No, don't scare me, please. I beg you.
05:04Better sign these papers. I need them.
05:09Let the owner of the company sign them.
05:24I'm sorry, I was just finishing tidying up your room, but I'm leaving.
05:30No, no, don't worry.
05:32They're very pretty.
05:35It's just a little detail to brighten up the day and make it less sad.
05:43I'm leaving.
05:48It's been very difficult to lose Marlon.
05:52I know.
05:54If you need to talk, you know you can count on me.
06:01Excuse me.
06:03I was just thinking about you.
06:06And that?
06:08Do you miss me as much as I miss you?
06:11Yes, but I miss you a lot more.
06:14Hey, listen, Francisco and Vera are together in the office right now.
06:19And it's obvious that they're going to be together.
06:22I'm sure.
06:24I'm sure.
06:26I'm sure.
06:28I'm sure.
06:31But for now, don't get upset.
06:32Let's go slowly, Gabriela.
06:35Let's go slowly, Gabriela.
06:37Let's go slowly, Gabriela.
06:40I just called to tell you that I love you and that I love you too.
06:44I just called to tell you that I love you and that I love you too.
06:47I love you.
06:49Hey but we can talk later.
06:51I don't want Mavin to listen to me.
06:53I love you, I love you.
06:54And I love you.
06:55Y yo a ti.
07:09Qué bueno que te veo.
07:14Como te dije, solamente un asunto interno, ¿eh?
07:17Cuentas claras, amistades largas.
07:20Pues esto me parece lo mejor.
07:22A mí me preocupaba que no se estuviera aportando el dinero,
07:26pues sin tener claras las condiciones de estos préstamos.
07:30Mi tío tiene todo muy claro.
07:32No hay condiciones, es entre amigos.
07:35Y una disculpa, la verdad es que fui yo la de la idea.
07:38Yo soy muy estricta con los números, porque tú no,
07:41pero yo tengo un jefe a quien rendirle cuentas.
07:46En realidad venía por una firma de Dolores,
07:49pero aprovecho para platicar contigo.
07:51Sí, claro, ¿qué pasa?
07:53Es sobre Julio y el famoso encendedor.
07:56Yo creo que está coludido con Paulo, por eso me lo entregó.
08:00No entiendo.
08:01Que me entregaron una prueba falsa.
08:03Le intenté poner un cuatro a Enrique
08:05para asustarlo de que tenía pruebas en contra de Paulo
08:08y ni siquiera se puso nervioso.
08:10¿Y por qué lo pone sobre aviso?
08:12Quería comprobar mi sospecha.
08:14Con permiso.
08:17Gracias, Dolores.
08:18De nada.
08:19Y yo creo que tener a Julio aquí ya no es de utilidad,
08:23podría ser peligroso.
08:25A mí ese hombre no me da buena espina.
08:28Lo voy a correr.
08:29No, no, no, todavía no.
08:32Estoy segura que algo se trae con Magdalena.
08:34Los he visto varias veces platicar cuando creen que nadie los ve.
08:38Y Lupita me comentó que vio cuando ella le dio dinero a Julio
08:42y los vio muy sospechosos.
08:44¿Como para qué le daría dinero?
08:46No, no quiero adelantarme, pero...
08:48Dame unas semanas.
08:49A ver si puedo averiguar qué es lo que se trae.
08:51Sí, yo creo que Dolores tiene razón.
08:53Vamos a aguantarnos a ver qué se traen esos dos.
09:19Quedamos a ir a comer y quería ver si tienes tiempo hoy.
09:23Avísame, ¿va?
09:39Te ofrecí todo, Beatriz.
09:41Te ofrecí todo, Beatriz.
09:49Y me lo rechazaste.
09:52Quizá porque nuestros destinos no estaban ligados.
10:00Y si es así...
10:06Ya no vamos a estar juntos.
10:29Te voy a ir.
10:55Mi tío jamás pierde.
10:57Él sabe detrás de qué va.
11:00¿Y a qué te refieres con eso?
11:03A que es un hombre exitoso.
