• last year
Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (Gaikindo) berharap target penjualan mobil hingga satu juta unit tahun depan bisa tercapai. Sekretaris Umum Gaikindo Kukuh Kumara mengatakan, pebisnis otomotif sampai sekarang masih menunggu kepastian pemerintah mengenai rencana penerapan PPN 12%.

Guna mendukung target tersebut, Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Agus Gumilang Kartasasmita menyampaikan, pemerintah menyiapkan skema insentif untuk industri otomotif yang meliputi pembebasan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) dan diskon Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah (PPnBM) Ditanggung Pemerintah (DTP).

Insentif PPN dan PPnBM ini ditujukan untuk berbagai jenis kendaraan roda empat, baik itu mobil listrik, mobil hybrid, dan mobil konvensional atau internal combustion engine (ICE).

Namun sejauh ini, Menperin belum menjelaskan lebih lanjut besaran insentif dan kepastian waktu berlakunya kebijakan tersebut. Yang terang, ujar Agus, rencana pemberian insentif pajak ini dibahas pemerintah guna mendorong daya beli masyarakat.


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00:13Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwangkarta Sasmita stated that
00:17the government is preparing an incentive scheme for the automotive industry
00:21as part of the implementation of the increase in value tax of 12% next year.
00:27The incentive scheme is used to boost the purchasing power of the people
00:31in the middle of the economic slowdown
00:33which is marked by the new car sales throughout the year 2024.
00:42The efforts of the national automotive industry are continued to be supported by the government.
00:46One of them is through the plan of the fiscal incentive scheme
00:49which targets various types of cars.
00:52Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwangkarta Sasmita stated
00:56the government is preparing an incentive scheme for the automotive industry
00:59which includes the release of the increase in value tax or PPN
01:02as well as the discount of the sales tax on luxury goods in the government's responsibility or PPN-BM-DTP.
01:09The PPN and PPN-BM incentives are aimed at various types of four-wheel drive vehicles
01:14such as electric cars, hybrid cars, and conventional cars or internal combustion engines.
01:20However, so far, the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwangkarta Sasmita has not explained in more detail
01:23the magnitude of the incentive and the certainty of the time when the policy was implemented.
01:27Because the plan of the tax incentive scheme
01:29is discussed by the government to boost the purchasing power of the people
01:32in the middle of the economic slowdown
01:33which is marked by the new car sales throughout the year 2024.
01:39Separately, Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Susi Wiono Bugiarso said
01:44the government is evaluating the analysis of the impact of the incentive
01:48on the economic sectors as a whole.
01:51This decision is made so that the government is not wrong in making a decision
01:55regarding the implementation of PPN 12% next year.
02:00In addition, Susi Wiono made sure that the tax incentive scheme
02:04will not be opposed to the PPN 12% tariff policy
02:08to be above luxury goods next year.
02:11According to her, this incentive scheme is specifically carried out in sectors
02:14that have a large contribution to the economy
02:17and directly affects the welfare of the people
02:20and has been running for the past few years.
02:50Thank you for your time.
02:52Now, we have Mr. Kuku Kumara,
02:55Secretary-General of the Indonesian Motor Vehicle Industry Association or GAIKINO.
02:58Hello, Mr. Kuku. How are you?
03:00I'm fine, thank you.
03:02I hope to see you again on IDX Channel.
03:04Thank you for your time.
03:07Mr. Kuku, let's start with a review from the perspective of entrepreneurs.
03:11What do you think of the automotive industry's climate right now,
03:15especially in terms of sales?
03:17Please, Mr. Kuku.
03:19Yes, it's good. Actually, we hope there will be improvements.
03:23It turns out that we have to make a correction in 2024.
03:26We are hit by a decrease in sales.
03:31Although in 2023, we have reached
03:34up to 1 million units sold in 2023.
03:40But the decrease process has been in 2023 since September.
03:45But fortunately, we can still survive up to 1 million.
03:48Then, in 2024, we welcome it with optimism.
03:54Until August, the situation is still quite interesting.
04:00But then again, in September, we decreased again.
04:05The indication is already there.
04:08And we try to survive.
04:09We hope that by the end of the year, it can still grow.
04:12But in reality, we have to be careful to correct
04:17the target or projection of sales in 2024.
04:21That is, we decrease from what we originally hoped to sell 1.1 million units per year.
04:27It turns out that whether we want it or not, we have to correct it to 850 units for 2024.
04:33That's it, Mr. Pras.
04:35From 1 million units to 850,000 units.
04:39If you look at it, Mr. Kuku, actually,
04:42the most fundamental problem related to productivity
04:46and the number of automotive or car sales is in which part, Mr. Pras?
