Parthenope trägt den Namen einer Sirene aus der griechischen Mythologie. Einer Sirene, die nach ihrem tragischen Ende an der Küste Neapels angespült wurde. Doch die Parthenope in Paolo Sorrentinos gleichnamigem Drama ist eine ganz reale Frau, deren Lebensweg der Film bebildert - von den sorglosen Sommern ihrer Jugend bis hin zum heutigen Tag.
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00:00But if I were 40 years younger, would you marry me?
00:12If I were 40 years older, would you marry me?
00:16You're such an idiot.
00:18Are you aware of the disruption your beauty causes?
00:36I'm starting to suspect something.
00:43You're not in love, are you?
00:45I'm in love with Dr. Aida.
01:03I don't know anything, but I like everything.
01:13I even have skin.
01:24I was just a young love.
01:26And young loves are useless.
01:29You should be ashamed of what you just said.
01:32My name is Parthenope. I'm never ashamed.
01:44Maybe the time has come for you to leave the hotel.
01:46If you don't leave, I'll kill everyone here.