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00:00Weirdness ?
00:01Weird stuff happens here that doesn't happen in other towns
00:03Yeah, and to think it's all because of that secret government program
00:05Really ? I thought it was because of that chemical spill
00:07No, there was no chemical spill
00:08Well, the point is, nobody's really sure where the weirdness comes from
00:11Right Kevin ?
00:12Kevin ?
00:13Huh ?
00:13What are you doing ?
00:14I was eating
00:14You were eating stuff from off the floor ?
00:16Well, it's not dirty, unless it stays there for like an hour
00:18Kevin, you are so disgusting
00:20Well, it's turkey
00:21They don't even serve turkey here
00:22Really ?
00:24Spit it out
00:24Not in front of me !
00:25Sorry, I'll just put it back in my mouth then
00:27Ew !
00:27That's good turkey
00:31Head on for a drive when we're on our way again
00:35We hook up with our friends like almost every day
00:38This weird thing happens and there's no way to explain
00:40Really don't mind, it's a pretty normal town
00:45It's not easy to believe that this stuff is real
00:47Sometimes it's kind of cool, but most of the time it's annoying
00:50Head on for a while and I guess it's a weird place
00:55O'Brady !
00:57O'Brady !
00:59Good morning O'Brady, hi !
01:00How are you ?
01:01First, some good news !
01:03Thanks to your newest student council member, Abby Wilde
01:05Ooh, yay Abby !
01:07Whatever, you'll be thanking me in a minute
01:08A petition has been passed that allows students to use their cellphones
01:11During free periods for the next two weeks !
01:14Thought you'd like that !
01:15Nice going Abby !
01:16You're welcome, you're welcome, I do what I can
01:18Unfortunately, due to the recent weirdness
01:21There's currently no cellphone reception at school
01:24So instead, we'll use free periods to repaint the gym !
01:27Thank you Abby !
01:29Oh wait, that's my fault
01:30I hear reception is messed up all over town
01:38Now, what's happening is that body parts are becoming magnetic
01:41So let's try to...
01:44Work together until this weirdness...
01:47Goes away
01:47And Chad, if you can hear me
01:49I don't know how you got up there
01:51But I promise to get you down in time for the big game this weekend
01:55Go Owls !
01:57And have a great...
02:00Day !
02:02Hello ladies
02:03Phillip, do you know you have a huge sign stuck to your head ?
02:06Yes I do
02:07The weirdness I'd assume
02:09Who are they ?
02:10Whom ?
02:11Oh hello !
02:12You must have followed me from the bus stop
02:14Well come along then
02:15Come along, come along
02:17Beth, I know I ask you this all the time
02:19But are you wearing two different clogs on purpose ?
02:21Oh shoot
02:22No, this time it was a mistake
02:24I've been so tired lately
02:25Were you working really late again last night ?
02:27My poor boss Jasmine is so sick
02:29It's ironic because she owns a health food store
02:32But she's sick
02:33You see what I'm saying ?
02:34No I get it
02:34Health food...
02:35I get it
02:36Anyway, until she's not contagious
02:38I have to hold down the fort
02:39Hey Beth, I've been to your store
02:40The fort is deserted
02:42Yeah seriously
02:43No offense but how overworked can you be ?
02:44There's never anyone there
02:45It's more than just a health food store
02:47It's a lifestyle
02:48Yeah apparently
02:49What does that mean ?
02:52What a stupid store
02:53Anyway, Jasmine wants to hire some extra help until she gets better
02:56She asked me if I knew anybody and I thought...
02:59You're kidding right ?
03:00Don't even look at me
03:01Please don't make me relive the whole fiasco of Fred's earring hut
03:03Oh come on, so you got fired once ?
03:05Beth, it was totally humiliating
03:07What happened ?
03:08I don't want to talk about it
03:09I sucked okay, that's what happened
03:10It was a disaster
03:11You just weren't trained properly
03:12Beth, I stabled a girl's lip shut
03:14It was a simple mistake
03:16But it was pretty amazing that you made the same mistake three or four more times
03:19See ? Sorry, I'm not doing it
03:20Come on, this will be different
03:21You'll love my work and it pays 8 bucks an hour
03:23Wait, a health food store that doesn't sell anything pays 8 bucks an hour ?
