• 2 months ago
Link Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ZBVEEk
00:03:50That was meant for me, Mr. Chan.
00:03:54Could have been accident.
00:04:02You were right. This rope has been cut.
00:04:05We better go to my cabin.
00:04:07No better opportunity than during show to observe all persons on board.
00:04:11Come with me.
00:04:12Whatever you say, Mr. Chan.
00:04:37I'll tell you, we was on route 66 one night, and the fog was so thick, you couldn't see your hand that far before you.
00:04:43What's wrong?
00:04:45Who you spying on now?
00:04:47Oh, I wasn't spying.
00:04:49Well, what are you peeping in there for?
00:04:51Oh, I was looking for Pop. I thought he might be inside.
00:04:54Oh, that's what you were looking for.
00:04:56I thought you were spying on me.
00:04:58No, I wasn't spying.
00:05:00Well, what are you peeping in there for?
00:05:02Oh, I was looking for Pop. I thought he might be inside.
00:05:05Oh, that's different.
00:05:12Ladies and gentlemen, the show about to start is a time-honored ritual on all ships crossing the equator.
00:05:19We cross the line tonight.
00:05:21When the curtain goes up, we shall all be in King Neptune's court.
00:05:25Now, several neophytes who have never crossed the equator before are in the audience.
00:05:31They'll be tried before this great tribunal.
00:05:34This high marine authority, King Neptune himself.
00:05:38Deep down at the bottom of the azure seas, Davy Jones' locker rests in mud and slime.
00:05:44But it is always open to receive those whom Neptune sends.
00:05:48No one knows what Neptune will say or do.
00:06:02This is Brace, the purser.
00:06:04Get me the captain, quick.
00:06:06A knife in his back. Where's Dr. Whipple, the missionary?
00:06:09Captain, will you come down to the salon right away? Quick.
00:06:11Dr. Martin, maybe you can help.
00:06:13George, who is he?
00:06:15Traitor. Corporate traitor, I think.
00:06:17I'm a doctor of science, not of medicine.
00:06:19Mine is dead.
00:06:21Did you see what I saw?
00:06:23Yes, I saw what you seen.
00:06:25Wait a minute. Where are you going?
00:06:27I'm going in to help Pop. A man's been killed.
00:06:29That's what I mean.
00:06:30What do you mean, that's what I mean?
00:06:31Just what I said. And I don't want to be hanging around no one that's dead.
00:06:34Well, you stay here. I'm going to help Pop.
00:06:36Oh, wait a minute.
00:06:41Pardon me.
00:06:50Mr. Brace, call the doctor.
00:06:52I've already called him, sir. He's on his way.
00:06:54Mr. Chan, will you take charge?
00:06:55Yes, captain. First suggest you allow no one to leave salon.
00:06:59No one can leave salon until Mr. Chan releases you.
00:07:01Mr. Brace, you will take charge.
00:07:03Very well, sir.
00:07:04Come with me, captain.
00:07:10Assistants will remain here and keep vigilant eye open.
00:07:13Okay, Pop.
00:07:19Room has been ransacked, captain.
00:07:25Most unfortunate. Scott Pearson's paper's already gone.
00:07:29But his portfolio is in my safe.
00:07:31He gave it to me yesterday.
00:07:33Oh, that is good. You had his countenance then.
00:07:36To a certain extent, yes.
00:07:38I had instructions not to reveal his identity.
00:07:40But I didn't.
00:07:41You didn't?
00:07:42I didn't.
00:07:43You didn't?
00:07:44I didn't.
00:07:45You didn't?
00:07:46I didn't.
00:07:47I had instructions not to reveal his identity.
00:07:50When did he first decide to speak to me?
00:07:53Only this evening.
00:07:54He expected to do most of his work in Samoa.
00:07:56It was only after we left Honolulu that he became worried.
00:08:00Did you know about this United States currency,
00:08:03this hot money supposed to be cheap commodity on market?
00:08:08Yes, I heard a lot of talk among the islands.
00:08:10His portfolio is bound to have all the information.
00:08:13Mr. Chan, you should take over his work.
00:08:16I'm sorry, but previous commitments in Sydney, Australia
00:08:20would prevent me from staying in Samoa for a long time.
00:08:25However, I will continue to investigate his murder.
00:08:30We will question the people in Salon at once.
00:08:33Come with me.
00:08:41I took the liberty of removing the body, Mr. Chan.
00:08:44Ladies, here is the murder weapon.
00:08:47Are you sure no one left Salon?
00:08:49No one, except the two men of the crew who carried the body.
00:08:52Shall we go?
00:08:55Excuse me, no one is allowed to leave Salon.
00:09:02Excuse me.
00:09:07Sir, my wife and I are members of the London Society.
00:09:11Surely you don't want to embarrass us.
00:09:13You left your seats when an unfortunate gentleman was killed.
00:09:17This is preposterous.
00:09:18Can you imagine that we could learn to throw knives?
00:09:21Well, it's a sense that this guy who killed himself was not a traitor.
00:09:25I've been on these islands for years.
00:09:27Do you have knowledge, Mr. Burke?
00:09:29Why, sure.
00:09:30There are a dozen people on this boat who could have thrown a knife like that.
00:09:32I could have thrown it myself.
00:09:35I said I could have thrown it, but I didn't.
00:09:38My firm will vote for me, Mr. Chan.
00:09:40Cotton goods, all American cotton mills.
00:09:42I'm introducing cotton shirts to the Polynesians.
00:09:45There's millions in it.
00:09:46And say, I figured that knife must have been thrown.
00:09:49I would appreciate enlightenment.
00:09:52Why, sure.
00:09:53Somebody in the crew tossed that one.
00:09:55You look for a Kanaka or a Melanesian.
00:09:58That's your man.
00:09:59Where are you bound now, Mr. Burke?
00:10:01Some more, my first stop.
00:10:03Mr. Chan.
00:10:05Doctor and Mrs. Martin are nervous and upset already.
00:10:08Surely their credentials are enough.
