Finding a bag full of money on Zeynep's birthday, who lives an ordinary life, changes her whole life. Deciding to use the money she found to leave her old life behind and give herself a rich image, Zeynep targets the eligible bachelor Onur Koksal and tries to attract both her and the Koksal family. However, Zeynep will see that entering the high society is not as simple as in fairy tales, nor is it easy to escape from her past.
CAST: Alina Boz, Taro Emir Tekin, Nazan Kesal, Müfit Kayacan, Mustafa Mert Koç, Hazal Filiz Küçükköse, Müfit Kayacan,
Okan Urun, Kadir Çermik, Tülin Ece, Baran Bölükbaşı, Bilgi Aydoğmuş
CAST: Alina Boz, Taro Emir Tekin, Nazan Kesal, Müfit Kayacan, Mustafa Mert Koç, Hazal Filiz Küçükköse, Müfit Kayacan,
Okan Urun, Kadir Çermik, Tülin Ece, Baran Bölükbaşı, Bilgi Aydoğmuş
00:00I'm nervous, Merih. Okay? I'm nervous.
00:02If you're nervous, you'll make a mistake.
00:04Keep calm. Calm down.
00:06Okay, but we have to get that money today.
00:08What if Bilge gives us the last minute?
00:10Then what are we going to do?
00:12What can he do? The account is clear.
00:14The team wants to pay in advance, we'll say.
00:16Okay, okay.
00:18Okay, okay.
00:20Okay, okay.
00:22Okay, okay.
00:24Okay, okay.
00:26Okay, okay.
00:28The team wants to pay in advance, we'll say.
00:30Besides, he doesn't give the money anyway.
00:38Do you believe we're going to get this application
00:40with this cheap labor?
00:42I'm not hopeful of these kids at all.
00:44That's why I'm asking.
00:46Honey, I'm sorry, but...
00:48Could you have hoped for this place from where you were?
00:52Step by step.
00:54I mean, if we think of everything at the same time,
00:56we can't do it.
00:58Look now.
01:00Turn inside.
01:02Calm down.
01:04And start loading Melis.
01:06Because with this worry,
01:08Bilge will leave you at that table.
01:12We didn't come here to pack up, Merih.
01:16Let's finish this.
01:26Let's go.
01:52Well, you know,
01:54these are more basic.
01:56Of course, because we just started working.
01:58No, I mean, in such a short time,
02:00you've come a long way. Congratulations.
02:04But we didn't talk about the budget.
02:06What should we do?
02:08I mean, I didn't want to squeeze you because of the situation.
02:10I was taking care of it.
02:12There was no hurry.
02:14Whenever it's appropriate.
02:16I'm always available.
02:18I can talk to the accountant right away if you want.
02:20Of course,
02:22it will be a separate account anyway.
02:24Your account can contact me.
02:28I'm going to break this bad habit,
02:30but I worked a little yesterday.
02:32I'll have some notes, if you'll excuse me.
02:34Of course, we're listening, Bilge, don't worry.
02:38the idea is already good.
02:40We've been together since the beginning.
02:42The application wasn't bad either.
02:46But it seems like a professional touch is needed.
02:48If you want,
02:50of course.
02:52Of course, of course.
02:54Of course, of course.
03:20I mean, we're aware of all these notes,
03:22but it's better that we're at the beginning.
03:24I understand, I understand, honey.
03:26I accept your arguments,
03:28but I insist on changing the design group.
03:30Because it's obvious that this team
03:32doesn't have this eye.
03:36Okay, okay.
03:38They'll work until they find a common interest.
03:40Honey, it's a waste of time.
03:44you see it too.
03:50After all, Paris School of Art
03:52has grown up.
04:02I remember it as fashion.
04:04Right, Melis?
04:08But I also got involved in this.
04:10And I made a surprise for you
04:12and invited a very good friend of mine here.
04:14I mean, it's going to raise the budget a little,
04:16but it's definitely worth it.
04:20he studied at the same school
04:22as you, Melis.
04:32Then I'll go meet him right away.
04:38Nice surprise.
04:40Very nice surprise.
05:12I had to run away to work
05:14before I got tired of my future wife's beauty.
05:30Good morning, Ms. Neslihan.
05:32The world is on fire outside.
05:34Even a piece of my rug
05:36is not on fire.
05:38God bless.
05:40Since when
05:42has my rug been in the interest of the family?
05:44Now it's time
05:46for your existential problems
05:48and your place, Neslihan.
05:50Don't tell me philosophy, dear.
05:52The company is falling apart.
05:54Mr. Onur is slowly
05:56cutting your veins.
05:58Are you crazy, dear?
