• last year
00:10Por favor, por favor ten una paciencia Eres que estoy tan sacada de honda
00:16Contigo, con mi mamá, con Jesusa Yo no sé si pueda tener paciencia
00:22Yo no sé si cuando tengas esas pruebas, que dices
00:27Because you make me very sad, Sebastián,
00:31and very disappointed.
00:42Are you sure, Adrián?
00:44Engineer, please, since you asked me to start working on this,
00:48don't hesitate to do it.
00:49I spoke to Cisneros, a great friend of mine for a long time.
00:52Yes, I know him.
00:54But what did Cisneros tell you?
00:57Well, he's going to try to stop time so we don't lose the rights we have.
01:02Even though the campaign comes out a couple of days after the scheduled dates,
01:06I think we're going to make it.
01:07If that were possible, we would be safe.
01:11You can't compare the loss of two or three days
01:14without being in the air,
01:16losing the exhibition rights of the entire campaign,
01:20and the competition staying with our time in the air.
01:23I know, Engineer.
01:25And that's why I proposed an idea to Cisneros.
01:27He loved it. He told me he thought it was a wonderful idea.
01:31What did you propose?
01:33We're going to make some previews of the campaign.
01:35About ten seconds.
01:36So we don't lose the scheduled dates.
01:38Some previews using the brand's image
01:41and with an audio that says,
01:42something is coming soon.
01:45Or something will change your life.
01:47Don't miss it.
01:48That's a great idea.
01:51Take care, Brenda.
01:53Someone's been asking a lot of questions
01:55about how you got personal access
02:00to a confidential file.
02:19What do you want?
02:20Who's asking questions?
02:22Don't you feel disgusted with me?
02:24Don't you feel repulsed to hear my voice?
02:26Look, Javier, I already told you that was a misunderstanding.
02:30Please don't tell them you helped me.
02:34Besides, it's not in your best interest for them to know.
02:36If they fire me, they'll fire you too.
02:38Yes, I know.
02:40But do you know what the difference is between you and me?
02:42I know how to work and I can find a job.
02:45But you,
02:46all you know is how to sleep with your boss.
02:49Now, all I feel is a deep disgust for you.
03:06This way, we don't lose so much money
03:08and people keep seeing the brand and the image refreshes.
03:12I've really been trying to do as much as possible
03:15to solve this problem that Sebastian committed, Engineer.
03:18I appreciate it, Adriel.
03:21And I'm going to take into account what you're doing for the company.
03:25I have a question, Engineer.
03:26Are you working on the post-production?
03:28Do you think we'll get there with the campaign
03:30even if it's a couple of days after the scheduled date?
03:32That's what it's about.
03:35In the meantime, take care of the previous ones.
03:39In case we need them, of course.
03:41Of course, Engineer. Of course.
03:43Of course. Count on it.
03:45Right now, I'm working on that.
03:47And I'm sending it to you for final approval.
03:56What's up?
03:57I was just thinking of calling you.
04:01Hey, hey, what's wrong? Why are you like this?
04:03Mario already found out everything.
04:05He wants to take Maca to Guadalajara.
04:07How did he find out?
04:09I don't know.
04:10But he hit me. He probably fought with Daniel.
04:13But I swear I've never seen him so angry.
04:16I was scared.
04:18Oh, Barbara, you don't know how I feel.
04:21Me too.
04:23Because he also knows that maybe this guy isn't his.
04:27No, it's a problem.
04:29Because if Mario makes a bad plan,
04:31that can help prove your infidelity
04:33and gain Maca's custody.
04:35No, no, no, no, no.
04:36If he takes Maca from me, I'll die.
04:39You have to know as soon as possible
04:41who your baby's father is.
04:43Look, I was researching on the Internet
04:45and apparently you can take a blood test
04:47at eight weeks, I think.
04:49Yes, I also researched it.
04:52But I'm very afraid of the result.
04:55If it's Daniel, things are going to get very complicated with Mario.
05:01What a coincidence that Adrian has the solution
05:03when neither you nor I could find it.
05:05Adrian is a good element.
05:06He's been in the company for a long time.
05:09He has good contacts.
05:11Well, there's no need for him to save us.
05:13The commercial will be ready.