03:27When I throw in two of my own
03:28Shut up, I'm desperate
03:31Now raise your hand if you're attracting things
03:35Is anyone repelling ?
03:37Hands are going down
03:39So it's just me ?
03:40No !
03:41Oh lord
03:42Come on Abby, please
03:44Alright, Beth, do you promise I can't get fired ?
03:46How could you get fired ? It's just you and me
03:48Come on, say yes, say yes, say yes
03:49Alright, fine
03:50What do I have to do ?
03:51Ok, cool, ok, great
03:52Ok, just show up after school and bring your appetite
03:54Because Mondays we make our famous flourless cumin tarts
03:57I know, I know
03:58And we can brew up a big pot of barkroot tea too
04:00Ok, can I change my mind ?
04:02Are you my mommy ?
04:06What do you get when you cross a cockroach with a small dog ?
04:08I don't know, what ?
04:09No man, I'm seriously asking, what is that ?
04:12Oh, they're actually getting smaller
04:13Harold !
04:15Have we sold a boatload of pepperoni lately ?
04:18Not really, no
04:20Are there any signs leading you to believe
04:22That soon we're going to sell a boatload of pepperoni ?
04:24Uh, no
04:26Well then, maybe you can tell me why
04:28In the name of Saint Anthony
04:30You ordered a boatload of pepperoni !
04:32That doesn't look like that much
04:34There are 143 more boxes in the back
04:37You know, it's too bad you can't just throw it all in a blender, man
04:39You know, you could make meatfraps
04:41What ?
04:42Hey man, don't make my boss mad
04:43When I was little, my brothers would force me to eat things
04:45You know, like for fun
04:46And uh, one of their faves was to take some roast beef
04:48And then blend it into like a thick, creamy shake
04:50Oh, that sounds awful
04:52Uh, actually, I'd always pretend it was awful
04:54That way I'd guarantee that they'd give it to me
04:56Why ?
04:57Well, the way I see it, roast beef tastes good, right ?
04:59So why should it taste different just because it's liquefied ?
05:01Hmm, that's deep
05:02Yeah, it's called philosophy
05:04That is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life
05:06No man, it's all about perception
05:08You could market it as a protein shake
05:10People will try anything once
05:12You could put different kinds of meats in it
05:14Like corned beef, hapastrami, pork
05:18Yeah, like a pork frap
05:19Like a pork frap, like a, what do you say, protein shake ?
05:21Right, protein shake with meat
05:23I like it, I love it, I love it, I love it !
05:27This kid is hired !
05:28You're gonna be my new, uh, what do you call him ?
05:30Idea guy !
05:31What's your name, kid ?
05:32Uh, Kevin
05:33Kevin the Kid
05:34My new idea guy !
05:36Alright, man
05:37Wait a minute, if he gets to be your new idea guy
05:39What does that make me ?
05:40Lucky to still have a job !
05:43Good one, boss
05:48Beth, are you sure you'll be okay if I go home and do a detox ?
05:51Yes, of course, Jasmine
05:53You should swing by the drug store and get some calicoth
05:55It wipes out a cold in seconds, my mother swears by it
05:58Does your mother also mix bleach in your pancakes ?
06:01I don't follow
06:02Well, that's what calicoth is, pure poison
06:05Ugh, are you sure she's okay ?
06:07Oh, we'll be fine
06:08Because she seems so ignorant
06:10Um, I'm right here
06:12Don't worry, just go home and rest
06:14Okay, so bye, feel better !
06:16Bye Jasmine, bye bye !
06:18Ugh, calicoth
06:20Ugh, hippies
06:22Oh, she's a lot more fun when she doesn't have a fever
06:24Look, let me show you how we set up the juice bar
06:26Is there more to it than just putting out the juice ?
06:28As if !
06:30Our third customer of the afternoon
06:32It's crazy around here today
06:34Hey, you wanna try to wait on them ?
06:35I don't know, Beth, think I'm ready ?
