• last year
Meanwhile on Earth Movie Clip - Ear Worm

US Release Date: November 8, 2024
Starring: Megan Northam, Catherine Salée, Sofia Lesaffre
Director : Jérémy Clapin
Synopsis: Elsa (Megan Northam, in her debut feature starring role), along with her family, is struggling following the disappearance of her brother Franck, an astronaut who vanished during his first mission. While stargazing one night, Elsa is shocked to receive contact from Franck, but her joy is short-lived when she learns of the dark and troubling forces behind Franck's reappearance, forcing her to confront the lengths she will go for the brother she once feared was gone forever.
01:06Franky desactivate
01:08On la dormi
01:10Utilise moi d'oxygène
01:13c'est avec lui on est autour de lui
01:21Les sortir de ma tête s'il vous plaît nous avons besoin de toi et tu as besoin de nous
01:30Je sortirai quand tout sera fini
01:38Pour le ramener oui mais d'abord tu dois nous faire venir
