• last year
00:00:00Flipendo, Protego, Levioso, Bombarda!
00:00:03I was hoping I'd see you today.
00:00:05You look well.
00:00:06Ferdinand's going hysterical.
00:00:08He's acting like an utter moon mind.
00:00:10You're a sight for sore eyes.
00:00:12Lovely to see you.
00:00:13Look who it is!
00:00:14Hope you're taking care of yourself.
00:00:16Oh, hello.
00:00:17Keeping well, I hope.
00:00:18Hello there.
00:00:19Annoying poltergeist.
00:00:20When's Black gonna throw him out?
00:00:22I hope you know what you're doing.
00:00:24It's like a giant fly.
00:00:26Peeves needs a hobby.
00:00:27A different hobby.
00:00:28Whoever's responsible for this?
00:00:30That's not funny.
00:00:31Watch this.
00:00:32Impressive, isn't it?
00:00:34Get it away!
00:00:35Get it away!
00:00:36I'm barely even trying.
00:00:37Want to see a real spell?
00:00:42What are you looking at?
00:00:43Peeves, you annoying little...
00:00:45Get out of here!
00:00:46Someone really ought to banish him.
00:00:48For good.
00:00:49Perhaps Ranroch and Hislop wouldn't be so combative
00:00:51if the Ministry would allow them to have wands.
00:00:54In Hogsmeade,
00:00:55they're saying that Ranroch's loyalists are preparing for a rebellion.
00:00:58You know you can't do that.
00:00:59I don't think that's what that class is for.
00:01:01Professor Hecate!
00:01:02Someone's in trouble.
00:01:04I hope it isn't me.
00:01:05You were well off target.
00:01:07Let me down this instant!
00:01:08Ha ha!
00:01:10Put me back on the ground now!
00:01:13That's hot!
00:01:15Stop that!
00:01:17Put it out!
00:01:18Hello, Professor Black.
00:01:22There's plenty more where that came from.
00:01:25Hurts, doesn't it?
00:01:27Draw any blood?
00:01:29Ha ha!
00:01:30Not even a scratch.
00:01:32Are those plants?
00:01:34Make it stop!
00:01:36You some kind of herbologist?
00:01:38That's mine!
00:01:40My wand!
00:01:42I'm really beginning to tire of this.
00:01:46I think I may be sick.
00:01:48My ears are still ringing.
00:01:51I hope I never hear that again.
00:01:55A boom!
00:01:56They'd better be careful up there.
00:01:58Is there a person riding that graphorn?
00:02:00Are graphorns so easily tamed?
00:02:02However did they do that?
00:02:03Seems a bit frightening riding a hippogriff.
00:02:06I don't know if I could do it.
00:02:08You're the one who saved young Archie Bickle, aren't you?
00:02:11I want a hippogriff.
00:02:12I can't believe you rescued Isco Rabe.
00:02:14It's amazing.
00:02:15You showed that vile Rookwood.
00:02:17There's a rumor going around that you freed a hippogriff from poachers.
00:02:21That true?
00:02:22Rumor has it Sebastian Sello got detention for you.
00:02:26I can't believe he'd do that.
00:02:27It's very sad Anne Sello can't come to Hogwarts this year.
00:02:30I quite liked her.
00:02:32Shouldn't you be in your robes?
00:02:34It's not time for bed.
00:02:35I couldn't believe it when you beat Imelda.
00:02:37The best flyer in school actually lost a race.
00:02:40Why in the world do I always see you with Professor Fig?
00:02:43I'd stay far away from that man if it was me.
00:02:46You were there when the goblins attacked Hogwarts, yes?
00:02:49Whatever was it like?
00:02:51Ha ha!
00:02:52Ha ha!
00:02:54It's a shame about Professor Fig.
00:02:56I didn't really know him myself.
00:02:58But still, I'm very sorry.
00:03:00A little room everyone.
00:03:02Let them through.
00:03:03We'll see how you like it.
00:03:04Lenora Everly's acting a bit potty.
00:03:06Talking to an empty frame.
00:03:08I don't want to get in trouble the first day.
00:03:10There really was something to those treasure maps Arthur's been going on about after all.
00:03:16Nelly please get down.
00:03:18A professor could arrive any moment.
00:03:21If I get caught I shan't offend you.
00:03:23Give them what for?
00:03:25I wish I could simply charm my exercise books to finish my homework for me.
00:03:28I shall never get my homework done at this rate.
00:03:31I haven't even got to beasts.
00:03:33She's always showing off about her puffskeen grooming.
00:03:36Fur like silk.
00:03:37What shine.
00:03:38Ugh, I could be sick.
00:03:39I tried telling Hecate that someone cast Evanesco on my assignment.
00:03:43She said if I didn't get it sorted I'd be the one getting vanished.
00:03:46People who boast are insecure.
00:03:48That's what my mother told me.
00:03:50And she knows everything.
00:03:52At least that's what she told me.
00:03:54If I'm honest, I wish I had something to boast about.
00:03:57But I'm hopeless at everything.
00:04:00I suppose that's something to boast about.
00:04:02But it's always so noisy in the common room and then I can't concentrate.
00:04:06So I end up just talking to everyone and nothing gets done.
00:04:09I'd much prefer it if everyone could simply use all of the common rooms.
00:04:14I'm not a fan of mine and frankly I find the decor quite depressing.
00:04:17Ugh, don't get the password wrong is all I can say.
00:04:21I couldn't agree more.
00:04:22She put a bowtruckle under my bed and I know it was her.
00:04:25She's looking for trouble that one.
00:04:27Looking for it.
00:04:28Well, I woke up to one.
00:04:30Wriggling its foul little tongue up my nose it was.
00:04:32There's not one week gone by I haven't had a howler from my mother.
00:04:36She's doing it deliberately.
00:04:38It's because I left my room in a mess.
00:04:40My mother sends the foulest owls.
00:04:42I'm talking about the actual owls.
00:04:44I can't help it if I was having a nightmare.
00:04:47Serves them right for talking about leather folds right before bed.
00:04:49My sister's always wanting quills made of whooper feathers.
00:04:53She's always after the latest fad.
00:04:56I've told her a nib's a nib.
00:04:57They say herbology is the study of magical and mundane plants.
00:05:01Don't you find it chilly in the greenhouses?
00:05:03It always surprises me how cool it is.
00:05:05Makes no sense to me why first years don't study Abyssinian shrivel figs.
00:05:10Why should they escape the torment?
00:05:12I should have known better than to buy something from a child walking the streets
00:05:15of Hogsmeade.
00:05:17Little scallywag.
00:05:18Gold, they said it was.
00:05:20More like the work of a leprechaun.
00:05:22Stuff disappeared in a few hours.
00:05:24I'm such a moon mind.
00:05:25I always feel quite safe in Hogsmeade.
00:05:28It's your own fault if you come unstuck.
00:05:30That's what my mother would say.
00:05:31And certainly keep away from the hogshead.
00:05:34Most untoward.
00:05:35I'd rather Howham be teaching potions than sharp.
00:05:38I don't like how often he mentions common poisons.
00:05:41It's like he's planning something.
00:05:45It's not implausible.
00:05:46Professor Howham was carrying some pearl dust the other day.
00:05:49Obviously, I asked her if it was for a love potion.
00:05:52Her face just contorted.
00:05:54You'd think I'd just beat her at gobstones.
00:05:56I wish teachers wouldn't ask us questions in class.
00:05:59I'm always tongue-tied.
00:06:01Unless it's Professor Garlic.
00:06:03Or I suppose Weasley.
00:06:04Or an eye.
00:06:06Thinking about it, it's really just sharp.
00:06:08If you pay attention, sharp has plenty of useful advice regarding antidotes.
00:06:13I think people are too hard on him, myself.
00:06:15I can't help it if I've never encountered a dangerous beast.
00:06:19When Howham asked me, I said I once had a canary.
00:06:22She almost threw me out of class.
00:06:24I saw her first year get the rhythm wrong once,
00:06:27trying to get to the Hufflepuff common room.
00:06:29You've never seen so much laughter.
00:06:31Oh, she does fuss.
00:06:33There are specific rules about bringing beasts into the dormitory,
00:06:36and she should be expelled for it.
00:06:38What's she going to bring in next?
00:06:41I can tell you with full assurance that there isn't one plant that is not mundane.
00:06:45Every one of them looks as if it's about to take a death drop into the porridge.
00:06:49Surprise the mandrakes don't make more of a fuss.
00:06:51You're clearly up to no good.
00:06:53You're not supposed to be flying here.
00:06:54You do not belong here.
00:06:56I spent all night working on my History of Magic essay.
00:06:59Almost fell asleep in class today.
00:07:02Though I suppose that's normal in History of Magic.
00:07:04The headmaster would never allow a student in here.
00:07:07Other than a prefect, of course.
00:07:09No untoward visitors skulking about here.
00:07:11No prowlers creeping around here.
00:07:13Just when I think I'm finished with my schoolwork,
00:07:15I remember another assignment.
00:07:17If it's not 12 inches of parchment for potions,
00:07:20it's 20 inches for charms.
00:07:22On my authority as a prefect,
00:07:24I command any unauthorized students to present themselves.
00:07:28I can't wait to have a nap in front of the fire in the common room later.
