• last year


00:00Well, I'm Paul Bristow and I'm the Conservative candidate for Mayor of Peterborough and Cambridgeshire
00:05and I'm here in my old school, Sir Harry Smith, in Whittlesea. Our current Mayor has let us
00:11down. If you look at Teesside, Tees Valley, where we've got a Conservative Mayor, he's
00:15done great things, created jobs, created opportunity, whereas our Mayor has done none of this. What
00:21we're going to do is get Cambridgeshire moving. We're going to rule out congestion charging
00:25and road charging in Cambridge and Peterborough. We're going to build a light rail project
00:29in Cambridge. We're going to connect our three cities by train, much quicker and much faster
00:35and we're going to bring back the £100k home and we're going to build affordable homes
00:39across Peterborough and Cambridgeshire. This is a package that will deliver for people,
00:44make the Mayor matter and make Cambridgeshire and Peterborough the best place in the country
00:48to live.