00:10:10Doctor Martin is a member of the International Society of Ichthyologists.
00:10:13I've been his assistant for two years.
00:10:16I can speak for myself.
00:10:18If Mr. Chan is suspicious of us, we should gladly stay for the grilling.
00:10:23No suspicions.
00:10:25Investigation too young as yet.
00:10:27Your destination is Samoa, Professor?
00:10:32I established an ichthyological museum there six years ago.
00:10:35But the war came along and my work was interrupted.
00:10:37But I said I would return, and I'm returning.
00:10:41Mr. Chan.
00:10:43That's all true.
00:10:44I've lived in Pango all my life.
00:10:46Your business is...
00:10:48I'm a trader.
00:10:49Just back from Honolulu.
00:10:50Buying trip.
00:10:51You do not travel alone, Mr. Erickson.
00:10:54My wife's in a stateroom.
00:10:56Ill of a headache.
00:10:57Mr. Chan, I gave Mrs. Erickson a pill for her headache.
00:11:00Before or during show, Doctor?
00:11:02Just when it's necessary.
00:11:04Lady, do you require any further ministrations
00:11:06which prevented you from watching the show tonight?
00:11:10I've been a doctor for 25 years, Mr. Chan.
00:11:12I've seen many such shows.
00:11:14After attending Mrs. Erickson, I went to my cabin.
00:11:16There were no other calls until this one.
00:11:18Mr. Erickson, is your wife still too ill to join us here?
00:11:29What's wrong, Tao?
00:11:31It's all right.
00:11:32What's gone wrong, Tao?
00:11:33It's all right, honey.
00:11:34Doesn't concern us.
00:11:36Are you feeling better, Mrs. Erickson?
00:11:38A little.
00:11:39Stewart told me something had happened.
00:11:41I thought I'd better be near Tao.
00:11:43Quite right.
00:11:44There is an old saying.
00:11:46A good wife's place should be at her husband's elbow
00:11:49in times of trouble.
00:11:51Are there any other passengers for Samoa?
00:11:55Mr. Chan, I am for Samoa.
00:11:58Oh, yes, Miss Simmons.
00:12:00May I ask your business?
00:12:02I'm going to Apia, the Robert Louis Stevenson Shrine.
00:12:07Well, yes, I suppose so.
00:12:09May I vouch for Miss Simmons, sir?
00:12:11Mr. Brace has sailed with me twice, per se.
00:12:13Highly reputable, reliable.
00:12:14Thank you, Captain.
00:12:15If you'll allow me, Mr. Chan, I can vouch for Miss Simmons.
00:12:18Would appreciate private conversation with both of you sometime tomorrow.
00:12:22No cause for alarm.
00:12:24I may question all Samoa passengers in private.
00:12:28Mr. Kirk, please.
00:12:29One moment before you go.
00:12:39Yes, Mr. Chan?
00:12:40Your destination is Samoa?
00:12:42No, sir.
00:12:43I'm bound for Suba, Wellington, Sydney.
00:12:46Change ships at Suba.
00:12:48Show business?
00:12:50Right, sir.
00:12:51About Miss Simmons.
00:12:52She's staying at my place at Pango.
00:12:55Two weeks vacation with us.
00:12:57Booked from Honolulu.
00:12:59Mr. Erickson and I would be glad to vouch for her, Mr. Chan.
00:13:03No suspicion.
00:13:04Merely routine inquiry.
00:13:06I always say watch these quiet ones.
00:13:08By Jiminy, you never know who'll toss a knife at you these days.
00:13:11But leave it to a big detective to figure fast.
00:13:14Like I always say, you pick the most innocent-looking one, you got the killer.
00:13:19And believe me, a dame can hide a knife like nobody's business.
00:13:23Are you referring to Miss Simmons, sir?
00:13:24When the shoe fits, I always say put it on.
00:13:27Burke, you'll apologize for that.
00:13:29Don't, George, please. Don't make a scene.
00:13:31Mr. Brace, remember your position.
00:13:33I'm sorry, sir.
00:13:34Please, there will be no more questions for tonight.
00:13:38Everyone may leave salon.
00:13:40All go, go.
00:13:42No further opportunity for show tonight.
00:13:55Some of our passengers all seem very congenial.
00:13:59Each one have very good excuse for other.
00:14:03Lots of vouching going on all right.
00:14:14You had nothing to eat all morning.
00:14:16That's no good, you know.
00:14:17George, I'm too worried to eat.
00:14:19The whole thing's turned into a nightmare.
00:14:21And besides, I've caused you so much trouble.
00:14:24Oh, I'd like to chuck the whole thing.
00:14:26Now, listen, young lady.
00:14:27We're in this thing together and we're going to see it through together, remember?
00:14:31Remember our promise?
00:14:34On a matter of days, hours, it'll all be finished.
00:14:37Yes, but George, I'm so afraid of what Mr. Chan might find out about us.
00:14:42That's exactly what I want to talk to you about.
00:14:45Now, Chan tries to question you alone.
00:14:48Good morning, Mr. Chan.
00:14:53Good morning.
00:14:55Will you both please come to my cabin soon after lunch for quiet talk?
00:14:59Very, very important.
00:15:02Yes, Mr. Chan.
00:15:03Thank you so much.
00:15:08George, do you suppose Mr. Chan's found out anything?
00:15:12I really don't know.
00:15:14Do you suppose Mr. Chan's found out anything?
00:15:17I really don't know.
00:15:19It's too early to say.
00:15:21Verona, when he questions you, remember.
00:15:24You know absolutely nothing.
00:15:26That's our only safe course now.
00:15:30I understand.
00:15:36Oh, Captain.
00:15:38Here's Scott Pearson's portfolio.
00:15:41You have examined Scott Pearson's papers, Captain?
00:15:44No, Mr. Chan. I was leaving that for you.
00:15:51Does it say how the hot money got loose?
00:15:54Oh, ruthless process of war.
00:15:58Renegades raid the cash and steal the loot at end of war.
00:16:04A man named Lane vaguely mentioned here.