00:07:32After Sharp's last class, I've earned it.
00:07:34Made the mistake of leaving my potions homework in the common room.
00:07:38I'm convinced Peeves absconded with it.
00:07:40Professor Sharp asked me what the ingredients are for an Ali Hotsy draft.
00:07:44And I could not stop giggling.
00:07:46Most embarrassing.
00:07:48And appropriate, I suppose.
00:07:49I'm convinced I'm the only one in my dormitory who doesn't snore.
00:07:53I shall need a sleeping draft to get a good night's sleep if it keeps up.
00:07:56A girl in our dormitory keeps getting packages of homemade pasties from her family.
00:08:01We shan't fit into our robes for next term at this rate.
00:08:03Chinese chomping cabbages terrify me.
00:08:07Something about a leafy vegetable with teeth seems extremely unnatural.
00:08:11I'm convinced that Binz called on me in class the other day just to embarrass me.
00:08:15How am I supposed to know what year the flu network was invented?
00:08:18Don't get me started on how horrifying venomous tentacular are.
00:08:22Why we're forced to engage with them in class instead of just reading about them is beyond me.
00:08:27To be honest, anything I could get in Diagon Alley this year, I was able to find in Hogsmeade.
00:08:32I only speak up in classes where the teacher doesn't deduct house points for wrong answers.
00:08:37To be fair, I don't say much.
00:08:39My sister will be home for the holidays this year.
00:08:41Hope she's bought me a new beater's bat.
00:08:44We're bound to have Quidditch next year.
00:08:45I wonder how many secret passages Hogwarts actually has.
00:08:49I stumbled on one the other day.
00:08:51Couldn't find my way out for hours.
00:08:53Missed my favorite meal I did, kidney pie.
00:08:56Wonder how well our professors did when they were students.
00:08:59Can't all have been top of their class, can they?
00:09:02Gives me some hope to think of, at least.
00:09:04Where do the professors sleep?
00:09:06Surely they don't share a common room like the students, do they?
00:09:09My family loves going to the Quidditch World Cup.
00:09:12Father was on the Barnton amateur team for a bit.
00:09:15Been obsessed with the sport ever since.
00:09:17I have family in Irondale.
00:09:19Father wants me to visit them, but I haven't had the time.
00:09:22Or the inclination.
00:09:23I'd wager Ravenclaw Tower has some of the best views in the castle.
00:09:27Someone saw a hippogriff fly right past the window once.
00:09:30Life is so peaceful in the Hamlets.
00:09:32Well, when goblins aren't lurking around every corner.
00:09:36Can't be good for business.
00:09:37Imelda Reyes acts as if she invented Quidditch.
00:09:40I don't think she's even that good at it.
00:09:42I used to enjoy flying, but there are so many rules now.
00:09:45Madame Cagow is certainly strict.
00:09:48I thought flying was supposed to be fun.
00:09:50Can't wait till I'm old enough to apparate.
00:09:52No more falling off brooms for me.
00:09:53I adore shopping in Hogsmeade after it snowed.
00:09:57It's so, what's the word?
00:10:00The only reason I'd want to play Quidditch is to wear those uniforms.
00:10:04So fashionable.
00:10:05Black only looks out for the purebloods.
00:10:08He couldn't care less about the rest of us.
00:10:10I don't think a single student likes Professor Black.
00:10:13They may pretend to like him, but they don't.
00:10:15Black is without a doubt the worst headmaster in the history of Hogwarts.
00:10:20He's not behind me, is he?
00:10:21It's always so exciting to see the owls come swooping into the Great Hall.
00:10:25I think transfiguration is the hardest subject.
00:10:27It requires such precision and concentration.
00:10:30One wrong move and you've got a grouse instead of a mouse.
00:10:33I adore getting owls from back home.
00:10:36My father sends me one almost every week.
00:10:38My mother always responds to my owls very swiftly.
00:10:41How many owls do you think Hogwarts has?
00:10:43I don't understand why people go on about vanishment being difficult.
00:10:47It's only one incantation, Evanesco.
00:10:50There, that's it.
00:10:51That sounded suspicious.
00:10:52Caught you.
00:10:53I thought potions required precision, but transfiguration makes potions seem easy.
00:10:59Quite puts it to shame if you ask me.
00:11:01The food that appears in the Great Hall isn't conjured.
00:11:03The house elves make it.
00:11:05Is someone sneaking about?
00:11:06It was nothing after all.
00:11:08You should have known better than to cross my path.
00:11:10People like her and Gareth Weasley are the reason we have new spells and potions.
00:11:15You should be thanking her.
00:11:16Must be the night air playing tricks.
00:11:18I simply adore watching hippogriffs in flight.
00:11:20Reckon they have a nice view from up there.
00:11:22I hope they know what they're doing on that thing.
00:11:23Looks like somebody's ready for bed.
00:11:25How is it that Professor Fig always seems to be away?
00:11:28I keep hoping that Professor Fig isn't dead after all,
00:11:31that somehow he managed to survive.
00:11:32I knew there'd be a troll attack.
00:11:34Saw it in my tea leaves.
00:11:36And would anybody listen?
00:11:37Any of Randrock's loyalists that are left should be thrown straight into Azkaban.
00:11:41You really put Imelda in her place.
00:11:43Well done.
00:11:43Brilliant work beating everyone at cross ones.
00:11:46I see you and Poppy are always together.
00:11:48You must like beasts.
00:11:50Or Poppy, I suppose.
00:11:51Incredible job at Summoner's Court.
00:11:53I really enjoyed seeing that.
00:11:55Strange to see you without Natty.
00:11:57Nice to see she found a friend.
00:12:00Hopefully her mother approves.
00:12:01You and Sebastian are quite the twosome these days.
00:12:04Hopefully you're cheering him up a bit.
00:12:06You and Armeet seem to get along well.
00:12:08You must be learning a lot about the stars.
00:12:10You've been spending a lot of time with Imelda lately.
00:12:13You must be good on her broom.
00:12:14I saw you fight that troll in the village.
00:12:17You were incredible.
00:12:18Seems you and Everett are best friends now.
00:12:20I hope he doesn't get you expelled.
00:12:22Ferdinand looked absolutely miserable in the hog's head.
00:12:26Should have known Ferdinand would weasel his way back to the three broomsticks.
00:12:30I can't believe Ferdinand's not at the three broomsticks anymore.
00:12:33Last I heard, those spells aren't to be used.
00:12:36You beat Sebastian in a duel, didn't you?
00:12:39What's the point of keeping anything locked up?
00:12:41You should know I wrote to the Daily Prophet about you saving the school.
00:12:45Perhaps mind what you're doing there?
00:12:46How wonderful that the bells are ringing again.
00:12:49Do you mind where you're going?
00:12:51Don't let Moon catch you making a mess.
00:13:05You'd think Madame Scribner would do something about a portrait screaming in the library.
00:13:09I'm pleased to see you.
00:13:11I'm glad to see you.
00:13:13Keeping well, I hope.
00:13:14Ah, nice to see you.
00:13:16You look well.
00:13:18I hope everything is well.
00:13:19Hello there.
00:13:20Good to see you.
00:13:22I hope school's treating you well.
00:13:23How do you do?
00:13:24Nice to see you.
00:13:31When I get my hands on those bullies, I'm soaked through.
00:13:35What's the spell I need?
00:13:36I'm sure I know it.
00:13:37Why won't it wear off?
00:13:39I'm too cold to cast anything.
00:13:41Perhaps I could conjure an umbrella.
00:13:43Some people are really horrible.
00:13:45Can't stop shivering.
00:13:48Merlin, I'm cold!
00:13:52Surely there's a spell.
00:13:54Oh, it's... it's over.
00:13:57He's going to burn down the school.
00:13:59One of those goblins comes near me, I'll hand him his hat.
00:14:03Or helm, I suppose.
00:14:05Always mucking about, stirring up trouble.
00:14:07Anyway, I'm not afraid of a goblin rebellion.
00:14:10My marks in Professor Heckert's class are superb.
00:14:12How dare you speak to a prefect that way!
00:14:15The headmaster's on the prowl.
00:14:17That's it!
00:14:17Fifty house points!
00:14:30The headmaster.
00:14:31Oh no.
00:14:32Well done solving where that treasure map led to.
00:14:34Do you think someone confunded Lenora Everly?
00:14:37I can't think why else she'd be talking to an empty frame.
00:14:39I still can't believe that girl.
00:14:41Wrote her essay on shrinking solutions and thought it would be clever to shrink it before handing it in.
00:14:46Act like a winner!
00:14:47I certainly make sure I stay abreast of my homework.
00:14:50Teachers don't like it if you fall behind.
00:14:52Especially Weasley.
00:14:53At least you didn't do what that first year did.
00:14:55Spent hours collecting dittany only to find it was old weeds.
00:14:58I think it's a sign when you're the best at something.
00:15:01Take me, for example.
00:15:03Heckert said I'd make a wonderful aura.
00:15:06I've learned almost all of the goblin rebellions off by heart.
00:15:09You can test me.
00:15:10Go on, test me.
00:15:11Why would I want to hear what you're good at?
00:15:13Sometimes the prefect sits next to me.