05:14I'm going back to Mexico tomorrow night.
05:16The campaign will come out on time.
05:17I wouldn't like anything more than that.
05:20But until I have the safe campaign,
05:22I'm not going to say anything to Adrian.
05:24Look, Dad, I understand that after what happened,
05:26I can't ask you to confess to me,
05:28but this time I give you my word that I will fulfill it.
05:30I hope so.
05:32I need good news.
05:34Why? What happened?
05:35Renata and I broke up.
05:37She found Greta in my house.
05:40Everything got complicated, son.
05:42Because that wasn't the only thing.
05:44Right now I'm at home waiting for a private investigator
05:47because Renata's ex-husband is threatening her
05:50and I need to deal with him.
05:56Well, but Mario is a good man.
05:58With a good heart.
06:00And I hope that when he calms down,
06:02he doesn't take drastic measures.
06:04Especially for Maca's sake.
06:07Well, I hope so.
06:08Because despite having failed as a wife
06:11and having fallen in love with Daniel,
06:13I think I've been a very good mother.
06:17Of course you have.
06:19But you have to wait for Mario to calm down a little.
06:23It's anger and pain.
06:27As soon as I get to Mexico, I'm going to talk to Valero
06:30and I'm going to tell him to give me the ultrasound
06:32and everything I need to end this anguish.
06:37Hey, I love you very much.
06:39You're not alone, Barbara.
06:41You know I'm with you in everything.
06:43And if you need me to talk to Mario about Maca, I will.
06:49I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you're okay.
07:10Son, I feel so sorry for you.
07:15I tried to prevent this from happening, but I couldn't.
07:20You're not responsible.
07:21Yes, I am.
07:23You took care of your family.
07:25And this happened in my house.
07:28And I found out very late about what was happening.
07:32That's why Daniel doesn't live here anymore, right?
07:36That's why you told me you had to fix things
07:38you didn't agree with.
07:40Yes, son.
07:42I had to run for respect for you, Maca, and us.
07:49And now I see my only two grandchildren
07:52facing each other like enemies.
07:56I don't know what to do.
07:58My only grandchildren facing each other like enemies to death.
08:05Daniel doesn't understand the reasons.
08:08He doesn't understand the forbidden passion he feels for Barbara.
08:15You shouldn't have told Mario the truth.
08:18I couldn't keep quiet, Mom.
08:20Especially when he wanted to do something to avoid divorcing Barbara.
08:23But realize how things ended.
08:25They're a pair of savages.
08:27Just look at your face.
08:30It was inevitable.
08:32Good thing your grandfather intervened.
08:34Otherwise, I don't know what would have happened.
08:36I'm very worried about Barbara.
08:38I'm calling and calling, but she won't answer.
08:40I'm sure she and Mario are facing this problem.
08:42They'll have a lot to say.
08:44A lot to reproach, son.
08:46Yes, but I'm desperate, Mom.
08:47Okay, son.
08:48Calm down.
08:49For a moment, put yourself in your cousin Mario's shoes.
08:53Put yourself in his shoes.
08:54Can you imagine his pain?
08:56For the double betrayal that your relationship with his wife causes him.
08:59Of course I put myself in his shoes, Mom.
09:01And I don't want to be him.
09:02It hurts me a lot that he suffers because of us.
09:04But I need to protect Barbara.
09:06She's pregnant and this isn't going to do her good.
09:09What happened doesn't do anyone good.
09:11It's a real tragedy that's just beginning.
09:15Sit down.
09:16I'm going to heal you, for that I'm your mother.
09:23Maca and Barbara have been the reason of my life.
09:29And what Daniel did to me has no forgiveness.
09:33You know how I regret it.
09:35And what I would have given to avoid it.
09:40I can force Barbara to stay with me, but...
09:45I'm not going to give up on Maca.
09:49I'm going to take her to Guadalajara.
09:52And I'm going to wait to find out who of the two is the son that Barbara is waiting for.
09:59Now I understand why Barbara's shock when she found out she was pregnant.
10:04Because she denied it from the beginning.
10:11I swear I never imagined living something like this.
10:15Cry, son. Cry.
10:19Don't hold back.
10:21You have enough reasons to hold your soul.
10:26Cry, son.