06:36Well, there's only one way to find out
06:39I'll take some ginger root
06:41And, ooh, ginger toothpaste
06:43Oh, and some ginger candy
06:46We have this great ginger mouthwash
06:47Oh, no, no, I can't stand mouthwash
06:49No kidding
06:51And here's a double wheatgrass juice
06:53Will you be a witness to my poem ?
06:55What ?
06:56Earth now in confusion with form
06:58As I walk alone
07:00Reaching for love, struggle, velvet
07:03Now, now, alone
07:05What do you think ?
07:07Oh, were you asking me what I thought ?
07:09Sorry, I thought it was part of your poem
07:11And ?
07:12Well, you are a walking stereotype
07:15The sixties called
07:16They want their hat back
07:19Thank you, strong lady
07:21Thank you for your honesty
07:22You are my new muse
07:24Okay, no hugging, but we do accept tips
07:28Who are you ? Are you new here ?
07:30Yeah, I'm Abby, what can I do for you ?
07:32Excellent, hi Abby, I'm Ron
07:34Hi Ron, what can I get you ?
07:36I need a very specific granola
07:38Well, you've come to the right place
07:40It's gotta have almonds, barley malt, banana chips, honey, oats, loganberry
07:45Hey, can I get a hand with this please ?
07:47Hold up Harold, I'm working on this genius idea
07:49Don't bother him, he's stinking
07:51Thanks boss
07:52Alright, cool, I won't bother him, Mr. Idea Man
07:54Hey Harold, why don't you put a lid on it ?
07:56Sunflower seeds, unbleached whole grain
07:58Oh, hey Ron
07:59Hey Beth, do you like my new hat ?
08:01It really suits you
08:03Yeah, it's a jester's hat
08:05I like the bells
08:06Anyway, let me continue, raisins, barley malt, banana chips, honey, oats, loganberry
08:12Anyway, let me continue, raisins, brown rice, dates, wheat flakes, corn, oat twigs, big leaves, kale, wasabi
08:22Yeah, I need something I can eat with one hand
08:25How about our new protein shake ?
08:30What you're tasting is prosciutto
08:37Let me just put the final touches on this
08:41There, Harold, ask me what you should do with all the pepperoni
08:43How about I don't ?
08:44Come on man, I'm testing out a new idea
08:46Fine, what should I do with all the pepperoni ?
08:49Hmm, let me think, meat wraps
08:52I love it ! I love it !
08:54That is great with the light in the hair
08:56Are you kidding ? That's what you've been doing for the past hour ?
08:58The light bulb goes off, you get an idea ?
09:00That's right man, it's my thinking chair
09:02I love it
09:03I am exhausted, can I get a soda ?
09:05Coming right up
09:06Harold, get the man a soda
09:08Yeah, I'll get him a soda
09:10Soda coming up !
09:12Oh, wait, Harold, I got another idea, some garlic bread too
09:18What a waste, my cute new phone and I can't even use you
09:23Look what the stupid weirdness just did !
09:25I look like an idiot, now what am I gonna do ?
09:27Well, you can't just act like you're on the phone all the time
09:30I'm serious Beth
09:31Dialing, Beth
09:33Hello ? Hey, my phone is working
09:35Hey, mine too
09:37Hey Abby, hi Beth, how's it going ?
09:39Good, so the phones get reception in here ?
09:41That's weird, must be the only place in town
09:43This is so cool, people would go crazy if they knew they could use their phones in here
09:47Why would you need to use your phone in here ? There's so much to do
09:50You wanna get out the tarot cards ? I see an empty table
09:52I have a better idea
09:54So, do you think it's noticeable ?
09:56Well ?
09:57Last night, I dreamed I lived in a crop circle and I had to commute to Japan for math class
10:01Don't change the subject
10:02What's up freaks ?