00:15:16Well, one time they did.
00:15:18In the common room.
00:15:19Mind you, it was the only seat left.
00:15:21And I did ask them to.
00:15:22I heard that someone cast the Confunder's Charm on a Ravenclaw fourth year so they couldn't answer the riddle.
00:15:27I've seen the boys looking very sheepish lately.
00:15:29I suspect most Slytherins would prefer not to be in a dungeon myself.
00:15:34I think rules against beasts in the dormitories should be enforced.
00:15:37Just because it was a puff scheme.
00:15:39And the boys don't make it any easier.
00:15:41The noise from their dormitory, you'd think they were sleeping next to mandrakes.
00:15:44He said I had a complexion like a hippocampus egg.
00:15:48Fancy saying that.
00:15:50I think it's because I don't sleep well.
00:15:51He's absolutely sweet on me, I'm sure of it.
00:15:54Every time he's around me he's crooning at me.
00:15:57It's like being courted by a mandrake.
00:15:59Obviously the best greenhouse is the one with the dangerous plants.
00:16:03Do you think we'll learn how to brew Amortentia?
00:16:06Strongest love potion, they say.
00:16:08Not that I care, you understand.
00:16:09I was just wondering.
00:16:10Garlic asked me to explain to the class the main use of plants.
00:16:14I said picking them.
00:16:16We're quite fortunate the school's so close to Hogsmeade.
00:16:19There's nothing like it in all of Britain, you know.
00:16:21About the only place that doesn't come with the risk of encountering a muggle.
00:16:24Do you happen to have any valerian sprigs?
00:16:27I really wanted to have a go at a forgetfulness potion.
00:16:30Only, I can't remember where I put mine.
00:16:32I think Defindo should be taught in the first year.
00:16:34Why stave off the mayhem?
00:16:36If I had to pick one shop it'd be Gladrags.
00:16:39Mr. Hill is always very helpful, don't you find?
00:16:41As far as I can see, the only potion worth learning is Sleeping Draft.
00:16:45Best timed for History of Magic.
00:16:47It's hardly worth studying for potions,
00:16:49unless you're anticipating being poisoned sometime in the near future.
00:16:52I don't know about demiguises, but Howyn had me on hot bricks the other day,
00:16:57telling us about her colleague who befriended a griffin.
00:17:00I put my hand up and said we had a griffin come by our street once and
00:17:03tried to get our rabbit.
00:17:05My sister had to run out after it, throwing stones till it flew off.
00:17:09I thought Howyn would be impressed, but oh, the glare.
00:17:12She said you never meddle with dangerous beasts.
00:17:15If you ask me, she's the dangerous beast.
00:17:17It's awful if you're sat near someone and they're trying to pass notes about.
00:17:21Half the time I get the blame and Hecate has no tolerance for that,
00:17:24I can tell you.
00:17:25Apparently Sharp made quite an example of her.
00:17:28One could view it as a sort of a punishment if it wasn't for the lake.
00:17:31I could be locking all you scallywags up in Azkaban one day.
00:17:34Apparently they just kept repeating words to a naughty song Peeves wrote.
00:17:38Best thing Peeves has ever done.
00:17:40Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.
00:17:48I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't snuck something into their dormitory.
00:17:51Who wants to learn about Bubba Chuba Puss?
00:17:54That's a serious question.
00:17:55Thought you could sneak past me, hey?
00:17:57I've caught you.
00:17:58I could swear I saw them with a Grindelow the other day.
00:18:00Herbology's much more fun when there's untoward spells on the loose.
00:18:03I think I heard something.
00:18:05No high marks in discretion for you.
00:18:07Move along.
00:18:08What was that?
00:18:09Looks like it won't be an exciting night after all.
00:18:12Must have been a ghost.
00:18:14Didn't see a ghost.
00:18:15Lost, are we?
00:18:17Or is there something more to your wandering where you don't belong?
00:18:19A prefect's job is never done.
00:18:21A student in the faculty tower would be most improper.
00:18:24Perhaps I take my prefecture too seriously.
00:18:28No, not possible.
00:18:29Forgot to read the chapter for potions today.
00:18:32Wish I had a potion to remind myself to do my homework.
00:18:35You can't outwit a prefect.
00:18:37I've studying to do.
00:18:38No time for these shenanigans.
00:18:40What a duel.
00:18:41Professor Sharp terrifies me.
00:18:43He glanced sideways at me last week and I almost dropped an entire flobberworm into my cauldron.
00:18:48I prefer to study in the library.
00:18:49It's always much too loud in the common room.
00:18:51I'd wager the Hufflepuff common room's the coziest of them all.
00:18:55Simply the fact that it's so close to the kitchens makes it seem more homely.
00:18:58I thought it would be hard adjusting to sharing a room, but I'd rather enjoy the company.
00:19:03Natty doesn't seem to mind having her mother as a teacher at all.
00:19:06I'd hide in my common room if it were me.
00:19:08The other girls and I were up all night reading letters from my secret admirer.
00:19:12They're very jealous of me, I'm sure.
00:19:14Poor Susan in those secondhand robes.
00:19:16Looks like her grandmother in them.
00:19:18Smells like her too.
00:19:19No better feeling than plunging your hands into greenhouse soil.
00:19:24Unless you accidentally uproot a baby mandrake.
00:19:27My friends and I lose track of the time whenever we're at the three broomsticks.
00:19:31Nearly missed exams one year we were so engrossed in our butterbeers.
00:19:34I mistook a Snuggaluff pod for a Puffer pod the other day in Herbology.
00:19:38Won't be making that mistake again any time soon.
00:19:40Some think Professor Scharr is hard to read, but I find her as easy to read as a star chart.
00:19:45She has no patience for time wasting.
00:19:47Can't decide if I like Professor Weasley or Professor Heckert more.
00:19:54Oh, they're both brilliant.
00:19:55My brothers and I prefer pumpkin juice with our mince pies.
00:19:59My aunt introduced us to those years ago.
00:20:01Hogwarts always has another mystery to discover.
00:20:03If I don't find a way to concentrate, I'll fail my owls for certain.
00:20:07Nothing better than a few pints of butterbeer and a pile of mince pies with my sisters on Christmas Eve.
00:20:12I haven't been down to the boathouse since arriving in my first year.
00:20:15Perhaps I'll pay a visit.
00:20:17I do look forward to going home for the holidays.
00:20:19Mum's pumpkin pasties are the best I've ever had.
00:20:22Have you ever visited any of the hamlets outside of Hogsmeade?
00:20:25Some nice shops to be found.
00:20:27I wish I was an animagus that could fly.
00:20:29A raven or an owl.
00:20:31Then I wouldn't need my own broom.
00:20:33I hear Upper Hogsfield is lovely.
00:20:35Or was it Lower Hogsfield?
00:20:37Well, both Hogsfields.
00:20:38Patrick Redding is surprisingly sombre, considering he runs a shop as fun as Honeydukes.
00:20:43I think I'd have made an excellent seeker.
00:20:46I have a sharp eye.
00:20:47Can spot the shadow of a demiguise in the snow.
00:20:49No better feeling than the wind in your hair as you fly above the world on a broom.
00:20:53My sister organised Quidditch practice all summer to prepare for this year.
00:20:57She was most upset when it was cancelled.
00:20:59My favourite room in the school is the library.
00:21:02It always smells of fresh parchment.
00:21:04I thought Professor Black would get rid of all the muggle-born students.
00:21:07Too much to hope for, I suppose.
00:21:09I'm glad there's a Slytherin in charge of the school, willing to make the hard decisions.
00:21:13I hope I'm wealthy enough one day to buy every broom model at Spintwitches.
00:21:17I wish I received letters from home more often.
00:21:20I like knowing what my sisters are up to.
00:21:22The youngest is learning to de-gnome the garden.
00:21:24I can't wait till all my sisters are at Hogwarts with me.
00:21:28Their turn to send the owls home.
00:21:29Power should be kept in the oldest pureblood families, like the Blacks.
00:21:34Wouldn't want riffraff running things.
00:21:36That's what my mother says.
00:21:38I do get nervous when the owls fly into the Great Hall.
00:21:41One's bound to crash into me eventually.
00:21:44Yes, it is.
00:21:45Hogwarts must have hundreds of owls in the Owlery.
00:21:48Wonder if there's any mice left.
00:21:49I wish I was a Metamorph Magus.
00:21:52Imagine being able to change your eye colour depending on your mood.
00:21:55I'd hate Transfiguration if it wasn't for Weasley.
00:21:57She definitely takes the fear out of it, and that's saying something.
00:22:01I should think there's an entire ward in St. Mungo's for Transfiguration accidents.
00:22:05Goodness, look how fast they're going.
00:22:07I love switching spells.
00:22:08Swapped my brother's treacle tart for a fish pie once.
00:22:12He still won't eat around me.
00:22:13Why are you helping Zenobia?
00:22:15You don't enjoy that wretched game, do you?
00:22:17She's been the top racer for too long.
00:22:19A hippogriff.
00:22:20I'm jealous.
00:22:21That what we're wearing today?
00:22:23Never quite sure about Professor Fig.
00:22:24I can't believe he's gone.
00:22:26I don't feel safe going to Hogsmeade anymore.