10:27I understand you perfectly, son.
10:32Cry, son.
10:34I'm with you.
10:38Do you know anything about your sister?
10:40Something about what?
10:42I've been calling her and she doesn't answer.
10:45Lately, I have to chase her to talk to her.
10:48Well, I just talked to her.
10:52Well, she does talk to you.
10:54Well, Mom, she's got a lot going on because she's going back to Mexico with Maca.
10:58That's good.
10:59I miss my granddaughter a lot.
11:01And living on that ranch must be the worst experience in her life.
11:05Oh, Mom.
11:06Well, I'll say goodbye now.
11:08I'm going to grab my suitcase and go to the airport.
11:10Oh, I'm sorry.
11:11Where are you going?
11:12What do you mean, where am I going, Mom?
11:13I told you.
11:14I'm exhibiting tomorrow in Los Angeles.
11:15Oh, yes, yes.
11:16Your exhibition.
11:18I'm sorry.
11:19I have so many things on my mind that I forgot.
11:22Hey, what a waste to make such a short trip, right?
11:24Well, anyway.
11:25If you want me to take you, the driver is available.
11:27Yes, thank you.
11:28Yes, I think so.
11:35I talked to Sebastian and...
11:36He told me he's going to look for evidence to prove to me that you haven't told me the whole truth.
11:42Why don't you tell me once you're hiding from me?
11:44Again with that, honey?
11:45Yes, Mom.
11:46Again with that.
11:47As many times as necessary.
11:48Well, the truth is that boy turned out to be a jerk who just wants to put you against me.
11:53And you'd be very stupid if you allowed it, huh?
11:55I'm good or bad, but I'm your mother.
11:57I gave you life.
11:58And you barely have a few months to get to know him.
12:02So I hope I have your loyalty and don't fall for his provocations.
12:06Because with yours, with or without reason, it's incredible.
12:13Are you sure you're going to finish the commercial for Sunday?
12:16That's the idea.
12:17I already gave my dad as a fact.
12:19But hey, here we are working like crazy against the clock.
12:21Let's see, calm down.
12:23I'm sure they won't talk.
12:24Oh, I can't wait to see the face of the source's lawyer.
12:27When he sees that he didn't get away with it, uff.
12:32I think it's too much of a coincidence that Adrián has managed not to lose the rights to broadcast.
12:36And besides, we could get the commercial out two or three days later.
12:40Yes, because the TV could have sanctioned us.
12:42And get a lot more money by selling the space to the competition.
12:46It smells to me that here the cat is locked up.
12:49Look, I already asked Javier the systems guy to help us
12:52to know how they could enter the campaign file and change the dates.
12:57Urge to know, Trana.
12:59And also talk to the watchman.
13:02They had to come in at night to make those changes,
13:04either from my office or from one of their cubicles.
13:09And right now I'm investigating with the security guys and with the maintenance guys.
13:11I'm right here at the soda shop.
13:12I came to leave equipment and some paperwork.
13:15Thank you, Victor.
13:16Anyway, I'll pressure Javier on Monday.
13:19And let him know that if he gives us evidence against Adrián or Brenda,
13:22he will receive a good reward.
13:25I need you to locate my ex-husband.
13:29Mrs. Renata.
13:31What information do you know about this person?
13:35A little. I know his name is José.
13:37Do you know his last name?
13:41I know he was in prison for domestic violence.
13:45Even Renata lost a baby because of the beating he gave her.
13:51Any photograph or video?
13:55Any other information?
13:58Can I talk to Mrs. Renata Gamboa?
14:02I would speed up the investigation if I have more information about that person.
14:06Because just knowing his name and that he was married to Mrs. Gamboa
14:11does not allow us to denounce much as you would like.
14:16I will try to find out more about José today.
14:19As soon as I have the information, I will let you know.
14:22I think it's good.
14:23See you later.
14:24Excuse me.
14:34Hi, Fatima!
14:40Verania, what are you doing in my house?
14:42Well, we have a common topic.
14:46No, you're wrong.
14:48You and I have nothing in common.
14:50Oh, yes. It's true.
14:51I already found out that you and Sebastián are over.
14:54Well, I already told you that Sebastián is not a man of a single woman.
14:59Verania, I have a lot of things.
