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Hello everyone and welcome to another Tech Connect presented by Vision Forward Association! This Tech Connect is our Fast Facts on Maggie iVR, that means we skip past the basics and assume you already have experience with assistive technology terms, techniques and tools! On Fast Facts we trim out the fluff and musings so you can focus on all the exciting things that this wearable can do!

However, if you want more context, including controls, an in-depth explanation of each mode, development history, and overall industry impact, then maybe you should check out our Deep Dive on Maggie iVR! You can find that link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN2_fUtvfik

Today we are going to demonstrate the various modes of the low vision wearable: Maggie iVR! Our Assistive Technology Experts will explain this device's controls and then test just how well it preforms in a variety of situations! This includes: close-up and distance text, contrast and low light adjustments, and of course a television test. Perhaps most importantly we tested how this device feels to use for longer periods of time. Our Assistive Technology Experts are excited to share their findings with everyone.

0:00 Start
0:30 Testing Close-Up Text, Color Fidelity and Basic Magnification
1:30 Color Filter Options, Contrast Adjustment
2:30 Distance Reading, High Magnification, Color Negative
4:20 Contrast Sensitivity, Exaggerated Contrast via Exposure
5:53 Low Light Test, Adjusting Screen Brightness
7:25 Optimizing the built in Television Mode, also Computer Screen Test
9:10 Wrap-Up Review and Summary of Test Results
10:40 Upcoming Videos, Events, check our LMS for free ACVREP Credits!

If you have any additional questions about the Maggie iVR, or any other wearable magnifiers (like the eSight Go) please add those down in the comment section and we will endeavor to help!

Join us next time on Tech Connect, and be sure to leave your thoughts down in the comments below and ask plenty of questions!

Vision Forward's Tech Connect continues to bring you the information you need to make the most out of your devices. Our experts know there are many factors to consider, so if you have any follow up questions please post them in the comments and we will help you find the assistive tech that's best for you.