10:03Hold on, I'm on the phone, I'm not a freak
10:05Oh my gosh, Harold, you were the only one who could speak perfect Japanese
10:09Hey Abby, I thought we couldn't get reception
10:11Right, right, I did
10:13I'm so sorry
10:14I'm so sorry
10:15I'm so sorry
10:16I'm so sorry
10:17I'm so sorry
10:18I'm so sorry
10:19I'm so sorry
10:20I'm so sorry
10:21I'm so sorry
10:22I'm so sorry
10:24I did, lucky I guess
10:26Shh, shh, shh, shh
10:27Sorry, I'm just on hold, I'm waiting for tickets
10:30Are you on with WRUK, Rocks Up ?
10:33Yeah, exactly, Rocks Up
10:35No, it's Rocks Up
10:36Right, Rocks Up
10:37Good morning O'Grady, Dr. Myers here
10:40I wanted to let everyone know that we've talked to the phone company
10:43Not over the phone, in person
10:45And we still can't get any cell phone reception at school
10:48Or anywhere, nothing
10:50Sorry about that
10:51And go Owls, as usual
10:53Hey Abby, what would happen if I did this ?
10:55Kevin !
10:56Dialing, Kevin
10:57Hello ? No reception
10:59Dude, she's got you on voice dial
11:02Simmer down people, simmer down
11:04Ow, my head
11:06Oh lord
11:13I can't believe this, how much harder can this job get ?
11:15Tell me about it
11:16Oh wait, I feel an idea coming
11:18What is it ?
11:19Ah, I lost it
11:22Hey can I get a slice, my mind needs some energy
11:24How about a super protein meat frap ?
11:26We got plenty
11:27Where'd they go ?
11:28A busload of tourists
11:29That's my boy !
11:30No problem boss
11:31I love this kid
11:32Another hug
11:33Harold, get the man a slice
11:35Yeah, yeah, how about I frap it up ?
11:36Hey wait a minute, that's a good, um, good slogan
11:39You can make t-shirts
11:40T-shirts ?
11:41Say frap it up
11:42Always with the ideas
11:43That's my idea !
11:44No, Harold, that's my idea, you just said it
11:47I don't know, some sort of earthy crunchy hippie store
11:49I mean it's the only place I can get reception
11:51Can I get bottled water ?
11:52Can I enchant you with one of our almost like real tofu candy bars ?
11:55Whoa, time out
11:57You're not gonna believe this, this kid just tried to make me eat tofu
12:00That is so mid-90's
12:04Can you believe this place ?
12:05Look how packed it's getting
12:06What's that ?
12:07It's powdered mixes for the coffees
12:08We are about to make a buttload of money
12:10We can't use artificial flavors
12:13Hey, are you kidding me ?
12:14I'm not kidding
12:17Are you creep-
12:18Oh, hey
12:20I'll take a vanilla latte to go
12:22One vanilla latte coming right up
12:24Just be a few seconds
12:25This place is great
12:27Here, take a tofu bar, it's on the house
12:29Oh, thank you
12:30I get that all the time
12:32Bye, come again
12:33See you soon
12:34Abby, I'm not so sure we should be messing with the vibe in here
12:37Oh god, I'm screwing up already, aren't I ?
12:39No, no, you're doing fine
12:41Really ?
12:42Yeah, really great
12:43Look at all these customers
12:44I mean, I'm just trying to make the store a success
12:46I know you are
12:47Keep up the good work
12:49Really ?
12:51Thanks, Beth
12:52Hey, I was wondering, can I turn off this music ?
12:54Uh, sure, I guess
12:55Maybe it'll help me get rid of this headache
12:58What do you think ?
12:59It, uh, sounds good, right ?
13:03Get into it
13:04It's great
13:05Are you sure I can't interest you in some yummy tea ?
13:07It's our specialty
13:08Just get me a large soda
13:10I'm sorry, ma'am
13:11The enchanted soybean doesn't carry sodas
13:14First rule of sales, customer's always right
13:16Oh, that looks fabulous
13:18Oh, it is
13:19Shea butter is a wonderful natural conditioner
13:21Does this have any veal oil in it ?
13:23I've heard that Donatella Versace uses veal oil on her skin
13:26Oh my god, that is so wrong
13:28Oh, right
13:29Not veal oil
13:30Veal skin cells, sorry
13:32Oh, god
13:34Do you have any of that ?