00:22:28I don't feel safe anymore.
00:22:31Not with Ranrock's siege.
00:22:32You won every single battle at Crossed Ones.
00:22:36I'd wager Imelda's ego's feeling a bit deflated now.
00:22:39I think you're the first two-legged friend Poppy's had.
00:22:41Held your own on Summoner's Court.
00:22:43You and Natty seem inseparable these days.
00:22:45Glad someone finds our meets conversations interesting.
00:22:48You and Sebastian seem to be true friends.
00:22:51He's needed one since Anne left.
00:22:53Seems you and Imelda have become fast friends.
00:22:56Knew it was too good to be true.
00:22:58Pratt's back.
00:22:58Surprised you spend so much time with Everett.
00:23:01Half of Hogsmeade might have been destroyed if not for you.
00:23:03Ugh, what's this about?
00:23:05Someone's moved Ferdinand to the Hogshead.
00:23:07Oh, thank Merlin the Three Broomsticks is finally free of Ferdinand Octavius Pratt.
00:23:12Don't know where we'd all be without you.
00:23:14Why are you trying to get in there?
00:23:16Well done besting Sebastian at duelling.
00:23:18So nice to have the bells ringing again.
00:23:20Watch yourself.
00:23:21Pardon you?
00:23:22Looks as if Poppy's finally made a friend.
00:23:24Ugh, that startled me.
00:23:25Those Ashlinders are running scared now.
00:23:27Well, that's not clever.
00:23:29Goblins don't stand a chance against you.
00:23:30Fifty poachers defeated.
00:23:49Whatever's happened to that portrait?
00:23:51It serves him right for always telling on us.
00:23:53You're looking smart.
00:23:54It's you.
00:23:55Now that's a good surprise.
00:23:56Aha! Always glad to see you.
00:24:00Don't forget to make some time for us to chat.
00:24:02Hope you're well.
00:24:03Good to see you.
00:24:04Hope all is well.
00:24:04Taking care of yourself, I hope.
00:24:06Whose bright idea was it to have a poltergeist in a school?
00:24:09School treating you well, I hope.
00:24:11He's out of control.
00:24:12I think I'm getting the hang of it.
00:24:16It's not every day I get an audience.
00:24:18Shall I try to go a little faster?
00:24:20No, no, not again.
00:24:22Oh, did you want to watch me practice?
00:24:24I don't mind.
00:24:24Oh, well.
00:24:25I'll manage it eventually.
00:24:26Put those out for Merlin's sake!
00:24:28Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
00:24:30Ah, you impossible poltergeist.
00:24:32You should be ashamed of yourself.
00:24:35Professor Black?
00:24:36That's one thing I won't miss about Hogwarts.
00:24:38I'm a prefect too, you twit.
00:24:40She's right.
00:24:41Why don't you leave goblins alone, you troll?
00:24:44What have I done now?
00:24:46The headmaster is coming this way?
00:24:53I wonder...
00:24:55It's brilliant!
00:24:58Good breeze for it today.
00:24:59Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
00:25:02Lovely, aren't they?
00:25:03Must be different, starting Hogwarts in your fifth year.
00:25:07She gets bolder every year.
00:25:09Have you heard Lenora Everly going on about a mystery frame?
00:25:14Belongs in St. Mungo's, if you ask me.
00:25:17What is this?
00:25:19Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
00:25:23Shame you weren't born with wings, Nellie.
00:25:25I'm sure you'd use them.
00:25:27Nellie'll do anything for a thrill.
00:25:30Don't fall off this time, Nellie.
00:25:32Mind the wand!
00:25:34I asked Ronan what he'd recommend for a billywig sting,
00:25:37and he laughed and said,
00:25:39try not to be seen.
00:25:40I don't find that funny at all.
00:25:42I suppose in all fairness,
00:25:44one should be prepared for anything.
00:25:45My family has a lineage of exemplary flyers.
00:25:49It's no wonder Splintwitches is desperate for me to buy a broom there.
00:25:52Nobody can do a hex like me,
00:25:55and I dare you to prove me wrong.
00:25:57You saw that first year with the engorged head.
00:26:00That was me showing off as a muggle trait.
00:26:03You don't see that sort of behavior in the wizarding world.
00:26:05My parents visited the school once.
00:26:08All I can say is thank Merlin it's against school policy to let them in the common room.
00:26:12It's no wonder Ravenclaws are so clever, though, isn't it?
00:26:15Having to solve things every time you want to go into the common room.
00:26:19Bit much, I'd say.
00:26:21It doesn't seem right to me.
00:26:22Always encouraging me to keep plenty of Wiganweld potion in my trunk.
00:26:26Slytherins almost always use the door to the right of the entrance hall.
00:26:30There's always someone snoring in our dormitory.
00:26:33One of the girls, too.
00:26:34And she talks in her sleep.
00:26:36Slytherins are lucky they get to sleep next to the lake.
00:26:39Water is so soothing.
00:26:41We'd have more fun in our dormitory if the prefects would conveniently go on holiday.
00:26:46I tried to brew some Amortentia once.
00:26:49It was an awful disaster.
00:26:51I thought he'd take an interest in me.
00:26:53My aunt made some Amortentia once because she wasn't getting along well with my uncle.
00:26:57How are there so many lectures in herbology?
00:27:00Do you think it's possible to spend time with any of the merpeople from the lake?
00:27:04My older brother used to terrorize me with a Fang Geranium.
00:27:07You can get all sorts of clothing at Gladrags.
00:27:11Not just common wear, either.
00:27:12I've seen rare garments.
00:27:14They're very powerful, I'd imagine.
00:27:17I can't say I feel the need for that sort of thing, mind.
00:27:19I'd be quite content with a new pair of socks.
00:27:21It's not the written exam that worries me with herbology, it's the practical.
00:27:25All of the shopkeepers like me.
00:27:27I know they do.
00:27:28They always put a bit of something extra in the bag for me.
00:27:32I think they're drawn to my charm.
00:27:34Also, my parents spend a lot in Hogsmeade, but I don't think that's it.
00:27:38I'd like to see your parents' faces when they see your marks at the end of term.
00:27:42Perhaps you should work on your polyjuice potion so you can pay them a visit at shop
00:27:47and lie yourself silly about how marvellous you are and how you exceeded expectations.
00:27:53Oh, do shut up.
00:27:54Ugh, everybody knows you're in remedial potions.
00:27:57Oh, did you hear about the new spell we're learning in charms?
00:28:00I can't wait.
00:28:02You know it's gonna be a laugh with Ronan.
00:28:04And have you seen how these professors look at your clothes?
00:28:08Black looks at me like I'm a pauper.
00:28:10I swear the man thinks I have fleas.
00:28:12The professors are only trying to ensure that we're familiar with as much magic as possible.
00:28:17We're all naturally the epitome of competence, so why would we need to show off?
00:28:21We had more sweets stashed than all of Honeydukes.
00:28:24I have Black to thank for that one.
00:28:26Mr. Weeks says I'd be a marvellous advertisement for his shop.
00:28:30The stone steps are behind it.
00:28:32You can't miss them, if you're a Slytherin, of course.
00:28:35He wouldn't back down, even when my mother threatened to report him.
00:28:39Although he did give us all detention after and took the sweets.
00:28:44It's making me quite paranoid, if I'm honest.
00:28:47Always muttering on about meeting a boy at Stiepley's.
00:28:51I think I know who it is, too.
00:28:53It's as if she's planning to poison me in the night.
00:28:56And she sleeps next to me.
00:28:57Howen says Cyprus is nice this time of year.
00:29:01Seemed to do the trick.
00:29:03Although I did always suspect she'd actually given him a sleeping draught.
00:29:07I always used to hear my mother speak of herbology, and it sounded delightful.
00:29:12I feel utterly tricked.
00:29:13Not, I mean, a particular one, just any of them.
00:29:17But if there was a particular one, never mind.
00:29:20All he kept talking about was smelling wonderful dragon dung.
00:29:25Turns out his family worked in fertilizer.
00:29:27I shall never forgive Garlic for that.
00:29:30Fancy having one of those things around children.
00:29:32Surely there can't be that much difference between what's consumed by a moon calf and
00:29:36a dragon.
00:29:37I can barely recognize a toadstool.
00:29:40Let alone tell the difference between dungs.
00:29:42You'll pay for this.
00:29:44I'm not sure how, but you will.
00:29:46The nerve of some students thinking they can simply go anywhere uninvited.
00:29:50I'd bet my badge I heard someone.
00:29:52This has gone on long enough.
00:29:54Who's there?
00:29:55Oh, drat.
00:29:57And I wanted to deduct some house points.
00:29:59Desperately need to improve my charms marks this year.
00:30:02Perhaps I can find a housemate to levitate.
00:30:05Well, if a student was here, then not now.
00:30:08That's all that matters.
00:30:10I suppose.
00:30:10Professor Weasley said she'd help me with my switching spells after class.
00:30:14I think she's tired of finding partially transfigured items about the classroom.
00:30:18I could never duel like that.
00:30:20I'm avoiding our common room today.
00:30:23Ronan's testing on Accio and students are summoning objects right and left.
00:30:27Nearly lost an eye to a rogue quill.
00:30:29Someone prodded a Mimbulus Mimbultonia in the common room.