06:00What happened, mom?
06:02Didn't his successful exit save you?
06:04What was his name?
06:08You're going to make fun of your brother.
06:10Wouldn't it be better
06:12if you supported him, dear?
06:14You know.
06:16You know that your father is more
06:18fond of male children than his daughters.
06:22What should we do?
06:24Should we be content with our fate?
06:26Should we be upset and cry
06:28because we have such a father?
06:32Be proud of your victory, mom.
06:34He has a job and he's a man.
06:42What rug?
06:44Is it time for a rug now?
06:46Pull yourself together.
06:48There's no time.
06:50What did you do?
06:52What did you find?
06:54There's nothing.
06:56Your father is going to host that wedding.
06:58He's working for it.
07:00He's working for us every second.
07:02Do you understand me?
07:04I understand.
07:06What do you understand?
07:08I understand very well.
07:10You came all the way here
07:12because you were worried about me.
07:14You're so silly.
07:16Your father was waiting for you.
07:22It's okay.
07:34I'm Zafer.
07:36I'm Nil.
07:40Nice to meet you.
07:42Ms. Bilge couldn't finish you off.
07:44Don't worry, I'm listening.
07:46I was so excited when
07:48Bilge told me about the project.
07:50It's been on my mind for a long time.
07:52I have a lot of ideas.
07:54How nice.
07:58You graduated from the same school as Melis.
08:02I was surprised too.
08:04I knew she was a great designer
08:06She caught my attention after Melis.
08:14Which year did you graduate from?
08:16You were in the same year.
08:18You didn't tell me, Bilge.
08:20I just realized it.
08:22You're in the same school.
08:24Don't meet each other.
08:26Sit at the same table.
08:28Isn't it weird?
08:30The world is so small.
08:32You're so lucky.
08:34You're a great student.
08:36Ms. Melis always tells me about you.
08:38Right, Ms. Melis?
08:40Come on.
08:42The school you graduated from.
08:44Paris School of Art.
08:46Old name?
08:48Sen Art School.
08:50Who was the most famous person at that time?
08:54Isn't this a lot of information?
08:56I know, isn't it enough?
08:58Network is everything.
09:00You'll meet someone.
09:02This is the school you graduated from.
09:04Come on.
09:06Okay, I'll remember.
09:12I studied fashion design.
09:14We had a class together.
09:16Mrs. Mathilde's class.
09:22Didn't you study at Paris School of Art?
09:26Yes, I guess it's different.
09:32No, no.
09:34Paris School of Art is a new name.
09:36But it's not usually known as a new name.
09:38It's called Sen Art School.
09:40Didn't you know?
09:42If you have a class together, you must have met.
09:44How many Turks will there be in a class?
09:48Can we meet outside for two minutes?
09:50I have something to tell you.
09:52I'm sorry.
09:56I'll be right back.
10:02Guys, what's going on?
10:10Look at me.
10:12I came here with my nails.
10:14I'm not ready for father's money like you.
10:16And it's not your place to set up such traps.
10:20Did you have fun?
10:22What are you saying?
10:24I don't understand.
10:26You understand very well.
10:28I have a need.
10:30What is your need?
10:32What do you mean?
10:34You found someone from school to lie to me.
10:38But I'll get my revenge.
10:40I'm so stupid.
10:42What revenge?
10:44Since you realized that I added a lie to my CV,
10:46why don't you come and ask me my need like a human being?
10:50But of course, our rich, spoiled girl
10:52would only turn this into a scene, right?
10:54But don't forget.
10:56I may not be from you,
10:58but I'm not stupid.
11:00I'll get my revenge.
11:20What happened?
11:26It was an emergency.
11:28He apologized.
11:32Why did he get angry?
11:34Do you think that's all?
11:36He's an artist, I guess.
11:38But it wasn't like that.
11:40He was very upset.
11:46Thanks to you, we held one of the weirdest meetings in history.
11:48I'm glad you're here.
11:50Even if nothing happened,
11:52something definitely happened.
11:54And I think we missed it.
12:02Yes, my dear.
12:04I never thought about you.
12:06I never worried about you.
12:10Keep believing this.
12:12Keep thinking like this, my dear.
12:14Sit down and cry.
12:16It's very interesting.
12:18It's really interesting.
12:20Whatever we did,
12:22we couldn't convince you that we loved you.
12:24It's very interesting.
12:32What did you do to me, mom?
12:34What did you do to me
12:36all my life?
12:40You slapped me in the hospital that day,
12:42to bring me to my senses.
12:44Thanks to my father,
12:46he slapped me.
12:48I came to my senses.
12:50I opened my eyes.