13:36I could maybe use your skin cells, you're so young
13:38Oh god, please go away
13:40Hey, Abby
13:41Uh-huh ?
13:42What have you done to the pastry counter ?
13:43Well, we cleared it out so we'd have room for the new candy bar back
13:45It's great, right ?
13:46But I had a cumin tart I saved
13:48It was the last one
13:49I wanted to eat it when I took my break
13:51Oh, sorry, I think I sold it
13:53Oh, well, as long as someone gets to eat it
13:55Right, or something
13:57What does that mean ?
13:58I'm just saying, one man's cumin tart is another man's doggy treat
14:01For the cutest little boxer named Mr. Sneezes
14:04Oh my god
14:08Hey, Kevin ?
14:09Uh, what are you doing ?
14:11I work here now
14:13You're the idea guy ?
14:15Really ?
14:16Yeah, here, take my card
14:17You know, it looks more professional if you don't handwrite them
14:19At least I have one
14:21I can make one in like a second, just give me a pen
14:23Oh, you didn't think of it, did you ?
14:24I'll just flip yours over and make mine on the other side
14:26If you want to buy any ideas, Abby, I can come up with some
14:28Um, that's okay
14:31Working is so hard, isn't it ?
14:33Oh, man, tell me about it
14:34You should see what I've done to the enchanted soybean, though
14:36It is so much better
14:38Anyway, we started selling iced lattes
14:40But we don't have any straws
14:41Except for these eco-friendly ones that are made of soot
14:43But they deteriorate when you put them in coffee
14:45So I was wondering...
14:46Take whatever you want
14:48If you want to take some straws, go ahead
14:49I practically own this place
14:50Thanks, Kevin
14:51I gotta go, I told Beth I'd be right back
14:52Uh, see ya
14:56Dude, what do you think ?
14:57Yeah, the boss will love it
14:58Yeah, you want to know what it is ?
15:00Oh, well I'll wait till you get back to tell boss man
15:02Yeah, good
15:03Because I can't wait to see the boss's reaction
15:06Oh my god, thank god you're back, it's mayhem in here
15:10I can't believe it
15:11I know, this is crazy
15:12Yeah, crazy good
15:14Pop culture, we're selling out
15:16No more seashells
15:18By the seashore, sell out
15:21You're so right
15:25Hey Harold, what are you doing here ?
15:27I'm trying not to kill Kevin
15:28Yourself ?
15:30Trying not to fire Abby
15:33That is a bummer
15:34I mean, of course I don't mean it
15:35It would devastate her
15:36I'd never fire Abby
15:37Yeah ?
15:38I'll fire Kevin's butt in about two seconds
15:40Too bad we couldn't just ship them off somewhere for a little break
15:43Yeah, I'd love to, it's like Alaska, that'll be great
15:46I was hoping for a little further
15:50Hey, why are we hiding out here ?
15:52We should just march back in and tell them how we feel
15:55Yeah, and if they're really our friends, they'll understand
15:57Yeah, we'll go
16:00Right after we get off this thing
16:08Wait, so you wrap the bathroom sink in tinfoil for why ?
16:11It forces certain employees to wash their magnetic hands
16:14Yeah, great
16:16Oh, hey, here you go
16:18Thank you Harold
16:21No, oh lord, silent study
16:24That just gave me an idea
16:25Dude, do you think Bossman will count my hours for all these out of work ideas I'm getting ?
16:29I'm sure he will
16:32Oh my god, Beth, that reminds me, check this out
16:35The Enchanted Soybean, still the only place in town with cell phone reception
16:38Ask about our new lamb kebabs, coming soon
16:40Too much ? I made them up last night, I thought we could pass them out at lunch
16:43The Enchanted Soybean is gonna be the place to be
16:46But The Enchanted Soybean already was the place to be
16:48What are you saying ?
16:49Oh, well, it's, it's just that, I guess I feel that what you're doing is...
16:53Beth, wait, you don't have to thank me
16:55Okay, good
16:59Kevin, what are you doing ?
