• l’année dernière


01:00Qu'est-ce qu'il dit, les garçons ?
01:02C'est pas moi, mais j'imagine que ce n'est pas le groupe.
01:06Maintenant, tout ce qu'on a besoin, c'est de gagner le high-jump.
01:08D'accord, qui va être le high-jumper ?
01:17Nous sommes cassés.
01:19Ne vous inquiétez pas, roi.
01:20Tout ce que je dois faire, c'est sauter au-dessus de cette barre.
01:22C'est vrai ?
01:23C'est vrai, Big H.
01:24Attends !
01:25Attends, nous pouvons t'aider.
01:26Avec un petit esprit d'équipe.
01:28Prêt, Sheena ?
01:29Prêt, Zelda ?
01:30Gopher dans le jardin, Hippo dans le ciel,
01:33Un, deux, et laissons-le voler !
01:36Ouais !
01:39Qu'est-ce qu'ils disent, les garçons ?
01:41C'est moi.
01:42Hey, vous avez un problème si nous continuons à pratiquer ici ?
01:46Non, allez-y, roi.
01:47Oh, merci.
01:48D'accord, Big H, c'est à toi.
01:50Ok, c'est parti !
01:54Tu penses qu'il va le faire ?
01:57Il ne faut pas que Big H rouille ma main pour rien.
02:00C'est parti !
02:04J'ai réussi ?
02:05Hey, laissez-moi le dire de cette façon.
02:07Vous devez sauter au-dessus de la barre,
02:10pas de l'autre côté.
02:12Ce n'était pas une bonne idée.
02:15Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire pour un saut au-dessus ?
02:17Un saut au-dessus ?
02:24Mon kangaroo !
02:25Mon bleu kangaroo a échappé !
02:27Quelqu'un arrête-le !
02:30Ici, garçon !
02:31Ici, bleu kangaroo !
02:37Hey, roi.
02:38Peut-être que je pourrais essayer un saut au-dessus encore.
02:41Hey, c'est ok, Big H.
02:43Tu as fait de ton mieux, n'est-ce pas ?
02:45On a juste besoin d'un sautant professionnel.
02:49Hey, les garçons.
02:50Arrêtez le jalopy.
02:55Hey, je pense que le roi nous a trouvé un saut au-dessus.
02:58Vraiment ?
02:59Qui est-ce ?
03:00Suivez-le, les garçons.
03:09Hey, vous, bleu kangaroo.
03:11Vous connaissez la ville ?
03:14Oui, je pensais que oui.
03:15Hey, écoutez. Le roi a quelque chose à vous parler.
03:22Hmm. Le prince de saut s'est arrêté ici.
03:24Et a changé de prince de pneus.
03:26Retrouvez-moi mon bleu kangaroo !
03:33Vous voyez, le roi a vraiment besoin de vous cet après-midi.
03:36Hey, Pat.
03:37Que dites-vous ?
03:38Hop ! Hop ! Hop ! Hop ! Hop ! Hop ! Hop ! Hop ! Hop !
03:41Aîz-ai, aïz-ai.
03:43Très bien, heureux d'entendre ça.
03:44J'aime votre esprit, mais...
04:06J'espère qu'il ne vient pas chez nous.
04:08Hey, Clyde, this is the blue kangaroo, and we gotta keep him out of the zoo and into the track meet.
04:16Hop, hop, hop, hop.
04:21With this blue kangaroo here, we can win the high jump, hands down.
04:25We gotta help him hide to the track meet.
04:27Right, Clyde.
04:28Big H, the water's ready.
04:30Here, blue kangaroo. Here, boy.
04:34Hey, they're after him. We gotta think fast.
04:38Hey, what are you doing?
04:39Just for a sec, Zelda.
04:42Well, how do you do, sir? Hey, how about a double burger and fries, huh?
04:46No, no. I'm looking for the blue kangaroo.
04:49Blue kangaroo? Why, he's over...
04:51Hey, sorry, sir. Our flavor this month is raspberry rhinoceros. Blue kangaroo is next month.
04:57Say, haven't I seen you somewhere before?
05:02And how do you explain that?
05:05Oh, yeah. Well, hey, she's one of our best car hops.
05:09Oh, I see. Well, if you spot a blue kangaroo, let me know, will you?
05:13The name is Hunter Hunter. Hop, hop, hop, hop.
05:19Okay, Hunter Hunter. And drop in again sometime, huh?
05:27King, I saw what happened, and you were just dreaming.
05:32You saved him from the zoo. How about a cheer, Sheena?
05:35Sure. Desert full of water, river full of sand, that deserves a great big hand.
05:42I'll never understand those cheers.
05:47Car rap? That was my blue kangaroo.
05:51Hunter Hunter is heading this way again.
05:54All right, into the jalopy. We gotta get our track star out of here.
05:59Star! Come back with that kangaroo!
06:05All right, make tracks for the track meet.
06:07And Big H, we need your big brain for a plan to keep Hunter Hunter away.
06:12I think better on a full stomach, King.
06:16The next event in today's meet will be the high jump.
06:19Will the contestants move to the field?
06:22Hey, this is it, the big one.
06:24We've got it, King. This will save our blue kangaroo friend.
06:27Big H thought it up, and it's a groove.
06:29Hey, the King will decide if it's a groove. Lay it on me.
06:35It looks like a robot kangaroo.
06:39Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.
06:43That won't fool Hunter Hunter for a minute.
06:46Caught ya!
06:48Then again.
06:51All you gotta do is hop over that bar there, okay?
06:54Hop, hop, hop.
06:57Boy, that Hunter Hunter sure was dumb.
07:03Hey, the blue ribbon is in the bag now, right?
07:06Those clowns thought they could keep you out of the zoo.
07:11Jump, jump, jump, jump.
07:16My blue kangaroo!
07:18The next contestant in the high jump is the blue kangaroo.
07:24Hop, hop, hop, hop.
07:25Hey, go to it, blue buddy.
07:32It's a new world record.
07:35Thought they could fool Hunter Hunter, did they?
07:40Hey, where are you going with our high jumper?
07:43It's not nice to steal somebody else's high jumper.
07:46This is a one-of-a-kind blue kangaroo.
07:50Hey, don't that street cleaner know that this is the King?
07:54My blue kangaroo!
07:56Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.
07:58Gee, he ain't blue at all.
08:01It must have been dust from Blue Dust Mountain where I caught him.
08:05He's just an ordinary kangaroo.
08:07Hey, Hunter Hunter, what about the kangaroo here?
08:11I don't want him. He's no blue kangaroo.
08:15Hey, maybe not, but he's a champion high jumper.
08:19Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop.
08:22Hey, hold on there.
08:24Cut it out with the hop, hop, hop, hop.
08:51Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
