The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 509-510 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
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#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:00Don't forget from today, everyone supporting me by buying from me a three coffees from
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00:24Episode 509 Employees react to the new CEO.
00:30After a pause, Emma's tone changed.
00:33If we're being honest, I don't think you're happy for me at all.
00:37I think my very existence makes it difficult for you to get through each day.
00:41She said as she stood up, this is just the start.
00:45She warned Jenna, I was trying to ignore your nasty actions.
00:50But at some point I had to stop what I was doing and end this madness.
00:55You attacked first, Emma thought.
00:57Jenna stared straight ahead, angry but speechless as she nervously tapped her fingers on the
01:05Emma left the room, leaving Jenna alone with her thoughts.
01:09This isn't over.
01:11She thought, I'm never going to accept you as the acting CEO.
01:16Meanwhile, news about Emma's new promotion spread like wildfire throughout the company.
01:21What is Emma Miller here?
01:23Do you think I can get an autograph?
01:26One employee asked, I can't wait to see what she does about the leaked customer list.
01:32Someone else responded, I've always wondered if she would come back to the company.
01:37Another person said she's accomplished so much.
01:40She's really an inspiration to me.
01:43The leaked veep list had hurt a lot of their loyal customers.
01:47Now was the time for Emma to demonstrate her abilities and turn the situation around.
01:53Since time was of the essence, Emma got to work right away.
01:57After a few hours of concentrated effort, she decided to ask Eric for his feedback.
02:03What do you think of my plan?
02:05Eric swiveled his chair and took a document, even though he had complete faith in her abilities.
02:11After reading it through, he smiled and said, this plan is flawless.
02:16You really don't need my help, but I value your opinion.
02:20Emma said, pulling up a chair next to him.
02:23My opinion is that you are brilliant.
02:27He said as he put his hand on top of hers.
02:30Since the news about Emma taking charge of the company was no longer confidential, Kaleidoscope
02:35put out a press release outlining her temporary appointment to the role.
02:40Her fans quickly took to social media.
02:43Does that mean?
02:45If I get a job at the Miller Corp, I'll get to work with Emma Miller.
02:49Emma Miller is amazing.
02:52Is there anything she can't do?
02:54I wonder how she'll handle Miller Corp's purer situation.
02:59Every move was once again under a microscope, but this didn't worry her.
03:04She was quite used to this kind of attention.
03:08After meeting with the executive team, Emma started carrying out her plan.
03:12The first thing she did was send an apology letter and a gift to each of the VP customers
03:17via a same-day courier.
03:20In the letter, Emma wrote that there was no such thing as a VIP invitation list.
03:26The idea of the list and its supposed leak had been completely made up.
03:30She also apologized to each of the customers for any harassment they may have suffered,
03:36and then personally called each one to address any questions or concerns.
03:41This explanation gave the VIPs a chance to retain their dignity and deny any sort of
03:47special treatment.
03:48In turn, they came out with statements in support of the company.
03:53We did not receive a special invitation for an event from the Miller Corp, and we are
03:57not aware of any upcoming private event.
04:00Miller Corp has always been a reputable company, and I am confident that they would never
04:06share their customer list.
04:08We were one of the companies on the list, but we did not receive such an invitation.
04:13Miller Corp responded to this situation in a very impressive way.
04:19Emma Miller, the acting CEO, handled it beautifully.
04:23By the way, we never received one of these so-called invitations.
04:29In other words, it was all a misunderstanding.
04:32Receiving this message from the people on the so-called list, though, was much more
04:36effective than anything Miller Corp could have said.
04:39As the other customers saw these statements, they calmed down and started reinstating their
04:45As promised, Emma contacted the board and told them the good news.
04:50Phase One was complete.
04:53Episode 510
04:54The Board Responds
04:57Of course.
04:59Miller Corp did eventually release a press release, but it wasn't meant to serve as a
05:04It was intended to be a reflection on the incident, a formal apology, and a promise
05:09to investigate any wrongdoings.
05:12This press release demonstrated the company's commitment to its customers.
05:17Emma received praise for her actions both inside and outside the company, and comments
05:23began appearing on social media.
