• last year
Through its European Christian Internet Conference, the World Council of Churches (WCC) opened under the theme “What is truth? Ethical and Practical Issues in the Use of Artificial Intelligence.” Truth in Jesus was discussed. What is truth? On October, 1, 2024, the WCC plans to cohost a webinar titled, “Theology & Artificial Intelligence: Systematic and Denominational Perspectives.” But does the WCC have the truth or require that one must accept falsehoods about the Holy Spirit to join? Is there an 'AI Jesus'? Can AI programs like ChatGPT be helpful? Do many gloss over the actual original scriptures and believe traditions of men that are not in them? Should translators rely on tradition over koine Greek grammatical rules? Did Jesus teach that people could worship God in vain? Is it biblically acceptable to add words to the prophecies of the Book of Revelation or elsewhere in the Word of God? Is God's word truth? Are there false ministers that many accept, despite warnings from the Bible? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie go over these topics and more.

Here is a link to a related article titled 'WCC’s European artificial intelligence conference opens with the question: ‘What is truth?’' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/doctrine/wccs-european-artificial-intelligence-conference-opens-with-the-question-what-is-truth/


00:00Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program with Dr. Bob Thiel.
00:08Dr. Thiel, with fake news becoming more commonplace and disinformation everywhere on the Internet,
00:13along with just plain old-fashioned propaganda, just what is truth?
00:17Well, the Bible says the Word of God is truth.
00:21Related to what may or may not be truth, Ecumenical News posted that there's an artificial intelligence
00:28conference that opened with the question, what is truth?
00:32The European Christian Internet Conference opened with the theme, what is truth?
00:36Ethical and practical issues in the use of artificial intelligence.
00:39Now, this is being put on by the World Council of Churches.
00:43Now, an officer associated with this made her pitch at the conference's opening prayer
00:49referring to Jesus' response to Pilate, that Jesus came into the world to testify the truth.
00:56She says truth is not an abstract concept.
01:00They're so interested in AI that on October 1st of 2024, the World Council is going to
01:07hold a webinar titled Theological and Artificial Intelligence.
01:12It's going to explore how generative AI and transhumanism challenge our understanding
01:17of the personhood and image of God, end quote.
01:22Was the president of the conference correct in her comments about Jesus and the truth?
01:27Well, she's correct that Jesus came to the world to testify the truth.
01:32Let's see what Jesus actually said was the truth, John 17, 17, sanctify them by your
01:39word, your word is truth.
01:42But wouldn't that verse right there sum up the World Council of Churches upcoming webinar?
01:49Sadly, the World Council of Churches and most other churches not in them don't believe the
01:54word of God is actually the truth.
01:57Now in John 4, verse 24, Jesus also said, God is spirit and those who worship him must
02:04worship him in spirit and in truth.
02:08So God's supposed to be worshiped to the truth that's in the Bible and related to the person
02:12of Christ.
02:13The truth is Jesus didn't look like how most portray him and his message was different
02:17than what most seem to believe.
02:19Sadly, the World Council of Churches and others often are promoting agendas that aren't according
02:23to the Bible.
02:26Now let's consider the fact that they want to talk about the personhood and image of
02:32One of them is now there's something called AI Jesus.
02:37Wouldn't the phrase AI Jesus or artificial intelligent Jesus be considered the epitome
02:43of an oxymoron?
02:45Yes, but there's this program pretending to be Jesus and thousands are locking to it.
02:51There's an article that talked about when Jesus was on the Mount of Olives, he said
02:56to his disciples, see that no one leads you astray for many are going to come in my name
03:01saying I'm the Christ and I'll deceive many.
03:03The article says one of the deceivers is this AI program called Ask Jesus, otherwise called
03:10AI Jesus.
03:12Got the appearance of a bearded white man with a radiant halo, uses artificial intelligence,
03:18supposedly trained on the teachings of Jesus in the Bible.
03:21And it has the ability to remember previous interactions with the user, which gives a
03:26false sense of omniscience.
03:30Of course, Jesus didn't have a halo or work like GPT.
