Lentils Fraud Case Registered By Police: రైతుల అవసరాలు, అమాయకత్వాన్ని ఆసరాగా చేసుకొని పంటల కొనుగోలు సమయంలో దళారులు చేస్తున్న ఘరానా మోసం రైతుల చొరవతో తూనికలు, కొలతల శాఖ తనిఖీల్లో బట్టబయలైంది. దీనితో కందుల కొనుగోళ్లలో అక్రమాలకు పాల్పడిన వారిని పలు సెక్షన్లపై కేసు నమోదు చేశారు.
00:00Some farmers, with the help of a small amount of Rs. 700 from Ramanjani,
00:08went to a broker named Surya Narayana and asked for a loan.
00:13They put a chip in a machine, put a remote in it,
00:16and used it to mutate 50 kgs of grass to 60 kgs of grass.
00:21A farmer had a doubt and asked for the same amount of grass.
00:25He got more than 10 kgs of grass.
00:27The broker told us that there was a fraud in the loan.
00:30The farmer cheated us by saying that he could mutate grass from 15 kgs to 20 kgs.
00:35If we hadn't taken 70 kgs of grass,
00:38Aishwaran and Kanduran would have filed a case against us.