05:25I never would have thought of handling the situation that way.
05:30That was brilliant.
05:31Well done, Emma.
05:33I have a new respect for you.
05:36What did Jenna produce in the time she was there?
05:40Yet, this was just the first part of Emma's plan.
05:44Next, every Miller Corp customer received a handwritten letter sprayed with the new
05:48scents being launched.
05:50This pleased customers and created hype around the product launch.
05:55The authenticity of the message and the uniqueness of the new scents made everyone forget their
06:00anger and focus on the upcoming product launch instead.
06:05In a short time, the company's reputation had been completely turned around.
06:10In fact, it had even improved.
06:13It was time for a follow-up board meeting, and as she walked into the room, Emma noticed
06:18a few vacant seats.
06:21Apparently, a few of the board members were too ashamed to show up.
06:26Their absence didn't bother Emma.
06:28I call this meeting to order.
06:31The first item is the leaked Veep customer list.
06:34She looked around the room.
06:37Sales are up 30s, and polls are showing that the public's perception of the company has
06:41improved 50 since the incident occurred.
06:44As she said this, Jemayel shared some brightly colored graphs on the screen.
06:49As the board members looked at the graphs, she continued,
06:52Any questions?
06:54Not a question.
06:56Just a comment.
06:57A board member responded.
07:00Well done.
07:01You handled this better than I could have ever imagined.
07:04The board members started nodding in agreement.
07:09Emma replied, smiling, seeing that there were no other comments.
07:13Emma continued, Who leaked the Veep list to the public?
07:18She said everyone sat in silence, afraid to look up.
07:22As we know, this list actually did exist, but it was never shared with any of the other
07:27departments here.
07:29How did someone from the planning department get a copy to begin with?
07:33Was it leaked by someone in this room?
07:35She asked.
07:36All of the sudden, everyone in the room was a suspect and feeling somewhat confused.
07:42Emma was obviously younger than they were, and had no business experience, but she somehow
07:47had an intimidating presence when no one spoke up.
07:51Emma said, Fine.
07:54Let's put this aside for now.
07:56As I'm aware, many of you still feel that for someone with my background to take over
08:01as acting CEO is an embarrassment to the company, and that Jenna should be put in charge instead.
08:07So why don't we hand the remaining problems, as well as the annual product launch, over
08:12to Jenna?
08:14Any opinions?
08:15By this point, everyone was aware that Emma had saved the company from significant embarrassment,
08:21and had secured a contract with a company in Switzerland that had been planning to withdraw.
08:26Saul looked around and nervously cleared his throat.
08:30I think I can speak for the board when I say it was natural for us to doubt your suitability
08:34for the role of COA, but you've proven us wrong.
08:40On a personal note, he continued, I don't think you should be so hard on your sister.
08:46Emma stared at Saul and smiled.
08:49Thank you for your support and for expressing your opinion.
08:53She said, Jenna was just trying to do her best.
08:56Saul responded.
08:58Emma paused and then said, Was she?
09:01Besides, sometimes that's not enough.
09:04Anyways, I won't stay where I'm not wanted.
09:08She started to pack up her things when they saw her preparing to leave.
09:13The board members started panicking.
09:15No, no!
09:17A board member exclaimed, Please don't leave.
09:21Wait, Saul doesn't speak for all of us.
09:24Another cried out, We approve of you in this role.
09:27Now let's all take a deep breath.
09:30Another interjected, Miss Miller?
09:33The company needs you.
09:35Emma stopped what she was doing and looked up.
09:38Do you think I asked for this?
09:40My mother is missing.
09:41Do you know what that's like?
09:43I'm desperate to find her, but in the short term, we had a crisis.
09:48My grandfather asked me to step in and help, so of course I did.
09:53But I didn't ask for any of this.
09:56I'm just trying to stay focused so that I can help our family get through this crisis.
10:01She looked at Saul.
10:03And don't tell me how to treat my sister if you want me to continue as acting CO.
10:08I've achieved more in a few weeks than she has in years.
10:12No one could dispute this statement.
10:14Thank you so much for watching.
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