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"Joe from Accessibyte: A Simple Approach to Assistive Technology"
00:00Hi all, welcome back to another Tech Connect.
00:05We are taking a look at another electronic wearable device, the Maggi IVR.
00:12The Maggi IVR is one of the only devices using an iPhone as the brains of the operation.
00:18We will be running a number of tests, close up, distance, contrast, low light test, and
00:24also watching television.
00:26So stick with us and let's see how Maggi IVR performs.
00:29Alright, so we've got the phone in the headset and now we're going to launch the Maggi IVR
00:35app using the button at the front bottom.
00:38If you remember, we just set up the shortcut to do that, but now I am looking through the
00:42regular viewing mode and I am looking around and we're going to go ahead and do the close
00:46up test.
00:47For those who saw the eSight video, you may remember the classic book, I Love You More,
00:51Baby Saw.
00:52That's right.
00:53I didn't see how it ended.
00:54We never finished the ending.
00:56Well, maybe.
00:57I'm excited.
00:58Maybe not.
00:59So let's read the last page.
01:00Hopefully we won't ruin it for anybody.
01:01I'm going to go ahead and open the book.
01:02This is the same book we used for the eSight test and we'll take a look.
01:06I'm at 1x magnification so far.
01:09Colors are looking good.
01:10So I'm going to go ahead and start to zoom in here and yeah, I can say, see baby, you're
01:16the king of my heart.
01:17The best I'll ever find.
01:20That's nice of you.
01:21I know.
01:22Well, I was talking about the dinosaur.
01:23Oh, you were reading the book.
01:24I'll get that.
01:25So there's a mama dinosaur and there's a little baby dinosaur and they're having a great time.
01:29Let's go ahead and check out some of the colors that we have available here.
01:31So I'm going to hit the mode button and we will use the plus and minus to change the
01:36We have the grayscale.
01:37We have a white on black that isn't looking very good.
01:43All of these colors are looking very washed out, Corey.
01:45So I think we're going to have to make another adjustment, probably with the contrast.
01:49Let me hit the mode button here and we'll see if we can find what we need here.
01:56So here we go.
01:58So I just adjusted the contrast here and this is much better now.
02:03So the blacks are a lot blacker and the whites are a lot whiter and I have to say, Corey,
02:07we're not getting that noise issue that we had with the eSight.
02:11So we're actually, this mode actually looks better than it did with the eSight.
02:14Let's just see what other colors we've got here.
02:16So we've got the yellow on black.
02:18We've got a black on yellow, black on green, green on black, and then we are back to the
02:23grayscale again.
02:24So plenty of colors to choose from there and you can get them looking pretty nice.
02:31Distance test number one, action.
02:35So if you remember from our eSight video, we have, we like to have Corey standing with
02:39an eye chart so that I can zoom in and see what I can see from the distance.
02:43We are approximately 10 feet away currently and Corey is holding the eye chart in front
02:48of him.
02:49I'm at zero magnification and I can see the FP at the top of the chart and that is it.
02:54So let's get zooming.
02:56And here we are at plus six times, Corey, and I can read an F, P, L, P, E, D, E, D,
03:05F, C, Z, P, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C. Or is that a G?
03:10Something like that anyway.
03:12So that was the, let's see, fourth line down.
03:15It's kind of washed out at the moment and it is bouncing around a fair bit as well at
03:18this magnification.
03:19Definitely don't have the level of image stabilization of the eSight that we tried recently.
03:2417 times, L, E, F, O, D, P, C, T, and at the bottom, P, E, Z, O, L, C, R, T, D.
03:34Corey, I was not able to read that line with the eSight and so I managed to get all the
03:39way to the bottom this time.
03:41Let me see how far this actually goes up here.
03:42Okay, we go up to 20 times.
03:45So I was almost at the highest magnification, but surprisingly, even at this magnification,
03:50the image still stays surprisingly sharp.
03:53We're not getting a lot of that pixelization.
03:54Now, if I look at your face, Corey, some of the pixelization is a little bit more noticeable.
03:59Let me try out some of the different colors here just to see what those look like at distance.
04:03I will hit the mode button and I'm going to go ahead and choose the white on black again.
04:09And yeah, I mean, it looks really nice and white and really nice and black, if you see
04:14what I'm saying, and definitely is not having that same issue with noise that we had with
04:19the eSight.
04:21Time for contrast sensitivity test, one of one.
04:24Corey is holding up the chart with the numbers on that gets less and less contrasty as they
04:30go down the page and we need to adjust the contrast on the headset to see them.
04:34Now, Corey, instead of just pressing the plus button a bunch of times to zoom in, this time
04:39I'm going to hold it down because we can do that and get continuous zoom.
04:43So I'll go ahead and hold down the plus button and here we go, zooming in until I let go
04:47of it.
04:48And I'm going to wait until I can see a few of the lines here.
04:51Okay, so we'll stop here.
04:53I'm on 9.75 times.
04:56I can see the top line, 2, 3, 6, 3, 5.
04:59Next line down, 3, 9, 4, 1, 7.
05:01And the next line down, 1, 3, 8, 2, 6, but that one is getting a little bit faded and
05:05I know there are lines of numbers underneath there, but I can't currently see them.
05:10So let me go ahead and adjust the contrast here.
05:12I'm going to hit the mode button.
05:14I'm going to go and change the exposure settings.
05:17So let me go ahead and hit my button here until we get to the exposure settings.
05:22This will kind of adjust the amount of light that's coming in.
05:26It's kind of like dilating the pupil or shrinking the pupil down.
05:30Now I can see 6, 8, 9, 4, 5 and so that's another line down, but I can't see the bottom
05:36line at all.
05:37Let me just try zooming in just in case and no, the bottom line is invisible.
05:41So it doesn't seem to work quite as well as the eSight for the contrast sensitivity.
05:46However, I can see that you are able to make adjustments to the contrast to help make things
05:51pop a bit more.
05:52Okay, so it's time for the low light test and it's actually doing a good job already,
05:58So there's a couple of things that we could change here to make it even brighter.
06:01I'm going to go ahead and go into my exposure settings.
06:05This will change the amount of light that the aperture is letting in and I'm going to
06:10increase that and wow, this is really making a huge difference.
