• last year
00:20♪ Everywhere you look there is something growing, in summertime the corn is ten feet tall.
00:26The woods are very spacious, with room enough for creatures big and small.
00:31Everyone lives peacefully, one big family, it's like a little heaven here on earth.
00:38Listen to the wind as it whispers, look at the clear blue sky.
00:45Smell the flowers in the springtime, watch the little birdies fly.
00:51It makes no difference where you go, no matter where you search.
00:58There's no nicer place to live, it's heaven here on earth.
01:08This is home to many kinds of family, animals and people with families too.
01:15Mamas watching their babies growing, teaching them the right things they should do.
01:21Everyone lives peacefully, one big family, it's like a little heaven here on earth.
01:28Listen to the wind as it whispers, look at the clear blue sky.
01:35Smell the flowers in the springtime, watch the little birdies fly.
01:41It makes no difference where you go, no matter where you search.
01:48There's no nicer place to live, it's heaven here on earth.
02:12I surely do love it here in Cornwall County.
02:16The days are warm, the nights are cool.
02:19There's not a day goes by that something doesn't happen that makes you sit up and take notice.
02:25Yes siree Bob, Mother Nature must have been feeling her oats the day she made Cornwall County.
02:31Because it sure is enough prettier than the hen house is to a hungry coyote.
02:36Just look at yonder at Lariat Lane.
02:38That road is so crooked a feller can't tell if he's going somewhere or coming back home.
02:43Ah, that's better.
02:46I get to admire in the scenery so much that I don't remember to come back down.
02:51I tell y'all, sometimes I don't have enough sense to poke acorns down a peckerwood hole.
03:00I'm telling you, folks and critters around these parts have such a good life
03:05that they got nothing better to do for trouble than to manufacture it out of pure horse feathers.
03:11Take a look at the rabbit family over yonder for instance.
03:14No, no, no, no, not up there.
03:17Tarnation, he don't look for rabbits up in the trees.
03:21What's the matter with you?
03:22You're scratching where it don't itch, down lower.
03:27Now, doesn't that look like a nice sweet family lunch?
03:32It ought to be.
03:33Mother rabbit there takes right good care of her youngins.
03:37But trust me on this one, there's trouble a-brewing.
03:41Mama, Happy took my napkin.
03:44Mine too.
03:46Honest, Mama, I didn't do anything.
03:48Moosey and Pat, they...
03:50How many times have I told you bunnies not to fool around?
03:53How many times have I told you bunnies not to fool around like this?
03:57But Mama, Pat and Moosey, they started it.
04:01Did not.
04:02Did so.
04:03Did not.
04:04Did so.
04:06Boys, please, stop it. Eat your lunch now.
04:11You'd better cut Happy's into small pieces for him, Mama.
04:16Yeah, very small.
04:18Incy, beancy, tiny pieces.
04:21So we can fit them into his precious little itty-bitty dainty mouth.
04:29My mouth is not dainty.
04:31You're right. It's...
04:36Yeah, whatever that means.
04:41You see what I'm talking about?
04:43Those little critters have a mama that loves them,
04:46plenty of vittles to eat,
04:48a cozy place to sleep.
04:59Yeah, I'll be happier than a pooch at a barbecue.
05:02But sometimes when things are too good, we have a way of making them go bad.
05:07Just for the sport of it.
05:09Loony, wouldn't you say?
05:12Now isn't that just the most pathetic sight you ever did see?
05:16But don't you all worry.
05:18Mama Rabbit, she knows the right thing to tell little Happy Rabbit, all right.
05:24It isn't fair, Mama.
05:26I eat my turnips every day,
05:28and I'm still the littlest bunny in the woods.
05:31Now, Happy, there's more to life than being a big bunny.
05:34Like what?
05:35Well, like being honest and having a big heart.
05:38If you keep your heart full of love and kindness,
05:41it doesn't matter what size your body is.
05:43You will be bigger than all the rest.
05:46I will?
05:47In a very special way, yes.
05:49But Moosie and Patch, they're always teasing me.
05:52I hate being teased.
05:54I know you do.
05:56But if you don't react to their teasing,
05:58then you'll be bigger than either of them, in spirit.
06:01I'd rather be bigger than them in body.