00:30:33Stink sap everywhere.
00:30:35I'm avoiding it entirely until they or
00:30:37the house elves clean it up.
00:30:39As a muggle-born, I never expected to come face to face with a man eating cabbage.
00:30:45I brought sweets from Honeydukes to share with the girls in my dormitory tonight.
00:30:48No acid pops, though.
00:30:50Not before bed.
00:30:51We stayed up almost the entire night the other week talking about schoolwork.
00:30:55Tried what I thought was a smoothing elixir for my hair.
00:30:59I think I was tricked.
00:31:01Smells like flogger worm mucus.
00:31:04My father writes to me every week asking about classes and
00:31:08wondering if I've made any new friends.
00:31:11I dread mail.
00:31:12Every time our owl appears in the great hall, I simply cringe.
00:31:16Never seen Devilsnare in the wild.
00:31:18Would be terrifying to encounter, I'd think.
00:31:21I'm happy to read about it, mind.
00:31:23Hogsmeade's no London, mind you.
00:31:25But it'll do in a pinch.
00:31:27Professor Hecate is intimidating, but then she has a serious subject to teach.
00:31:32Can't afford to coddle students when it comes to defense against the dark arts.
00:31:36At first, I thought Professor Garlick might be too young to be a professor, but
00:31:39she's more than capable.
00:31:41Knows her gillyweed from her girdyroot, that one.
00:31:44My entire family's been sorted into Hufflepuff.
00:31:47Except for me, that is.
00:31:49Makes sense.
00:31:50Not one for hard work, if I'm honest.
00:31:52Do you think anyone has found every secret passage in Hogwarts?
00:31:56Wouldn't surprise me if new ones popped up occasionally.
00:32:00I've been turned around on the grand staircase one too many times.
00:32:04I simply avoid it now.
00:32:05My brother just started at Hogwarts as a Gryffindor.
00:32:09Thought for certain he'd be Slytherin.
00:32:11Cunning as he is.
00:32:13My mother makes the most delicious a la hotsy fudge every Christmas.
00:32:17Can barely fit into my school ropes when it's time to come back.
00:32:21I enjoy having lunch down by the lake, except when the giant squid splashes about.
00:32:26Not much for soggy sandwiches.
00:32:27Sometimes I wish I needed a new wand,
00:32:30just so I'd have an excuse to visit Ollivanders again.
00:32:34I could open wand boxes all day.
00:32:36I'd like to do some window shopping in Hogsmeade this weekend.
00:32:40Don't have the galleons to actually buy anything.
00:32:42Beatrice Green from Dogweed and Deathcap is an odd woman.
00:32:45Caught her talking to her plants the other day, having a full conversation she was.
00:32:50It's quite interesting actually.
00:32:52I don't like how flying messes up my hair.
00:32:54Do we really need to practice flying on a broomstick?
00:32:58I thought that was the purpose of trains.
00:32:59Broomsticks are so out of date.
00:33:02I'd rather travel by flu network any day.
00:33:05I'm far too afraid of heights to fly on a broom.
00:33:09It's nothing to be ashamed of.
00:33:11I don't see you racing about the towers.
00:33:13Imelda Reyes is always arranging broom trials.
00:33:16She's only trying to top her old records.
00:33:19Such a show off.
00:33:20Professor Black was terrible before he decided to cancel Quidditch.
00:33:24That decision was the icing on the golden cake if you ask me.
00:33:28How many letters do you think come in and out of Hogwarts every day?
00:33:32I can't believe Black is still the headmaster.
00:33:34He obviously hates the job.
00:33:36And it's not like he's short a few galleons.
00:33:38Owls must be incredibly intelligent to deliver all those letters.
00:33:43I still get lost looking for our common room.
00:33:45I wish the headmaster would retire.
00:33:47Let Professor Weasley take over for him.
00:33:49I never know what to say when I write to my mother.
00:33:52Hello, mother.
00:33:53Classes are horrendously boring.
00:33:55And Professor Binns is still as dull as when you were in school.
00:33:58Everyone knows you can't conjure food.
00:34:01Haven't you heard of Gamp's Law?
00:34:03The most I've ever been able to conjure was a single quill.
00:34:06Not sure I'll ever master that one.
00:34:08Do you think it's painful to be in a half-transfigured state?
00:34:12How rare a metamorphic guy anyway.
00:34:14Don't listen to him, Duncan.
00:34:16You're absolutely right to be wary of those horrid little furballs.
00:34:19I hope someone can knock Imelda down a peg.
00:34:22Lenora is so easily distracted.
00:34:24It's been ages since I've sent an owl back home.
00:34:27My father will be worrying.
00:34:30Perhaps next week.
00:34:31I hear the bells again.
00:34:32Black will not be pleased about this, but the rest of us will.
00:34:37Watch them fly!
00:34:39Graphorn riding?
00:34:41Seems rather risky.
00:34:42Oh, is there anything more majestic than a hippogriff in flight?
00:34:46I can't say that I blame you.
00:34:48Pajamas are exceedingly comfortable.
00:34:50Armoured trolls?
00:34:51First I've heard of that.
00:34:53Professor Fig will be sorely missed.
00:34:55The accounts of Ranroch and his loyalists beneath the castle seem too incredible to be real.
00:35:00It takes a fair bit of skill with a wand to win every duel crossed once.
00:35:05Never thought I'd see the day someone beat Imelda at her own game... trials.
00:35:10I'd say you're the royalty of Summoner's Court.
00:35:12Bit of an adventurer, that Natty.
00:35:15I see her out and about all the time.
00:35:17Don't know where she's off to.
00:35:19Keep an eye out when you're with Sebastian.
00:35:21He's got a penchant for trouble, that one.
00:35:23Poppy's got a soft spot for beasts.
00:35:25I think that speaks well of her.
00:35:27Amit's not a bad fellow, really.
00:35:29Bit too obsessed with stargazing for my taste, but seems nice enough.
00:35:33Don't let your guard down with Everett.
00:35:35Has a particular proclivity for dung bombs, that one.
00:35:38Imelda's not too bad, if you don't mind the non-stop criticism.
00:35:41Oh, Hogsmeade owes you a great debt.
00:35:44Well done taking down a fully grown troll.
00:35:47Oh, for the love of Merlin, you put him back?
00:35:49Ferdinand got what he deserved.
00:35:51We owe you a debt for destroying that twit's portrait.
00:35:54You stuck that old cockroach's portrait in the hog's head?
00:35:58He'll hate that.
00:35:59Wouldn't it be easier to use a key?
00:36:01I don't know how you did it, but you saved Hogwarts.
00:36:05You'll be remembered forever for this.
00:36:07I reckon Sebastian did not expect such a sound defeat in defence against the dark arts.
00:36:13How dare you!
00:36:14I suppose it's nice that Poppy is befriending humans for a change.
00:36:18What was that for?
00:36:19It's so nice to hear the bells again.
00:36:22Thank you for putting things right, and annoying Professor Black in the process.
00:36:26Doing a bit of redecorating?
00:36:28Oh, hello!
00:36:29People get injured all the time in Quidditch.
00:36:32This is about more than that.
00:36:38Oh, I always have time for you.
00:36:39Who are you trying to impress?
00:36:41Rookwood himself?
00:36:43Make way for the Headmaster.
00:36:45Do be sure to include yourself in my arrangements.
00:36:48Oh, the Headmaster.
00:36:49Ah, my card said I'd cross paths with you.
00:36:52You, beaming like a bright star.
00:36:57It's not that funny.
00:36:58I have other engagements, but hello.
00:37:00I'm so sorry.
00:37:02Professor Fig was a good man.
00:37:03Apparently, Fig teaches comparative magic.
00:37:07What is that exactly?
00:37:09Don't think I've read you before.
00:37:11Those goblins learned the hard way that Hogwarts doesn't bow to invaders.
00:37:15Oh, how pretty.
00:37:17Is this meant to be some sort of trick?
00:37:20It's not funny.
00:37:21If I get a snitch stuck in my hair, I'm going to heck someone.
00:37:24Very funny.
00:37:26Knox, I never knew such a pretty thing could be so annoying.
00:37:34It's nice to get out of the castle every now and again.
00:37:37Don't you agree?
00:37:38Well, I've yet to understand how one is expected to do the homework for Bin's class, since that would require staying awake for it.
00:37:45My cousin has one shaped like a flying horse.
00:37:48Saw a real one once at Beauxbatons.
00:37:51Pretty things.
00:37:52Someone threw a dung bomb.
00:37:55Let's get out of here.
00:37:56I enjoy a good chat with a portrait now and then.
00:37:59But Lenora Everly's talking to a frame with no one in it.
00:38:02Don't shy away now.
00:38:03It's impossible to do all of the homework they give you.
00:38:07I think they do it on purpose.
00:38:08Try writing a hippogriff.
00:38:10You'll soon learn that Kagawa's techniques are lacking practical uses.
00:38:14I once flew to Ipswich and back.
00:38:16Yes, I did.
00:38:17Don't look at me like that.
00:38:19I've seen all the Moors.
00:38:21Every one of them.
00:38:22They all look the same.
00:38:23The only place I'm able to concentrate is in the library.
