• l’année dernière


00:00Did you know that Jackson Irvine's working day doesn't begin in quite the same way as most footballers?
00:07When I wake up early in the morning
00:118.30 in the morning on a Monday, no one cares who's on the train with you.
00:15No expensive status symbol and four wheels outside the house.
00:19Instead, he uses bus and rail to get to the training ground.
00:23It started when I first arrived here and I just didn't have a car when I first came.
00:27Of course, coming from the UK and I had to come from the hotel I was staying to the training ground.
00:32And, you know, the transport was so easy and I just thought, well, I just kind of went with it.
00:38And the longer I kind of spent in Hamburg, I realized how easy it is to kind of live without a car.
00:44It's also more environmentally friendly. Typical St. Pauli.
00:49It's actually something quite common at the club that people come with transport or by bike or other things.
00:55Which I think is nice as well.
00:57What else St. Pauli's captain likes can be seen on his Instagram channel.
01:01Fashion and music are definitely two things, but primarily his wife Jamila.
01:06Shortly after promotion, the pair tied the knot.
01:09An anecdote from May proves just how great the love is.
01:12The day after the Derby defeat at Hamburg, Irvine helped his wife sell T-shirts at a shop in St. Pauli.
01:21J'ai dit que je serais là pour m'aider le jour.
01:23Donc, tu dois te lever. C'est une partie de la fête, bien sûr.
01:26J'aimerais que ce soit en meilleures conditions.
01:29Je veux être soutenu aussi.
01:31Elle ne me laisse jamais porter le résultat chez moi.
01:36Si ça a du sens.
01:37Quand on perd des Jeux, c'est OK.
01:39Tu peux t'ennuyer au stade pendant un moment.
01:41Mais une fois à la maison, ne ramène pas cette négativité chez toi.
01:45Tu dois juste y aller.
01:48Son style de musique peut être lu par son bras,
01:51où le légendaire Lou Reed est honoré.
01:54Tu vas même voir le guitareur de hobby sur scène de temps en temps,
01:58mais plus souvent dans l'audience, dans les nombreux clubs de St. Pauli.
02:04La musique est une grande partie de ma vie,
02:06et je suis constamment en train de faire de la musique en live,
02:09ou d'aller dans la ville.
02:12Tout ce que j'aime faire est centré là-bas.
02:18Et la station de St. Pauli,
02:20de là où Irvine continuera de commencer son jour de travail,
02:23même en tant que joueur de la Ligue nationale.
02:26Je le trouve assez thérapeutique le matin.
