• 2 years ago
Vicky Kaushal gave Brut a glimpse into what he was like during his junior college days, and trust us, it's not what you might have expected. #SamBahadur #BrutGeneration
00:00Delulu is the solulu. I don't even know what that is.
00:10Delusion is the solution.
00:15Craziest rumour you have heard about yourself?
00:18Craziest rumour?
00:21They don't write anything spicy about me.
00:30I wanted to talk about your college life.
00:48So we're here with the youth of our nation.
00:51And you can see the twinkle in their eyes.
00:54They still have hopes and dreams.
00:56So when you see them, what do you think of?
01:00Take a good look.
01:04Firstly, these are like really pretty and confident faces that I see today.
01:09I didn't have.
01:13I swear I did not have half this confidence.
01:16So with half this confidence, if I could reach it, I don't know where you guys are going to reach.
01:21So I am so excited for your future.
01:24Because all I would want to tell is that when I was in junior college,
01:28I was in the science department.
01:34How many of you are from science?
01:36Wow, quite a lot.
01:38Do you still have like college hours in the morning?
01:41Or is it in the afternoon now?
01:45Lucky you. I had to come at 7 in the morning over here.
01:49And then when the college was over, that's when the other students used to come.
01:53So I didn't have to bunk 7 to 12 to go anywhere.
01:56Used to be in college only.
01:58But I had some beautiful, beautiful time in the college.
02:00And I didn't have the confidence to be part of any extracurricular activities or stuff like that.
02:09I was a very shy boy.
02:14Were you a frontbencher or a backbencher?
02:16I was a backbencher.
02:20Always, always. School, college, always.
02:22If you were attending this, you would find a seat at the back?
02:27So were you the studious type?
02:29See, I was the studious type like one month before the exams.
02:35So one month is still pretty impressive.
02:37Do you still get 33 buses from the bus stop?
02:4133, 79, 707 were the three buses I used to wait for at the bus stop here.
02:48And I used to get 10 rupees energy from here.
02:51I don't know how much I get now.
02:53And I used to get 5 rupees for vada pav.
03:0025 rupees?
03:025 times?
03:04When I was in 11th grade, I used to get 5 rupees.
03:08And when I was in 12th grade, I used to get 5 rupees.
03:10But I started getting 6 rupees Amul butter.
03:13That's 30?
03:16I really feel bad for you guys.
03:18My pocket money at the time when I was in Mithibai used to be 600 rupees.
03:24A month. I am not kidding.
03:26And I used to save that money and go to Chandan and watch a movie in a month.
03:31I remember watching Munna Bhai MBBS in Chandan when I was a Mithibai student here.
03:36So I used to save that money.
03:38But good old days. Really fun days.
03:40So on the talks of the youth, the Gen Z.
03:44They actually have a certain way of speaking.
03:48Which is called Gen Z slang.
03:50Are you familiar with this concept?
03:53I know slang.
03:55The concept of slang.
03:57But I don't know Gen Z slang.
03:59So we are going to do a fun little segment.
04:01Where I am going to quiz you on some of these words.
04:06I am going to give you a word or a phrase.
04:09And you are going to tell us what it means.
04:13What should I start with guys? Give me a Gen Z word.
04:19Okay. Okay.
04:20What does slay mean?
04:22Slay means to kill it.
04:27I slayed this one.
04:29That's good. Yeah. Well done.
04:31Okay. Okay.
04:32Next one is no cap.
04:35No cap?
04:37Like no cap?
04:38No cap. Yeah.
04:39Why would someone say that?
04:41Because you are not wearing a cap?
04:42Yeah. Okay.
04:43But it's slang. So obviously it's not the literal meaning.
04:46No cap.
04:47No cap.
04:49Like cap is supposed to be like a short form for something?
04:53Do you want me to use it in a sentence?
04:55Yeah. Okay.
04:56I love your jacket. No cap.
05:04I have no clue.
05:05No clue?