11:06Él sabe muy bien de negocios.
11:08Él es consciente de la situación en la que está la fábrica
11:10y sabe que va a ser muy difícil que le regresen el dinero pronto.
11:18¿Pero qué?
11:21No sé si él tenga en mente otra cosa.
11:27¿Cuáles son los términos del préstamo?
11:29Ah, no. Mi tío les prestó de buena voluntad.
11:32Más bien, tú pon los términos.
11:35Bueno, te dejo los documentos y me avisas cuando los firmes.
11:37Yo paso por ellos.
11:42Por cierto, estuve hablando con Tomás hace rato.
11:47Perdón, es que lo vi muy triste, desanimado y no pude evitar abrazarlo para consolarlo.
11:54¿Tienes otro asunto pendiente o ya fue todo?
11:58Entonces, ¿fue en serio, Gaby? ¿Ya se pelearon? ¿Ya no andan?
12:02Sí, eso ya se acabó.
12:03Me cansé de defender una relación que no tiene futuro.
12:07Y pues es un hombre que solamente busca venganza para destruir a mi familia.
12:11Ay, no, bueno.
12:13¿Hasta qué reaccionaste, Gaby?
12:16Bueno, ¿tienes algo más que decir?
12:20Te encargo que lo revises y le salida lo antes posible, por favor.
12:35Quedamos a ir a comer y quería ver si tienes tiempo hoy.
12:39Avísame, ¿va?
12:43Dígame, patrón.
12:46Quiero que me expliques cómo es que llegó ese encendedor de Paulo a tus cosas.
12:51Ya se lo dije al señor Emilio.
13:00Ya se lo dije al señor Emilio.
13:02Venía entre mis cosas que me regresaron cuando me sacó de la cárcel.
13:06Y no es mío, es de mi primo, Pablo.
13:09¿Por qué lo tenías tú?
13:24Respira, Magdalena, respira.
13:27Ay, no puedo.
13:28¿De qué estarán hablando este par?
13:32¿Por qué me pasa esto a mí?
13:35Maldito Jaime.
13:38Si suma dos más dos,
13:40le da que fue Pablo el que sembró en mi casa todo lo del incendio.
13:44¿Y por qué no lo denunciaste antes?
13:46¿Usted por qué cree?
13:48Todo el mundo sabe de lo que es capaz mi primo.
13:50Ya se lo dije al señor Emilio y
13:52le pido a usted también que sea discreto con esa información.
13:56¿Y no has hablado con tu primo?
13:58Sí, pero solo para despistar.
14:01Julio, no estás tratando con ningunos tontos.
14:05Dile a Pablo que ya sabemos cuál es su juego.
14:08Gracias, te puedo saludar.
14:16Tengo una prueba que se encontró en casa de Julio,
14:18el hombre que supuestamente inició el incendio.
14:21¿Te acuerdas que me comentaste que viste a varios hombres
14:23arrojando varias botellas encendidas?
14:26Bueno, me gustaría que pasaras a la comisaría
14:28para verificar un detalle muy importante.
14:30Tengo que hacerlo.
14:32Eva, un simple detalle nos puede ayudar a descubrir muchas cosas.
14:36Esa gente le ocasionó mucho daño a Tomás.
14:39Sí, lo sé.
14:41Solo que no quiero meterme en problemas.
14:43Con todas las cosas que han pasado en este pueblo,
14:46nadie quiere hablar.
14:48Tienen que les ocurra algo, pero...
14:50Eva, por favor, no te vas a meter en problemas.
14:52Te lo aseguro.
14:54Bueno, ok.
14:56Confío en ti.
14:58Ya me tengo que quitar todos estos miedos.
15:00Y pues si esto va a ayudar a descubrir algo, lo voy a hacer.
15:03Por Tomás y por Andrés.
15:05Bueno, yo en un par de horas voy a regresar a la oficina.
15:09Voy a repartir toda esta información en algunos lugares
15:11donde la puedan ver.
15:13Por cierto, a ver, Eva, dime, ¿la conoces?
15:23No. ¿Quién es?