06:03Sometimes growth happens on the inside before it happens on the outside, Happy.
06:07Being the littlest bunny stinks.
06:09My whole life stinks.
06:12Well, it does.
06:14I'm always being picked on.
06:16And not just by my brothers, either.
06:18Everybody in the woods is always picking on me, just because I'm so small.
06:22Chickie doesn't pick on you.
06:24Mama, Chickie is a chipmunk.
06:27He's just about the only animal in the woods that isn't bigger than me.
06:31Oh, is there anything I can do to make you feel better, Happy?
06:34Figure out a way to change me from the littlest bunny into the biggest bunny.
06:39Life for young'uns in the woods is easy this time of year.
06:43It's a mite too early to start storing food for the winter,
06:46and the warm afternoons are perfect for playing.
06:50All these little fellers ought to be having the time of their lives.
06:54But what ought to be, well, it's not necessarily what is.
06:59Uh-oh. Here we go.
07:03Chickie, I told you to stop scaring me like that.
07:07Oh, come on, Happy. I was just playing.
07:11And you better take what you can get,
07:13because it looks like you're not playing with anybody.
07:16What do you mean?
07:21There we go.
07:23I'm not playing with anybody.
07:25I'm not playing with anybody.
07:27I'm not playing with anybody.
07:30Them? I don't want to play with them anyhow.
07:33No? Then how come you were sitting here watching them like you lost your best friend?
07:38You're my best friend, and I wish you'd get lost.
07:41Well, thank you very much. Go on and play with them.
07:46Because you're not a big enough bunny to play with the big boys.
07:49See what I was meaning when I said here comes trouble?
07:53That chipmunk is fixing to put a spider in Happy's coffee.
07:57No, that's not it. I just don't feel like playing their stupid game.
08:01I think you're just a little scared bunny.
08:04In fact, I think you are the littlest scared bunny I've ever seen.
08:08Am not.
08:10Are too, or else you'd be out there playing with your brothers.
08:13I told you, I don't feel like playing with them.
08:17Just what I thought. A scared little bunny.
08:20Oh, yeah? I'll show you.
08:27What do you want?
08:29I, uh, I want to play too.
08:32You can't play this game. You're too little.
08:35Am not.
08:37Are too.
08:38Am not.
08:39Are too.
08:40Okay, then. We'll let you play with us.
08:43We will?
08:44We will?
08:46Sure. But if it gets too rough, you can't go crying home to Mama.
08:51I won't.
08:53Not even if you get hurt a little?
08:55Not even if I get hurt a lot.
08:57You hurt him.
08:59Okay, then, little brother. Let's go.
09:06Come on, Happy. Your turn.
09:15I did it! I did it!
09:17You sure did, Happy.
09:19I did it! I did it!
09:21You sure did, Happy.
09:23Now, bend down. Let's march on the jump.
09:32Quit it, Patch.
09:34Sorry, Happy.
09:36Your turn, Moosey.
09:40Hey! Let me up! I can't breathe!
09:50I love it!
09:59Now, that's not fair.
10:01Those two brothers of his are playing as dirty as a hog in a mud bath.
10:12That's... that's not... fair.
10:17We told you you might get hurt.
10:19Yeah. If you're not big enough to play, you shouldn't play at all.
10:24You little itty-bitty bunny.
10:33Itty-bitty bunny, you look very funny.
10:42That was a dirty trick.
10:44So what else is new?
10:46There's got to be some way you could get even with them.
10:49How? They're so much bigger than I am.
10:52Everybody's so much bigger than I am.
10:55I'll bet we could think of something.
10:57Just leave me alone.
10:59Oh, sure. They can have fun with you, beat you up and embarrass you.
11:03You don't want to do anything to even the score.
11:06Maybe you are just a itty-bitty bunny.
11:09I am not.
11:11Then prove it.
11:12But how?
11:15I've got a plan.
11:17A scrumptilicious plan.
11:26That chickie's got himself a plan that's slickered in a hound's nose.
11:31And speaking purely for myself,
11:34I'd rather not be around to find out exactly what it is.
11:43See? I told you I smelt clover.
11:46The nose knows.
11:48No schmoes. It's my belly that matters to me.
11:52Let's go.
12:06What's that?
12:09What's that?
12:11I don't know.
12:21Out of my way!
