Art et designTranscription
00:00My plans were kind of blown
00:03But everything is so fun now
00:05I never wanna be without
00:08Teeny weeny pixel genie
00:11Teeny weeny pixel genie
00:13Teeny weeny pixel genie
00:16Teeny weeny teeny weeny pixel pinky
00:20Being able to see into the future is important in my dad's job,
00:23but I know now it's what you do with that information that's truly important.
00:28Oh, Dad, they could be anywhere!
00:31I'll see if my dreads can tell us where the chickens have gone.
00:37Have you ever heard of a thing called a kangaroo?
00:39Would you like some?
00:40Some kangaroos?
00:42Are you crazy?
00:43There's no time for that, Pixel Pinky.
00:45Today's the day they hand out the work experience placements at school.
00:49I can't be late.
00:50We have to help Dad find the chickens.
00:53Dreads, tell me, where are the chickens?
00:56Oh, dreads.
00:59Dad's hair. Dreadlocks.
01:01He thinks he can see the future with them if only he could.
01:05Too easy!
01:07What? No, wait! Pixel Pinky!
01:15Neans, where are you?
01:17I had a vision.
01:18My dreads are telling me to check the shed.
01:21Check the shed!
01:25Now, for the others.
01:27And after we found the chickens,
01:29Dad's dreads found his old hat, a missing jacket,
01:32and for all I know, he's still going.
01:34Clearly, Pixel Pinky had something to do with this.
01:37How did you guess?
01:38So I suppose I missed all the cool work experience placements.
01:41Plenty Science Lab is taken by yours truly,
01:44Infectious Diseases Department.
01:47I'll need at least 40 new outfits for my week at Polylock Magazine.
01:53Has Susie got the Polylock placement?
01:55And Max is at the Core Juice Bar.
01:57Hey, Nina, cruise on over for a juice.
02:00Wow, cool!
02:02Well, I hope there's something left for me.
02:05Sorry, Nina, there's only one placement remaining.
02:09My dad?
02:11I can't do work experience with my dad.
02:14Zeph, the You Guru is your dad?
02:18Isn't there anything else?
02:20Sorry, Nina, no.
02:21But it sounds interesting.
02:22You'll be doing star charts, personality tests, readings, moon reports,
02:27a little predicting the future.
02:29Sounds like a busy day for the both of you.
02:33Let the cosmic work experience begin.
02:40Pixel Pinky, everyone else has something cool to do for work experience,
02:44and I'm stuck with my dad.
02:46You've got to help me.
02:48But Nina, I already gave him special powers with his, um, what do you call his hair things?
02:56Dreadfully boring week more like it.
02:59I wish he had a really interesting job so I can have an interesting work experience.
03:04Hmm, this one's tricky, but let me see.
03:10The morning news?
03:13Dad, what's he doing on TV?
03:16Pixel Pinky, what have you done?
03:18Will you just watch?
03:20And the forecast for today, I see plenty of sunshine for Plenty with a mid-morning shower.
03:28Wow, cool, Pixel Pinky.
03:31My dad's on TV predicting the weather with his hair.
03:35Now that's a cool job.
03:37All the other weather forecasts get it wrong.
03:39Not this one.
03:41Meet Zeph, Plenty TV's number one weatherman, with the inside knowledge on what's ahead in his dreads.
03:49Tomorrow will be warm and windy, so leave your hat at home.
03:54He knows what lies ahead, the answers in his dreads.
03:58Just ask Zeph.
04:00It's what the dreads said.
04:05This week is turning out okay after all, thanks to Dad's magical dreads.
04:09I don't know, Nina. Pixel Pinky's magic isn't exactly reliable.
04:13It'll be fine, Annie. Are you coming inside?
04:16The Core Juice Bar? Are you dropping in on Max?
04:19No, Dad's doing the weather report from here. Want to watch?
04:22Sure. Not a lot of infectious diseases over at the lab right now.
04:27Hiya yourself, Dad. What's with the outfit?
04:30It's the new image. Oh, and just one thing.
04:33When we're at work, do you mind calling me The Great Zeph? It's the network's idea.
04:37Hey guys, refreshments. Great Zeph, it's an honour to have you at the Core Juice Bar.
04:43Your dad is so cool.
04:46Thanks, Max. So, Great Zeph, are we shooting inside or out?
04:52Inside. It's going to rain very shortly.
04:55But, Dad, it's sunny.
04:57Nina, The Great Zeph is never wrong.