15:24Alguien que necesitamos encontrar.
15:26Quizás nos pueda dar información de lo que pasó
15:28el día del accidente de tu mamá y el papá de Tomás.
15:32¿Y quién puede ser ella?
15:34No lo sabemos, pero la tenemos que encontrar.
15:38Yo voy a preguntar a ver si alguien la conoce.
15:40Bueno, déjame, doy prisa.
15:42Nos vemos en la comisaría.
15:44Ok. Bye.
15:57Te traje.
16:00¿Te gusta?
16:05Está muy bonito.
16:07¿Por qué estás triste?
16:09Sé que te casaste conmigo a la fuerza, pero...
16:11pero de verdad te quiero.
16:14Mira, si pusieras un poco de tu parte,
16:16verías que tienes un esposo que te quiere mucho.
16:18¿Y tú?
16:20¿Y tú?
16:21Mira, si pusieras un poco de tu parte,
16:23verías que tienes un esposo que te ama.
16:28No pienses más en Enrique Olivares.
16:44Dolores, ven.
16:46Quiero que veas algo.
16:48A ver, voy.
16:49A ver.
16:53Quiero que veas esto
16:55y que me digas si la reconoces.
17:00Es la misma mujer que dicen que estuvo hablando
17:02con mi papá y con Beatriz aquí en el pueblo
17:04antes del accidente.
17:06Ay, no, pues no.
17:08No creo haberla visto nunca.
17:10Pues esta mujer parece que tuvo una plática
17:12muy importante con mi papá y con Beatriz.
17:15¿Pero cómo? ¿De qué me estás hablando?
17:19Esta mujer tiene algo que ver
17:21con la vida de mi papá o la de Beatriz,
17:23por eso es muy importante saber quién es.
17:25¿Pero es la misma?
17:27Sí. Candela me entregó estas imágenes.
17:29Fue a buscar a mi padre el día que decidió
17:31venir a Todos los Santos.
17:33Sí, es obvio que lo buscó para verse acá.
17:35¿Entonces Emilio debe de saber?
17:37¿El viajó con tu papá?
17:39No, lo hicieron por separado.
17:41Algo estaban planeando juntos.
17:43O ella planeó su muerte
17:45y por eso lo trajo a Todos los Santos.
17:47Bueno, ¿y Candela no?
17:49¿No preguntó en la empresa
17:51si hay más videos de esta mujer?
17:53Sí, pero al parecer esta fue la única vez
17:55que lo fue a ver.
17:57Que no hay más videos de ella.
17:59Tenemos que saber quién es esta mujer
18:01y por qué se reunió con mi papá.
18:04Emilio me dijo que cuando llegaron al pueblo
18:06mi padre venía decidido a firmar
18:08la compra de la fábrica San José,
18:10pero que de pronto algo pasó
18:12y cambió todo.
18:14¿Pero qué te hace pensar
18:16que pudiera haber sido esta mujer?
18:17Es la única persona extraña
18:19con la que se reunieron
18:21en ese restaurante.
18:23Los vieron hablando
18:25y luego viene lo del accidente.
18:27Esta mujer algo sabía.
18:29Está raro.
18:31Muy raro.
18:38¿Les incomodó?
18:40Es que me senté a solita en mi recámara
18:42y me dije, Magdalena,
18:44hay vida detrás de esa puerta,
18:45no vivas acorralada.
18:47¿De qué estamos hablando?
18:49De que aún nos faltan piezas por atar
18:51para saber qué pasó con mi papá
18:53al día que llegó al pueblo.
18:55A propósito, Magdalena,
18:57nunca me he sentado a hablar contigo.
18:59¿Qué te dijo mi papá
19:01antes de viajar a Todos los Santos?
19:03Que me odiaba.
19:05Creo que yo también se lo dije.
19:07Pero estábamos casados,
19:09¿qué íbamos a hacer?
19:11Creo que su última frase
19:13fue algo así como
19:15no te soporto.
19:19Bueno, tengo que regresar a la oficina.
19:21Todavía tengo pendientes que resolver.