12:23Beat, get me out of here!
12:32What are all these vines doing here?
12:35What are all these vines doing here?
12:38How'd they get here? Help! I'm trapped!
12:41Me too. Mama!
12:46Help! Get me out of here!
12:58We're doomed!
13:24Did you ever see anything so funny?
13:27That was great. We really got him back.
13:30You see? You gotta fight fire with fire.
13:34Just cause you're little doesn't mean you can't make your brother scared of you.
13:38What do you mean?
13:40What do I mean? What do I mean? Isn't it obvious?
13:43If you're tricky and tough and scary,
13:46it doesn't matter how small you are. You'll get respect.
13:51Yeah. Yeah, that's what I want. A little respect.
13:55And how are you going to get it?
13:58I have no idea.
14:00By being the meanest, toughest, rottenest rabbit these woods have ever known. That's how.
14:10Yeah. I'm going to make everybody pay for treating me so mean.
14:14Nobody's going to mess with Happy Rabbit.
14:17Yeah. Except, I think my new personality needs a new name.
14:22A new name?
14:26Say goodbye to Happy Rabbit,
14:28and say hello to the meanest, toughest bunny that will ever walk these woods,
14:33Scrappy Rabbit.
14:35Now yonder there's Farmer Bellows picking some nice juicy produce for his table.
15:04He doesn't know that Happy, er, Scrappy Rabbit's on the warpath.
15:08All he knows is that some critters have been attacking his garden.
15:12That's why he went on and got himself a new dog, Elmo, but even Elmo doesn't scare Scrappy
15:17Rabbit much.
15:18Why, it wasn't more than a month or so ago, right about the time Elmo first arrived, that
15:22Scrappy and Chicky, they really pulled a fast one on Moosey and Patch.
15:26Well, those two have been thicker than warts on a pickle ever since that first day they
15:31threw a scare into the Rabbit Brothers.
15:34Anyhow, what happened was...
15:36Come on, the coast is clear.
15:43Wow, you were right, Happy.
15:52What did you call me?
15:53Er, Scrappy.
15:54I called you Scrappy.
15:55That's better.
15:56Are you sure it's safe?
15:57Sure, I'm sure.
15:59What are you scared of, you little, bitty, scaredy-cat?
16:08Come on, forget about him.
16:10Let's eat.
16:28I'm not sure this is such a good idea, Scrappy.
16:39What are you, scared?
16:41A little.
16:42Ah, phooey.
16:43I'm the meanest buddy in the woods.
16:50And away we go.
16:51Come on, Elmo.
16:52Come on, doggy.
16:53Over here, you big, dumb dog.
16:54Two rabbits are better than one.
17:19Scrappy didn't go through the dog!
17:21Let's get out of here!
17:23Help, Mama!
17:24Help, help, help!
17:25Help, Mama!
17:26Please, Mama!
17:27Help, help us!
17:28Help us, Mama!
17:48See what I mean?
17:50Scrappy gets a real kick out of making his brothers jumpier than a fox in a forest fire.
17:55Now, it's one thing to be evening the score with his own kin, but Scrappy hasn't been stopping there.
18:02Oh, no.
18:03That bully of a bunny is terrorizing the entire woods.
18:07Why, just the other day, him and Chicky came across a family of field mice.
18:17Hi-dee-ho, there. I'm home with more food.
18:20Well, would you look at that.
18:23Pa, Pa, what did you bring us?
18:26A nice, juicy kernel of corn.
18:29But remember, it's not for now.
18:32We have to store up some food for the winter.
18:35Let me help you, Pa.
18:38Put it in with the nuts and berries, Pumpkin.
18:41Okay, Ma, I will.
18:44I got a whole mess of them.
18:47Just pass that pile of leaves.
18:50Give me a hand with them, won't you, son?
18:53Sure thing, Pa.
18:56Your Pa is such a good provider.
18:59We sure won't go hungry this winter.
19:02Go give him a hand. I'll clear a path.
19:05Okay, Ma.
19:14Somebody please help me!
19:17What's going on, neighbor?
19:20My foot, it's stuck.
19:23Does it hurt much?
19:26Oh, yes, it hurts something awful.
19:29Okay, let's all try to pull his foot.
19:36Thanks, suckers!