00:38:26Well, it's also somewhat exciting waiting for the inevitable breach of silence.
00:38:32Well, Madame Kagawa said she's never seen anyone with such form on a broom.
00:38:36She even had the rest of the class watch me to see how it's done.
00:38:39I think it's rather unique that you can see the lake from the Slytherin common room.
00:38:44I bet all of the houses would appreciate it if you asked them.
00:38:47I find its location a little untoward myself.
00:38:49It's my favorite place in the entire school.
00:38:52If I didn't have that fireplace to sit next to, I think I should be terribly homesick.
00:38:56All I can say is, it's lucky the boys have their own dormitories.
00:39:00The mess they make.
00:39:02Some of us are tidier than others, though, aren't we?
00:39:04You don't have to look far to know who the disgrace is in our dormitory.
00:39:08I bet Black could tell a few tales about his days at Hogwarts.
00:39:12When he was a student, I mean.
00:39:13I went to the lake once.
00:39:15Wanted to have a sing-song just by myself.
00:39:17Don't talk to me about humiliation.
00:39:19My broom went up like a bit of flint the other day.
00:39:22If someone says you have eyes like a demiguise, is that a compliment?
00:39:26I wish Professor Garlic would teach us more about flesh-eating trees.
00:39:31There seems so little about them.
00:39:33Perhaps one day someone will write a book on them.
00:39:35When my grandfather went to this school, Dilys Derwent was the headmistress.
00:39:39Marvelous healer, apparently.
00:39:41Very highly regarded.
00:39:43Bet she did better in potions than I'm doing in herbology.
00:39:45I did tell you not to put too much dragon manure on your screech-snap seedlings.
00:39:50Augustus Hill just wants you to buy something, though.
00:39:53He's always talking his game.
00:39:54And then look at his face if you don't buy something.
00:39:57He's like a child with an empty pillowcase on Christmas morn.
00:40:00When I'm in Hogsmeade, I always pay a visit to Dogweed and Deathcap.
00:40:04Although, Madam Green can be a little fiery sometimes,
00:40:08so you definitely want to stay on her good side.
00:40:10I wish we didn't have to use a dagger in potions.
00:40:13I'm not the least bit comfortable with it.
00:40:16Crush with the flat side of the dagger.
00:40:19It's most untoward, if you ask me.
00:40:22The thing's lethal.
00:40:23I feel I'd be safer if I were being schooled by Rookwood.
00:40:26Is it possible to become an Auror and not excel in potions?
00:40:30I think so, wouldn't you?
00:40:32It's all about demeanour, really, isn't it?
00:40:34Being an Auror.
00:40:35Having a commanding stature.
00:40:38I think I shall be a force to be reckoned with.
00:40:40Even Madam Scribner's shown sympathy on that front, and that's saying something.
00:40:44Have you ever had a cauldron leak?
00:40:47I didn't think it was possible.
00:40:48And then one minute, I was stirring.
00:40:50And the next, I was swimming in wolfsbane potion.
00:40:53Sharp almost threw his wand at me, I swear.
00:40:56Turned out I'd just spilt my flask.
00:40:59Wasn't my fault.
00:41:00If you ask me, the best thing about the Slytherin common room is that you don't have to walk far to potions.
00:41:05I enjoy divination.
00:41:07But when is Professor Anai going to tell us more about Africa?
00:41:11I've learned enough about ornithomancy to last me a lifetime.
00:41:15I want to hear about the Serengeti.
00:41:16I believe every common room has one.
00:41:18If I had to pick a professor to race against, it'd be Hecate.
00:41:23I'm serious, she's a thousand years old.
00:41:26Or seventy-five or something.
00:41:28There's not a one of them comes out of there that doesn't look completely unkempt.
00:41:32Whoever's there, you'd best get yourself back to bed.
00:41:35Is someone sneaking about?
00:41:36Scorched all the bottom of my robes, it did.
00:41:39And there were five boys watching, all from Gryffindor.
00:41:42Simply awful.
00:41:43I've been riding hippogriff since I was five.
00:41:46Comes naturally to me.
00:41:47And I've only been to hospital four times.
00:41:50You are most certainly up to no good out in the castle now.
00:41:53Be on your way.
00:41:54Professor Howin was out on a stroll and said she thought she'd heard a banshee.
00:41:59I don't sing anymore.
00:42:00So much for a break from the tedium.
00:42:03No reason to get my wand in a knot after all.
00:42:05How dare you step foot in here?
00:42:08Can't imagine he'd appreciate being spied on all the time by prefects.
00:42:11The headmaster will hear about this.
00:42:14Not the wisest move on your part, wandering about at this hour.
00:42:17If I have to cast Revealio to find you, it won't be the last spell I cast.
00:42:22I've half a mind to haul you up to the headmaster's office.
00:42:25Is that a student in the faculty tower?
00:42:28All clear here.
00:42:30Well, I've done my part.
00:42:32Lenora thinks she's quite the arts aficionado.
00:42:36Lenora's got someone else staring at empty paintings now.
00:42:41Some big hits that round.
00:42:43Amit Tarkar is already studying for hours.
00:42:46No wonder he doesn't have any friends.
00:42:48Perhaps it's a prank.
00:42:50Like the emperor with no clothes.
00:42:52I'm not going to lose any more sleep over my potions homework.
00:42:55Brewed myself a sleeping draught just to be sure.
00:42:57Always wondered what the other house's common rooms looked like.
00:43:01Ours is the best, of course.
00:43:03Still, I do wonder.
00:43:04Someone was practicing with a broken wand in the common room last night.
00:43:08Looked like a war had broken out.
00:43:10All I have at home are brothers.
00:43:11I thought sharing a room with girls would be tidier.
00:43:14Clearly I was wrong.
00:43:15Thank goodness for the scouring charm.
00:43:17The sorting hat took ages to sort that poor first year from Upper Hogsfield.
00:43:22Couldn't find a strong enough trait is my guess.
00:43:24How awkward.
00:43:25Emily promised to help me style my hair.
00:43:28Give her a ribbon and a wand and she can do anything.
00:43:30My sister read my diary.
00:43:33Oh, entirely unfair that my mother wouldn't let me put a locking charm on it.
00:43:37I can't memorize ten magical herbs, let alone 1,000 magical herbs and fungi.
00:43:43When would you even use them all?
00:43:45It's absurd.
00:43:46I'd love to have a house in one of the nearby hamlets.
00:43:49Imagine being able to pop into Hogsmeade for a butterbeer whenever you wanted.
00:43:53Almost fainted trying to harvest a puffer pod the other day.
00:43:56Those spores certainly make you dizzy.
00:43:58Professor Anai has fascinating stories about growing up in Uganda.
00:44:02Wish she'd teach us how to do wandless magic like they do at Wagadoo.
00:44:06I'm convinced that behind her rather stodgy exterior,
00:44:09Professor Weasley's had some rather marvelous adventures.
00:44:12I adore playing wizard chess with my siblings.
00:44:15A bit violent, but father says it's a good way to get out our frustrations.
00:44:19Never a dull moment when I go home for the holidays.
00:44:22Last year, my mother swore she heard a banshee.
00:44:25She couldn't sleep for fear that one of us was doomed.
00:44:28It's tradition in my family to play a game of Quidditch on the moors during the holidays.
00:44:32Do you find yourself taking certain ways to class based on the portraits you pass?
00:44:37I do.
00:44:38Some are much better conversationalists than others.
00:44:40Gardens at Hogwarts are impressive.
00:44:43Do you think Garlick maintains them?
00:44:45With the help of house elves, obviously.
00:44:47Quite a few hamlets outside of Hogsmeade.
00:44:49I'm going to try and visit them all this year.
00:44:51I'd spend all day in the Great Hall if I could.
00:44:54It's always so warm and lively.
00:44:56Serona at the Three Broomsticks always gives such good advice.
00:45:00Don't know how she remembers who we all are either.
00:45:03I enjoy my weekly visits to Dogweed and Deathcap.
00:45:06I find I'm more comfortable around plants than people, to be honest.
00:45:10I think it's for the best that Kagawa takes flying seriously.
00:45:13Far too easy for first years to injure themselves in class.
00:45:17Not to say that's not amusing.
00:45:19One boy fell off his broom during my flying class.
00:45:22Good thing Kagawa was there to catch him.
00:45:24She's very good at arresto momentum.
00:45:26Have you ever flown over the Black Lake and seen the squid?
00:45:30Obviously I have.
00:45:31Was just wondering.
00:45:32Imelda Reyes is on her way to becoming the fastest flyer in Hogwarts history.
00:45:36I think Madame Kagawa's brother is a professional Quidditch player.
00:45:40Wish I could meet him.
00:45:41I've no doubt that Black will be remembered as the worst headmaster
00:45:44Hogwarts has ever seen.
00:45:46No ability to have a rapport with his pupils whatsoever.
00:45:49Why would Black want to be headmaster of Hogwarts?
00:45:52Course, I'm not sure what job he'd actually be good at.
00:45:56Perhaps something at Azkaban.
00:45:57What do you think Black's wife is like?
00:46:00She must be miserable.
00:46:02Although, not while he's here, perhaps.
00:46:04My family's owl is getting too old.
00:46:06Half of the letters end up in the local pond.