19:26Adiós, hijo.
19:28Nos vemos.
19:30¿Y mi beso?
19:32Nos vemos después.
19:46So, you decide.
19:48Should we change our lifestyle
19:51or not?
19:59Answer, Grandma, answer.
20:01Leave a message.
20:03Grandma, where are you?
20:05Look how long it's been
20:07and you're not reporting.
20:09I'm not reporting.
20:11I'm not reporting.
20:13I'm not reporting.
20:15I'm not reporting.
20:17Please call me to know you're okay.
20:19What happened?
20:21Grandma went to Dr. Hernandez's house
20:23and I don't know what she's doing
20:25because she's not answering.
20:27I was so close.
20:29Now I have to take care of her.
20:31What's wrong with her?
20:33They're adults.
20:35I know, but when I think
20:37she's out with the doctor...
20:39At least someone here has fun.
20:41Don't laugh, Gabriela.
20:43It's my grandma.
20:45Don't imagine it.
20:47No, shut up.
20:49What are you doing here?
20:51Come here. Sit down.
20:56I only had a moment
20:58to mislead Francisco
21:00with his application
21:02and he thinks he can fool me.
21:04Gabi, stop that.
21:06Turn it off.
21:08I have to set him up
21:10to unmask him.
21:12I have to stop this now
21:13and if I don't,
21:15I'll go to the police.
21:17Let's go. I'm your witness.
21:21But at the same time,
21:23it hurts me to have to do this.
21:25No, it doesn't hurt you at all.
21:27Once, Francisco had to do
21:29with that guy.
21:31That guy almost kills you, Gabriela.
21:33Besides, you said you wanted
21:35to unmask them, right?
21:37One by one. Do it.
21:39Don't worry.
21:44What's up, Francisco?
21:46I saw you going to the art workshop
21:48a while ago
21:50and I had to go out to buy something.
21:52I don't know if you want
21:54to meet or talk.
21:56I'd like to talk to you.
21:58No, I have to solve
22:00some issues with Citlal.
22:02I'll see you at the factory. Bye.
22:08That's it.
22:10Damn it.
22:11I don't want to go out
22:13and give him a hard time.
22:15He's already humiliated me
22:17by going to mass,
22:19but for me,
22:21it had to do with Marlon's death.
22:23I think it happens to everyone.
22:25That's what I want to find out.
22:37Are you serious?
22:39Are you still looking for ghosts?
22:41That's right.
22:43Let's see if the ghosts
22:45answer the questions I have to ask them.
22:58Sit down, dear nephew.
23:01Can I ask you a question?
23:03Yes, of course.
23:05I called you because I have something
23:07very urgent to talk to you about.
23:09I love being here, Aunt Hermosa.
23:11That's great.
23:13Come in, dear.
23:16I asked Gabriela to be here
23:18to tell you
23:20that you're looking for a lawyer.
23:23What do you mean, a lawyer?
23:25What's going on, dear?
23:27What's all this?
23:29You don't realize
23:31what happened at the distributor.
23:33Thanks to your bad behavior,
23:35we have serious problems today.
23:37It was easy for you to betray me
23:39and go with my worst enemy.
23:41I told you
23:43I was going to teach you to honor your blood.
23:45And this is going to cost you dearly.
23:48Maybe the little cop,
23:50the little lawyer
23:52who is with your boss can help you.
23:56you have to clarify the situation
23:58of what happened at the distributor.
24:00Prevent this from going any further, please.
24:02Let's see, aunt.
24:04First, you kicked me out of here.
24:06And second,
24:08I thought this was already clarified.
24:09Why are you making me go through this embarrassment?
24:12And third, get out of here.
24:15Go play with your friends.
24:26I need you to review this, grandmother.
24:39Carmen, answer me, damn it.
24:42This can't be happening to me.
24:49Miriam, Miriam.
24:51Do you have a minute so we can talk?
24:53I need you to listen to me.
24:55Miriam, please.
24:57Don't leave me like this.
24:59No, I can't help you.
25:01Please, don't leave me at this moment.