19:39Yeah, thanks, suckers!
19:46Dang it, I worked all day getting that food.
19:49Now we're going to have to start all over.
19:52You rotten rabbit!
19:55Now, Pa, no sense getting all riled up.
19:58Let's go.
20:02So, as you can see,
20:05them boys are more trouble than a twister at twilight.
20:08Someday it's going to catch up with them, mark my words.
20:11Well, well, well, speak of the devils.
20:14Here comes Scrappy and Chicky now.
20:17I'd best be flying.
20:20If that bad news bunny and his buddy are up to no good,
20:23I'm going to have to go.
20:26I'm going to have to go.
20:29If that bad news bunny and his buddy are up to no good,
20:32I can tell you that.
20:51Have you ever seen so much food in one place?
20:54No, there must be a ton of it here.
20:57That's all for us.
21:00There's so much, who will notice if 3 or 4 heads of lettuce are gone?
21:033 or 4? Is that all?
21:06Well, I meant 3 or 4 each.
21:09We can do better than that.
21:125 or 6 each?
21:15Nah, let's take a bite out of all of them.
21:18All of them?
21:21Why not just eat a whole head of lettuce?
21:24Everybody knows that humans won't eat food that animals have nibbled on.
21:27So? What's your point?
21:30So, if we nibble on all the food,
21:33Farmer Bellows won't be able to use any of it.
21:36I don't get it.
21:39You want to take one bite out of everything just to ruin Farmer Bellows' whole crop?
21:42Why, because I can, Acorn for Brains.
21:45I'm the meanest bunny in the woods.
21:48Oh, I get it now.
21:51Oh, sure. Let's get started.
21:54Right. We've got a lot of crop to destroy.
21:57Who's the littlest bunny now?
22:00Not you, that's for sure.
22:03All right, then. On your mark.
22:06Get set. Pig out!
22:12Sometimes, sometimes you think it's good to be bad.
22:15I'll race you to the other end.
22:18Sometimes, sometimes you think it's good to be bad.
22:21Look behind and look ahead.
22:24Trouble's gonna catch you if it hasn't yet.
22:30Is looking for you and gathering speed.
22:33You're heading for disaster, but you just don't see.
22:36You're in trouble, but you just don't see.
22:39You're in trouble, but you just don't see.
22:42You're in trouble, but you just don't see.
22:45You're in trouble, but you just don't see.
22:48You're in trouble with a capital T.
22:51Sometimes, sometimes you think it's good to be mean.
22:55Sometimes, sometimes you show them you're nasty.
22:59Show them all the time.
23:02Sometimes, sometimes you think it's good to be mean.
23:06Look behind and look ahead.
23:10Trouble's gonna catch you if it hasn't yet.
23:17Is looking for you and gathering speed.
23:20You're heading for disaster, but you just don't see.
23:23You're in trouble with a capital T.
23:29Is looking for you and gathering speed.
23:32You're heading for disaster, but you just don't see.
23:35You're in trouble with a capital T.
23:41Is looking for you and gathering speed.
23:44You're heading for disaster, but you just don't see.
23:47You're in trouble with a capital T.
24:01Oh, man. That was a close one.
24:04You're telling me. Look.
24:07A little too close, if you ask me.
24:10Are you kidding? I was great.
24:13I was the best. Don't you see what this means, Chicky?
24:16No. What does it mean?
24:19It means that I'm indestructible.
24:22If Elmo couldn't catch me, nobody can.
24:27I can do anything I want to anyone I want.
24:30Nothing can touch me. You think I've been bad so far?
24:33You ain't seen nothing yet.
24:36Uh, Scrappy?
24:38Hey, woods, look out, world.
24:41Scrappy Rabbit is coming to get you, and has he ever ticked off?
24:52Well, now.
24:55Scrappy Rabbit has got all the critters in the woods
24:58moving faster than a spider on a hot stove.
25:01Nobody wants to get near him, least of all his own brothers.
25:04And I've seen him running all over Farmer Bellows' farm,
25:07scouting things out.
25:10He's been busier than a buzzsaw on a pine knot.
25:13I wonder what he's up to.
25:27Don't hurt me. I'm sorry.
25:30Why, Patch? What are you sorry for?
25:33For whatever you want me to be sorry for.
