• 2 months ago
Authorities in areas likely to be hit by earthquakes should introduce and enforce building codes as a preparatory measure, Professor Mark Allen from Durham University’s Department of Earth Sciences says.

#Tibet #Tibetearthquake


00:00Mark, having this geological knowledge that you have, is there anything authorities can
00:05do to prepare an area for such an event?
00:10As I say, we can't usefully and accurately predict when the next earthquake is going
00:15to appear, but we can make forecasts based on the geological background of an area, based
00:21on the past earthquake record. And authorities can use this information to decide what building
00:29codes should be in place, how big an earthquake is an area likely to face in the coming decades
00:37or 100 years or even 1,000 years, and then crucially they can enforce those building
00:42codes, because it's useless if the laws are there, but the people on the ground are not
00:46following them.
