• l’année dernière
Fantasia is a groundbreaking 1940 American animated musical anthology film produced by Walt Disney Productions. Directed by a team including James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, and Norman Ferguson, the film is renowned for its innovative blend of animation and classical music. It features eight distinct segments, each set to pieces of classical music conducted by Leopold Stokowski, with seven performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra. Deems Taylor, a music critic and composer, serves as the film's Master of Ceremonies, introducing each segment in live action.
The film's segments are visually stunning and thematically diverse, ranging from the whimsical "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," featuring Mickey Mouse, to the dramatic "Night on Bald Mountain," which depicts a dark and haunting sequence involving a demon. Fantasia was notable for its pioneering use of a multi-channel sound system called Fantasound, making it the first commercial film shown in stereo and a precursor to modern surround sound technology.
Despite its artistic achievements and critical acclaim, Fantasia initially struggled at the box office due to high production costs and the impact of World War II on distribution. However, it has since become a beloved classic, celebrated for its imaginative storytelling and musical artistry. The film has been reissued multiple times over the decades and remains an influential work in the animation genre.