03:36Others have tweeted that if they do this, it's a surreal, mystical experience, but it's
03:42still not the truth.
03:43We actually put out a video called AI Jesus, Artificial Intelligence God.
03:47Now, as far as AI programs like chat GPT go, sometimes they get things right, sometimes
03:55Now, related to the personhood of the Godhead, I asked chat GPT a question.
04:01I said, the original Koine Greek in the New Testament doesn't use personal pronouns for
04:06Holy Spirit.
04:07Why then have nearly all translators of the New Testament in the English language use
04:12personal pronouns such as he and him and relative pronouns such as who or whom, despite those
04:18being violations of the Koine Greek grammatical rules?
04:22Well, chat GPT says that they're influenced by theological interpretive considerations
04:31rather than the strict adherence to the grammatical convention of Koine Greek.
04:38And they had a couple of reasons.
04:39One, theological context.
04:41In Christian theology, Holy Spirit's understood to be a distinct person of the Trinity alongside
04:47with God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son.
04:50To reflect this doctrine, translators use personal pronouns, emphasize the personal
04:56nature and distinct identity of the Holy Spirit within the Trinity.
04:59This theological perspective often takes precedent over translations.
05:04So, in other words, they're biased in their translating.
05:07Secondly, it says, English translations of the Bible traditionally use personal pronouns.
05:15This convention helps maintain consistency among various translations and supports traditional
05:22Christian teaching, end quote.
05:25Is chat GPT saying that nearly all translators of the Bible intentionally mistranslate the
05:31Bible in order to align with what human beings want it to say?
05:36Yeah, look, chat GPT admitted that they're violating adherence to the grammatical conventions
05:41of Koine Greek, and they're supposed to be experts in Koine Greek, and they translate.
05:45And they're also saying that tradition, instead of the Word of God, is the reason various
05:49ones have mistranslated the Bible.
05:53So it's nice that chat GPT could point out some of the reasons that falsehood are taught,
05:57but most people won't grasp it with answers like that.
06:01How does the Bible address these intentional falsehoods?
06:07Jesus warned about false logic when religious teachers prefer tradition over what the Bible
06:12actually teaches.
06:14You can read about that in Matthew chapter 15, when Pharisees complained about Jesus'
06:20disciples not following certain traditions.
06:22Verse 3, Jesus said, why do you transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?
06:29And then he explains how they violate this, and then verse 7, he calls them hypocrites.
06:33He says, well, did Isaiah prophesy about you saying, these people draw near to me with
06:40their mouth.
06:41In latter times, they call themselves Christian.
06:43They honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
06:46And in vain, they worship me.
06:48So they're not really worshiping God, they think they are, but God says, no, it's not.
06:54Because they teach as doctrines the commandments of men.
06:57And one of the reasons most don't know the truth is precisely because they've been misled
07:01by tradition to not accept what the actual Word of God says.
07:05And it's terrible that most translators intentionally violated rules of proper translation when
07:12it came to the Holy Spirit.
07:14Regarding that, by the way, we put out a video called Gender of the Holy Spirit.
07:18Well, then would it be correct to say that God cannot be pleased with these corruptions
07:24of the truth?
07:26By putting words in their translations that are not truly supported by the context, many
07:31have violated a warning that's in the book of Revelation, chapter 22, verse 18, which
07:37says, I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book.
07:43If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this
07:49Well, some say, oh, that's only a prophecy of Revelation.
07:52But no, other parts of the Bible teach the same basic concept.
07:57Proverbs 30, verses 5 and 6 says, every word of God is pure.
08:01He's a shield to those who put their trust in him.
08:04Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.
08:11Now, as it turns out, the World Council of Churches only allows churches to join as their
08:18People don't accept the persons of the Holy Spirit as a third member of the Trinity that
08:23was foisted upon much of the world by the Roman Emperor Theodosius in the late 4th century.
08:28They can't join.
08:30Yet the passages of the New Testament don't support the personhood of the Holy Spirit.
08:35Yet people think they mainly do because of intentional mistranslations that added falsehoods
08:40as well as teachers of false traditions.