12:52I realized I was alive.
12:54Don't I always tell you?
12:56If you were with me about the victory,
12:58your father wouldn't be choosing him right now.
13:02You still say victory.
13:04Are you aware, mom?
13:08You still say support me.
13:10Are you aware of this?
13:12I tried my best.
13:16Did you live the life
13:18that Zafer lived one day?
13:20Huh? Did you travel?
13:22Did you have fun?
13:24Did you live my life, mom?
13:26For what?
13:28Did I live to see this treatment?
13:30Zafer Pasha got up now.
13:32He came to this age.
13:34He's setting up a ridiculous company.
13:36We get up as a family and applaud him.
13:40You did a great job.
13:44We blamed him for nothing.
13:46He didn't travel.
13:48He set up a company.
13:50Your father approved it.
13:54He approved it.
13:56Because he has honor.
13:58And you have victory.
14:02The good one wins.
14:04I'm not in this race anymore.
14:06From now on,
14:08I will look at my own life.
14:10You will look at your own life, right?
14:12I will look at my own life.
14:14Please, let's not argue anymore, mom.
14:16There is nothing we can understand
14:18by talking.
14:30All your success,
14:34and efforts
14:36have been in vain.
14:38You can sit
14:40comfortably now.
14:44Well done, Neslihan.
14:46Well done, girl.
14:48And pick up those balls from the floor.
14:50It's a blessing.
14:52It's a sin.
15:04I was waiting for you,
15:06but I couldn't think of such a lie from Nil.
15:08No, the girl is very good in her field.
15:10There are a lot of big companies in her reference.
15:14And he says you planned it specially.
15:16He's crazy.
15:20Did you want to test Melis?
15:22I didn't want to test anyone, Onur.
15:24At least you don't do it.
15:26I said let's hand it over
15:28to someone who will do his job right.
15:30And it happened.
15:34So he's not the one who will give his right.
15:40Are you comfortable with Melis?
15:46I hope she didn't get it wrong.
15:50what did I get wrong?
15:52What are you implying now?
15:56She didn't understand, don't be afraid.
15:58I said she's an artist.
16:00She didn't break down.
16:02Our precious Melis.
16:06your lies really pissed me off.
16:08I have enough problems.
16:10Let's not live in a stupid Nil crisis.
16:14Isn't it enough that they caused an unnecessary woman?
16:24Look at this.
16:26He ruined our whole business.
16:28You're aware, aren't you?
16:32But how did he fall into his own trap?
16:34I didn't notice it, you know?
16:36Then he fell into my trap.
16:38That's why I made you work so hard.
16:40A liar who didn't study
16:42falls apart in two questions.
16:44But there's no chance like this.
16:46I really started to believe
16:48in your destiny.
16:50And if I didn't have a black cloud like Vige,
16:52every stone would come out.
16:56We couldn't get the money because of him.
16:58So what?
17:00With the staff Vige wants to create,
17:02he's a software engineer from France.
17:04He's a designer from London.
17:06It's like he's hiring real estate agents.
17:14What happened? Did you get the money?
17:18Come on.
17:20I don't want to be a disaster,
17:22but it seems like a dream to me
17:24to get the money in a week.
17:28Should we evaluate
17:30the situation one more time?
17:32Don't be ridiculous, Merih.
17:34What? Should we shake hands with the mafia?
17:38They will shake hands with us, Aşko.
17:40Let's be thankful that we have an alternative.
17:42As far as I know,
17:44your halva will be roasted in a week.
17:46At least,
17:48you should learn what the Alps want.
17:54What will happen then, Merih?
17:56Let's learn what they want,
17:58shall we?
18:02Call Adonis.
18:10Okay, but it's a well-thought-out plan.
18:12Vige is in deep trouble.
18:14Let's see what's going on outside.
18:16There must be something we can do.
18:18You read my mind.
18:20You're learning.
18:22I guess.
18:28Can you imagine?
18:30He came to me,
18:32and he still supports Zafer.
18:34I will always support him.
18:36Is what he's doing ridiculous?
18:38I don't know.
18:40We need to look at a lot of things.
18:42His contract, his partners.
18:44That's not the point, Ümit.
18:46I know very well
18:48what your point is, Nesli.
18:50If you're awake enough to get out of the knife,
18:52I'll be happy for you.
18:54What should I do?
18:56Should I go and start a company myself?
18:58Do you think they'll applaud me like that?
19:00You opened your own restaurant.
19:02Did they applaud you, Ümit?
19:04Your father does his best to sink.
19:06It's been a long time
19:08since I stopped waiting for applause from them, Nesli.
19:10You see,
19:12I'm comfortable.