25:36Just leave me alone.
25:39Leave you alone?
25:42But, Patchewatchee, I'm your brother.
25:45Your little brother, remember?
25:48Come on, Scrappy. Leave him alone.
25:54Come on, fellas. All they want to do is make up and be friends.
25:57Can't we do that?
26:00Every time you try to be friends, we end up in trouble.
26:03I admit, that may have been true before.
26:06But this is now.
26:09Besides, I can't eat all that food myself.
26:15Yeah, but if you don't want any.
26:18Who said we don't want any?
26:21Is this real food we're talking about here?
26:24Tasty turnips, colossal carrots, luscious lettuce,
26:27Stop! I can't take it anymore.
26:30Where is this food?
26:33Farmer Bella's garden.
26:36Oh, no. You tried this one on us before.
26:39He's got a dog. I nearly got bitten.
26:42I'd rather eat grass.
26:45But, Moosey, Elmo can't hurt you.
26:48Yeah? How come? Did all his teeth fall out?
26:51He's tied up.
26:54We're harvesting tomorrow, so today's our last day.
26:57You mean after tomorrow?
27:00Yep, that's right. After tomorrow, all that's left in the garden will be rocks and dirt.
27:04No more beautiful beets, no more ravishing radishes, no more...
27:08Okay, okay. You sure Elmo's tied up?
27:11Sure, I'm sure.
27:14You think I'd go into the garden if you weren't?
27:17You're going into the garden, too?
27:20Sure, I'm going. I'm not passing up all those goodies.
27:23We wouldn't eat all that food by ourselves.
27:26Pardon us a moment.
27:29But there's a dog.
27:32Yeah, but Scrappy said he's going, too.
27:35He wouldn't go if there was any danger.
27:38I don't know about that. Scrappy's a little nuts if you ask me.
27:41You heard what he said. Farmer Bella's is harvesting tomorrow.
27:44This is our last chance.
27:47But what about Elmo?
27:50He's tied up. I'm going.
27:53But Pat...
27:56I said I'm going. Come on.
28:02Okay, we'll go.
28:05Great. I'd hate to have to eat all that food myself.
28:08After you.
28:11Oh, no, brother dear. After you.
28:14Okay. I was just being polite.
28:17Oh, no.
28:35What's that?
28:38Pardon me. I must have dozed off there for a minute.
28:41Now, what was I saying?
28:44I was telling you how Scrappy Rabbit was looking over this garden
28:47the way Aunt Blue Jay looks over an earthworm.
28:50I got a feeling he's heading for trouble.
28:53Hey, looky here.
28:56He's gone and brought trouble right along with him.
29:02Wow! And that's what I call lunch and dinner and breakfast and...
29:07Wait a second.
29:10Are you sure he's tied up?
29:13I'll show you.
29:19Scrappy, what are you doing? Get back over here.
29:26Scrappy, get over here.
29:29See? What did I tell you?
29:32Are you nuts? You might have woke him up.
29:35I ain't afraid of him. He's all bark and no bite.
29:38Well, speaking of bites, shall we?
29:41Oh, yes, we shall. We definitely shall.
29:59Uh-oh. I don't like the look in Scrappy's eye.
30:02He is definitely up to something.
30:05And if I will get you ten, that something's not a good thing.
30:17This ought to scare those two silly.
30:20Oh, I'm so bad. I'm good.
30:42I hate you.
30:45I should see your faces.
30:48You guys are a scream. You kill me.
30:51I swear this is my best one yet.
30:58What cowards. What a couple of little babies.
31:02Scared of a tied-up dog. Oh, this is rich.
31:12So how does it feel to be scared and humiliated?
31:15Do you like it, huh? Do ya?
31:20What are you so afraid of?
31:25Scrappy, look out!
31:28Oh, come on. You don't think you can fool me with that old chestnut, do ya?
32:11Ho ho ho!
32:19Oh, shoot!
32:41Good dog, Elmo.
32:43Good dog.
32:44Down, now.
32:45Out you head.
33:08Well, well, well.
33:10Things have gotten a little out of hand for Scrappy Rabbit.
33:13He only meant to give his brothers a good scare,
33:16not get them caught by Farmer Bellows.
33:18Now he's more frightened than a toddler in a spook house.
