• 2 months ago

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00:00These could well be the last pictures of Milanese pedestrians with a cigarette to their lips in the Italian city.
00:06Milan has banned smoking outside from the 1st of January.
00:11Parks, pavements and also cafe and restaurant terraces fall under the ban.
00:16Almost all public spaces, unless one can stay 10 meters away from other people when lighting up.
00:22The city is determined to take on passive smoking. Among people, opinion is divided.
00:29I'm a smoker. I think the new law is excessive. For me, it limits a person's freedom.
00:35I only smoke electronic cigarettes. I'm quite in favor of this measure.
00:40However, in my opinion, outdoors, normal cigarettes don't bother much.
00:45I've never in my life been a smoker.
00:48I strongly agree with the ban because smoking causes a lot of pollution.
00:53Milan is Italy's most polluted city and authorities say tobacco products are responsible for 7% of particle emissions.
01:02They want to improve air quality ahead of the Winter Olympics the city is co-hosting next year.
01:08Smokers found to be in breach of the new law risk fines of up to 240 euros.