19:14If you leave it,
19:16then you'll find your own way.
19:18You can't change ours.
19:20You can change yourself.
19:22There's no other way out.
19:24He chose me
19:26as his life partner.
19:28What am I supposed to do if I don't go crazy from happiness?
19:30Neslihan Köksal.
19:32Or should we say Neslihan Gürman?
19:36It's a little sad,
19:38but I've already started to let go.
19:42Soon I will have
19:44surprises for you too.
19:46I felt
19:48a little bit of pain in my neck.
19:50Is that normal?
19:54Of course.
19:56That's it.
19:58One way of thinking.
20:00It's nice to see your mind
20:02working in between.
20:04Brother, what exactly
20:06do you want from us?
20:08It's easy.
20:10It's a small thing.
20:12The Köksals will take over
20:14the logistics department.
20:16In the name of our employee,
20:18they will take over
20:20from there.
20:22In the name of our employee,
20:24they will take over from there.
20:26That's all.
20:28Brother, how can I do that?
20:30It's all up to you.
20:32You're our guest here
20:34until you take care of this.
20:38Come on,
20:40call your girlfriend.
20:42Tell her everything.
21:12You must be crazy.
21:14I can't do such a thing.
21:16I say they keep me here
21:18until you take care of this.
21:22I say they keep me here
21:24until you take care of this.
21:40You can do it.
21:42No, I can't do it.
21:44Acting like a rich man
21:46is one thing,
21:48but how can I get into that room?
21:50What if I get caught?
21:52You can do it.
21:54We have no other choice.
21:56The victory comes early.
21:58We don't have an alternative.
22:00We don't have an alternative.
22:02I don't mind,
22:04but you can't leave the Alps half way.
24:06What are you doing at this hour?
24:12I'm so sorry.
24:14I was scared.
24:16I was scared.
24:18What will I do if I get caught?
24:22You say you lost your earring.
24:24My earring?
24:26I lost my earring.
24:28It was something left from my mother.
24:30It has a spiritual value.
24:32I wanted to come and look for it.
24:34I wish you had called me.
24:36I would have looked for it.
24:38You're right.
24:40I wish I had called you,
24:42but I realized it too late.
24:44I thought you were all gone.
24:46I thought you were all gone.
24:48I'm sorry.
24:50I should have called you.
24:52It's okay.
24:54Did you drop it here?
24:58No, I didn't drop it here.
25:00I don't know.
25:02I look everywhere I go.
25:04I don't know if I'm lost.
25:06Let's look together.
25:08So you can relax.
25:10Did you look in the meeting room?
25:14I didn't dare to look there.
25:16You have to look there.
25:20You're scared.
25:22Yes, it's dark at night.
25:28Can I get a cocktail without alcohol?
25:34What a coincidence.
25:40What was the meeting today?
25:42Actually, it's good that we met.
25:44Can we talk?
26:02Where should we start?
26:12I'll turn on the light.
26:44You're scratching your ear while thinking.
26:50Maybe you dropped it.
26:56I rarely do.
26:58I know.
27:06I wish I was as careful as you.
27:08Maybe I wouldn't have lost it then.
27:12Didn't you sit here at the meeting?
27:18Let's look there.
27:20Is that it?
27:24I got it.
27:28What happened?
27:30It's okay.
27:32Are you okay?
27:34I'm fine.
27:40Let's go.
27:42I'll help you.
27:46You didn't come.
27:56Did you come by car?
27:58You know my car in the evening traffic.
28:06Can I leave you?
28:10I don't want to bother you.
28:12It's okay.
28:14Enjoy it.
28:16Enjoy it.
28:18Let's go.
28:26Actually, it wasn't on the way.
28:28I wish I had taken a taxi.
28:30We're tired of you.
28:32That's enough, right?
28:36How was the meeting?
28:38Didn't Bige tell you anything?
28:40I asked how you feel.
28:42I don't know.
28:44I don't know.
28:46It was fun for me.
28:50I'm just a little sad for Nila.
28:54It seemed like she was lying about school.
28:58Didn't Bige say anything?
29:00She was in shock.
29:02She didn't think such an unconscious lie could be told.
29:16Isn't that courage?
29:20Putting the whole thing on a lie.
29:24She was very successful in her job.
29:26If she was successful in her job, she would have announced her name with her job.
29:30Do you really approve of it?
29:38Of course not.
29:44I'm just trying to understand that.
29:46Because as far as I can see, they prefer to look at the label more than the content.
29:50She had to decorate her luggage to prove herself.
29:54What's wrong with that?
29:56After all, talent is not a lie.
29:58A lie is a lie.
30:00Look, it turned out.