00:16:08Man named Lane and islands of Samoa seem to be on the clue.
00:16:12Pearson must have thought the stuff was taken to Samoa.
00:16:15That is first concrete clue, Captain.
00:16:19Tiger going away from village is never feared.
00:16:23Unfortunate agent's murder is proof he was approaching prey.
00:16:30Hello? Send a doctor over right away.
00:16:32There's a very sick man here.
00:16:34Yeah, uh-huh. Cabin 8. Please hurry.
00:16:39Hey, Jim. Let me see how I look.
00:16:42No, you stay in that bed and lie quiet. The doctor's coming right over.
00:16:56Boy, we'll show Pop how modern criminology works.
00:16:59Come in.
00:17:02Oh, doctor, I'm sure glad you came.
00:17:04He's a very sick man. He keeps begging for water.
00:17:08Can I have some water?
00:17:13He looks bad.
00:17:38Oh, I'm sorry.
00:17:44This is hydrophobia deformis.
00:17:47Diagnosis uncertain.
00:17:49Therapy indicates immediate removal of the liver.
00:17:56What are you going to do? Doc saw it out?
00:17:58We'll see.
00:18:01Now, now. Don't worry.
00:18:03This isn't going to hurt you.
00:18:05I know it ain't, Doc, because I ain't going to be here.
00:18:20I'd advise leaving the criminal investigation and fingerprinting to the astute Papa Chan.
00:18:26Is he gone?
00:18:29Yeah, he sure is. And so are our fingerprints.
00:18:32Oh, that's bad, ain't it?
00:18:34It sure is.
00:18:36I ask again.
00:18:38Not accusingly, you understand, but merely as a matter of information.
00:18:43Who is Mr. Lane?
00:18:45Do either of you know a man named Lane?
00:18:48I've never even heard of the man before.
00:18:50I'm afraid I don't.
00:18:52Do either of you know a man named Lane?
00:18:54I've never even heard of the man before.
00:18:56Believe me, Mr. Chan, neither of us knows anything about this Mr. Lane.
00:19:01Did either of you know identity of murdered man?
00:19:04We never saw the man before this cruise.
00:19:07I'm inclined to believe what you say, but I think you knew killer.
00:19:12Mr. Chan, I swear on everything I ever believed in.
00:19:14We know nothing about it.
00:19:17Inclined to help you if you wish to speak truth.
00:19:22Mr. Chan, there is something that I...
00:19:25Rona, Mr. Chan, can't you see there's no use torturing her?
00:19:29Guilty minds sometimes pinch worse than ancient boot of torture.
00:19:33For 30 minutes you have both evaded direct questions.
00:19:38When we reach Samoa, I may be forced to detain you.
00:19:41Oh, you can't do that, Mr. Chan.
00:19:43Then you wish to tell all you know?
00:19:48There's nothing we can tell you.
00:19:50Interview ended for today.
00:20:09Oh, Pop. Say, I got the doctor's fingerprints from the doorknob,
00:20:13but I couldn't find anything on the murder weapon.
00:20:16Many persons have handled that knife since killer.
00:20:19But, Pop, all modern detectives take fingerprints.
00:20:22Only old-fashioned criminals leave such evidence behind.
00:20:27I wish you would be here after dinner.
00:20:30Where is other criminologist?
00:20:32Oh, he's in touch.
00:20:33We got a plan to fingerprint everybody on board.
00:20:36Get hold of him and both of you be here after dinner.
00:20:39I may have use for your specialty.
00:20:41Oh, you mean find some fingerprints?
00:20:43On contrary, find no prints and confirm theory.
00:20:50Chop Suey 108 calling Pork Chop 7-Eleven.
00:20:53Come in. Over.
00:20:54Pork Chop 7-Eleven receiving Chop Suey 108.
00:20:59What's he doing now? Come in. Over.
00:21:01He's doing nothing now.
00:21:03Uh-oh. He's gone. He disappeared.
00:21:06Well, tail him. Tail him everywhere he goes.
00:21:08Come in. Over.
00:21:09I'll tail him to the bottom of the sea.
00:21:12Okay. Roger.
00:21:14I'll tail him to the bottom of the sea.
00:21:17Okay. Roger.
00:21:44Who's up there?
00:21:47Speak up.
00:21:48What you trying to do, spy on me?
00:21:50I ain't spying on you. I'm detecting.
00:22:01What you mean detecting?
00:22:02Explain yourself. Detecting who?
00:22:05Well, you see, I ain't after you.
00:22:07We after the killer.
00:22:09You see, I'm Mr. Charlie Chan's first, I mean, second assistant.
00:22:12I think I give Mr. Charlie Chan some work to do.
00:22:16Yes, but, uh, ain't you the man that washes the glasses at the bar?
00:22:20What if I is?
00:22:22Well, you see, Mr. Jim is the first assistant, and he's got a job for you to do.
00:22:27That's what he was saying a little while ago.
00:22:29Only money talks.
00:22:31Listen, if the cook had caught you around here, he'd skin you alive anyhow.
00:22:35So show me to the job. Come on.
00:22:42I'm worried, Harold.
00:22:43Worried? What are you worried about?
00:22:45Oh, the way these detectives go snooping around the boat.
00:22:48Mr. Chan might even stop us from going ashore.
00:22:51Well, I wouldn't worry about it. He won't bother us.
00:22:57How do you do?
00:23:05Howdy, folks.
00:23:07Haven't seen that portable guy, have you?
00:23:09You seen him?
00:23:11No, sorry. Haven't seen him.
00:23:13This murder, now, the way I figured, the guy was killed in a trading deal.
00:23:17That acrobat, Kirk, he know of something.
00:23:21Oh, sorry.
00:23:28And that person, his girl, they ain't as innocent as they look.
00:23:32If you don't mind, Mr. Burke, my wife and I wish to be alone.
00:23:36Oh, kind of unsociable, ain't you?
00:23:38Yeah, an alibi's always a perfect front.
00:23:41A perfect front for them that need it.
00:23:43Now, the way I figured, we're all in the same boat.