25:03I'm not in the use of my faculties.
25:05Miriam, please listen to me.
25:07Can you hear me?
25:09I miss Gabriela asking you to sign those papers.
25:13It looks like she doesn't, but she's very crafty.
25:16I'm sure she thought you'd never charge her or whatever.
25:20Did she sign it?
25:24She's going to look at it to define the terms.
25:26I mean, you do her a favor and she's going to define the terms to pay you.
25:30I'm sure you won't even care.
25:32Well, you did what you had to do, didn't you?
25:35No, uncle.
25:36And now I have to make sure she gives me back the signed documents.
25:41Don't do anything.
25:43Remembering Gabriela's debts with me is more than enough.
25:46And it's good that you know who to go to when you need it.
25:49No, you know that.
25:51But the important thing is that she pays us.
25:54That she pays us or that she pays me?
25:57I'll see how I do it.
25:59Okay, uncle.
26:01You always know.
26:03That's why I'd like to tell you something I saw.
26:07Something very strange is happening between Gabriela and Francisco.
26:10What's wrong with that idiot?
26:12Well, I saw them very close again.
26:14When I tell you that he even defended him
26:16and he almost shouts at every lung that Francisco stays in the factory.
26:20It seems that now that he broke up with Tomas, he decided for Francisco.
26:26What the hell are you talking about now?
26:28Well, it's the gossip from the factory, uncle.
26:30Oh, gossip.
26:32Well, he confirmed it to me.
26:34He doesn't want anything with Tomas anymore.
26:36He even put himself on Leonor's side now.
26:39Oh, that Gabriela.
26:41It's like...
26:43Like a ticket.
26:45One day he wants one,
26:47and the other the other.
26:51Oh, uncle, and he never turned to see you again.
26:54Should I tell you another one?
26:57Let's go.
27:05He knew what conditions we were in
27:07and insisted a lot to lend us that money.
27:10And now he wants us to sign that.
27:12But if you read it well, there is nothing clear.
27:15Neither the percentage of the interests nor the date of payment.
27:18So if we sign it, he will charge us when he decides.
27:24Enrique is not going to do that.
27:25He is a great friend of the family,
27:27always willing to help us.
27:29Well, then I went to talk to that kind friend
27:32to clarify in what conditions he wants me to sign that.
27:36And on the other hand,
27:38I'm going to introduce you to a series of cuts we're going to do.
27:43Look, I know you fight to keep an image and prestige of San Jose
27:46in front of others.
27:49But the reality is that we have no way to sustain it.
27:52And we can end up on the street
27:53if we don't do something right now.
27:56But what's wrong with you?
27:58We are distinguished people from the town.
28:00If Enrique and Tomás had not supported us,
28:02we would have had to close the factory.
28:04And maybe even sell the hacienda.
28:07So, well, you decide.
28:09Or we change our lifestyle.
28:13Or that's not going to happen.
28:54I was reviewing the financial statements
28:56that the auditor sent.
28:58And it is perfectly clear here
29:00that the distributor's money
29:02began to deviate more than a year ago.
29:04Are you listening to me?
29:06If you don't explain where all this money is,
29:09you're going to get into a serious problem.
29:11You're going to go to jail.
29:14It's hard for me to accept that.
29:17I still signed up.
29:19I don't square my accounts.
29:20But for a couple of million,
29:22they're not going to expel me from the family.
29:24Let them take it as if it were part of my inheritance.
29:26You stole a couple of million.
29:33Guillermo, the money we're talking about
29:35is a lot more.
29:37You need more than a couple of million.
29:39And if you don't solve this problem,
29:41you understand that you are in a much more serious one.
29:47I don't have anything.
29:49I don't have anything.
29:51Miriam, I gave up everything I had.
29:54David wanted to close the distributor.
29:56And that's where the matter ended.
29:58Well, it's not like that.
30:00We're almost in the ruin.
30:02Because this amount is missing.
30:04Because of you.
30:06Let's see, who else besides you had access
30:08to the bank accounts?
30:10Carmen, of course, Beatriz.