30:02What happened?
30:04Talent is ruined.
30:06What did she win?
30:10At least no one questions their talents anymore.
30:16No, because as far as I can see, Zafer is doing things you don't approve of to prove himself.
30:22We all try to be seen.
30:26Do you think it's normal to be ridiculous?
30:28Haven't you ever been ridiculous?
30:30I weigh the results.
30:36What if life doesn't make sense?
30:40What do you do then?
30:42How can such a thing be possible?
30:44I don't know.
30:46You're the one who found love.
30:48They say love doesn't make sense.
30:52Is this your question?
30:58I'll tell you when I find love.
31:08Okay, brother.
31:10We'll pay.
31:12How can we be here?
31:14Will you die if you are patient?
31:16Do I have to deal with you?
31:18I'm actually dealing with you.
31:20Come on.
31:22I'm coming.
31:24Come on.
31:26Look at this.
31:28Did you see, dad?
31:30I told you he was going to put us in front of the door.
31:32Shut up.
31:34Don't make me angry.
31:36Don't yell at my mom.
31:38My aunt has money.
31:40She'll pay the rent.
31:42Tell my mom.
31:46What did Zeynep tell you?
31:50What did she say?
31:52Tell me.
31:54Don't make me angry.
31:56She'll pay the rent.
31:58We won't be on the street.
32:08Where does this water come from?
32:10I don't know.
32:18I smell it.
32:34Did you make it?
32:36Don't yell.
32:38I'm already angry.
32:40I was about to be caught by Onur.
32:46You said doll, I said doll.
32:48Then we called the doll together.
32:50Did you call the doll together?
32:52In the empty office?
32:58Did you talk to Adonis?
33:00Will they leave?
33:02They won't leave until they get to the office.
33:04No problem.
33:10I have great news for you.
33:12Your crazy Bige... caught while hunting.
33:16Nil got mad at me.
33:18She said she had fun with me.
33:20If you give her a spoon of water, she'll drown.
33:22I wish there was water.
33:24You wish.
33:26It happens when you wish.
33:30This woman knows a big secret of Bige.
33:32If it comes out, the pot will explode.
33:34Don't be ridiculous.
33:36And guess who this great strategist...
33:38...gave this secret to?
33:40Don't say it.
33:44Don't be ridiculous.
33:46What is Bige's secret?
33:50When I decided... take the wheel of my life...
33:54...I knew I wouldn't take an easy path.
34:00I knew I would pay the price.
34:04I knew I would live in disappointment.
34:08I knew I would die.
34:12I knew I would die.
34:16I knew I would die.
34:20I knew I would die.
34:26I knew I would be tested with loneliness.
34:32I knew I would have to take the paths I didn't want.
34:34I knew I wouldn't be able to escape them.
34:38Instead of getting lost in the pain I know...
34:40...I went on the road, hoping I could find a way...
34:42...if I took a look at what I didn't know.
34:48I didn't keep you waiting, did I?
34:50Please, have a seat.
34:58Yes, Nil.
35:00Tell me.
35:02What is so special and important about Bige?
35:08I'm listening carefully.
35:14I don't know how to start.
35:16Bige and I know a few things.
35:26I don't intend to get lost in anyone's pit.
35:32I won't stop until I reach my goal.
35:42I found a code that will change the whole game.
35:44If you're curious, call me.
35:54No matter how long and dark the tunnel I enter is...
36:04...either I will find a way, or I will open a way.
36:06I have no other alternative.
36:14They took the man to work.
36:16Now they took me.
36:18I turned my table upside down once.
36:20I won't sit at that table again...
36:22...until I set up my own tale.
36:44I don't know how to start.
36:46I don't intend to get lost in anyone's pit.
36:48If you're curious, call me.
36:50I won't stop until I reach my goal.
36:52I have no other alternative.
36:54I turned my table upside down once.
36:56I won't sit at that table again...
36:58...until I set up my own tale.
37:00I thought about what we talked about Melis.
37:02I haven't thought of anything else since that day.
37:12You were right.
37:14But I can't act like others.
37:16I can't act like others.
37:18I can't act like others.
37:20I can't act like others.
37:22I can't act like others.
37:24I can't act like others.
37:26I can't act like others.
37:28I'm good.
37:30You're good?
37:34I'm glad we're like-minded this time.
37:36I'm glad we're like-minded this time.
37:40I've ever lived a dog-like love.
37:42I've ever lived a dog-like love.
37:46Melis doesn't have a temporary jealous!
37:48Melis doesn't have a temporary jealous!
37:50I am sure
37:52I'm sure
37:54Don't worry.
37:56Don't worry.