• 2 months ago

👉 Sebastián Grin hizo públicos los detalles de su experiencia con el acoso y la violencia por parte de una mujer con la que mantuvo una relación.

"Temo por mi vida"
"Creo que los hombres también deben ser escuchados"
"Esta situación terrible"

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24
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00:00We know the story of a traumatologist
00:03harassed by a woman,
00:05harassed by a woman,
00:07and raped by a woman.
00:10Sebastián Grimm is a traumatologist
00:12who lives in Santa Fe
00:14and yesterday he made known,
00:16actually a few days ago,
00:17but yesterday he made known
00:19some details about what you are going to see,
00:21precisely what happened
00:23in the streets of Santa Fe. Listen.
00:42Take the car away.
00:44A flat tire.
00:47You could have hit him, right?
00:49Please, the police.
00:54He was beaten up, right, Mercedes?
00:56Yes, they had a relationship
00:58for about eight months
01:00and finally, when they decided
01:02to end this relationship,
01:04he left on a trip and when he came back
01:06he found a woman
01:08who was really harassing him,
01:10not only, well, in this case we see
01:12that he takes his car,
01:14asking for a favor,
01:16a lot of people around,
01:18sometimes you decide not to get involved
01:20because you don't understand the situation,
01:22you don't understand what's going on,
01:24but in addition to this,
01:26he was harassed,
01:28and also in a restriction
01:30of approaching her to him.
01:34And we are in communication,
01:36precisely in this case with the victim
01:38and the complainant as well, Dr. Grimm.
01:40Doctor, how are you?
01:42How are you? Good afternoon, how are you?
01:44Very good, very good.
01:46Well, your left eye is still swollen, right?
01:48Yes, yes.
01:50The eye, you don't know how my body is.
01:52The truth is that today I had to go to surgery
01:54to mobilize myself,
01:56obviously from the surgery,
01:58luckily everything went well.
02:00One tries to maintain professionalism
02:02and it is a bit of a mental escape
02:04that this situation finds him,
02:06which is really incredible.
02:08But why, let's see,
02:10doctor, why does this happen?
02:12I don't understand.
02:14We always see, unfortunately,
02:16done the other way around,
02:18men who attack women,
02:20harass them, chase them,
02:22why is it the other way around?
02:24Look, I think this
02:28is much more
02:30normal than we think.
02:32I am totally in favor
02:34of the fight
02:36of gender violence
02:38towards women, but I think
02:40men also have to start being heard.
02:42I think I am neither more
02:44nor less a man
02:46for what happened to me.
02:48I wouldn't hit a woman,
02:50as you saw in the video,
02:52because it is not what my parents taught me,
02:54which are the ones who are suffering the most today,
02:56for the values with which I was raised,
02:58which are love, respect for others,
03:04work and effort, which is
03:06what I always dedicated myself to.
03:08Sorry if I break down,
03:10because the truth is that the situation I am experiencing
03:12from October to today
03:14is really hell.
03:16But this woman, sorry doctor,
03:18who is this woman?
03:20I'll tell you a little bit.
03:22She is a girl I met
03:24and I received as a coach,
03:26because I also want to
03:28continue to provide services
03:30in a different way, from empathy,
03:32from love to my patients,
03:34to people. I met her
03:36at the beginning of the course,
03:38she later leaves. We started
03:40to have a relationship,
03:42we had a date,
03:44the truth is that it was very nice,
03:46I did not see signs of,
03:48beyond some jealousy,
03:50as any couple can have,
03:52I never thought I was going to find
03:54this, that I found myself.
03:56In August, in July,
03:58they contact me from Spain,
04:00I had already had several experiences there,
04:02doing sub-specializations,
04:04in shoulder and knee surgery.
04:06I'm leaving in August, September and part
04:08of October. She gets angry
04:10telling me, you're leaving so you don't come back,
04:12this and that. I say, no, fat,
04:14I'm leaving because I've always done it,
04:16I did it being the mother of my daughter,
04:18I've been separated for four years,
04:20I've also been to Europe twice,
04:22two or three months to specialize,
04:24you see that in our profession,
04:26one always has to be at the top of the range
04:28to be able to provide the service
04:30to the patient that corresponds.
04:32I left, at first she got angry,
04:34I took it as such,
04:36after 10 or 15 days that I was in Spain,
04:38I started to write, we wrote,
04:40we solved the misunderstanding,
04:42she says, you left me alone,
04:44I got sad, well, nothing,
04:46a little more, a little less, let's say.
04:48I come back on October 12,
04:50Argentina, she's going to pick me up
04:52in Buenos Aires, we go to a show
04:54there in Movistar Arena,
04:56we spend it at the bar,
04:58now we go back to Santa Fe.
05:00Each one had their own house, she has a son,
05:02I have a daughter with other couples,
05:04which we get along very well,
05:06each one with her, even with her ex-husband,
05:08I have a good relationship,
05:10we have a dialogue,
05:12on October 25.
05:14She hits you,
05:16you hit her for what we saw,
05:18she hits him,
05:20harasses him and so on.
05:22I try to make a long story,
05:24short for long.
05:26Yes, but because I have,
05:28doctor, because I have to go to the break,
05:30and I have to go to the break,
05:32so I ask you to see if you can summarize us.
05:34This starts on October 25,
05:36at my house in Puerto Amarra,
05:38which is a national territory,
05:40for which there is a prefecture.
05:42At that moment she is in prison.
05:44I put a measure of distance
05:46from October 28,
05:48which was post-weekend alarm.
05:50I put the measure of distance.
05:52On November 11 or 12,
05:54she approaches me on my car,
05:56she steals my cell phone,
05:58and from my cell phone she starts hacking
06:00all the accounts of iPhone, WhatsApp,
06:02Instagram and so on, and starts putting
06:04fake photos of her hit,
06:06I, Sebastián Grim, apologize
06:08to my friends, to my acquaintances,
06:10to my family, because I hit
06:12María Eugenia Leyes.
06:14I was in the police station
06:16reporting that.
06:18That happens, I make
06:20the complaints at the MPA,
06:22I do everything with the prosecution,
06:24which there is not much turn.
06:26Rarely, as never,
06:28the causes of gender violence
06:30against me are quickly underestimated,
06:32and the MPA asks me,
06:34we do this, if you do not advance
06:36in the case, I really said,
06:38well, I don't do it,
06:40I didn't want a mess, I didn't want this exhibition.
06:42Sorry, sorry,
06:44because I have to go to the break,
06:46I have to comply with the break.
06:48Tell me, simply in this, and briefly, I ask you.
06:52Today, does she have a restriction
06:54for you?
06:56She has a restriction since October 28,
06:58what happens is that she is being
07:00politically covered by the Socialist Party
07:02of Santa Fe, if you want me to declare it to you.
07:04With the prosecutors,
07:06the regional prosecutor
07:08Neuser, Apuyam,
07:10Del Rio and Parodi,
07:12and Trocero. Those are the five prosecutors
07:14who have been covering her for two and a half months.
07:16What's more,
07:18they have the cell phone for
07:20appealing since October 25
07:22and they are still doing nothing.
07:24Doctor, we are going to continue the case.
07:26We are more compressed
07:28because we are close to the end of the program,
07:30but we did not want to let
07:32this happen, in this case,
07:34you are suffering.
07:36We send you a hug.
07:38I thank you very much for the communication.
07:40See you later.
07:42Well, a rare fact,
07:44but it happens, as the doctor said.
07:46It happens, some men
07:48also have this type of harassment.
