Art et designTranscription
00:00George, George, George of the jungle, strong as he can be
00:06Watch out for the tree
00:08George, George, George of the jungle, he'll collect the seeds
00:14Watch out for the tree
00:16When he gets to the scrape, he makes his escape with the help of his friend
00:19And then he faked it away, he's trapped by his elephant shell
00:22Magnolia and Ursula stay inside
00:25George, George, George of the jungle, friend to you and me
00:30C'est parti pour l'escalade
01:00Got it, just one more
01:04Dirty bacon hairbrush
01:05That's enough for the day
01:07We'll finish my jungle taste report tomorrow
01:12Making a dough eating makes George hungry
01:14Me too
01:16What to eat, what to eat, what to eat
01:19Mystery berries
01:21Eh, had for breakfast
01:23Squash and beans
01:25Had for lunch
01:27Walker zebra
01:28Patrick, good friend
01:31Hey, what's that convenient noise?
01:40What's the big deal? It's just a dumb banana tree
01:51Ha, forgive them
01:53Don't you know how important bananas are to all ape kind?
01:58This film will show you the delicious world of bananas
02:01Warning, you will get wet
02:03From your own drool
02:06Seriously though, pay attention
02:09Bananas, our most precious resource and our yummiest friend
02:15Like apes, no two bananas are the same
02:19Bananas were first discovered in the sacred banana mating ground
02:23Let's explore the three reasons we must protect these wonderful yellow mouth ticklers
02:29Reason one
02:30Bananas are delicious
02:32Eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight snack, brunch, elevensies
02:38Daytime, supper, dejeuner, hypoglycemic snacks, regular snacks, post snack snack snacks
02:44Pre-dinner, post lunch, pre-snack snack
02:46Post lunch
02:48The second reason bananas are our most precious resource
02:52They're not just for eating
02:54You can use bananas as antiperspirant
02:58Distress beacons
03:02Loyal and fun pets
03:05Nothing says I love you like a banana
03:09And the third reason bananas are so important
03:12They're just so darn banana-y
03:17Every time
03:19You never knew
03:20That banana's so amazing
03:24It's bananas!
03:37Glad you finally understand what bananas mean to us apes
03:47Hey! It's a piece!
03:49Maybe we should try it with more bananas!
03:59I call it the Thought Doer
04:02You know what George thought to me right now?
04:07It was a little far
04:10Now me!
04:20Sky bananas taste even better than normal bananas!
04:24You're just wasting them now
04:26Bananas can run out you know
04:28Hey! I'm a scientist
04:30Natural resources can't run out
04:33I'm a scientist
04:35I'm a scientist
04:37Natural resources can't run out
04:39It's impossible!
04:48What happened?
04:50I think we ate too many bananas
04:53Just bones left
04:58What have you done?
05:00You used up all the bananas?
05:03All except for two?
05:07Oh man! Did we?
05:09But no biggie
05:10There's other stuff to eat
05:13You don't understand
05:19It begins
05:24Bananiums found in every banana
05:26Are ancient monster genes
05:30Take control
05:32Shh! Just slowly and quietly
05:42Oh my god! Oh my god!
05:44What are we going to do?
05:51There's only one solution
05:53You must
05:55Oh no!
05:58It's ok
05:59Run! Run for your lives!
06:08Must fix ape and save jungle
06:11But there's only two bananas left
06:13Ok, think, think, think
06:14What do we do?
06:17How ants remember all other ants' names
06:20George would be terrible ant
06:22Wait, what question?
06:23Ok, ok
06:24Is there another source of bananium?
06:26Hmm, maybe oranges?
06:28Don't be full of orangium
06:30It's totally different
06:32Why don't we disguise the bananas as us
06:34And us as the bananas?
06:37And apes chase bananas and eat us instead
06:40It's not going to work
06:41If we get more bananas
06:43Apes turn all huggable and not be fighty anymore
06:46But how?
06:47Do I look like a banana magician?
06:49Like I do banana magic?
06:53That'll not work
06:55I've got it!
06:56We'll use science to save the bananas from extinction
06:59And rescue apes in the jungle
07:01To the sacred banana mating ground!
07:08And so, George and Magnolia carry the jungle's last chance for survival
07:12To the sacred banana mating ground
07:44George, look!
07:46C'est l'endroit où se trouve la banane sacrée ! C'est magnifique !
07:57Oh, magnifique ! Et George est là !
08:01C'est le soleil, George.
08:05Ok, banane !
08:08Essaye de les rencontrer de plus près.
08:16D'accord, ça ne va jamais marcher, à moins que l'ambiance soit meilleure.
08:22Attends ! George, oublie quelque chose !
08:25Vite ! Les bananes !
08:30Plus haut, George ! L'éclairage fait toujours fonctionner !
08:39Les bananes sacrées !
08:42George, garde les monstres ! Magnolia, sauve les bananes, d'accord ?
08:47George doit avoir l'air bon pour sa dernière sacrifice.
08:51Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?
08:57C'est tout parce qu'on a perdu des ressources naturelles !
09:01Désolé, tu as mangé trop de bananes !
09:06Ah, tu as appris !
09:09Attends, j'ai ça !
09:12D'accord, écoute et apprends !
09:14Quoi ? L'ape n'est pas un monstre ?
09:20Sors de là ! Tu as prétendu que tu étais un ape pour prouver un point ?
09:24Est-ce que tu pensais vraiment que nous t'avions laissé manger toutes nos bananes ?
09:27On a vu que tu étais en train de devenir timide.
09:30Alors on a gardé un avenir pour toi.
09:33On est venu avec un plan pur pour t'arrêter.
09:36Quelque part, nous devions t'ouvrir.
09:41Et puis on a eu une meilleure idée.
09:45Nous avons réalisé...
09:46Opération sauver toutes les bonnes bananes des mauvaises personnes pour que nous puissions les manger nous-mêmes.
09:51Les apes sont terribles avec des noms de codes.
09:53Donc tu as cassé toute une jungle ?
09:57C'est ce que j'ai pensé.
09:59C'est terrible avec des noms de codes.
10:01Alors tu as cassé toute une jungle pour faire un point sur la préservation de la partie de la jungle ?
10:07Bien sûr, ça a l'air mauvais quand tu le dis de cette façon.
10:11Mais nous devions être convaincus.
10:14Ils mangeaient toutes les bananes !
10:16Allez, les bananes !
10:21Ok, oui, nous avons appris notre leçon.
10:24Mais maintenant, on est des vrais monstres ici.
10:26Allez, George, allons-y !
10:28Il y a encore toute une jungle à goûter.
10:31George ne veut pas goûter des choses dégueulasses.
10:33George l'entend.
10:35Laissez-moi goûter.
10:42Quoi ? C'est une bonne idée.