15:00Please leave my house. Leave me alone.
15:02Oh, look, one thing.
15:03Maybe this might interest you.
15:05Because right now Sebastián is in New York.
15:09And everything indicates that he is organizing things
15:11so that we can go together to live there again.
15:14Oh, really?
15:16Well, I took advantage of you.
15:18Oh, how nice. Thank you very much.
15:19Hey, but that is clear.
15:21Well, I already told you.
15:22Sebastián always comes back to me.
15:25Verania, get out of my house.
15:28I don't want to see you again.
15:29Get out!
15:35Good afternoon.
15:55Anselmo told me that you got into a fight with Mario.
15:59Look how your cousin left you.
16:01What's going on here, Marcos?
16:02How did your cousin find out that you were with his wife?
16:05I told him myself.
16:06Please let me be alone.
16:08Who's the son you're expecting, Barbara?
16:10His husband?
16:13It's mine.
16:16No, Daniel, but...
16:17But how can you be so sure if he was sleeping with both of them?
16:20Let's see, he was only sleeping with me.
16:22And with that son, no one will be able to separate us.
16:24Daniel, that woman changed you.
16:26She got the worst out of you.
16:27Before, you thought about the others, huh?
16:29And look at you!
16:30Now you're building a relationship about the destruction of a family.
16:34I didn't destroy anything!
16:35Of course you did, Daniel!
16:37What don't you think?
16:39Don't you think she's going to leave you just like she left Mario?
16:42That will never happen.
16:44Well, you're not so sure, huh?
16:46Because besides, you would have deserved it for playing hard to get with your cousin.
16:50Please leave me alone, right?
16:52I'm leaving.
16:55But I don't think your conscience will let you live in peace.
16:59Do you know that what you're doing is a vile act?
17:03No, Daniel.
17:07You still have time to get away from that woman and apologize to your cousin.
17:13For this madness, please.
17:21I love you.
17:51I love you.
18:21I love you.
18:23I love you.
18:52I love you.
19:05Where's my dad?
19:09I don't know, honey.
19:10I don't know where he is.
19:13He told me he was coming to the Remigio party, but he didn't show up.
19:17Well, I'm sure something happened to him.
19:21And tell me, how was the party?
19:23What do you care?
19:24Come on, Karina.
19:26You've been very rude to me since yesterday.
19:29What are we going to do?
19:31You're a bad mother.
19:32Very bad.
19:34You don't love the baby.
19:35You don't love my dad and you don't love me.
19:38That's not true, honey.
19:39Yes, it's true.
19:41I told you that you didn't want the baby to be born.
19:44And he didn't do anything to you.
19:46You're a bad mother.
19:49Honey, of course I love him.
19:51I love him very much.
19:53It's just that the baby arrived at a time when I didn't expect it.
19:58And I didn't know how to handle it, but of course I love him.
20:01No, no, no.
20:02You don't love us.
20:04And I'm going to tell my dad to take me with him to Guadalajara.
20:07And also to my little brother when he's born.
20:09Maca, you can't go.
20:11You can't go.
20:12Why not?
20:13I thought that when I had a little brother, we would all be together.
20:17But you don't love us.
20:19Now you only love Daniel.
20:21And he's as bad as you.
20:39But then is it true that Sebastian is in New York?
20:43How did you know?
20:45We're supposed to be the only ones who know.
20:47Mr. Federico, Victor and I.
20:49And none of us have spoken.
20:51Because Verania told me very kindly at my house.
20:55But how did she know?
20:57Well, because of Sebastian, Triana.
20:59No, no, no.
21:00No, how do you think?
21:02So who else?
21:04Well, I don't know.
21:05Let me find out if something happened to Victor
21:08and that Verania heard it.
21:09I don't think Sebastian talked to Verania to tell her.
21:12Look, the fact is that Verania knows.
21:16I don't know what to believe, what to think about Sebastian.
21:20I talked to him a while ago and he didn't even tell me.
21:23Did you talk to him?
21:24Did you talk to Sebas?
21:26Yes, yes, I talked to him.
21:28Because I'm tired, Triana.
21:30I'm tired of all the lies and hidden truths
21:33in the middle of Jesus, of my mom, of him.