00:23:46Or on the same boat, anyhow.
00:23:52Like the fellow said, we ought to cooperate.
00:23:54Now, somebody on this boat killed that trader.
00:23:57If he was a trader.
00:23:59I'm sure that is outside our province.
00:24:02And another thing.
00:24:03There's something behind this, besides a trading round.
00:24:06Why, the islands are flooded with hot money.
00:24:08You can buy a ten grand bill for five U.S. currency.
00:24:12That's what's behind this killing, hot money.
00:24:16Hey, Kirk.
00:24:19Come and see your man.
00:24:24Oh, sorry.
00:24:25Oh, excuse me, Mr. Chan.
00:24:26Say, how's the murder coming?
00:24:28Investigation proceeding.
00:24:35Good afternoon.
00:24:36Good afternoon, Mr. Chan.
00:24:38Good afternoon, Mr. Chan.
00:24:39No, thank you.
00:24:40We'll have tea in the salon.
00:24:43Mr. Chan, tea?
00:24:44No, thank you.
00:24:45Steward, please serve my dinner in my cabin.
00:24:48Serve early.
00:24:49I have much work and study.
00:24:59What's Mr. Chan up to now?
00:25:01He's setting a trap.
00:25:02A trap?
00:25:03What kind of trap?
00:25:04Monstrous trap?
00:25:05No, you dope.
00:25:06He's setting a trap for the killer.
00:25:08The killer?
00:25:09What are we standing here for?
00:25:10Quiet, please.
00:25:11Lights out.
00:25:30Keep still.
00:25:31My leg is asleep.
00:25:32I wish you were asleep.
00:25:33Me too.
00:25:53Hey, Pop, look out!
00:25:55Hey, Pop, look out!
00:26:07Gee, Pop, you sure gave us a scare.
00:26:10Man, I got butterflies.
00:26:13We'll now look for no fingerprints.
00:26:18But say, Pop, when you planted this, why didn't you let us know?
00:26:21We could have caught the guy right outside the door.
00:26:23What do you mean?
00:26:24We could have caught him.
00:26:25You mean you could have caught him.
00:26:26Include me out.
00:26:27Experiment not entirely success.
00:26:29I expected door to open and knife be thrown in.
00:26:32Thought perhaps might catch glimpse of killer's hand.
00:26:35But killer expert throw knife through two-inch slant.
00:26:40Whew, what an aim.
00:26:42But, Pop, we really could have caught him.
00:26:45Hasty man could also drink tea with pork.
00:26:48Here, smart son will use specially on knife handle.
00:26:52You mean fingerprints, Pop?
00:26:54Boy, we'll find them.
00:26:59Hey, look, Pop.
00:27:00We've got fingerprints of almost everybody on board.
00:27:03Excellent collection.
00:27:05Perhaps after a while, number two son be able to take up stamps.
00:27:15Look, Pop, it's been wiped off with oil.
00:27:18It's been wiped off and never touched afterwards.
00:27:23Perhaps knife never touched by human hands.
00:27:27Mr. Chan, you mean that spook come through them little slats
00:27:30and stabbed that dumb in the back?
00:27:32No, he used gloves to throw it.
00:27:34The spook did?
00:27:37Perhaps knife not thrown.
00:27:42Uh, in phraseology of Euclid,
00:27:45X over Y equal proposition still unsolved.
00:27:53Hey, Jimmy, what has Euclid got to do with it?
00:27:57He's a Greek mathematician, but he's dead.
00:28:00Well, what's he got to do with the case being unsolved?
00:28:02He hasn't.
00:28:06I still don't get it.
00:28:07Oh, good evening.
00:28:08Good evening.
00:28:09This is the last night dance, Mr. Chan.
00:28:11You're not going to miss it, are you?
00:28:13Oh, no.
00:28:14May I offer myself as candidate for waltz?
00:28:17Tao has first, wifely duty.
00:28:19After that, the pleasure will be mine.
00:28:21I'll even skip the duty.
00:28:23Everybody's guessing on the murder, Mr. Chan.
00:28:25Lower will pump you for the latest news.
00:28:28I'll see you later, Mr. Chan.
00:28:31I wouldn't put her to pass then, either.
00:28:33Captain, if you put everyone into brig whom you suspect,
00:28:37you soon would require very large brig.
00:28:46Would you care to dance, Mrs. Martin?
00:28:48Oh, I'd love to.
00:28:50Do you mind, dear?
00:28:52What's that?
00:28:53Oh, it's nothing.
00:28:54It's nothing.
00:28:55It's nothing.
00:28:56It's nothing.
00:28:57It's nothing.
00:28:58Do you mind, dear?
00:29:00What's that?
00:29:01Oh, right ahead.
00:29:29Miss Luna, Mr. Burke want to see you.
00:29:40Just like my husband's father.
00:29:42He was Swedish, taught Tao's mother to polka,
00:29:45and she was Polynesian.
00:29:47Each country's dance, most beautiful dance
00:29:50in that particular country.
00:29:53But our Polynesian Siva Siva seems
00:29:56loveliest to me, Mr. Chan.
00:30:01Oh, very beautiful.
00:30:04Has just tinge of oriental.
00:30:08We'll hold the Siva Siva the first night.
00:30:11Will you be going ashore, Mr. Chan?
00:30:14Our ship will remain in port 24 hours.
00:30:18Expect to be able to come ashore and take
00:30:20advantage of your hospitality.
00:30:23Well, good.
00:30:24Then we'll have a real Polynesian party.
00:30:26Well, good.
00:30:27Then we'll have a real Polynesian party.
00:30:56Got any gossip, honey?
00:30:58Mr. Chan is a marvelous dancer.
00:31:01I've been very great pleasure, Mrs. Erickson.
00:31:21Keep the girl in the message?
00:31:23She come soon.
00:31:24OK, that's all.
00:31:25Beat it.
00:31:26Pay me.
00:31:27You promise?
00:31:28You'll get yours.
00:31:32Listen, you.
00:31:33Another crack like that and you'll be shark bait.
