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00:31Long, long ago in a kingdom,
00:34there was a little chimney sweep who was very, very, very poor.
00:37The reason that he was so very poor was
00:39that this kingdom had no chimneys.
00:41Why, after a whole year of hard work,
00:43he showed a profit of only two cents.
00:45And that had been left to him by a wealthy uncle.
00:47He decided to celebrate and do something
00:49that he was only able to do one day a year.
00:53Now, ordinarily, two cents doesn't go very far,
00:55but if one uses his head and buys wisely...
00:58Special, day-old fish, two cents.
01:00Get them while they last.
01:02Hey, you want to buy a bag of oysters?
01:05Sack of shrimps?
01:07Carton of crabs?
01:08No. Ask me if I want to buy a day-old fish.
01:10Hey, you want to buy a day-old fish?
01:11No, but that's all I can afford,
01:13so give me a fresh old one.
01:14Sorry, I just sold the last one,
01:16but I'm going to give you a seven-day-old fish.
01:19With that, an overpowering aroma filled the shop
01:22and the little chimney sweep reeled dizzily and said...
01:25What's that odor?
01:27What you talk? I don't smell nothing.
01:30Now, the young man was hungry, but not that hungry.
01:33In four quick strides, he reached the doorway,
01:35but the fishmonger waved the fish at him
01:37and stopped him colder than a mackerel,
01:39a seven-day-old mackerel.
01:41When he came to,
01:42the fishmonger had a strange look in his eye,
01:44and he was saying...
01:45Hey, kid, this is a magical fish.
01:48It has lots of power.
01:51Oh, boy.
01:52Keep it with you and you're going to have good luck.
01:55How much does it cost?
01:58Just to get it out of the shop.
02:00That evening, in his furnished hovel,
02:02the little chimney sweep was about to cook the fish
02:05when the door opened
02:06and a messenger from the palace entered.
02:08Is your name Sea Sweep?
02:10What is that awful odor?
02:12Yes, it is, and that's my dinner.
02:14What's up?
02:15The king is having a ball tonight.
02:17You're invited as the guest of honor.
02:19Me? Guest of honor?
02:21The king doesn't even know me.
02:23Well, that's a fairy tale for you.
02:25Be there at eight.
02:27The young man was amazed
02:28when suddenly the old fishmonger's words came back to him.
02:31Keep this fish with you and it will bring you good luck.
02:35Say, that's right.
02:36I've never been invited to the king's palace before today.
02:39It must be good luck.
02:41I'll keep it with me, always.
02:43Promptly, at eight,
02:44the little chimney sweep arrived at the king's palace
02:47and the ball turned into an instant failure.
02:51Oh, good heavens! Who invited you?
02:53You did, sire.
02:55The king would have carried this discussion further,
02:57but there was a certain air about the young man that prevented this.
03:00By now the guests were leaving the party in droves
03:03and the palace was declared off-limits.
03:05The king had to act, and act fast.
03:07I must get this person out of the country.
03:10I hereby appoint you a prime minister
03:13and am sending you to serve in my brother's kingdom across the sea.
03:17Early the next morning,
03:18one of the king's fastest ships sailed out of the harbor.
03:21Aboard were 16 cats, droves of seagulls and one passenger,
03:25the little chimney sweep with an eight-day-old fish.
03:28When he arrived at the new kingdom, he found it under siege.
03:31A flotilla of enemy ships were bombarding everything in sight.
03:35As new prime minister, his duty was to save the kingdom.
03:38Not having a sword, he drew his now two-week-old fish
03:41and boarded the enemy flagship.
03:43Stop this bombardment! Have you no sense of decency?
03:47The attacking force had no sense of decency,
03:50but it was clear that they had a most acute sense of smell for...
03:58And that they did most rapidly.
04:00The kingdom was overjoyed.
04:02Now I shall come ashore and minister primes for you.
04:05No, no!
04:06As prime minister, your first job is to return to my brother's kingdom
04:10and deliver a birthday present to him.
04:12Present? What is it?
04:15So, once again, he crossed the sea.
04:18However, halfway home, he encountered a raging storm
04:21during which a terrible thing happened.
04:23His enchanted fish was washed overboard.
04:25Good heavens! My good luck is gone!
04:28With that, his ship was smashed to bits by a gigantic wave
04:31and he was cast into the boiling sea.
04:34Weeks later, tattered and weak from hunger,
04:37the little chimney sweep staggered on to the sandy shores of his home.
04:41And who should be on the beach but the king,
04:43who was celebrating his birthday by having a weenie bake?
04:46The little fellow crawled up to the king and said,
04:49Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!
04:53But since he had lost his enchanted fish, nothing had gone right.
04:57He was accused of being a weenie bandit thrown into a dungeon.
05:00Happy birthday, dear highness!
05:04Years later, the little chimney sweep, grey and broken,
05:08was given a full pardon.
05:10Happy birthday to you!
05:13Of course, he didn't go back to being a chimney sweep
05:16for he had had a taste of success
05:18and he knew that if he was ever to rise to those heights again,
05:21he would have to get another enchanted fish.
05:24The moral to this story is that
05:26he who aspires to greatness should remember
05:29fishing might make it so.