33:22Let's see him get out of this mess.
33:28I mean Scrappy.
33:29What is it?
33:30What's happened?
33:31Oh, Mama.
33:32I didn't mean for this to happen.
33:34I was just trying to teach Moosey and Patch a lesson,
33:36and now they're going to die.
33:38Calm down, little one.
33:39Tell me what's happened.
33:41Well, now.
33:42It looks as if Scrappy has learned himself some sort of lesson.
33:46Unfortunately, his brothers are learning one, too.
33:49Mama Rabbit is listening patiently enough.
33:52You can practically hear her brain working out a plan to rescue her other boys.
33:56They better move fast.
33:58Farmer Bellows looks like he was fixing to make a rabbit stew before sundown.
34:03Scrappy, I'll deal with you and your awful prank later on.
34:07Right now, we've got to save your brothers.
34:09I know, Mama.
34:10We've got to save Moosey and Patch.
34:12Oh, Mama, I'm so scared.
34:14Scrappy, remember what I've always told you,
34:17that having a brother is like having a sister.
34:20Remember what I've always told you,
34:22that having a big heart can make you a big bunny?
34:25Yes, ma'am.
34:26Well, now is the time when you must be as big of heart as you can.
34:30Hold a good thought, and everything will work out fine.
34:33It will?
34:34Well, I hope it will.
34:36Now, let's hurry and gather the others.
34:38We have a lot to do.
34:41I only hope we're not too late.
34:51Patch, I'm scared.
34:53Well, I'm not exactly trembling with excitement, Moosey.
34:56What's going to happen to us?
34:59I'm not sure exactly.
35:02Why do we have to listen to that stupid Scrappy?
35:05If I ever get out of here, I'm going to teach him a lesson he'll never forget.
35:09But that's how we got into this mess, Patch.
35:11What are you talking about?
35:13We were always teasing Scrappy about being the least of our business.
35:17Maybe if we'd been nicer to him, he wouldn't have done this to us.
35:21What are you saying?
35:23That because we teased him a little, he has the right to get us captured?
35:26And maybe, well, who knows what?
35:28We didn't tease him a little.
35:30We teased him a lot.
35:32He can't help it if he's small.
35:34I can't believe it.
35:36We're trapped like rats, and you're defending him?
35:38I'm just saying that, in a way, maybe we brought this on ourselves.
35:42Oh, sure.
35:44We just walked right into this cage.
35:46What kind of bonehead bunny are you?
35:48I mean, if we had been nicer to Scrappy,
35:51maybe we wouldn't be in this trouble.
35:53Yeah, well, I have a feeling this might be the last trouble we'll ever be in.
36:05So, do you all understand?
36:07When Scrappy and I get to Farmer Bellow's door,
36:09you all have to go to the door.
36:11When Scrappy and I get to Farmer Bellow's door,
36:13you all start making as much noise as you can.
36:16So much noise that Farmer Bellows will come out of his house to see what's going on.
36:20And then, when the door opens,
36:22we'll run inside and find a way to free Moosey and Patch.
36:25Now, have you got that?
36:29Shh! Not yet.
36:31Wait until I give you the signal.
36:42Now wait for the signal.
36:58What do you suppose he's doing?
37:00I don't want to know.
37:26Shh! Shh!
37:28Come on, Moosey, Moosey, Moosey!
37:31Wake up, Moosey, Moosey!
37:33Not a great time for a nap, Moosey!
37:37Well, I'll be.
37:42I must be dreaming.
37:44What? What is it?
37:48That's no dream! That's our mama!
37:52Mama! Mama, help us!
37:56Malcolm, what shall we do?
37:58Well, ma'am, I couldn't say, rightly.
38:01What you've got here is a situation that's so difficult
38:04that it's almost impossible to explain.
38:07I couldn't say, rightly.
38:09What you've got here is a situation that's tougher
38:12than shinning up a thorn tree with an armload of eels.
38:17What I mean to say, ma'am, is that, idea-wise,
38:20I'm as lacking as feathers on a snake.
38:23Malcolm, just sound the alarm, will you?
38:26Now, that's a right good idea, ma'am.
38:29Just do it!
38:38It worked! Here he comes. Get ready.
38:42As soon as he opens the door, we scoot in. Are you ready?
