The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 641-642 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
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#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:00Before listening from Episode 641 to Episode 642, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:24Episode 641 Consequences and Results
00:29Bridget looked back at Annie before deciding she didn't feel like dealing with her.
00:34She called Richard and told him there was a problem in the apartment she needed him
00:38to deal with.
00:39He had just left the home of the director, Michael Sinclair.
00:44He imagined the worst as he rushed over to her apartment.
00:48What could possibly make Bridget call me to come over?
00:51He wondered when he walked in.
00:52Bridget was sitting cross-legged on the couch while Annie was comforting a crying Jane on
00:57the floor.
00:58Richard, I'm glad you're here.
01:02Annie said, poor Jane accidentally broke Bridget's gaming console.
01:07She's demanding thousands of dollars in compensation.
01:11Jane will never be able to pay that.
01:14Richard knew that Annie liked to play the damsel in distress and that she was counting
01:18on him to come to her rescue.
01:21He glanced at Bridget, who gave him a clear look that she wouldn't tolerate him taking
01:25their side.
01:27He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
01:30How did it break?
01:31He asked.
01:33Jane hiccups and pretended to blow her nose to avoid answering.
01:37She let her dog chew on it.
01:39She didn't believe that it was a gift from Emma and thought it would be funny to destroy
01:44Bridget answered as if confessing its guilt.
01:48Jane's little dog ran under the couch to hide.
01:51Is that what happened?
01:53He asked.
01:55Seeing Jane, he glanced around the room with a panicked expression.
01:59Annie intervened on her behalf.
02:02Jane and I don't come from money.
02:05We don't have thousands of dollars to give away.
02:09I'd be willing to give up the role for the Savage Wars if Bridget would be willing to
02:13forgive Jane, she offered.
02:16Looking like she might burst into tears, Bridget rolled her eyes and said, I don't need you
02:22to give me a role.
02:24I earned it myself.
02:26Your assistant broke one of my belongings.
02:29Now she needs to pay for it.
02:32She turned to Richard and asked, What do you think?
02:36He leaned forward and took a closer look at the device.
02:39I'll send the console back to the manufacturer in Germany to get it repaired.
02:44So compensation isn't necessary.
02:47He answered.
02:49Annie and Jane let out sighs of relief, but Jane can't continue being Annie's assistant.
02:55He looked at Jane.
02:57Danny is still an unknown, and you're already trying to push other people around.
03:02I'd hate to see what you would do to me if you were given enough power.
03:06They both froze, their faces pale, but Richard and he started to say he ignored her.
03:13I'll find you a new assistant.
03:15Bridget, do you have anything else you want to say?
03:18Bridget frowned, still dissatisfied with the result.
03:23At least he fired Jane, she thought.
03:26Don't scrape the bottom of the barrel next time you look for an assistant.
03:30I don't want to deal with this again.
03:33She said she tossed him the controller since you offered to get it fixed.
03:38Make sure this is a new condition when I get it back.
03:42He looked between her and the controller with a tired expression.
03:46Annie was still silently fuming as Jane left.
03:50She knew her assistant had been in the wrong, but she was still furious that Richard hadn't
03:54taken her side.
03:56I'll find a way to change his mind and bring Jane back, she thought.
04:01Now that the situation was as resolved as it could be, Bridget moved on.
04:06Have the producers responded to you yet?
04:09She asked.
04:10He shook his head.
04:12They're still discussing it.
04:14There's the possibility neither of you will be chosen.
04:17So prepare for the worst.
04:19He lied, unbothered and unsurprised.
04:23Bridget nodded and went to her bedroom.
04:25Annie was still pouting.
04:27Your assistant was literally caught in the act.
04:30There's nothing you can say or do to avoid the consequences, which were much lighter
04:35than they could have been, he said.
04:37As for the role, you need to be patient.
04:40She knew he was being fair and held back the rest of her complaints, but after he left,
04:46she called her cousin Oliver, trying to get the inside scoop on the Savage Wars role.
04:52Can you help me find out if the director has decided to use me?
04:57She asked.
04:58He happened to know somebody who might know something, so he agreed to help, not knowing
05:03the answer would stir up more trouble.
05:05The following day, Marjorie received the DNA test results from the hospital.
05:11She teared up as she showed them to Brian.
05:13Look, I can finally prove that I'm Eric's mother, she exclaimed.
05:18He smiled and wrapped an arm around her.
05:21Silly, I always knew that, he said.
05:25Let me call my father so we can all go to their house together.
05:29With Brian's trust and Christopher's support, Marjorie thought she had already secured the
05:35She looked forward to embarrassing Emma.
05:38When Brian told Christopher the news, he responded in a bored tone.
05:42Oh, is that what the results say?
05:45Brian frowned.
05:47How come you sound like you don't care?
05:49He asked.
05:51Christopher hadn't been waiting with anticipation, as the others had.
05:55He had thought that Marjorie was overreacting by demanding a DNA test, and the way that
06:00she was handling the situation was a bigger problem than anything else.
06:05That's enough.
06:06Come and pick me up.
06:08I haven't seen Emma in a while, Christopher replied.
06:12Soon after, Brian and Marjorie picked up Christopher and headed to Emma and Eric's home.
06:19Emma had grown impatient, waiting for the results to come out.
06:22Did we really have to wait so long for the results?
06:26If Marjorie's faking them anyway?