00:31:35No rough stuff, Burke.
00:31:36Watch it, boy.
00:31:37One whisper out of you and...
00:31:40Sure, he'll take care of you, Pete.
00:31:41After a while.
00:31:42One word to anyone in this boat and you go over side.
00:31:44You savvy?
00:31:45I'll slit you from end to end.
00:31:48OK, beat it, Pete.
00:31:50Are you sure the purser didn't see you come out here to meet us?
00:31:53Quite sure.
00:31:54Since you're a threat to blackmail me and Mr. Brace.
00:31:56Oh, that.
00:31:57That's an ugly word.
00:31:58Let's just say a redistribution of wealth, eh?
00:32:01Come on, hand over, miss.
00:32:07I haven't got it with me.
00:32:09Well, where is it?
00:32:10It's in the purser's safe.
00:32:12I'd have no excuse to get it until we're in port.
00:32:14Well, when we do get in port,
00:32:16you better be sure to get it if you know it's good for you.
00:32:18You have my word.
00:32:19OK, you keep your word and we'll keep your secret.
00:32:22That's fair enough, isn't it?
00:32:25I'll give it to you when we get ashore.
00:32:27And that's all I can promise.
00:32:29But watch your step, sister.
00:32:30No tricks.
00:32:31I know a few of them myself.
00:32:47What's the matter, Rona?
00:32:48You look pale as a ghost.
00:32:50Oh, it's nothing, darling.
00:32:51I'm all right.
00:32:53It's just nerves, I guess.
00:33:12Have you got any further on the case to me?
00:33:14Have you got any further on the case tonight, Mr. Chan?
00:33:17Very little further, Captain.
00:33:19Although I have investigated intelligently, I hope,
00:33:23still, I have no wish to work fast, not alarm quarry.
00:33:29I keep forgetting that the murder is only part of the case.
00:33:32Say, Mr. Chan, have you thought of the Whipples?
00:33:35Oh, I know their papers are in good shape.
00:33:37What if you say the word?
00:33:38Captain, you are not thinking of putting the Whipples in your brain, are you?
00:33:54Hey, Freddy.
00:33:56Have you seen him?
00:33:58Well, we got to put the guaias on the Kanaka.
00:33:59He knows too much.
00:34:00Can't you get by without that stuff, Burke?
00:34:02Are you kidding?
00:34:03One peep out of the Kanaka and the whole thing is cooked.
00:34:05Come on, let's find him.
00:34:07All right.
00:34:35Come on.
00:34:57Hey, Pete.
00:34:58Come on.
00:35:04Down overboard.
00:35:07Down overboard.
00:35:12Pete, you're back.
00:35:13Pete, are you sure?
00:35:14Yes, sir.
00:35:15What do you mean, go overboard?
00:35:16I saw him climb on the rail and he just jumped overboard.
00:35:19You mean, Stuart, go over side of ship of own volition?
00:35:22Yes, sir.
00:35:23Is there island near?
00:35:25Island's here within four or five miles.
00:35:27Close to our own landfall.
00:35:28That's all.
00:35:29He is deserted.
00:35:31Five miles swim, mere stroll for terrified Kanaka.
00:35:35We have a motor gate.
00:35:36I could stop and put it over.
00:35:38Ah, unimportant.
00:35:41Kanaka possessed little information but much dangerous knowledge.
00:35:45He swam to save own life.
00:35:47You think someone wanted to get him?
00:35:49I'll be glad when we clear Samoa, Mr. Chan.
00:35:51This cruise has been a nightmare.
00:35:53But not dull one, Captain.
00:35:58I'm telling you, he's as guilty as a weasel in a hen house.
00:36:01Well, Pop will grab him if he is.
00:36:08Well, he's got a bankroll and a chunk of water buffalo.
00:36:11Why not a mule?
00:36:12Ain't no mules where he come from.
00:36:14He come from, uh, he one of them shoemaker man.
00:36:16Uh, what?
00:36:17Shoemaker on the island, you know.
00:36:19Oh, you mean Jamaica.
00:36:21Well, anyway, it's hot money.
00:36:23I ain't never seen that much cold money
00:36:25in no place at no time.
00:36:27Say, did you see the sizes of the bills?
00:36:29Yeah, he's got a big roll.
00:36:31$50,000 bills.
00:36:33Say, listen, $50,000 bills just don't exist.
00:36:36Well, he did.
00:36:37And his name is Big Ben.
00:36:39And he's got the steers job.
00:36:40He's gonna be carrying the baggage.
00:36:42He is?
00:36:44Well, tail him.
00:36:45Tail him everywhere he goes.
00:36:46Find out where he bunks.
00:36:47And see if he has any incriminating matter in his effects.
00:36:50But look here, he's got some knives.
00:36:51Them throwing knives.
00:36:53Well, find them and this case is solved.
00:37:08No, no, no, not those.
00:37:10One small bag, please.
00:37:12Yes, sir.
00:37:13What is this?
00:37:14My equipment, Pop.
00:37:15I gotta have it ashore.
00:37:17But ship remain in port of Samoa only 24 hours.
00:37:21Sure, but we got a case to solve.
00:37:24With assistance of scientific son
00:37:26should solve case in very short time.
00:37:29Come in.
00:37:32It's from your son, Mr. Chan.
00:37:34Sparks had a bit of trouble with the code,
00:37:36but I hope he got it all OK.
00:37:38Number three son Tommy usually have trouble with code himself.
00:37:45Miss Simmons' father was banker in Australia
00:37:49stranded in Manila on way to United States of America
00:37:53with many valuable art objects.
00:37:55Well, that's plain enough.
00:37:57The girl's father hid the stuff,
00:37:59and she's down here to get it on the quiet.
00:38:02Kangaroo reaches destination also by leaps and bounds.
00:38:06That's clear to me.
00:38:08Oh, there are high stakes in this, Captain.
00:38:11There are gigantic operators behind scheme.
00:38:14I must have more information before I can accuse her.
00:38:18Well, perhaps you're right, Mr. Chan.