04:51So, if you look at the sales, it's quite heavy.
04:55The decrease to 850 is quite sharp.
04:58But actually, Indonesia is not alone.
05:00Because neighboring countries are experiencing the same thing.
05:04Even, for example, Thailand as one of our competitors,
05:10it has to correct what it used to be about 800,000 to 850,000.
05:16As far as I know, they corrected it to only 550 for domestic sales.
05:21What's interesting is that Malaysia is able to survive.
05:25It even increased and changed the position of Thailand, which was Malaysia's number three.
05:32Now Malaysia is number two.
05:34Thailand is down to third place.
05:36Alhamdulillah, Indonesia is still number one, even though it has been corrected.
05:41Alright. Mr. Yanis, from your perspective,
05:44with the potential of our automotive industry until the end of 2022,
05:49I remember that the sales of cars from January to November
05:51were quite deep, double-digit, 14.7% wholesale.
05:55Then, the retail sales were 11.2%, Mr. Yanis.
06:00So, this is actually a continuation of the COVID-19 case yesterday,
06:06then added to the uncertainty of the global geopolitics.
06:11And what's interesting is the escalation of deflation,
06:17which made the automotive market the largest in the middle-income class,
06:25with around 48 million people in Indonesia.
06:30And now, 16.5% of the middle-income class is going down.
06:37It's going down to low.
06:40So, the purchasing power is actually going down.
06:44So, we are actually in the middle-income track,
06:47which seems to be getting bigger and bigger.
06:52And as a result, the purchasing power of the people is getting lower,
06:55they can't afford to buy vehicles.
06:57And fortunately, actually, in October, November, until December,
07:03Gaikido made a lot of promo programs, Mr. Goko.
07:06Which frankly, this is a reduction in sales.
07:09But in the end, sales became a lot.
07:12Because this is very important, because frankly, since 2017,
07:15if I'm not mistaken, if I'm not correct,
07:18actually, the capacity of the industry installed in Indonesia is only 60% running,
07:22it's not optimal yet.
07:24Now it's going down again, sir.
07:26This is actually the potential danger.
07:30If this keeps going down this year,
07:32and next year there is no macroeconomic increase in Indonesia,
07:36what is feared is PHK.
07:39Maybe that's the picture.
07:40Okay, okay.
07:41What strategy has been prepared by Pak Kukuh to cope with the previous condition?
07:45Is there a huge potential discount given at the end of the year
07:50to be able to boost sales again,
07:52even though the target of Gaikido itself has been reduced from 1.1 to 850,000 units in 2024?
08:00Yes, okay.
08:02So as Mr. Yanis said earlier,
08:05one of the efforts of Gaikido is to do the exhibition activities.
08:10So this is continuous profit.
08:12However, this exhibition is not just an exhibition.
08:15We also cooperate with the local government.
08:18And the local government is also committed to providing some kind of incentive.
08:22If they buy a vehicle at the time of the event,
08:25they get a discount, whether it's the BPNKB and so on.
08:30It also contributes to the purchase of motorized vehicles.
08:32Why? The local government, especially in Java,
08:37their PAD is mostly between 60-70%.
08:43It depends on the tax paid by the motorized vehicles.
08:47This is what is interesting.
08:48On the other hand, what is not stopped by the members of Gaikido
08:52is to do cost efficiency, engineering efficiency, and so on.
08:59And this is difficult and difficult.
09:01Because for example, to reduce the cost of only one dollar,
09:05the effort is extraordinary.
09:07However, it is then challenged by a fairly high increase in taxes.
09:12This is the effort that was done by the factory and the supplier.
09:17It doesn't have much impact.
09:22Because we are trying to save.
09:24Then there is geopolitical, the cost of logistics increases,
09:28the taxes increase. This is also quite difficult.
09:31Okay, so efficiency, cost production,
09:33then it's quite ambitious to hold exhibitions,
09:37collaborating with the government.
09:38But on the other hand, do you see this as a strong policy
09:42to close the year 2024 and then face the year 2025?
09:47Hold on, the answer is Mr. Koko and Mr. Yanis.
09:49We will pause for a moment.
09:50And viewers, make sure you are still with us.
10:00Market Review
10:10You are still watching Market Review, I am Mirsa.
10:13Next, we will once again present data for you
10:15related to the sale of car wholesales.
10:17Throughout 2016 to 2023,
10:22you can see the complete data on your television screen.
10:25So, the movement of the sale of car wholesales in Indonesia
10:28for our domestic market in 2022 to 2023,
10:33as Mr. Koko has said,
10:35still recorded 1 million units for our wholesale sales.