21:35I'm so disillusioned with this that I don't know what to do.
21:37I'm so disillusioned with this that I don't know who Sebastian really is.
21:43Dad, I'm looking for you.
21:44Why didn't you go to Remigio's party?
21:49What happened to you?
21:50Nothing, my love.
21:52I'm fine.
21:53Who hit you?
21:55I went to ride and I fell off a horse.
21:58That's why I didn't make it to the party.
22:00Does it hurt a lot?
22:02A little.
22:04And tell me, my love.
22:06Did you have fun at the party?
22:10My love, you're going to have to say goodbye to Remigio.
22:15We're going back to Mexico today
22:17and the most likely thing is that we won't go back to this ranch.
22:21But the only thing I'd like to go back to is for Remigio,
22:24for Grandpa and Aunt Lucia.
22:26Just for them.
22:28Guys, I'll tell you that this house is huge.
22:30It has a garden that you're going to love
22:32and we're going to play there all day, okay?
22:35What are these kids doing here?
22:37These kids are my children
22:39and they're going to come see me whenever I feel like it.
22:43I didn't authorize you to bring them.
22:46Oh, you told Pablo that this is our house, so...
22:50I mean, if you know what's best for you,
22:52you won't go against me.
22:54Because I might miss something I heard from you and your husband
22:57and I don't think he'll like it.
23:01I'm glad it's clear.
23:03Let's go, kids. Let's play in the garden.
23:12Enjoy as long as you can, stupid.
23:23I'm going to find someone to go with me to say goodbye to Remigio.
23:30But what?
23:32I want to go live with you in Guadalajara.
23:36And that?
23:38I want to be with you.
23:40I don't want to live with Mom anymore.
23:42Because she doesn't love us anymore, Dad.
23:44She's bad.
23:46Bad just like Daniel.
23:55Hey, do you have any idea who Abalúz is?
24:00Okay, send me your information.
24:02I need to sell my dad's factory, okay?
24:04Come on, guys.
24:06Thank you, Mauro.
24:08This is going to be our house.
24:10Just look at the garden.
24:12Oh, I'm so excited.
24:14Hi, honey.
24:16Kids, do you remember Pablo?
24:18Well, Pablo is my husband now.
24:20Say hi.
24:22Hi, kids. How are you?
24:25How are you?
24:27Did you tell my mom?
24:29Yes, yes, she agrees.
24:31In fact, your mom has changed a lot with me
24:33since your dad died.
24:35And for good.
24:37Kids, go play.
24:39I'll catch up with you in a minute, okay?
24:42I find it strange that my mom has agreed.
24:44One thing is that she wants us to live with her
24:46and another thing is that she accepts your children.
24:48I hope she can put up with Samaca.
24:50Well, she didn't object.
24:52And that today they are going to spend
24:54just a few hours with us,
24:56but later we are going to spend
24:58two weekends a month.
25:00Well, if that makes you happy
25:02and my mother doesn't get upset,
25:04for me it's fine.
25:06I have to go out later, I'll see you.
25:08Honey, aren't you going to stay
25:10and play with the kids?
25:12Honey, I'm watching the factory.
25:14I can't right now.
25:16I'll see you later.
25:22Come on.
25:32Maca doesn't want to live with you anymore.
25:35She just told me.
25:37And you know what else she just told me?
25:40That you and Daniel are bad
25:42and I completely agree with her.
25:44Calm down, please.
25:46I can't calm down
25:48when I see my daughter suffer
25:49like you're doing with Daniel,
25:51who is your lover.
25:53Hey, what's going on?
25:55Why those screams?
25:58I'm sorry, Grandpa,
26:00you don't have to witness this,
26:02but right now I'm leaving
26:04with my daughter away from here.
26:06Whatever Barbara does, I don't care.
26:08I'm not going to let you take Macarena.
26:10I want to go with Dad.
26:12Let's see, you're a girl, you don't decide.
26:14Let's see, calm down.
26:16Calm down.
26:17The inhaler!
26:19The inhaler! Go get the inhaler!
26:27What does Mrs. Carla know about you?
26:29With what secret is she blackmailing you
26:31so that you let her bring her children?
26:33And why are you so nosy?
26:35No, no, I'm not nosy.
