• letztes Jahr
Maretas Tochter kommt bei den Christchurch-Erdbeben vom Februar 2011 ums Leben. Die trauernde Mutter nimmt einen Job als Aushilfslehrerin an einer Elite-Schule an. Im neuseeländischen Film Tina findet sie dort verunsicherte und Hilfe suchende junge Menschen vor, denen sie wieder Vertrauen in die Zukunft geben möchte. Zuerst finden die Schüler ihre Methoden ungewöhnlich, doch schnell finden sie Vertrauen zu der neuen Lehrerin.


00:00Mum, please, can you help me warm up?
00:04Okay, breathe.
00:19We need to show that you're at least trying to make your situation better.
00:22Or they're going to take your benefit, you're going to lose your power,
00:24poo your pants and then I have to come clean it up.
00:27It's yuck.
00:31At Francis, our standards are extremely high.
00:34The person we're after needs to be a little bit more like us.
00:38When you walked into the interview, I thought,
00:40now here's someone that can offer my kids something different.
00:44That's what I came to discuss.
00:46I'm starting a school choir.
00:49You want to rub your hands together like this.
00:51You can tell me what choir's about.
00:53Singing? Yeah.
00:55Okay, that's a work in progress.
01:04If you disrespect the master, you exercise.
01:06Your power.
01:07This is a teaching institution.
01:10Otherwise you'd get the jandal.
01:12With love, of course.
01:14I wanted to tell you guys about a national choir competition called the Big Sing.
01:18I think you should do it.
01:21What is this?
01:22They're a bunch of spoiled rich kids that have everything they could ever want.
01:25You don't know them.
01:27You can't just throw some Sunday school group together and sing Kumbaya.
01:31You felt that I could give these kids something.
01:34This is that something.
01:36I want you to promise me that you will not stop singing.
01:41Focus on the breaths around you.
01:43The space between us.
01:45It connects us.
01:47To our choir, our family, to our community.
01:52She's now gone.
01:54I see her in every kid that you've ever taught.