00:38:20But for my part, I'd throw Mr. Brace in the brig
00:38:23and sweat this girl.
00:38:24And flush quarry like quail?
00:38:27Oh, no.
00:38:28Good hunter never break twig underfoot.
00:38:31How soon we can go ashore?
00:38:33Medical inspection takes about an hour.
00:38:35We should be ashore before dark.
00:38:37Oh, I see.
00:38:38You will remove those two other cabin.
00:38:42Where is other criminologist?
00:38:44Oh, he's in touch.
00:38:45I sent him on a mission.
00:38:46Round him up and say we go ashore before dark.
00:38:49OK, Pop.
00:38:50Chop Suey 108 calling Pork Chop 711.
00:38:53Come in.
00:38:55I just got in here.
00:38:56I've got to finish this job.
00:38:57We'll call.
00:38:59I've got to finish this job.
00:40:14Somebody's been foolin' with my prop.
00:41:35I shall write a letter to the Society on the matter.
00:41:38These islands should have restaurants for people who prefer not to dine in rum shops.
00:41:43No, we'll not return to the boat.
00:41:45We'll dine in the bar. There I can get first-hand information from my report.
00:41:55Good evening, Doctor and Mrs. Whipple.
00:41:57You will dine?
00:42:00We're unaccustomed to dining in bars.
00:42:04I'm sure you will enjoy our dinner now. This way, please.
00:42:27You will have dinner now, Mr. Chan?
00:42:29Not at the moment, thank you.
00:42:34Dinner, Miss Simmons?
00:42:35No, thank you.
00:42:51Observe little showman, Captain.
00:43:17Where is young lady's fiancé?
00:43:19Brace? Oh, checking his purser accounts.
00:43:21He should be ashore soon.
00:43:29You will come with me, Captain. I have idea which may prove interesting.
00:43:33Sure thing, Mr. Chan.
00:43:55You think she'll come through with it?
00:43:56Why, sure. What makes you think she won't?
00:43:58Nothing. Just wondering, that's all.
00:44:01Where'd she go?
00:44:02Probably go into a room to get it.
00:44:04What about that purser, Brace?
00:44:06What I care about Brace? It's the girl I'm dealing with.
00:44:09Look, Burke.
00:44:11Look, you, uh...
00:44:12You go right back on board ship as soon as you get it, huh?
00:44:14I don't need your advice.
00:44:16You'll ring it up to your armpits.
00:44:18I'm merely selling something that Chan was too dumb to see.
00:44:21Please go back on board, Burke.
00:44:22If anybody gets wind of what you're doing...
00:44:24Look, look. Two can pluck one pigeon if it's big enough.
00:44:27Here she comes.
00:44:38Here I am, Miss Simmons.
00:44:41Did you bring it?
00:44:44Well, hand it over, sister.
00:44:47Will you promise that this will be the last we'll hear of you?
00:44:49Well, maybe, honey. Maybe.
00:44:52Come on, give.
00:44:59This pays better than cotton goods.
00:45:01Once a salesman, always a salesman, you know.
00:45:03There's no code of ethics in your field, then.
00:45:06Why, sure.
00:45:07For the dumb ones, maybe.
00:45:09But me, I give my word a step at a time.
00:45:12Not promising too much, not too little.
00:45:15Well, I'll give it a shot.
00:45:16I'll give it a shot.
00:45:17I'll give it a shot.
00:45:18I'll give it a shot.
00:45:19I'll give it a shot.
00:45:20I'll give it a shot.
00:45:21Not promising too much, not too little.
00:45:23How do I know you can be relied on now?
00:45:26Oh, I'll keep my mouth quiet on my little matter.
00:45:29That's the deal.
00:45:30But I figure there are bigger fish in these waters,
00:45:32and maybe I'll beat a couple more hooks.
00:45:35But as far as George, Mr. Brace, and I are concerned...
00:45:38Oh, you're safe, honey, you're safe.
00:45:40P.T. Burke's a man of his word.
00:45:43Careful not to give too much word is all.
00:45:46Goodbye, Mr. Burke.
00:45:48It's not goodbye, honey, just goodnight.
00:45:51We'll meet again sometime.
00:45:54Might invite me to the wedding.
00:46:03Would like a few moments' conversation, Mr. Burke?
00:46:06I got to get back on board.
00:46:07I left my wallet in my cabin.
00:46:09You will step inside, please.
00:46:11You will also retain young lady's gift.
00:46:19Be seated.
00:46:24Look, Mr. Chan, my company, the Southern Cotton Mills,
00:46:26will okay me?
00:46:27You have been fishing in very dangerous waters, Mr. Burke.
00:46:30The gift, please.
00:46:32Here it is, sir.
00:46:35Well, as the old saying is,
00:46:38no harm done till you get caught, huh?
00:46:41Look, Mr. Chan, if you just let me go, I promise you I'll...
00:46:43I suggest you talk freely, Mr. Burke.
00:46:46Well, I don't know anything.
00:46:48Oh, I might have been gambling a bit rough,
00:46:50but that's no crime as I see it.
00:46:52It is blackmail.
00:46:53You are on American soil.
00:46:55Well, that's all I know.
00:46:57Then I will talk for you, up to a certain point.
00:47:01On board ship the night the United States government
00:47:03aided and abetted the war,
00:47:05I was on my way to the Southern Cotton Mills.
00:47:08On board ship the night the United States
00:47:10government agent was killed...
00:47:12Government agent? I thought he was a traitor.
00:47:15Unfortunately, not a traitor.
00:47:17When he was killed, you assume natural role.
00:47:20Loud talking, bragging, know-it-all.
00:47:23Then suddenly, you change completely.
00:47:27You become furtive.
00:47:29You confer frequently with Freddy Kirk
00:47:32and with deserting steward, Pete.
00:47:35During that time, you have gained certain knowledge.
00:47:38Mr. Chan, I'll trade with you.
00:47:41I'll trade what I found out if you will just let me go.
00:47:44Excuse, please. I do not trade.