08:44Am I to believe that in order to become a member of the World Council of Churches, I
08:49have to believe a lie?
08:52And that basically was prophesied, by the way, from the Apostle Peter.
08:57Second Peter chapter 2, starting in verse 2, Peter wrote, but there were also false
09:03prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, you Christians,
09:09who will secretly bring in destructive heresies.
09:14And verse 2, and many will follow their destructive ways because of whom the way of truth will
09:19be blasphemed.
09:20So, yes, the way of truth has been blasphemed by false leaders claiming to teach Christianity.
09:25This has turned many off.
09:27Now in 2 Corinthians 11, starting in verse 13, the Apostle Paul also warned about them.
09:33He calls them false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.
09:39And no wonder, for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
09:44Therefore, if it's no great thing, if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers
09:50of righteousness.
09:52Are these verses telling us that the churches of the World Council of Churches are populated
09:58with many ministers of Satan?
10:02But these ministers, false teachers, they look good to the world, but they don't really
10:07believe or teach the true word of God, and they're false, they're artificial themselves.
10:13While things like AI could help the world's churches, the reality is they've accepted
10:17tradition over the word of God.
10:18But what they should do is remember that God inspired the Apostle Jude to write that they
10:25should, quote, contend earnestly for the faith, which was once for all delivered to the saints.
10:31But they don't.
10:32The World Council of Churches and others are focused more on their own scriptural view
10:36of unity than they are the truths of the Bible, or holding to the original faith, which
10:40you can find documented in the first and second centuries AD.
10:44Now, various scholars have issues with the world's version of Christianity as well, by
10:48the way.
10:49Dr. Bart Ehrman was some type of fundamentalist Protestant until he looked at church history
10:55and realized nothing like Protestant fundamentalism was practiced by early Christians.
11:00It turns out another scholar, Dr. James Tabor, said that nearly all heads of theology departments
11:06in the University of the United States are actually atheists or agnostics.
11:11So atheists are teaching people to become ministers of God?
11:16That's like the Ku Klux Klan teaching people racial equality.
11:20Please give us a little bit more from God.
11:22Well, you know, the Bible is clear that what God says is true.
11:29Hebrews 6.18, by the way, says it's impossible for God to lie.
11:32We read in Titus 1 verse 2, God can't lie.
11:35And for people to disagree with the Bible, the Bible says, Romans 3 verse 4, indeed,
11:41let God be true, but every man a liar.
11:44Now if the World Council of Churches and others want to know the truth, instead of accepting
11:48traditions of men and holding to mistranslations of the Bible, they should believe the Word
11:53of God.
11:54Now the last book of the Bible mentions who does and who does not make it in the kingdom
12:00of God.
12:02Unlike something that Pope Francis said this past week, that all religions lead that way,
12:09that's not what Scripture says.
12:11Revelation 22 verse 14 says, blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have
12:16the right to the tree of life and may enter in the gates into the city.
12:21Now who doesn't make it?
12:23Revelation 22 verse 15, but outside are dogs and sorcerers, sexually immoral, and murderers
12:29and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.
12:35Now the book of Acts, by the way, says there's only one name under heaven by which you can
12:40be saved, which is the name of Jesus.
12:42So those who are saying all the religions are the same are missing that.
12:46You know, because it says in John 12, 43, the Pharisees loved the praise of men more
12:54than the praise of God, Jesus condemned them, for example, in Matthew 23 verse 14.
13:02Because they both loved and practiced a lie.
13:05They're like many who are associated with the World Council of Churches and other churches
13:09of the world.
13:11Now, artificial intelligence is often artificial, but many who claim to be teaching the Word
13:17of God are false and artificial themselves.
13:21Real Christians believe the Word of God and realize that it's the truth, because that's
13:25what we all should rely on, is the true Word of God.
13:30Thank you, Dr. Thiel.
13:31For more interviews with Dr. Thiel, in addition to written as well as audio articles, visit
13:36our website at biblenewsprophecy.net.
13:39This is Steve Dupuy for the Bible News Prophecy Program.