26:37I just heard you talk
26:39and I'm very worried about what I heard.
26:41You know what?
26:43I'm tired of you, Jesusa.
26:45I warned you not to get involved anymore,
26:47not to run away, not to tell me the truth.
26:49Think whatever you want.
26:51I don't need you anymore.
26:53In fact, you're bothering me.
26:55So get out of here.
26:57I gave you my life, Greta.
26:59And I paid for your services, yes, very well.
27:01So I don't want drama.
27:03In fact, so you can see that I'm fair,
27:05I'm going to give you your compensation,
27:07even though I told you I wasn't going to give it to you.
27:09Save the compensation.
27:11I was never on your side for money,
27:13but for affection.
27:15I tried to give you the best of me
27:17for years,
27:19but I see it didn't work.
27:21No, no, you don't want to make me feel bad.
27:23You caused me to make this decision.
27:25What did you think?
27:27That you were family?
27:29That you are nothing more than a maid
27:31who always pretended to be above me.
27:33But you are very wrong.
27:35And one thing I tell you,
27:37don't you dare open your mouth
27:39and talk about my secrets.
27:41Because I accuse you of a thief
27:43and I put you in jail, period.
27:45You understand me, right?
27:59Like this.
28:01Like this.
28:07Don't fight anymore, please.
28:09No more.
28:11We're not going to fight anymore,
28:13but calm down.
28:15Let me go.
28:17My love, calm down.
28:19Go say goodbye to Remigio.
28:21And as soon as you return,
28:23we'll go to Mexico with your mom
28:25and we'll fix our problems there.
28:29Everything will be fine.
28:33Calm down.
28:35Calm down.
28:41Little one.
28:47Little one.
29:18How is Daniel doing?
29:20Fine. Fine.
29:22Maca is leaving
29:24and is coming to say goodbye to Remigio.
29:26Goodbye, Remigio.
29:28I'm going to miss you more.
29:30And I'll miss you.
29:33This is the name of my house
29:35and my father's.
29:37And this is my name.
29:39And this is my name.
29:41And this is my name.
29:43And this is my name.
29:45And this is my name.
29:47Mom, in case you need something.
29:53Really, Remigio,
29:55thank you so much
29:57for being my friend.
29:59Thanks to you,
30:01I've never had such a beautiful
30:03and sweet friend like you.
30:58Daniel, ¿qué haces aquí?
30:59Si Mario te ve, te va a matar.
31:01A ver, no podía dejar que te fueras sin despedirme.
31:04Oye, perdóname por haberle dicho que nos amamos,
31:06pero no me puedo quedar callado.
31:07Claro, fuiste tú.
31:08¿Por qué no esperaste hasta que me divorciara
31:10como habíamos quedado?
31:11Porque no podía verlo a la cara y seguía ocultando la verdad.
31:14Pues lo complicaste todo, ¿eh?
31:15Ahora Mario me puede quitar la custodia de Maca
31:18por haberla sido infiel.
31:21Perdóname, de verdad no pensé en eso.
31:23No, pues es un caos todo.
31:24Es un caos, pero estamos juntos.
31:26No lo olvides, ¿eh?
31:28Mañana mismo voy a México,
31:29porque yo no voy a estar lejos de ti.
31:31No, no, quiero que las cosas se calmen.
31:34Está bien, está bien, está bien.
31:36Pero cualquier cosa que necesites,
31:37no dudes en llamarme, ¿sí?
31:42Va a ser un infierno estar lejos de ti.
31:44¡Vámonos, Bárbara!
31:45¿Por qué tardas tanto, carajo?
31:47Ya, ya voy.
31:48Te pasé al baño.
31:51¿Te vas o te quedas?
31:52No, ya, perdón.
32:20No, no, no.
32:50No, no, no.
33:19Por favor.
33:20¿Por favor?
33:21No quiero verte, ¿eh?
33:22Tuve que venir porque no contestas mis llamadas.
33:26Contraté a un investigador privado
33:27para que me ayude a dar con tu marido.
33:30Pues no sé ni cuál es el apellido de José.
33:34Y eso va a retrasar la investigación.
33:36Escúchame bien.
33:38No lo investigues.