10:40Then in 2024, which was supposed to be 1.1 million,
10:44unfortunately it had to be revised to 850,000 units
10:49due to the challenges of our economy,
10:52purchasing power, and so on.
10:54Next, we look at the domestic car sales.
10:56Let's compare the January-November 2023 period
10:59and the January-November 2024 period.
11:04Okay, we can see that the wholesale sales and retail sales
11:08are both decreasing.
11:09If we look at the performance in 2024,
11:13as mentioned earlier,
11:14the wholesale sales are down 14.7% annually,
11:18and the retail sales are down 11.2% annually.
11:22Okay, we will continue our discussion with Mr. Koko Kupara.
11:26General Secretary of Gaikindo,
11:27and then Mr. Ianes Pasaribu,
11:29Automotive Specialist at the Bandung Institute of Technology.
11:31Okay, Mr. Koko has touched on some of the data that has been mentioned earlier.
11:36Yes, it is indeed quite difficult
11:38when it comes to revising the sales figures for our automotives in 2024
11:44from 1.1 million to 850,000 units.
11:48Now, this is what Mr. Ianes is concerned about
11:50with the current economic conditions.
11:53Is there a potential opportunity?
11:56Again, if we are talking about the workforce,
12:00is there a potential for households or PHK, Mr. Koko?
12:05Yes, of course, we cannot lose that potential.
12:09So, if we look at the previous period,
12:12during the 2020 pandemic,
12:17the sales dropped to 550,000 units.
12:21At that time, we were grateful that the government quickly accepted
12:26and issued a policy at that time, PPNB-MDTP.
12:30So, in 2021, the policy was issued
12:33and it was able to increase the previous 550,000
12:36to almost 900,000 units sold in the next year,
12:41in 2021, from March.
12:44And that policy had a positive impact
12:47because the government at that time gave a request
12:52to the PHK and its members
12:54not to have a PHK because there was a pandemic at that time
12:58and then the sales also dropped
12:59and then there was no mobility activity and so on.
13:03Not to have one PHK,
13:06secondly, not to have a closed factory
13:08and thirdly, at that time, I still remember
13:12that the PHR was fully paid.
13:14The burden was extraordinary.
13:16Now, this case is repeated again now.
13:18Our sales are declining.
13:20If this is kept silent,
13:22then there is a potential for it to continue to decline.
13:25Earlier, Mr. Yannes also said that
13:27the production capacity is still not optimal.
13:31As far as I remember, it was around 60-70% that was optimal.
13:35Even if it was normal, at that time it was 53% that was used.
13:40So, we have quite a high potential.
13:42Well, the problem is whether it can be optimized or not.
13:46Well, if we look at it, we have potential there.
13:48I once said that actually our market for new cars is 1.1 million.
13:54It turns out that by decreasing the purchasing power,
13:57the middle class, the great group that is now
14:01it shifts.
14:03They still need vehicles, but the alternative is used cars.
14:07Well, there is no industry for used cars.
14:10It turns out that after the market was surveyed, it was no less than 1.8 million.
14:15What does it mean? The total market for four-wheel drive cars
14:18is one new car, 1 million, then 1.8 million, 2.8 million.
14:23Unfortunately, the 1.8 million does not affect the industry.
14:26It has no impact on the additional value of the national economy.
14:31This is what needs to be looked for.
14:35Is it by learning from the previous year,
14:37with the existence of stimulus, BPNB, MDTP?
14:40Because this car is no longer a luxury group,
14:43but for certain car groups,
14:45the price of 300 million is used for economic activities too.
14:51This is what should also be maintained,
14:53because the chain is long, the ecosystem is long,
14:56and this also involves a lot of MSMEs.
14:59That's it, Mr. Pras.
15:00Okay, Mr. Yannis, it's interesting too.
15:02If it has been said earlier, the government has promised to provide BPN incentives.
15:06Then there is BPNBM, DTP, next year also for the automotive industry.
15:11Can you compare the current pressure conditions at the end of 2024, Mr. Yannis?
15:20The regulations will only start next year.
15:23We don't know when that will be.
15:26The industry cannot make a plan based on a promise.
15:33Hmm, okay.
15:34And what is certain, next year, the increase in capital must be.
15:41And we don't forget either,
15:43if you look at the US policy now, it looks like the rate will go up again.
15:49And if you look at our vehicle, the pressure is around 20-55%.
15:57It means that the rest is imported.
16:00And the price of this supply chain will increase.
16:03It means that in the middle of an unclear economy, the price will go up,
16:08then the country's debt rate will fall,
16:11then the rate will go up,
16:14then the price will go down,
16:16and it will be easier to import EVs now.
