• last year
00:00Let me just let me just say this so let's say an average game you're going to throw it 35 times.
00:06Okay, that's like you're going to throw it 35 times. So my thought process in throwing it 35
00:14times is how can I get that number down to about between 10 and 15 where my guys have to hold up
00:22and actually protect. So what I mean by that is all right how many three-step drops can I get in
00:30five three-step drops where where I can attack the line of scrimmage and basically turn it into
00:37a run block. Okay, now I've I've taken that from 35 down to 30. Now can I have you know five kind
00:44of swing pass slash bubble screens. Can I have five just straight up or three or four screens.
00:52Can I have a couple of fake handoff bootkeeps where I get four or five of those I get my
00:58quarterback on the edge you know outside the pocket with a half field read with a linear
01:04progression. You know now I'm down to now I'm down to 22 passes right now can I get they can
01:11I get four or five five-step drops where the ball's gone right now. So now all of a sudden it's a
01:17five-step drop but now as an offensive lineman I go well all go means the ball's out without a hitch
01:23right. So a five-step or without a hitch so now all of a sudden I can go okay I can attack this
01:28and actually run block a five-step drop right. So now all of a sudden I'm I'm at you know I'm at
01:35let's call it 17. Now can I get three or four maybe five play passes where I've got seven man
01:42protections and we're flagging that ball out now I've got a you know a seven-step drop where my
01:47quarterback is actually about 11 and a half yards. So now I get four or five of those and now I'm
01:52down to 12 times where I actually have to protect and that's how a game has got to be called. Like
01:59if you give up that many pressures and you give up sacks here's what I always say about coordinators
02:05the goal line doesn't suck nearly as much as the play call or sacks
02:10and and so those are the things you have to do.