• 5 years ago
From being "America's Doctor" to a Republican Senate hopeful … This is the controversial story of Dr. Oz.


00:00My father taught me how to handle my first gun, so when people say I won't support guns, they're dead wrong.
00:18Once your hands are in the right spot, you want to compress a hundred times a minute.
00:21That's the beat of singing Stayin' Alive.
00:30I'm going to teach you a simple little greeting.
00:37Good way to start off, right?
00:38Hello, which in Turkish is merhaba.
00:53I've struggled a lot with my Muslim identity.
00:55I found myself tugged more and more towards the spiritual side of the religion rather than the legal side.
01:09I'd seen my father making rounds in the hospital. I'd scurry along next to him as he went to see patients.
01:13I'd see the looks in the patient's eyes when he came.
01:15I thought, my God, it would feel so good if I could do that too.
01:26It's the profound power of it, you know, of it.
01:29It's the power of it.
01:30It's the power of it.
01:31It's the power of it.
01:32It's the power of it.
01:33It's the power of it.
01:34It's the power of it.
01:35It's the power of it.
01:36It's the power of it.
01:37It's the power of it.
01:38It's the power of it.
01:39It's the power of it.
01:40It's the power of it.
01:41It's the power of it.
01:42It's the power of it.
01:43It's the power of it.
01:44It's the power of it.
01:45It's the power of it.
01:46It's the power of it.
01:47It's the power of it.
01:48It's the power of it.
01:49It's the power of it.
01:50It's the power of it.
01:51It's the power of it.
01:53It's the profound power of hypnosis.
01:55And I got my first taste of this when I was in medical school.
01:58And I began to, for the first time, realize the power of suggestion.
02:17You mean the penis?
02:19It's limp.
02:20It's limp.
02:22Look at a male versus a female heart.
02:24The liver's not happy.
02:26You're not happy.
02:27And that's when you gain weight.
02:36India's ancient secret is the acupressure mat.
02:40It's a modern day version of a bed of nails.
02:42We won for best host of the informational talk show category.
02:52You may think magic is make-believe,
02:54but this little bean has scientists saying
02:57they found the magic weight loss cure for every body type.
03:08Three weeks ago, I quote you,
03:10every time you cheat on your diet,
03:12I want you to grab one of these tiny itty-bitty pills.
03:15You are very powerful.
03:17With power comes a great deal of responsibility.
03:19You are being made an example of today
03:21because of the power you have in this space.
03:42We have now a randomized trial, that's what was lacking,
03:46that supports the potential benefit of this hydroxychloroquine compound
03:50for patients with COVID-19.
04:00Pennsylvania needs a conservative who will put America first.
04:11It's time to stand up to the left
04:13and end the cancel culture mob that's destroying our country.
04:24My whole career has been about empowering you.
04:27When I started doing the show,
04:29I was stunned how many people didn't want you to be empowered.
04:32That's right, they wanted you to be sheeple.
04:44Memed Oz ran experiments on puppies,
04:47killing over 300 dogs.
04:49They were subjected to extreme suffering.