38:45Ready, Mama.
38:57He's bringing them with him.
38:59Now what are we going to do?
39:01Hold a good thought, Scrappy. Hold a good thought.
39:15Mama! Mama! Scrappy!
39:17Help! Help!
39:20Mama! Mama! Scrappy!
39:50These are the last vegetables you'll ever steal from my garden,
39:54you little thieves.
40:11There. Maybe if I leave you some food,
40:14you'll stop raiding my garden.
40:16Tell your friends I'll bring fresh vegetables out here for all of you
40:19every day until the harvest is over,
40:21and on into winter, too.
40:23Well, eat well, my little friends.
40:26Eat well.
40:47What happened?
40:49A miracle happened.
40:51A miracle? Not really.
40:53Just a kind human who has no reason to hurt us.
40:56Did you know he was kind, Mama?
40:58Is that why you weren't as frightened as the rest of us?
41:01No, little one. I was just as frightened as all the rest.
41:04But I was holding a good thought in my heart.
41:06Weren't you?
41:08Yes, Mama, I was. I really was.
41:11I was.
41:13Yes, Mama, I was. I really was.
41:16Well, it was good practice for you, then,
41:18because you are going to have some very serious consequences
41:21to your actions, young bunny.
41:23Yes, Ma'am. I kind of figured as much.
41:26Good. You and Chicky will have to pay back the field mice
41:29every morsel you stole from them, and then some.
41:32Yes, Ma'am. We will.
41:34And you're going to have to stop stealing from Farmer Bellow's garden.
41:38I will. Don't worry.
41:41And I'll make sure nobody else steals from him either,
41:44even if I have to stand guard myself.
41:47Good. And I think you owe your brothers a big apology.
41:51Yes, Ma'am. I sure do.
41:54I'm sorry, Patch.
41:56Sorry, Moosey.
41:58That's okay, Scrappy.
42:00If it wasn't for me and Moosey teasing you all the time,
42:02none of this would have ever happened.
42:04I certainly hope you've learned something about being big, Scrappy Rabbit.
42:08I did, Mama. Believe me, I did.
42:10But there's just one thing.
42:12What is it?
42:14I don't want to be Scrappy Rabbit anymore.
42:16Will you start calling me Happy Rabbit again?
42:19Well, well. It looks like the littlest bunny is finally growing up.
42:24Well, they say all's well that ends well, and I guess it's true.
42:29Moosey and Patch are safe and sound,
42:31and Happy Rabbit has made his peace with Mother Nature,
42:34which is as it should be.
42:36And things around Cornwall County have gotten so quiet again,
42:40you could hear a cricket clear its throat.
42:49Well, like fellows are fond of saying where I come from,
42:53you'll be there when you get there.
42:55And I suppose this here is there.
42:58So what all this means is I'll be moseying on now.
43:02Bye, y'all.
43:11♪ The world has room for every kind ♪
43:17♪ Just look around and you will find ♪
43:22♪ The big and the small, the weak, the strong ♪
43:28♪ All different, but they all belong ♪
43:33♪ You don't have to be the tallest to run the fastest mile ♪
43:39♪ Be the biggest, bravest, or have the brightest smile ♪
43:44♪ Be the best, you don't have to be the strongest to run the fastest mile ♪
43:51♪ You'll be fine just the way you are as long as you have a heart ♪
44:02♪ Look, the outside is what we see ♪
44:07♪ What's important is underneath ♪
44:13♪ Don't try to be like someone else ♪
44:19♪ Be happy with you and be yourself ♪
44:24♪ You don't have to be the tallest to run the fastest mile ♪
44:30♪ Be the biggest, bravest, or have the brightest smile ♪
44:35♪ Be the best, you don't have to be the strongest to run the fastest mile ♪
44:41♪ You'll be fine just the way you are as long as you have a heart ♪
44:47♪ When you have a loving heart there's enough to go around ♪
44:52♪ So you can keep on giving and your love will not run out ♪
44:58♪ You don't have to be the tallest to run the fastest mile ♪
45:04♪ Be the biggest, bravest, or have the brightest smile ♪
45:09♪ Be the best, you don't have to be the strongest to run the fastest mile ♪
45:15♪ You'll be fine just the way you are as long as you have a heart ♪