05:00It's what the dreads said.
05:02Prepare for transmission. We're going live in three, two...
05:10And now, for the weather. The next 24 hours, we'll be...
05:15Uh-oh. Magic's finished.
05:18He's just normal Zeph again.
05:20The rain, it'll stop. It has to stop very shortly.
05:26Quick, Annie. We have to help Dad.
05:33Pixel Pinky, I want Dad to keep his job.
05:36And to do that, he has to get the forecasts right.
05:39Can you make that happen? I'd love to.
05:43Thanks, Pixel Pinky. It won't happen again.
05:46Yeah, sure it won't.
05:48Uh, a gust of water, a wind any minute now.
05:55A torrential storm.
06:00Snow after lunch.
06:04It sure is cold today.
06:07Look, Nina, it won't be long before someone gets suspicious
06:10that Zeph's unseasonal forecasts are always 100% accurate.
06:14Annie, you're right. I've got to put a stop to this.
06:17No more magical forecasts.
06:19Yes, yes, yes!
06:23Great news! The network boss is coming to see me in action tomorrow.
06:27No, they're thinking national. They love my hit rate.
06:30No other meteorologist has ever been this right.
06:33Well, you have been consistent.
06:35The Plenty Times newspaper called it spooky.
06:37To think I wasted all that time doing charts and stars
06:40when my real talent was in the weather.
06:42So where are we broadcasting from?
06:44Plenty High School.
06:48It's at school, Annie. Everyone, like Susie and Max, will be watching.
06:52So what? I thought your dad finally had a cool job.
06:55That's exactly why this time it's really important to me
06:58that he gets the weather right.
07:01Hi, guys.
07:03I'm so exhausted from all these wishes.
07:06Making weather is hard work.
07:08Just one more weather spell.
07:10Please, Pixel Pinky. Please, please, please, please, please.
07:14Oh, OK.
07:19Oh, no! She's out of pixels!
07:23I'm going to have to recharge.
07:26And you're out of luck. Look.
07:30It's the great Zeph, coming to you live from Plenty High School.
07:35Your dad's a hit.
07:37Look, that must be the TV boss.
07:40What do the Dreds say? The Dreds!
07:43Cool, clear, maybe a bit of fog from the east.
07:49Well, I...
07:51Oh, no!
07:53Oh, great. Another waste of time.
07:56Why do I always get the losers?
07:58Oh, and that's tomorrow.
08:00But right now, a hurricane is on its way to Plenty.
08:03Yes, a hurricane!
08:09Where did everyone go?
08:11They all went into the hall.
08:13You said there was a hurricane on its way.
08:15Means I have to say something.
08:18Dad, you could have said cool and dry with sunny spells.
08:22Yeah, look, this weatherman gig was going so well.
08:25But then I just lost my powers.
08:27I don't know what happened. I guess there's no hurricane.
08:30Maybe there is. But Annie, I'll need your help.
08:33Oh, no. What have you got planned?
08:37Everyone, can I please have your attention?
08:40I have a weather update. Everything is OK.
08:43The hurricane will run out of steam by the time it gets to us.
08:46We're not listening to you. What does the great Zef say?
08:50I don't suppose anyone wants a star chart or maybe a personality test?
08:56What's a star chart?
08:58Look outside. Our brave trooper Annie is battling the hurricane now.
09:03Oh, the hurricane sure is strong.
09:09And the hurricane is over.
09:12Very strong hurricane. Whoa!
09:15The hurricane is over.
09:17It is? It is.
09:21Means they want me for this national weatherman job.
09:24Oh. Do you want to do it, Dad?
09:26No. I kind of miss my old job. I don't want to be the great Zef anymore.
09:31Just playing old Zef is fine with me.
09:33Me too, Dad.
09:35Fine, I've heard enough.
09:36I'm off to see a donkey who's got an uncanny knack for predicting football scores.
09:40So, it's back to star charts and astrology?
09:43Yes, Dad. But your job is actually pretty cool when you think about it.
09:48So, I see your personality being dominated by food.
09:52You also love to sleep a lot?
09:55I do. I mean, he does.
09:58Hi, great Zef. Hi, Nina.
10:00Quite a queue out there, Dad.
10:02It seems like everyone wants their pet star charts.
10:05Nice idea of yours, Nines. I didn't know there was a market.
10:08With your intuition with the chickens, I knew it could work.
10:11Hey, Zef, the zoo guru, emergency.
10:14I've got a donkey who's in need of some spiritual assistance.