• l’année dernière
David Kovic dirige une petite agence d'intérim à Baltimore. Il s'en satisfait amplement, jusqu'au jour où les collaborateurs du président des Etats-Unis, Bill Mitchell, trouvent en lui le sosie parfait de leur patron. Voici donc David propulsé dans le fauteuil présidentiel, tandis que l'élu de la nation s'en va à son rendez-vous galant en toute impunité. Las ! Au moment décisif, Mitchell est foudroyé par une attaque cérébrale. David est alors prié de conserver l'identité de l'illustre comateux. L'ambitieux secrétaire de la Maison-Blanche entend ainsi préparer son arrivée au pouvoir. Mais David se prend au jeu...
00:00He's the one we all say hail to
00:02Dave Kovic was an ordinary guy
00:05Mr. Kovic, your government needs your help
00:07Oh yeah
00:08who just happened to look like the president
00:10You're a very handsome man
00:12Thank you, Mr. President
00:14Just get rid of the grin
00:15You look like a schmuck
00:16Dave, something has happened to the president
00:19What about the vice president?
00:20The vice president is mentally unbalanced
00:23Is this legal?
00:24Oh yeah
00:26We'll see if something will
00:28Suddenly, Dave has a great job
00:30I can't tell you the whole story
00:31It's kind of a national emergency kind of thing
00:32But you gotta help me cut the budget a little
00:35He's gonna cut the budget
00:37He has a great house
00:38But it fell 90
00:40Who does these books?
00:41I mean, if I ran my business this way
00:42I'd be out of business
00:44And he has a great wife
00:46Why can't you die from a stroke like everybody else?
00:49He hates me
00:52And the amazing thing is
00:54Everyone loves him
00:55God bless you
00:56God bless America
01:00This guy been having too many happy meals for lunch or what?
01:02Kevin Kline
01:03The Academy Award winning star
01:05Of A Fish Called Wanda
01:07I once caught a fish
01:09This big
01:10Sigourney Weaver
01:11I'm talking to you
01:12Will you please turn around?
01:14You know, if you want to be the same old selfish
01:18From Ivan Reitman
01:20The director of Ghostbusters
01:22And Kindergarten Cop
01:24Before we get started
01:26A couple of things I'd like to go over in the budget
01:27Mr. President
01:29I'm gonna kill him
01:30You can't kill a president
01:31He's not a president
01:32He's an ordinary person
01:34I can kill an ordinary person
01:36In a country where anybody can become president
01:39Say, I live, I live, I
01:42Just do it
01:43We got to go
01:44Kevin Kline
01:45Sigourney Weaver
01:46You make a nice president, Dave, go back
01:49Okay, let's get back to work
01:53Let's go
01:54False alarm, I'm fine, everything's fine