00:47:49On board ship, somehow you learn
00:47:52that Miss Simmons is traveling under false papers.
00:47:55You suspect that Mr. Brace, the purser,
00:47:58has falsified accounts
00:48:00and has smuggled her into the passenger list.
00:48:03You use this knowledge for blackmail.
00:48:06Having begun blackmail, you are soon aware
00:48:09there is something far deeper underneath
00:48:11than merely two lovers falsifying papers
00:48:14in order to be together.
00:48:17Look, Miss Chan, I...
00:48:19I don't know nothing.
00:48:21This will ruin me with the company.
00:48:24You begin all of these activities
00:48:26on board ship on the night of the murder
00:48:29when you have learned someone
00:48:31has borrowed Steward's mess coat.
00:48:35Who borrowed the coat?
00:48:37I don't know.
00:48:38Look, Mr. Chan, I got a wife and kids back in the States.
00:48:41Let me go.
00:48:42Who borrowed that coat?
00:48:46All right.
00:48:47If I tell you, will you let me go?
00:48:50We'll consider same.
00:49:02Right through the neck, Mr. Chan.
00:49:04Another one of those knives.
00:49:06This man would have talked.
00:49:08You think he knew much?
00:49:10Minor conspirator.
00:49:11What now?
00:49:12Must ask you, Captain, to have Navy services
00:49:15quietly to remove this.
00:49:17Then you will contact me.
00:49:19I'm afraid I can't.
00:49:21I'm afraid I can't.
00:49:23I'm afraid I can't.
00:49:25I'm afraid I can't.
00:49:27I'm afraid I can't.
00:49:29I'm afraid I can't.
00:49:30Then you will contact Freddy Kirk.
00:49:32Inform him casually that Mr. Burke is dead.
00:49:35Be careful to keep matter secret from the others.
00:49:38If Freddy throws these knives...
00:49:40I believe little showman unaware Mr. Burke is dead.
00:49:44With this information, his actions may prove significant.
00:49:48I'll find him.
00:49:49Where will I meet you, Mr. Chan?
00:49:51In the bar.
00:49:52I could delay sailing a few hours if this complicates things.
00:49:55Not necessary, Captain.
00:49:56Believe case will be closed in ample time.
00:49:58If you see number two son Jimmy and my assistant Chattanooga,
00:50:02please ask them to report.
00:50:13He went in there with the watchman.
00:50:15How did you know the other guy was a watchman?
00:50:17Well, when I walk here talking to you,
00:50:19he was walking around the building with a big gun strapped on him.
00:50:22Well, how did you find Big Ben?
00:50:24Well, I tailed him from the ship like you told me to.
00:50:29$10 American money.
00:50:31$10 American money.
00:50:32Let me give you one pig.
00:50:35Man, what the blazes can I do with a pig?
00:50:39No fooling, man.
00:50:40You'll make yourself enough money to buy you 50 pigs.
00:50:43He's peddling dice, Chattanooga.
00:50:45Watch for the bankroll.
00:50:47It's hot money.
00:50:48Watch for it.
00:50:54Come, baby.
00:50:55Come, baby.
00:51:02That's it, that's it.
00:51:03That's it.
00:51:10Here he comes.
00:51:11All right, get ready.
00:51:35Where are you?
00:51:43Look, Jimmy, hot money.
00:51:50It's a Kansas City bankroll.
00:51:52Oh, you mean it ain't no good?
00:51:54I thought we was in tomorrow.
00:51:57Where'd they go?
00:52:20You should have told me sooner, owner.
00:52:22Now we've got to do something.
00:52:23Oh, you can't, George.
00:52:24That man will expose you to the company.
00:52:27Mr. Chan.
00:52:28Excuse, please.
00:52:29We'd like to brief talk with Miss Simmons.
00:52:31Just a second, owner.
00:52:32Let me remind you, Mr. Chan, that Miss Simmons has certain rights.
00:52:35You can't legally question her.
00:52:37Really wish to ask young lady one question,
00:52:40and to return her property.
00:52:47Owner, your necklace.
00:52:49Mr. Chan, how did you...
00:52:51I mean, is Mr. Burke in prison?
00:52:53Mr. Burke is dead.
00:52:57Simmons, time has come now for truth.
00:53:00You are British, and you travel under improper visa.
00:53:03Oh, I can explain about those papers, Mr. Chan.
00:53:06Miss Simmons and I wanted to take this cruise together.
00:53:09We're going to be married soon.
00:53:10Excuse, please.
00:53:11I will do explaining.
00:53:13Miss Simmons is here to locate and identify certain objects of art
00:53:19once stored in banks in Manila.
00:53:21That's right, Mr. Chan.
00:53:23Those things were entrusted to my father.
00:53:25Your father did a noble act, Miss Simmons.
00:53:28He chose rather to save his wife and children than objects of art.
00:53:32For this, he was blamed.
00:53:34Oh, you do understand, Mr. Chan.
00:53:36I'll tell you everything.
00:53:38My father's too ill to make the trip,
00:53:40and I know art as well as he does.
00:53:42Really wish one piece of information.
00:53:44Who contacted your father in London and arranged this journey?
00:53:48It was Mr. Kirk, Freddy Kirk.
00:53:51Mr. Chan, is there anything we can do?
00:53:53You will both take special care of yourselves tonight.
00:53:57I will contact you later.
00:54:09Don't you laugh at us, Mr. Chan.
00:54:11Don't you laugh at us, Mr. Chan.
00:54:13And the fun is just starting.
00:54:15Merely go for a stroll in the village.
00:54:22Got the shipboard killer yet, Chan?
00:54:24Unfortunately, killer not yet known.
00:54:27Well, you'll have to hurry before the boat sails.
00:54:30Did you see something, my dear?
00:54:32No, it was Mr. Chan.
00:54:34Tea, please.
00:54:35Mr. Chan?
00:54:36Oh, Mr. Chan, how are you? How are you?
00:54:39Is the drowning still unsolved?
00:54:42Or was it a drowning?
00:54:44Knifing, Professor.