33:39Ya te dije que José me amenazó con hacerte daño a ti,
33:42a Sebastián, a Fátima,
33:44a toda la gente que quiero,
33:46si no hago lo que él quiere.
33:47Pues con más razón tengo que dar con él
33:50para protegerte a ti y a todas las personas
33:52que son importantes en tu vida.
33:55A ver, no me estás escuchando.
33:58Es un hombre muy peligroso.
34:01Tenemos que detener a ese infeliz.
34:05A ver, a ver así.
34:07A ver si así me entiendes.
34:09Él está más cerca de ti de lo que tú crees.
34:13Se ha convertido en tu amigo.
34:16Está muy cerca de ti.
34:17No me digas que es.
34:20Mi ex marido es Juan José Ortega.
34:22¿Qué estás diciendo?
34:24Lo que hoy es.
34:26Tu amigo Juan y mi ex marido son la misma persona.
34:32Gracias por todo.
34:33No tienes nada que agradecer, hijita.
34:36Fue maravilloso tenerte aquí.
34:39Te voy a extrañar mucho.
34:41Yo más, abuelo.
34:45Acuérdate que prometiste
34:46que íbamos a hablar una vez a la semana.
34:48Yo me encargo de eso.
34:53Gracias, hijo.
34:54No sabes cómo me hubiera gustado poder evitar esto.
34:59¿Cómo pudiste ocultarme algo tan grave?
35:01Porque ya te dije que me amenazó con matarte a ti y a mis seres queridos.
35:06Si te lo digo ahorita es porque corres más peligros
35:09y sigues confiándole todas tus cosas.
35:13Te he hecho daño a esa desgracia.
35:18Me he lastimado en lo que más quiero.
35:20Que eres tú.
35:22Perdóname, Renata.
35:24Por andar con mil cosas en la cabeza te descuide.
35:27Soy un estúpido.
35:29Yo era quien debía protegerte.
35:32Pero hasta permití que ese tipo se convirtiera en mi amigo.
35:37Ahora entiendo todo.
35:38No sé cómo no me di cuenta.
35:40Porque es un hombre muy hábil y muy peligroso.
35:43Así que te pido por última vez,
35:45aléjate de él y aléjate de mí.
35:47Por favor.
35:49Renata, no me digas eso.
35:51Ya, es que no me escuchas y me desespera.
35:56Vete, por favor.
35:58No me vuelvas a buscar a mí, no lo vuelvas a buscar a él tampoco.
36:04No lo voy a hacer.
36:06Lo siento.
36:12Ya, listo.
36:17Te vemos en el coche.
36:27Gracias por todo y espero que algún día puedan perdonarme.
36:46¿Sabes cuándo dejó el hotel?
36:51Está bien, gracias.
36:55José ya dejó el hotel y no contesta el celular.
36:58Y ya no recibe los mensajes.
36:59No, no me extraña nada.
37:00Conmigo siempre usa distintos celulares.
37:03Tenemos que ir a la policía a denunciarlo.
37:05Yo ya lo hice, pero no sirvió de nada.
37:07Necesito pruebas contundentes y no las tengo.
37:10Intenté grabarlo, no lo conseguí.
37:12No tengo forma de acusarlo.
37:14Voy a contratar a alguien para que te proteja.
37:16Por eso contraté a Armando, para eso lo tengo.
37:19Pero hay que poner refuerzos.
37:22Voy a contratar a una patrulla para que te cuide de día y de noche.
37:27Me cierve la sangre solo de pensar que este demente está cerca de ti
37:32y que te puede volver a hacer daño.
37:35Ay, cómo pude haber caído en su juego.
37:38Ya te dije que es muy manipulador, no es tu culpa.
37:42Por favor, te lo suplico, vete.
37:46Seguir aquí no solamente te expone a ti, sino a mí también.
37:50Por favor, escúchame.
37:51A mí no me importa exponerme, pero a ti sí.
38:00Señora Ana, necesito de su ayuda.
38:02Pasa, por favor, claro.
38:08Por favor, pasa, pasa, pasa.
38:10¿Quieres tomar algo?
38:11No, no, gracias.
38:13Por esa maleta puedo suponer que Greta te echó de su casa.
38:18Jesúsa, esta es tu casa.