06:28She thought when Eliza opened the door.
06:31Emma was surprised to see that Christopher had come as well.
06:35The trio came into the living room, and Emma patted the spot next to her on the couch.
06:41Please make yourself at home, she said to Christopher.
06:44He gave a small grunt as he sat down, but otherwise didn't say anything.
06:48As far as he was concerned, he wasn't a part of the drama that he had been dragged into.
06:54Marjorie was the first to break the silence.
06:57Take a look at the results yourself, she said, shoving the papers in Emma's face.
07:03Episode 642 Testing Boundaries
07:07Christopher's hand shot up, putting a barrier between Marjorie and Emma.
07:12He gave Marjorie a stern look.
07:14If you have something to say, just say it.
07:17Don't get physical, he said.
07:20She took a step back.
07:22You're only protecting her because you don't know how far this little tramp has gone, she
07:28Watch your mouth, he said with a frown.
07:31Marjorie was embarrassed at being scolded by him, but she said she claimed I wasn't
07:36Eric's mother.
07:37I was so upset I had to get a DNA test.
07:41She jabbed an accusatory finger toward Emma.
07:44You've bullied and slandered me too much in the past, but saying I wasn't Eric's mother.
07:50That broke my heart.
07:52Christopher crossed his arms and leaned back.
07:55So what's your plan to handle this, then? he asked.
07:59She needs to leave.
08:02We didn't have any problems before she came along, Marjorie answered confidently.
08:08Emma picked up the paper that had been abandoned on the table and began reading the results.
08:13Don't you think you're overreacting?
08:16Emma asked, looking at Marjorie before you did this DNA test, I didn't actually doubt
08:21that you were Eric's biological mother.
08:23It was just a passing comment to bother you, but now I'm starting to wonder.
08:28She set the paper down.
08:30Otherwise, why would you bring me a fake report?
08:36What are you trying to say?
08:38Marjorie asked as she glared at Emma.
08:40I thought I expressed myself pretty clearly.
08:43The results are fake, Emma responded.
08:47Marjorie became furious.
08:49I'm his mother.
08:50Why would I need to fake results? she asked.
08:53You're willing to swear.
08:55This report is real, Emma asked with raised eyebrows.
09:00Of course, I could do the test 100 times and get the same results.
09:04I don't need to scheme like you do.
09:07Marjorie snapped.
09:08Are you sure?
09:10Emma asked, giving her a serious look.
09:13Part of her hoped Marjorie would confess instead of escalating the situation further.
09:18Can't you hear?
09:19Ryan asked.
09:21She already answered you.
09:23You're insisting that she's not Eric's mother, so you can drive a wedge between them.
09:27She just got the results a couple of hours ago.
09:30How could she have tampered with them since then?
09:33The results can't possibly be real.
09:36Mr. Bryant threw up his hands in frustration, wondering why she was being so difficult.
09:42Have you bothered to think about why I'm so certain the results aren't real?
09:47Emma asked, taking the paper back up and waving it at him.
09:51The DNA sample Eliza gave you was her own toothbrush, not Eric's.
09:57We knew all about it.
09:59Yet you're trying to tell me the results are a 99.9 match.
10:04Emma asked Ryan and Marjorie, frozen shock.
10:08This is impossible, Marjorie whispered.
10:11Why not?
10:12Eliza wanted to teach you a lesson for always causing me trouble.
10:16Who knew you would actually fake a report?
10:19Emma said, no, this can't be true.
10:22I didn't do it, Marjorie exclaimed.
10:26She shook her head furiously, trying to figure out what had happened.
10:30You're lying.
10:32The DNA results have to belong to Eric, Marjorie insisted.
10:36If you don't believe me, we can do another test, Emma replied.
10:40Why would I lie about the sample?
10:42And how else do you explain the results?
10:45She asked.
10:47Marjorie stumbled backward.
10:49I really didn't fake the results.
10:52She insisted again.
10:54Emma rolled her eyes.
10:56If you didn't have something to hide, then why would you tamper with the results?
11:00She asked.
11:01Back off, Brian snapped, stepping in front of his wife.
11:05Let's just do another test since we don't know what happened to this one.
11:09Emma looked away in frustration while Brian looked toward his father for help.
11:14What do you have to say about this?
11:16Are you just going to sit back while this woman accuses your son and daughter-in-law
11:20of cheating?
11:22Brian asked angrily.
11:24Right now, all I want to know is why Marjorie tampered with the results, Christopher replied.
11:30You can't just listen to Emma's side of the argument and choose to trust her, Ryan complained.
11:37Why would you pick some stranger over your son?
11:39Christopher shrugged.
11:41I trust her more.
11:43He replied quietly.
11:45The room fell into a silent standstill while he folded his hands under his chin and thought.
11:51Finally, he stood up and faced Brian and Marjorie.
11:54He took a deep breath and then exploded.
11:57I am beyond humiliated by your behavior.
12:01You risked starting rumors about Eric by ordering a DNA test over a petty comment.
12:06You've barely fulfilled your responsibilities as parents and take every opportunity to embarrass
12:11his wife.
12:12Yet, you expect Eric to listen to you.
12:16He stepped toward Brian, pointing angrily at him as he said, and you?
12:22You expect blind loyalty from father to son.
12:25Does that mean you would listen if I told you to divorce Marjorie and never make me
12:28look at her again?
12:30Thank you so much for watching.
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