• last year
Bajaj Housing Finance का IPO खुल गया है. Dr Ravi Singh से जानतें हैं कि पैसा लगाना चाहिए या नहीं ?
Stocks को लेकर अगर आपके पास भी है कोई सवाल तो जुड़िए हमारे खास शो 'Sauda Khara Khara' से. 9354831271 पर व्हाट्सऐप के जरिए आप अपना सवाल पूछ सकते हैं. Senior Market Analyst, Dr Ravi Singh देंगे आपके हर सवाल का जवाब.

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00:00First of all, the one who was getting a lot of buzz is Bajaj Housing Finance's IPO.
00:08Its issue has been opened on September 9. It will be closed on September 11, i.e. you have time till tomorrow.
00:14The company wants to raise Rs 6,560 crores through this IPO. It will be listed on September 16.
00:21Its price band is Rs 66 to Rs 70 per share. The lot size will be of 214 shares.
00:27Sir, first of all tell us what to do in Bajaj Housing Finance?
00:31See, many times there are such stocks in which you have to follow sentiment.
00:37You have to ignore the fundamental number.
00:40If we look at it now, then the buzz creator of Bajaj will keep Bajaj shining.
00:44Because the previous performance of the company has been very good.
00:51So I feel that Prima Facie should be applied on it.
00:55The risk is less and the reward is more.
00:57And if you do not get anything, then your money will not go to loss.
01:00So here you can clearly see Prima Facie.
01:04But yes, this stock is not for long term. There will also be an opinion to exit on listing gain.