06:13I'm only on 35% here and it already seems like it's daytime.
06:18It's really quite bright.
06:19Let's just crank it all the way up to 100 just for funsies and yeah, wow, that's kind
06:24of crazy.
06:25It's just super bright now.
06:26I'm going to lower it back down to about 45% here and the other thing we can do, Corey,
06:31which we did with the eSight in the last test, is adjust the screen brightness too and so
06:34I'm going to go ahead and go to the screen brightness and crank that up to 100 and this
06:39is really looking super bright now.
06:41It's really dark in this room, but you could not tell if you were wearing this headset.
06:44I'll go ahead and zoom in here on what Corey is holding and I can see some shapes here.
06:49Let's identify them.
06:50I'm at 10.75 times magnification.
06:53I see a star.
06:54I see a smiley face.
06:55I see a moon.
06:56I see a heart.
06:57I see a house.
06:58I see a flag and at the bottom where the shapes are very small, let me see, an umbrella and
07:05I can't identify the other two things that look to be spherical, but in any case, in
07:10terms of the brightness of the image, this really is pretty impressive.
07:13Now it does look quite grainy and we had this with the eSight as well where it's trying
07:17to adjust for the low light and so the image definitely looks grainier than it would in
07:21the normal light.
07:24Okay, so it's time for the big television test.
07:26The television is something that a lot of people want to watch with their wearable device
07:31and how well does the Maggi IVR work in this regard?
07:33Well, let's find out.
07:35I'm about 15 or 20 feet away from a 65-inch TV and I'm going to go ahead and start to
07:39zoom in.
07:40Currently, I am at 0% contrast and I am at 30% exposure.
07:45I'm in the regular viewing mode and all the colors are looking very washed out.
07:49This is not ideal, this is not what we want, but luckily, we have adjustments that can
07:54be made and the first thing to do is go into the television mode.
07:57It's in the color menu and if we switch through to the television mode, instantly those colors
08:02have become dampened and everything is a lot less glary and washed out which is exactly
08:07what we want.
08:08So things are looking a lot better already.
08:10Now I actually think that further adjustments might make things even better.
08:14I'm going to go back into the menu, I'm going to get to the contrast or the exposure option
08:19here and we're going to adjust the exposure down to 0% and for me, I think that this gives
08:24the best image.
08:25The colors are not hyped at all, but I don't want them to be hyped.
08:29I want them to be natural and I don't want them to be super washed out and this for me
08:33is giving the best image.
08:35It really is pretty nice and clear, so I think this is practical in terms of image quality.
08:40I do like this one for the image quality and the color reproduction for watching television
08:45and I believe that they are actually adding an additional TV streaming box which is going
08:50to allow you to stream television directly from the TV into the headset which could make
08:54things even better as well.
08:56I'm not sure exactly when that's coming, but if you want to see something very similar,
09:00you can check out our video on the Vision Buddy which is another wearable device.
09:05So check that out.
09:06In the meantime, this is the past of television watching and it's time to get this thing wrapped
09:12We did our typical test that we do on wearable devices and ultimately, it did pass on all
09:18of them, but what is your final thoughts, Luke?
09:21What's your opinion?
09:24Image quality, good.
09:26Watching television, I thought it worked well for that, yeah.
09:29Good level of magnification, easy to control.
09:31They are coming out with a controller as well, I believe, Cory, from what Elizabeth said
09:36in our live show, but one bigger thing which makes it ultimately not work for me.
09:43It's uncomfortable to wear, like significantly uncomfortable for me to wear.
09:47Ultimately, that was definitely a deal breaker for me.
09:49It doesn't matter how good the device is functionally if it's uncomfortable to wear.
09:54But I really like that it's using the iPhone.
09:57I think that's a really cool idea.
09:59I think people have an iPhone already, so it's nice to be able to just buy the headset
10:04itself and just use your own personal phone for those times when you want a wearable electronic
10:10Yeah, for sure.
10:11I think that's one of the pluses for this headset, Cory, and hopefully they can make
10:14the headset just a little bit more comfortable to wear.
10:16And like we say on all of our wearable electronic demos, it's best to come and get hands-on.
10:22You know, it might be uncomfortable for you, but it might be comfortable for the next person.
10:27You might thought the colors were washed out or the yellow a little bit, totally different
10:31for somebody else.
10:33You just never know what you're going to get.
10:35And so that's why it's important to find a place where you can go and get hands-on with
10:39these devices and really find out which device is best for you.
10:44And with that being said, Cory, let's wrap this up.
10:46Cory, we have a learning management system where people can go and see webinars and earn
10:52on-demand ACVREP credits, as well as being able to see all of our previous YouTube videos,
10:58including the live ones and the produced ones.
11:00Cory, what would people do to find this treasure trove of information?
11:04They're going to head over to techconnect.vision-forward.org.
11:09That's techconnect.vision-forward.org.
11:12We got a lot of punctuation in there.
11:14If you want audio only versions, we do have it via a podcast.
11:18Just bring up your podcast app, do a search for Vision Forward Tech Connect, and you will
11:22find it.
11:23And you can enjoy audio only.
11:26And we also have a live show.
11:27Make sure to tune in for that every other Thursday, 11 a.m. Central.
11:31The last live show was with Joe Jorgensen from Accessibyte, so you can go ahead and
11:35check that one out.
11:37And we're not sure what the...
11:38I'm typing.
11:39He taught me how to type.
11:40He taught you how to type.
11:41That's what I'm doing.
11:43And the next one that's coming up, well, I'm not exactly sure what the topic is, but if
11:44you just check our channel, a week after this video releases, so the Thursday after this
11:49video releases, that will be our next live show.
11:52You can watch it from the homepage of our YouTube channel, youtube.com forward slash
11:56at Vision Forward Tech Connect.
11:58Come and check it out, and you can interact with us and have some fun.
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12:36With that being said, it's time to get out of here.