38:21Es una casa sencilla, pero puedes quedarte aquí
38:24el tiempo que necesites mientras decides qué hacer con tu vida.
38:28Muchas gracias, señor Julián.
38:31Me voy a llevar tu equipaje al cuarto de visitas.
38:34Bueno, las dejo para que platiquen a su vez.
38:37Gracias, gracias, señor.
38:44Llora, llora, mujer.
38:47Desahógate, que puedo suponer el dolor que sientes.
38:54¿Por qué no te vas a vivir a mi casa en lo que atrapamos a ese imbécil?
38:57¿Cómo crees?
38:59¿Te estás escuchando?
39:01Eso va a hacer que se ponga peor.
39:03¡Es que no me escuchas!
39:06¡Por favor!
39:08Yo sé que me quieres tanto como yo a ti.
39:10¡Adiós, ya!
39:12¡Sí, te quiero y por eso quiero que te vayas, ya!
39:16Está bien, me voy.
39:18Pero promete que si pasa algo,
39:22lo que sea,
39:23a cualquier hora,
39:25me vas a llamar.
39:38Dejé de serle útil y me convertí en un estorbo para ella.
39:42Porque aparte de lo del patrón Gonzalo,
39:45descubrí que algo se trae entre manos con la esposa de Pablo.
39:48¿Con Carla?
39:50¿De qué se trata?
39:51No estoy bien segura.
39:53Pero bueno, señora Ana, ahorita lo más importante es que me vaya Morelia.
39:57Quiero ir al hospital Santa Clara, donde nació Bárbara.
40:00Ay, me parece muy bien, Jesúsa,
40:02porque Sebastián quería los datos del hospital,
40:04para él ir a investigar.
40:06Pero si tú lo haces, nos ayudas a todos.
40:34Ay, ojalá y ahí, o en el consultorio del doctor Ulloa,
40:38pueda encontrar una prueba que demuestre que Bárbara sí fuese tenesina.
40:42Seguramente, en los archivos del doctor habrá constancia de algún ultrasonido o algo,
40:48donde podamos ver las semanas de gestación que tenía cuando nació.
40:55Es lo menos que puedo hacer, señora Ana.
40:59Si yo no le hubiera mentido al señor Federico como Greta me lo pidió,
41:04esto no estaría pasando.
41:09Repárame un café y me lo mandas con Jesúsa a mi recámara.
41:13Jesúsa no está. Ya se fue de la casa.
41:17¿Cómo? ¿Sin despedirse?
41:19¿Y sabes por qué se fue?
41:21¿Te dijo algo?
41:26¿Y sabes por qué se fue? ¿Te dijo algo?
41:29No, no me dijo nada. Solo que no pensaba volver.
41:33Es increíble que la gente sea tan malagradecida, de verdad.
41:37Espero que tú no vayas a hacerme lo mismo.
41:44Qué barbaridad.
41:49Sirve que te distraes un poquito de todo lo que estás viviendo.
41:52Sí, ya sé.
41:55Hola, Diego. Qué gusto verte.
41:58Lo vi, lo vi. ¿Cómo estás?
42:01¿Cómo estás?
42:03Felicidades por tu exposición de mañana. No te la voy a perder.
42:06Muchas gracias, muchas gracias. Ahí nos vemos.
42:08Perdonen mis modales. Les presento a Fátima Oriarte. Es una de mis exponentes.
42:12Él es Willy de Artigues y él es Jim Wilson.
42:15Willy de Artigues. Yo sigo tu trabajo. Qué gusto. Hola.
42:20Me encanta, me encanta.
42:21Sus obras se cotizan en todo el mundo. Y Diego fue el que le descubrió.
42:26No, si vas a exponer con Diego, espérate. Es que eres de los buenos, ¿eh?
42:31Porque él solo elige a los mejores.
42:33Ya verás su obra mañana, Willy. Te va a encantar, estoy seguro.
42:36No me lo voy a perder. Es más, ¿interrumpimos?
42:41Si nos sentamos con ustedes para tomar una copa.
42:43No, por favor, por favor.
42:44Por favor.
42:49Qué gusto, ¿eh? De verdad, de verdad.
42:52A ver, cuéntame, Fátima. Cuéntame más de ti.