• last year
Peternak dan pengepul susu sapi di Boyolali, kini menghadapi situasi yang memprihatinkan, akibat adanya pembatasan suplai susu ke industri pengolahan susu. Akibatnya, mereka mengalami kerugian besar.


00:00Before that, farmers in Boyolali now face a worrisome situation
00:10due to the limited supply of milk to the milk processing industry.
00:15As a result, they suffered a great loss.
00:18Farmers in Boyolali protested in the Simpang Park area of Boyolali, Central Java.
00:25They distributed milk to the villagers,
00:27throwing it into the trash and even taking milk baths.
00:32Hundreds of villagers and road users
00:34poured the free fresh cow milk distribution.
00:38The people who came brought various containers for fresh milk,
00:42starting from plastic bags, drinking bottles,
00:45jerrycans, to gallons of mineral water.
00:48There were 1,000 liters of fresh cow milk distributed.
00:52This was a form of protest against the government
00:54for not maximizing the national milk supply
00:57because the government opened a cow milk import.