00:46:08Once, my sister sent me a howler simply because I brought one of her scarves to
00:46:12school with me.
00:46:13She never even wears it.
00:46:14I hope to have an owl of my own one day.
00:46:17I can't imagine receiving a howler,
00:46:19especially in front of the whole school during a feast.
00:46:22My cousin was transfigured into a mouse by an older bully last year.
00:46:25Took hours to get her to come out from under the bed.
00:46:27I managed to conjure a hedgehog once, but it disappeared after a few minutes.
00:46:33My mother adored transfiguration when she was in school.
00:46:36I'm sure she's disappointed that I'm so terrible at it.
00:46:39Shame the new fifth year didn't beat Imelda's time.
00:46:41I used to like transfiguration, but now it seems to be getting awfully complicated.
00:46:45How are they able to control a gratporn?
00:46:48Wonder if they can hear us down here.
00:46:53Professor Fig seemed so unshakable.
00:46:55I can't believe he's gone.
00:46:57I haven't seen Professor Fig in a while now.
00:47:00I hope he's all right.
00:47:01Oh, what a beautiful hippogriff.
00:47:03Who would have imagined the Loyalists to be so organized?
00:47:07Trolls don't just show up in Hogsmeade.
00:47:11Making our mark in fashion, are we?
00:47:13Still can't believe you won every single crossed ones battle.
00:47:16Nice work at Summoner's Court, by the way.
00:47:19If it isn't Natty's other half.
00:47:21I wonder if anyone else is terrified of Imelda.
00:47:24You should consider professional quidditch.
00:47:26You and Sebastian are thick as thieves these days.
00:47:28Who knew Poppy was capable of making friends?
00:47:31Glad to see you and Amit becoming chums.
00:47:33Were you scared when the trolls attacked?
00:47:35I'd have been terrified.
00:47:37If it isn't Everett's best friend.
00:47:39I wonder how Ferdinand's faring in the Hogshead.
00:47:42So much for our freedom from Ferdinand.
00:47:44Don't do that near me.
00:47:45Locked doors never stay locked around here.
00:47:48You're an honest-to-goodness hero, you are.
00:47:50Thank Merlin Ferdinand's portrait was destroyed.
00:47:52Watch what you're doing.
00:47:53Someone's in a brutish mood.
00:47:56Goodness, how did you beat Sebastian in that duel?
00:47:59I can't believe those infernal bells are ringing again.
00:48:01Protego! Protego! Confringo!
00:48:03Flipendo! Glacius! Confringo! Protego!
00:48:06That is quite the breach of decorum.
00:48:11Calling you beastly would be an insult to beasts.
00:48:14Where are your manners?
00:48:16So nice to see you.
00:48:18Lovely to see you.
00:48:20Always believe in yourself.
00:48:21Oh, hello there.
00:48:24Always a pleasure to see you.
00:48:26How do you do?
00:48:26Take care.
00:48:28As always a pleasure.
00:48:35Oh no.
00:48:36Not the headmaster.
00:48:37Not now.
00:48:39I must be going before the headmaster sees me.
00:48:41Kindly set me down.
00:48:43Ha ha!
00:48:45Not quite.
00:48:46What am I to do up here?
00:48:48Oh, my goodness, that's hot.
00:48:50How very rude.
00:48:51Oh, I shall definitely come down with a cold after this.
00:48:54I do hope that hurt serves you right.
00:48:57Oh, got a splitting headache.
00:49:01Terrible chill in the air.
00:49:03Barely a scuff.
00:49:05What are you playing at?
00:49:08Was that deliberate?
00:49:09Plants should spread beauty, not pain.
00:49:11What a rotten trick to teach your shrubbery.
00:49:14Stop this terrible racket.
00:49:17I can't hear myself think.
00:49:19I'll soon pare you down.
00:49:21What do you think you're doing?
00:49:22That's mine, thank you.
00:49:24Are you quite finished?
00:49:26This has changed my opinion of foliage.
00:49:28I do prefer the ground, you know.
00:49:30How dare you!
00:49:33Did you tame that grub horn yourself?
00:49:35Oh, bless my heart.
00:49:38There's no feeling quite like riding a broom.
00:49:40The freedom, the wind in your hair.
00:49:43If you don't mind.
00:49:46Nice conditions for a broom ride.
00:49:48What an uncivil way to get about.
00:49:50I wish I had my own flying beast.
00:49:52Look at that wingspan.
00:49:55How majestic.
00:49:56Merlin knows what the Rookwoods would have done with that hippogriff if you hadn't rescued it.
00:50:00I'm so relieved you rescued Archie Bickle from those dreadful Rookwoods.
00:50:04It's reassuring to know that Isko's safe again.
00:50:07Foul things.
00:50:08Absolutely foul.
00:50:10How brave of you to stand up to Rookwood.
00:50:12Most improper.
00:50:13Poor old Sebastian has detention again.
00:50:16Will he ever learn to stay out of the restricted section?
00:50:19I see you're getting on with Ominous Gaunt.
00:50:22Nice chap, that one.
00:50:23Pity Anne Sallow hasn't returned yet.
00:50:25I do hope she recovers quickly.
00:50:27You versus Imelda.
00:50:29What a showdown that was.
00:50:31Professor Fig must have some fascinating stories for you to spend so much time with him.
00:50:36I'm sorry to hear about Professor Fig.
00:50:39I never even got to take his class.
00:50:42Goblins would do well to never step foot on school grounds again.
00:50:49My fingers have gone all wrinkly.
00:50:51Will it ever stop raining?
00:50:54There has to be a spell for this.
00:50:55My hands are freezing.
00:50:57How can I cast?
00:50:58And me without the scarf my gran knitted me.
00:51:02Ordinarily, I adore the snow.
00:51:06Hold on.
00:51:08Oh, thank goodness that's over.
00:51:10Someone is going to regret this once I'm Minister for Magic.
00:51:13If I could only remember the spell.
00:51:15If you try to study in the library, at least you can be assured of peace and quiet.
00:51:19Madame Scribner sees to that.
00:51:21Oh, I wish I could get warm.
00:51:24Oh, yeah.
00:51:26When I fell off my broom and broke six bones, they said they'd never seen Skelligrow work so fast.
00:51:32I wonder if it's even quieter in the restricted section of the library.
00:51:36And what would happen if you made a noise?
00:51:38All of my relatives work at the Ministry.
00:51:41Every one of them.
00:51:42I suppose I'll probably be a hire up there one day.
00:51:46Let's just stay in with me.
00:51:47There's simply too much information if you ask me.
00:51:50Surely it's not all necessary.
00:51:52Next thing you know, they'll be teaching us about muggles.
00:51:55Why would Helga Hufflepuff have you tap on barrels, though?
00:51:58That's the only thing that mystifies me.
00:52:00Our neighbour at home knows someone who's related to the inventor of Skelligrow.
00:52:04It's true.
00:52:05Linfred of Stinchclow, his name was.
00:52:07I bet Garlic had a say in it.
00:52:09Why else would it be the only common room with plants?
00:52:13She's obviously showing favouritism.
00:52:15If you ask any Hufflepuff, they'll tell you there's a badger in their common room.
00:52:19Weasley said she always found the dormitory a good place to read.
00:52:23Better than the library.
00:52:24I do wish I had a bigger trunk, though.
00:52:26I thought a boy was trying to be nice to me the other day.
00:52:29Offered to carry my books, he did.
00:52:31Oh, charming, I thought.
00:52:33I don't trust any of the boys.
00:52:35You find one venomous tentacular on your pillow and you don't soon forget.
00:52:39When someone says something nice to you, it's only because they want something.
00:52:42Someone passed me a note in class with a heart on it.
00:52:45I went bright red.
00:52:47You shouldn't get so upset in Herbology.
00:52:49The rate you're going, you'll need a calming draught.
00:52:52Well, I don't find Herbology the least bit amusing.
00:52:55I've been smacked in the face twice now by a bouncing bulb.
00:52:59And Garlic didn't do a thing.
00:53:01Don't laugh.
00:53:02I don't mind Herbology myself.
00:53:04I'll take a mandrake any day over an annoying little puffskeen.
00:53:08The last time I was at Dogweed and Deathcap,
00:53:10Madam Green had everything from dittany seeds to shrivel figs.
00:53:14Just be careful not to upset her, though.
00:53:17Or she might set a venomous tentacular on you.
00:53:19Anyone fancy going to Brood & Peck with me?
00:53:22I've been wanting to go for ages.
00:53:24My friend said they have very high-quality feathers and I need one for my jobinol.
00:53:28Can't remember why.
00:53:30I need someone to lend me some potions ingredients.
00:53:34Don't give me that look.
00:53:35I told you before I was only musing about a love potion.
00:53:39As if I'd actually brew one.
00:53:42I wouldn't have the faintest idea what to put in one.
00:53:44Let alone finding powdered moonstone or ashwinder eggs.
00:53:48I had an awful time in potions the other day.
00:53:51Someone had scribbled all over the pages of my book of potions.
00:53:55The margins were as black as soot.
00:53:57And it was a copy from Library.
00:54:00Scribner's going to have me for that.
00:54:01My aunt has some potions recipes she swears are from Zygmunt Budge himself.
