• l’année dernière


00:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:30Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
01:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
01:30Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
02:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
02:31Overhead valves!
02:33With California license plates!
02:41Operator, we've been disconnected.
02:49Come on, rabbit, get out there and see if the coast is clear.
02:53Okay, boss.
02:56Okay, all clear.
03:04Hey, how about a break for lunch?
03:07Keep working, rabbit.
03:09Yeah, keep working, rabbit.
03:11Shut up.
03:12What'd I do, boss?
03:14I said button your lip.
03:16Oh, okay, boss.
03:18What's that, boss?
03:20Well, here it is all done.
03:23But there's a wheel missing. I'm afraid you're stuck.
03:26We're not stuck, rabbit.
03:28You're stuck.
03:30Yeah, we're not stuck.
03:32Shut up.
03:36Hey, Mugsy, let's take the scenic route.
03:41Hey, Mugsy, let's take the scenic route.
03:49Mugsy, take this rabbit into the other room and let him have it.
03:53Okay, boss.
03:59All right, Mugsy, let me have it.
04:01Come, come, you heard what the boss said.
04:04Let me have it.
04:06Oh, okay, but...
04:08That's better.
04:11I let him have it, boss, just like you said.
04:16Get off.
04:18I guess I'll have to take care of that rabbit myself.
04:28All right, Clancy, take the boys and surround the house.
04:32Jiggers, the cops.
04:34Hide me, quick, hide me.
04:36Here, hide here, quick.
04:38Hide me too, hide me.
04:42It's not fair, you gotta hide me too.
04:45I must be dreaming, it couldn't be this easy.
04:48Okay, quick, hide in here.
04:56Now, don't move until I tell you to.
04:59All right, open up, this is the police.
05:03All right, where's Rocky, where is he hiding?
05:06He's not in the stove.
05:08Oh, he's hiding in that stove, eh?
05:11Now, look, would I coin on this gas if my friend Rocky was in there?
05:15You might, rabbit, you might.
05:17Well, would I throw a lighted match in there if my friend was in there?
05:21Well, all right, rabbit, you've convinced me.
05:24I'll look for Rocky in the city.
05:27The coast is clear, fellas, they've gone.
05:33Okay, Clancy, take the boys and surround the house.
05:36Jiggers, fellas, the cops.
05:40Open up, this is the police.
05:43All right, rabbit, where's Rocky, where is he hiding?
05:46He's not in this stove.
05:48Oh, he's hiding in the stove, eh?
05:51Would I coin on the gas if he was in there?
05:54You might, rabbit, you might.
05:57Well, would I throw a lighted match in there if he was in there?
06:01Oh, no, you don't.
06:03Take me with you, don't leave me with that screwy rabbit.
06:05I confess, I did it, I did it.
06:07Arrest me, arrest me.
06:11Hello, Bugs Bunny, private eyeball.
06:13Thugs thwarted, arsonists arrested, bandits booked, forges found,
06:17counterfeiters caught and chiselers chiseled.