17:01Kevin, while I am honored that you have selected me to help you with your invention
17:04I'm concerned that you haven't thought this whole thing out
17:06Just hold still, man
17:07I really just came in for a slice
17:13Oh dear
17:14What's all this mess ?
17:15Instant customers, boss
17:17I love it !
17:18Harold, clean this up and then get these people something to eat
17:23And that's a little something I call the instant elevator, huh ?
17:26Absolutely brilliant, kiddo
17:29Hey, Harold, can you flip the switch on the way out ?
17:31Yeah, I'll flip something
17:33Hello ? Abby, I can't take it anymore ! I can't even hear myself think !
17:37What ? You have to speak up, I can't hear you
17:39That's it !
17:40Beth, what are you doing ?
17:41I've got to get everyone to shut up !
17:43I need my Enchanted Soybean back !
17:45People ! People ! Hey !
17:48Okay, fine
17:50Beth, what are you doing ?
17:51You ruined it !
17:52Hey !
17:53You ruined my store !
17:54Hey !
17:55Hey !
17:56Hey !
17:57Hey !
17:58Hey this is my store !
17:59Oh my god Beth, stop it !
18:00Why, Abby ? I'm just wrecking your stoor just like you wrecked mine
18:03But you said you like my ideas
18:04I lied
18:05Oh, yeah ?
18:06Well, my ideas are what everyone's buying
18:08This, is what they're buying
18:09This, cut it out !
18:10Mine store doesn't sell...
18:14Candy !
18:16Candy !
18:24Hey, reception's back all over town !
18:26Check please !
18:27Attendez ! Attendez ! Où est-ce que tout le monde va ?
18:29On vient d'obtenir le plus récent copie de Gossip Queen !
18:31Hey !
18:33Bien joué, Beth ! T'es contente maintenant ?
18:34En fait, je suis contente.
18:38Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?
18:39Ça devient très exclusif, là-haut.
18:41Euh... La bizarreité ?
18:42Non, mec, je ne l'ai pas compris.
18:44Ah. Désolé, c'est une fête privée, mec.
18:45Euh... Tu n'as pas la bizarreité.
18:47Je ne fais pas les règles, mec, je l'enforce.
18:49Vas-y, pote.
18:51Mec, t'es un génie !
18:54Hey ! Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?
18:56Mec, t'es tiré.
18:58Réfléchis, tout le monde.
18:59Il est tiré, il est tiré, je l'ai tiré.
19:01Il ne peut plus nous faire mal.
19:03Maintenant, qui veut de la pizza pepperoni ?
19:05Sur la maison, bien sûr.
19:06Mais, boss, comment est-ce que t'as réussi ?
19:08T'es tombé, mec.
19:09T'es mort pour moi.
19:10Maintenant, j'ai à te tourner le dos.
19:12Est-ce que j'ai au moins ma chaise de pensée ?
19:14D'accord, ma lumière ?
19:15Est-ce que j'ai un morceau ?
19:16Mon T-shirt ?
19:17Mon chapeau ?
19:18Non. Tu peux sortir.
19:21Des paquets de piment ?
19:23Hey, Jasmine !
19:25Regarde qui est de retour !
19:26Tu te sens mieux ?
19:28Oui, je suis bien.
19:29Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici ?
19:30Je sais, tu peux croire ?
19:32Quand le drôle s'est terminé, tout a disparu.
19:35Ok, je pense que je dois être plus spécifique.
19:37Je suis vraiment émue par ceci.
19:39Je sais, les choses se passaient bien jusqu'à ce qu'elle commence à l'embêter.
19:42Il y avait du potassium citrate et du sucralose dans mon magasin ?
19:46Euh, la plupart des gens appellent ça un soda alimentaire.
19:48Prenons juste un instant, d'accord ?
19:50Tu as peut-être été un peu confus par le signe à l'avant
19:53qui dit que la soja enchantée est une rencontre de vie saine.
19:56Tu n'es clairement pas un croyant.
19:57Mais toi, je suis surpris et déçue !
20:01Euh, je sais...
20:02Non, regarde, je t'ai laissé en charge et regarde ce lieu !
20:05Pollué de...