00:54:07She wouldn't make it up.
00:54:09She says they're ones he didn't put in the book of potions.
00:54:12Likely powerful spells for the complexion.
00:54:16Why are you looking at my chin like that?
00:54:19Stop it!
00:54:20I'm going to have my own telescope one day.
00:54:22I've already decided that Jupiter is my favourite planet.
00:54:26Although I suppose Saturn's got the rings going for it.
00:54:30I wonder if you learn different things about astronomy at Ouagadough.
00:54:34Although I can't see anyone being as passionate about it as Char.
00:54:37Said I must have special marrow in my bones or something.
00:54:40They did.
00:54:41Apparently very nice it was.
00:54:44Probably Ficus.
00:54:45My mother's extremely thoughtful.
00:54:47I'm afraid I have more knitted socks than the Gladrags Christmas Bazaar.
00:54:51And our neighbour's best friend Sally had a friend down the lane
00:54:54whose great-great-grandfather knew the man who used to tend his hedge.
00:54:58I don't think they'd let me have two trunks though.
00:55:00I suppose the dormitory isn't especially spacious.
00:55:03Likely that was before we had Madame Scribner reigning over things.
00:55:06I keep a sharp eye now.
00:55:08I can tell you that.
00:55:09That's what my mother says.
00:55:11Which is disconcerting because she always tells me I'm clever.
00:55:15Then they told me to pass it to the girl sat next to me.
00:55:18Just wonder what she's after.
00:55:19Took me ages that did.
00:55:23I suppose it was nice while it lasted.
00:55:24I never thought I'd actually enjoy herbology.
00:55:28But Professor Garlick makes it so interesting.
00:55:31She's forgotten more than I'll ever know about mandrakes.
00:55:33I wouldn't say Professor Howen has a particular affinity for beasts.
00:55:38But she's certainly knowledgeable.
00:55:41I imagine that's why she teaches the class.
00:55:43Got to class and only realised he'd pilfered my homework.
00:55:47And it was conjuring spells.
00:55:49I find the girls to be messier than trolls, truth be told.
00:55:53Accidentally levitated Professor Ronan's sandwich once.
00:55:56He was fine about it.
00:55:58Actually complimented me on my wand work.
00:56:00Why study in the common room when you can be outside in the fresh air?
00:56:04I'd rather be in the courtyard than a musty old library any day.
00:56:08The chairs in the common room are too comfortable.
00:56:11Closed my eyes for two seconds the other day.
00:56:13Woke up two hours after charms.
00:56:15I miss having my own bedroom.
00:56:18One of the girls in our room recites potion recipes in her sleep.
00:56:22Another sings and another mumbles incantations.
00:56:25Did you see Claire's hair today?
00:56:28She tried a colour-changing charm on it.
00:56:30And it's essentially the colour of dragondung.
00:56:32Wish I could have studied here when Phyllida Spore was headmistress.
00:56:36Greatest herbologist of all time.
00:56:39I've read 1,000 magical herbs and fungi at least a thousand times.
00:56:43I'm trying to grow some asphodel in the greenhouses.
00:56:46Such a beautiful flower.
00:56:49I almost hate drying out the roots for potions.
00:56:51Sharp was in a mood the other day.
00:56:54Not a single student got their sleeping draft right
00:56:57and he vanished the contents of every cauldron in the room with one cast.
00:57:01My aunt says I should get to Hogsmeade as often as I can.
00:57:04Says it's good to get out of the castle sometimes.
00:57:07All of my siblings have gone on to work for the ministry.
00:57:10But I'm not sure I want to do that.
00:57:13Unless it's an aura.
00:57:15Oh, I'd like to be an aura.
00:57:17My family has a lot of muggle traditions.
00:57:19From my mother's side.
00:57:21I don't mind most of them.
00:57:23But cooking without magic can get exhausting.
00:57:26Defence against the dark arts can be intimidating.
00:57:29But Professor Hecker actually makes it seem manageable.
00:57:32My family has been sorted into Ravenclaw for generations.
00:57:37Bit of a bookish lot one might say.
00:57:39Have you ever seen a professor outside the castle?
00:57:42I find it jarring to see someone like Professor Weasley at the Three Broomsticks.
00:57:47Wish I could see what Hogwarts looks like to muggles.
00:57:50Bet it's terrifying.
00:57:52I adore spending sunny afternoons in the viaduct courtyard.
00:57:56Wonderful place to practice accio.
00:57:59On other students' books.
00:58:00If you lean forward on your broom just right, you can get an incredible burst of speed.
00:58:05I'd like to shop in the Hamlet.
00:58:07But I'm too afraid to venture out alone with all that's going on.
00:58:11Life seems rather dull in the Hamlets around here.
00:58:13I'd much rather live in a big city like London.
00:58:16Thomas Brown knows more about books than anyone.
00:58:20Well, perhaps not Madame Scribner.
00:58:22But anyone else I'd say.
00:58:23Albie Weeks has been experimenting with new broom models for a while now.
00:58:27The best way to learn how to fly a broomstick is by trial and error.
00:58:32In my case, it was a lot of error.
00:58:34I wish I could spend all day in flying.
00:58:37Should have been born a hippogriff.
00:58:39I thought about transferring to Beauxbatons just to get away from Professor Black and his iron fist.
00:58:45But then I remembered that I don't speak French.
00:58:48Whoever decided to make Professor Black headmaster of Hogwarts
00:58:52must have been the victim of a flock of whoopers.
00:58:55Out of their mind.
00:58:56I've heard that Isaac Cooper receives several owls a week from secret admirers.
00:59:02I suppose he is rather dashing.
00:59:04I doubt there's ever been a headmaster as hated as Black.
00:59:07Dubious honor indeed.
00:59:09Wouldn't it be romantic to fly amongst the stars?
00:59:13Even Professor Shaw might think so.
00:59:17Or not.
00:59:17How do owls know where to deliver their letters?
00:59:20My mother was shocked the first time I sent her an owl from Hogwarts.
00:59:24She'd never seen anything like it.
00:59:26She's a muggle, so of course that makes sense.
00:59:31Don't make that face.
00:59:32A beginner's guide to transfiguration was my least favorite textbook.
00:59:36I cannot seem to wrap my head around the subject.
00:59:39Wish someone would send me a love letter.
00:59:43Doubt that'll ever happen.
00:59:45I hated learning vanishment.
00:59:47Never had such abysmal marks.
00:59:49Transfiguration requires such precision.
00:59:52I once turned my pet rabbit into a candlestick.
00:59:55Mother was furious when she set the table and it hopped away.
00:59:58I hope I'm next.
01:00:00I'll be the fastest.
01:00:01I'm dreading taking my transfiguration owl.
01:00:04Absolutely dreading it.
01:00:06I'd rather jinx myself than have to explain reasons for the exceptions to Gamp's law.
01:00:11Wonder if they'd get detention for flying this far out here.
01:00:14Me too.
01:00:15Had my eye on a new frock from Gladrags for weeks.
01:00:18What did you do that for?
01:00:20If I could ride a hippogriff, I'd show off too.
01:00:23Wonder if that graphorn's tame.
01:00:26Seems awfully dangerous.
01:00:28Never knew Fig well, but it sounds as if he was a remarkable man.
01:00:33Taking a stroll in our pajamas, are we?
01:00:35I hope my mother didn't hear about the troll attack.
01:00:38She'd take me straight out of school.
01:00:40Might need a sleeping draft.
01:00:42I've had nightmares about Loyalists ever since the siege.
01:00:45You absolutely smashed it at Summoner's Court.
01:00:48That must be a record.
01:00:50Beating Imelda three times.
01:00:52You and Sebastian are best friends now.
01:00:55Don't let Ominous hear about it.
01:00:56I hear Poppy's adopted you too.
01:00:59Well done at crossed wands.
01:01:01You're a natural.
01:01:02Where's Amit?
01:01:03I heard the two of you are friends now.
01:01:05I'm glad you're friends with Imelda.
01:01:07Up until now, I assumed her best friend was her broomstick.
01:01:10You and Everett get up to anything fun lately?
01:01:13Thank goodness you really are in one piece.
01:01:16I heard that troll was thunderous.
01:01:18Can't believe you put Ferdinand's frame back in the three broomsticks.
01:01:21I hope Ferdinand gets his just-do's in the hog's head.
01:01:24Heard you burned Ferdinand's painting.
01:01:27Thank you from us all.
01:01:28Think something interesting's behind that lock?
01:01:30My uncle was sent to Azkaban for that.
01:01:32You really showed those Ashwinders, didn't you?
01:01:35I hear we have you to thank for saving the school.
01:01:38I don't know how you did it.
01:01:39Good workout dueling, Sebastian.
01:01:42Those Loyalists never stood a chance.
01:01:45Brilliant work.
01:01:46You're new, so you wouldn't know.
01:01:48But most of us consider Poppy a bit of an odd bird.
01:01:51You could do better than that!
01:01:53I don't know how you went against the poachers and made it out alive.
01:01:57I'm so relieved to hear those bells ringing again.
01:02:00Oof! Do be careful.
01:02:03Nerida simply stands by the water, staring down.
01:02:07Why won't she learn how to swim?
01:02:10Having fun spending time with Natty?