00:54:46Someone threw a blade.
00:54:48Professor's forgetful.
00:54:50That's right, that's right.
00:54:51To be sure, a knife, huh?
00:54:52In the salon.
00:54:54But then these islanders are always throwing knives.
00:54:57Require great skill and delicacy to throw a knife of this kind, Professor.
00:55:36Where's my head?
00:55:38There it is.
00:55:45A bit.
00:55:46Shh, quiet. The guard will hear us.
00:55:52This is a fish museum.
00:55:54Let's find a door and get out of here.
00:56:28Jimmie, here!
00:56:38Hey, Jimmy, look, money!
00:57:00One of us better go get pop what do you mean one of us I ain't gonna leave without you
00:57:15and you ain't gonna leave without me come on let's get out of here
00:57:31Freddie Kirk found out all right Mr. Tranky.
00:57:36What, Burke?
00:57:37Yeah, he was hanging around the veranda when they carried the body out.
00:57:40Good. When next we see Freddie Kirk, pieces of jigsaw puzzle may begin to fit together.
00:57:46What's the move now?
00:57:47Believe Kirk will make the next move through fear. Sit down.
00:58:00Watch closely. They see a clue of interest.
00:58:08Information seems to have upset Mrs. Erickson.
00:58:19Little showman evidently afraid death hangs over his head.
00:58:34Excuse me, professor. I'll be right back.
00:58:40Good night, Mr. Whipple.
00:58:54Aren't you going to take him to Siva Siva tonight, Mr. Chan?
00:59:06Only three hours till sailing. We'll have no time for a show now.
00:59:10Think you can clean up that murder before sailing?
00:59:12Which murder, Mr. Erickson?
00:59:16Yeah, I guess lots of them. Well, I heard of them all.
00:59:31Little showman seems to be in very great hurry.
00:59:34That path leads to Professor Martin's museum.
00:59:37That's right. I figured it was the Martin crowd right from the start.
01:00:04Is he?
01:00:15Killer is expert.
01:00:17I couldn't see a foot in front of me out there. Did you hear that laugh, Mr. Chan?
01:00:20Perhaps a romantic villager.
01:00:22I heard someone running.
01:00:24Someone running now.
01:00:29That's no good.
01:00:30Hey, it's Pop. Hey, Pop, we found it. Oodles of it.
01:00:33Money, Mr. Chan.
01:00:35Oh, amateur detectives have success?
01:00:37Yeah, it's in the museum. Everything's stuffed with it.
01:00:40What? Quick, get Miss Simmons and Mr. Brace here immediately. Go.
01:00:52There's enough money here to finance every trader in the Pacific.
01:00:56Mr. Chan, we ought to throw that professor and his party in the brink before they escape.
01:01:00Escape to where, Captain?
01:01:02They were talking about a sloop, remember?
01:01:04Could not get very far.
01:01:08Miss Simmons, Miss Simmons.
01:01:13The Gauguin.
01:01:15Do you know painting?
01:01:16Oh, yes. It belongs to Mr. Fitzmars, the banker at Wellington.
01:01:24And this?
01:01:29Oh, it's Mrs. Usher's miniature.
01:01:31Miss Chan, Miss Chan.
01:01:36Miss Chan.
01:01:39Look, what's that?
01:01:45Oh, Chattanooga. Merely turtle.
01:01:49Oh, shh. Someone coming. Hide.
01:01:56Many people come. Hide yourself. Make no noise.
01:02:01Hide. Many people.
01:02:17Oh, shh. Quiet, Chattanooga.
01:02:30You've destroyed the work of years, you pig.
01:02:33All right, you got your orders. Start packing it up.
01:02:37You been fooling with the stuff, Mayfair?
01:02:39No, of course not.
01:02:40Who opened these boxes?
01:02:41I don't know, but if any harm comes to Mrs. Martin...
01:02:43If it hadn't been for Chan, we wouldn't have had to pull any of this rough stuff.
01:02:46Lane had it figured out that you and the professor would never get wise.
01:02:49But when Lane heard you two were fooling around, we had to move fast.
01:02:52All right, start packing it up.
01:02:54You will drop gun, Mr. Erickson.
01:03:01Are you hurt?
01:03:03Where are our others?
01:03:05You find it out. You find it for yourself, you, you pig.
01:03:10Captain, raise your hands, everybody.
01:03:12Now, ladies too.
01:03:16Get his gun loaded.
01:03:29Mr. Brace, you will cover others and remain here.
01:03:32Yes, sir.
01:03:34And come with me.
01:04:11Where are you?
01:04:21Why, Mr. Chan, she's a man.
01:04:23So what?
01:04:29Can you beat it? A man.
01:04:31Quite right, Captain.
01:04:33That is Mr. Joseph Murdoch.
01:04:35Handyman and one-time valet and now supposed wife of Mr. Theodore M. Lane.
01:04:40Why don't you let me get him?
01:04:41Oh, you were supposed to save my life, eh, Mr. Lane?
01:04:45I thank you so much.
01:04:47But why?
01:04:48I was saving you, Chan.
01:04:50After that night in the cabin, I knew you wore a protector back in front.
01:04:54I wanted him to get one in your neck with my compliments.
01:04:57At the time, I could cover up right.
01:04:59Thank you so much.
01:05:00But you were entirely wrong about protection back in front.
01:05:04How did you know me?
01:05:06I've been puzzled for many days.
01:05:08And finally, tonight in Barham, your supposed wife betray herself as man by walk.
01:05:16Mr. Chan.
01:05:18Excuse me, please.
01:05:23We can never thank you enough for what you've done.
01:05:25Mere routine line of duty, Miss Simmons.
01:05:28I trust your honorable father's possessions you found intact?
01:05:32As far as I can tell.
01:05:33I think everything's here.
01:05:35Amicable ending to all problems.
01:05:37Even Captain very happy.
01:05:39He now have enough prisoners to fill ship's brig to overflowing.
01:05:46Stan, look.
01:05:48Hey, Pop.
01:05:49This is how that thing works.
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