30:12Of course.
30:14Carmen thought it was a good idea
30:16to hire a financial advisor.
30:19I thought it was okay
30:21because he told me we were going to triple the investment.
30:23What's that advisor's name?
30:27Camilo Ariza.
30:30But Carmen only has contact with him.
30:32And I don't want to talk to Carmen.
30:34Well, you're going to have to talk to her, huh?
30:36Because this problem in which you were involved
30:38is very serious.
30:49Hey, we're looking for people
30:51to work in the offices.
30:53Would you like to work with us?
30:56Do you want my grandmother and Miriam
30:58to kill me?
31:00No, I'm serious.
31:02So you won't have to look for excuses
31:04to see me like ...
31:06Hi, Andres.
31:08Hey, yes, let's see each other,
31:10but don't see each other.
31:12Let's go to the Blue Mountain.
31:14I've never said Blue Mountain.
31:16Well, the mountain that's on the other side of the river.
31:18Let's go.
31:32what's going on with my sister and Tomas?
31:34Do you know anything?
31:36Well, look, today they got really ugly at the factory.
31:39I think this time Gaby told her things that
31:42I don't know if my sister can forgive so easily.
31:45It's been very strange since this morning.
31:46I don't understand, Crema.
31:48But Gaby insinuated that my sister tried to kill him.
31:51No, no, that can't be.
31:53That comes straight from my grandmother, I know.
31:55I heard it when I told her.
31:58But what I can't believe is that she's doing her job.
32:09I need your permission to go to my house.
32:13Why? What's wrong with you?
32:15I want to die.
32:17I want someone to kill me.
32:21Okay, no problem.
32:24Yes, go.
32:28Of course, if that's what you need.
32:32It's not necessary.
32:39How can you stand it?
32:41How can you stand it?
32:54Do you want me to bring you something, sir?
32:58An explanation of why life is like this.
33:01I want someone to look for Carmen and tell her that she's killing me.
33:05I can't take it anymore. I trust her.
33:07Maybe a tea from Tila will help you.
33:08No, no.
33:10I don't think that will get me out of the sadness I'm in
33:12and the problem I'm in.
33:14All for wanting to give her a good life.
33:16Well, I'll go get your tea.
33:25Don't leave him alone.
33:27Try to find out what's wrong with him.
33:29What's wrong with him?
33:30That it doesn't work.
33:32I really don't understand why you insist on having him working here.
33:34He cries because he went to see his aunt,
33:36because his wife left him,
33:38because his wife left him, Tomas.
33:43Why are you laughing?
33:45You put it that way and it makes me laugh,
33:48but poor man.
33:50Go see what's wrong with him.
34:04Do you have time?
34:06I need to ask you a favor.
34:08Okay. Yes.
34:14I love you.
34:16I love you.
34:27Hello, Francisco. What happened?
34:29What happened is that you said you would see us
34:32and look at the time.
34:34Yes, but I can't right now.
34:38Lali had a problem with her car and I'm going to help her.
34:41Let's see.
34:43Are you telling me the truth or did you just change your mind
34:45and you don't want to tell me?
34:47I'm telling you the truth.
34:49Maybe later.
35:06I'm going to ask you a few questions
35:08and if your testimony helps me,
35:10I'm going to talk to your sister to make a statement
35:13because you're a minor. Do you agree?
35:16Yes. Okay. Fine.
35:29Are you going to go there again?
35:31Honey, you have to leave that for peace.
35:37Yes, it's this one.
35:39This is the lighter that one of the hooded men was carrying.
35:42I saw it.
35:46When you were chasing me,
35:48I ran into Julio and Paulo,
35:50but I don't know which one of them fell.
35:54But I'm sure it's this one.
36:06Let's go.
36:08Go. Go.
36:10What are you doing?
36:36Who are you looking for, Francisco?
37:07I'm going to ask you a few questions
37:09and if your testimony helps me,
37:11I'm going to talk to your sister to make a statement.
37:13Do you agree?
37:15Yes. Okay. Fine.
37:17Let's go.