16:21This will further accelerate the automotive industry in local Indonesia.
16:29Okay, okay.
16:30A challenge that is quite interesting to discuss.
16:31Mr. Kuku, what do you think about it?
16:34There is an increase in GDP, as you have said,
16:36it will be a challenge.
16:37Then there will be an increase in GDP by 12% next year.
16:42Then the US dollar, which has potential, will also increase again
16:45when it hits or weakens our currency exchange value.
16:49The potential of steel will also increase, right, Mr. Kuku?
16:53Don't forget, BBNKB.
16:55BBNKB, as he said.
16:56It's an option.
16:57Mr. Kuku, please.
16:59Yes, it's quite obvious.
17:00We have just taken a breath,
17:04we are a little relieved.
17:05There are new challenges.
17:08Mr. Yanis said that BBNKB is an option.
17:12It's the 2022 law,
17:14and it will take effect on January 5, 2025.
17:18We are confused about which scenario we want to use.
17:23From the outside, there are many challenges,
17:25now from the inside, it's the same.
17:27We have said this in several communications with the regional government,
17:32because they are the ones who have the potential to implement the option policy.
17:35If it is still implemented,
17:37we have given a kind of warning,
17:42what is it? Indications.
17:44Don't let the income increase.
17:46If the sales go down,
17:48in the end, the income from the regional government will also go down.
17:52Because who wants to buy a car?
17:55While our scenario is,
17:57if the volume increases,
17:59then the sales will increase, the economy will move.
18:02And don't forget, there are 1.5 million people who work,
18:04especially in West Java, for example.
18:06If the sales go down,
18:09as Mr. Yanis said,
18:11there is a potential for a reduction in sales, for example.
18:15Reduction in sales is not a reduction in labor.
18:18That's what we don't want.
18:20Because if it happens,
18:22it's not easy to get it back.
18:24Because in the motor vehicle industry,
18:26what is needed is people with high skills.
18:30It's not easy to replace it again if it's taken up again.
18:33There needs to be time to create workers
18:38who have competent skills.
18:40Because this is related to safety and so on.
18:44Mr. Kuku, what kind of optimism will be built later?
18:51And how strong is the resilience of our automotive industry in 2025
18:56if we can call it the hope that will be built?
19:01We still want to keep creating hope.
19:06This is also interesting,
19:08some institutions and governments
19:10have asked us to look for,
19:12for example,
19:14there was an indication that there would be incentives or stimulus.
19:18Whether it's from the central government or the regional government.
19:21Then also active from other institutions,
19:24such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
19:26Let's look for new markets abroad, for example.
19:29To increase exports.
19:31For example, we are trying to address the issue
19:34that arises with our exports to Mexico.
19:37It can make Mexico a hub to export to other countries in South America, for example.
19:45The Caribbean and so on.
19:47We still keep it and invite our members.
19:52Because this is not just from Indonesia,
19:55but from the principle,
19:57it also plays a role in developing this.
19:59We know that
20:01our competitors are also experiencing the same thing.
20:03They are having difficulties.
20:05Thailand, the domestic market.
20:07Even there, there are already three factories that have been closed
20:09and may increase.
20:11This is a kind of warning for us.
20:13Don't let this happen again.
20:15Because Indonesia actually needs
20:17a grand design of the motor vehicle industry in Indonesia.
20:22What will it be like in the future?
20:24We can't just look at the short term.
20:26We need to see the grand design cover up to 20-30 years ahead.
20:31Okay, we will also develop electric vehicles.
20:34We have to develop it domestically.
20:36But we also have to go with vehicles
20:38whose industry has grown here for a long time.
20:41We also know what Greenville is.
20:45And also Green Vehicles,
20:47or New Energy Vehicles
20:49that can make use of palm oil,
20:53can make use of, for example, ethanol.
20:57That's what we have to grow and develop.
20:59Which is currently already underway.
21:01That's it.
21:03So there are still many challenges
21:05that may eventually have to sit together.
21:07Government, business actors,
21:09to discuss what kind of mitigation steps
21:11need to be taken,
21:13for the long term.
21:15Not just for 2025.
21:17Or in 2025,
21:19we will make a strong policy
21:21to look at the next year.
21:23Okay, Mr. Kuku, unfortunately our time is limited.
21:25Thank you very much for your time,
21:27sharing and updating information
21:29related to the automotive sector in 2025.
21:31Mr. Yanes, thank you for the analysis
21:33and data that you have provided to the audience.
21:35And continue your activities.
21:37See you again.
21:39Stay healthy, Mr. Kuku.
21:41You're welcome.
21:43Hopefully we will grow.