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八点最热报 | 国内最近频频发生涉及重型车辆的交通事故,引起社会高度关注。交通部长陆兆福今天召开记者会宣布,交通部今年将推行七大措施,严格对付无视交通法规,以及超载上路的重型车辆。而其中一项重点措施,就是交通部将在今年第三季度,启用一项名为“高速动态称重”的系统,以实时和自动监测重型车辆的超载情况……(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30In fact, there is also an automatic test of the weight of the vehicle.
00:34Lu Zhaofu said that after the new system is implemented,
00:37as long as the vehicle is heavy,
00:39sensors under the road will automatically check the weight.
00:42Once the sensor detects that the vehicle is heavy,
00:46the law enforcement authorities can directly issue a fine.
00:49At the same time, the Ministry of Transportation will also improve
00:51the regular check procedure of the computer test center Puspacom
00:54to ensure that all vehicles meet safety standards.
00:58Lu Zhaofu, Minister of Transportation, held a press conference today
01:01and said that in addition to improving the regular check procedure of the computer test center Puspacom,
01:05the Ministry of Transportation will also set up a special team
01:07to fully address the safety issues of heavy vehicles.
01:10I want to make sure that this platform runs smoothly
01:14and is given a mandate to carry out implementation.
01:18Any steps that can be taken immediately must be carried out
01:22without having to do any research.
01:26Lu Zhaofu said that the problem of heavy vehicles has existed for decades,
01:30but the previous minister did not take this issue seriously or successfully.
01:34Therefore, he hopes that this time he can solve the problem of heavy vehicles
01:38because it is getting more and more serious.