05:07So no cap means I'm not lying.
05:11How does that make sense?
05:12It's language.
05:14It is what it is.
05:15So cap means lie.
05:17Cap means lie? In which language?
05:19In English.
05:20It came from a song and then it evolves over time.
05:23So like stop the cap. Stop lying.
05:26The more you know. Yeah.
05:27It's okay.
05:28Okay. Okay. No cap.
05:29No cap. Yeah.
05:30No cap.
05:31The next one.
05:33This was actually given to me by the team.
05:35Even I don't know what it means.
05:37Doolooloo is...
05:43Doolooloo is the solooloo.
05:46I don't even know what that...
05:53Delusion is the solution.
05:58Okay. That was pretty...
06:02How do you know that though?
06:04I saw it in somebody else's interview.
06:10Okay. Okay. Impressive.
06:12Now we're going to go slightly harder.
06:15What does NGL mean?
06:17It's a short form.
06:19It's a short form.
06:27Yes. Yeah.
06:30Okay guys.
06:31Okay. So if you said yes so easily then never is not right.
06:35It's sharp.
06:36NGL. Yeah.
06:37Not gonna lie.
06:41Calm down. He heard you guys say it and then he said it.
06:43I heard you. I'll be honest.
06:45Okay. And the last one.
06:48What is a situationship?
06:51How many of y'all are in some situationships?
06:57This kid.
06:58It's just you by the way. Only you raised your hand.
07:00He's in a situationship.
07:03We've gone way before him.
07:05We wouldn't have understood.
07:07But what is the funda of a situationship?
07:09I understand. Like I've had a chat about
07:11situationship with a friend of mine and everything.
07:13But I keep trying to understand.
07:15What is this?
07:17What is a situationship? You explain it.
07:19Exactly. You can't define it.
07:21It is very much that confusion.
07:23It's what a situationship is.
07:24No. But what...
07:25In a relationship with somebody.
07:27It's not an actual relationship.
07:29Like if I'm in this situation, I'm with you.
07:31And if I'm in that situation, I'm with you.
07:33Like what does it mean?
07:35Like what does it mean? I genuinely don't know.
07:37Right. So like you could be seeing a girl.
07:40But you're not in a committed relationship.
07:43But you're also not so platonic.
07:45So it's somewhere in between.
07:47But you don't know what to label it.
07:49And it's too raw. So it's a little confusing.
07:51So that phase, you'd be like I'm in a situationship.
07:54And that guy's in one. And it's just him by the way.
07:56Everybody look at him.
07:58He raised his hand twice.
08:00It's me sir. I'm in this.
08:02I understand this.
08:06Yeah. Okay.
08:10Science is easy.
08:12Science situationship is easy.
08:17So that ends my lecture on Gen Z slang.
08:21So now we're going to test you on it.
08:23Can you give some life advice to the youth of the nation
08:26using some of the words you have learnt here today?
08:29Take it away Vicky Kaushal.
08:36Guys, no matter what the situation or situationship is,
08:40don't forget to get up and slay.
08:48Nailed it.
08:49Your movie Sam Bahadur is coming.
08:51Tell us what it's about.
08:53Tell us the plot. Tell us everything.
08:55Spoil it for us.
08:56Sam Bahadur is a very special film
08:58made on a very special person.
09:01For all those who don't know
09:03or have limited information about him
09:06like I did before I did the film,
09:08he is the first field marshal of India
09:12which is the highest military rank a person can get.
09:15And now the rank is no more given by the military to any person.
09:19He's the first field marshal.
09:21He's the man who gave 40 years to the Indian Army.
09:24He's been part of five wars.
09:27He served before independence, after independence
09:30and just a legend.
09:33If I have to talk about him,
09:35I can go on for hours and hours
09:37for the wit of this man, the courage of this man,
09:40the flamboyance he had.
09:42So many of the lines from the trailer that I have said
09:45are not dialogues written by film writers.
09:48They've actually been said by the man himself.
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