• last year
you kill Me | English Full movie | comedy crime romance
00:00:17We missed you at dinner last night.
00:00:20I made pierogies.
00:00:21I was tired.
00:00:25I bet.
00:00:27You doing all right, Frank?
00:00:28How's your mood?
00:00:30I'm fine.
00:00:34Yeah, you know, I've been reading about that
00:00:35seasonal affective disorder.
00:00:40Amtrak station.
00:00:42O'Leary's getting on a train to New York late tonight.
00:00:44Apparently, it's stopping just for him.
00:00:50This one's real important, Frank.
00:00:52Who are you telling?
00:00:57Listen, forget it.
00:01:00You want to stick around, the game's on.
00:01:02I promised Daniel I'd go sledding with him.
00:01:12Just make sure O'Leary doesn't get on that train.
00:01:42The Lake Shore Limited, Amtrak number 49,
00:01:45now departing for Cleveland, Toledo,
00:01:47South Bend, and Chicago.
00:01:50Track nine, report.
00:01:54Those jokes are funny because they're about poles.
00:01:56That's why they're funny.
00:01:58You know, like, you take a joke like this, you know,
00:02:00how do you get a one-armed bull
00:02:02to walk out of a tree?
00:02:04You wave to him.
00:02:07They're not funny because they're poles.
00:02:10They're not funny because they're poles.
00:02:30Mr. O'Leary, the train's here.
00:02:33Where'd you get that hat, James?
00:02:35I took it off a snowman.
00:02:37You don't look like an idiot.
00:02:39Yes, I do.
00:02:41You know, my grandfather was killed in Pearl Harbor.
00:02:44These guys are Chinese.
00:02:46I don't care.
00:02:47We need their money, so shut up and smile.
00:02:52I'll bring you back an egg roll.
00:03:31Uncle Roman.
00:03:32No, no, no, no excuses.
00:03:33He never came.
00:03:34You slept right through it.
00:03:36O'Leary's been in New York for an hour.
00:03:38I told you how important this was.
00:03:40Let me go to New York.
00:03:42I'd be dead 15 minutes after I get off the train.
00:03:44You know what the Chinese money means.
00:03:47All you had to do was kill him.
00:03:48I will.
00:03:49No, no, it's too late.
00:03:51When Eddie O'Leary gets back from Chinatown,
00:03:54the Irish are gonna take the tiny piece of this city
00:03:58that the blacks don't already have.
00:04:00And when that happens, the Poles have nothing.
00:04:06Oh, God.
00:04:07We gotta do something.
00:04:09Not we, Dad.
00:04:11Just let me go to New York.
00:04:13I'm not talking about that.
00:04:14You've got a problem, Frank.
00:04:16Yeah, a substance abuse problem.
00:04:18We can't let you do this to the family.
00:04:21And we can't watch you do it to yourself.
00:04:23I just need a few days to rest.
00:04:24Not good enough.
00:04:25Every time we send you out,
00:04:27you make a call to find out if they're dead.
00:04:29I can't trust you anymore, Frank,
00:04:31even if you are my nephew.
00:04:33You let us down.
00:04:34I want you to get yourself into a program.
00:04:35Like hell.
00:04:36No, no, I mean it.
00:04:37I want you to go to San Francisco.
00:04:40Because I said so.
00:04:43Look, you need to be in a new environment.
00:04:45What, they don't have beer there?
00:04:46Frank, we're just trying to facilitate your recovery.
00:04:48All right, all right, stop.
00:04:49Put it to rest.
00:04:51Now, this is not advice, Frank.
00:04:54This is it.
00:04:56You go to San Francisco,
00:04:58you get into AA,
00:05:00and you clean yourself up.
00:05:05Well, you don't work for us anymore.
00:05:10And we can't let you work for anybody else,
00:05:13even if you are a family.
00:05:17All right, then.
00:05:19Come on.
00:05:20We've got streets to plow.
00:05:25Why San Francisco?
00:05:28We can look out for you there.
00:05:30Roman's got a guy.
00:05:34Hey, you'll be getting away from the snow.
00:05:37I like the snow.
00:05:39Your attention, please.
00:05:41So, do you hate me now?
00:05:44Because I did this?
00:05:45Right now, pretty much.
00:05:48It won't last.
00:05:49Try me.
00:05:52I got you something.
00:05:55Oh, great.
00:06:00So, when do you think you'll be back?
00:06:01How the fuck do I know?
00:07:09St. Margaret's.
00:07:11Gurion 28th.
00:07:15Be there.
00:07:22Okay, so I just want to let you all know
00:07:24that there is a 12-step progress meeting here
00:07:27on Sunday night.
00:07:29I encourage you all to attend.
00:07:31And if you want to kick in for coffee and donuts,
00:07:33you can see me after tonight's meeting.
00:07:36Also, if you're parked in the back of the building,
00:07:39you're going to have to move your car by 9.30.
00:07:41And one more thing before I give it back to Emily.
00:07:45The Rentals Association is meeting here on Saturday,
00:07:48so I would encourage you all to be here
00:07:50unless you want to see your rent go up.
00:07:56Thanks, Juan.
00:07:58All right.
00:07:59Anybody new to the meeting or visiting from someplace else?
00:08:04I'm Janet, and I'm an alcoholic.
00:08:06And I just moved up from L.A.
00:08:08Hi, Janet.
00:08:09Hi, Janet.
00:08:11Anyone else?
00:08:15All right, welcome.
00:08:17As I said before, my name is Emily, and I'm an alcoholic.
00:08:21Last November, I celebrated my 10th birthday.
00:08:25No drinks, no drugs for 10 years.
00:08:29I thought I had it down.
00:08:31I got sober when I was 21,
00:08:34and I figured at 31, things were different,
00:08:36so I went out and had a drink,
00:08:39just like that, all grown up.
00:08:42And I woke up in the park three days later.
00:09:01I'm almost glad I slipped,
00:09:03because it makes me a grateful alcoholic.
00:09:07And the more I live with that,
00:09:08the more I think it's the best way for me to go through life.
00:09:19Okay, now it's time for Juan
00:09:21to come up and give out tonight's chips.
00:09:29So, I'm Juan, addict and alcoholic.
00:09:32Hi, Juan.
00:09:34Is there anyone here with six months' sobriety?
00:09:45Good to see you.
00:09:59Leaving kind of early, don't you think?
00:10:01Who the hell are you?
00:10:02A guy with a drinking problem like yours
00:10:04probably ought to stick around.
00:10:06Where are you going now?
00:10:09Probably going for a drink, I bet.
00:10:13It's a problem drink.
00:10:15Because you've got a drinking problem.
00:10:22I'm watching you, Frank.
00:10:25Who are you?
00:10:27Roman called me a few days ago
00:10:28to tell me you were coming out.
00:10:32I'm the one who got you to this meeting.
00:10:34Gee, thanks.
00:10:36Name is Dave.
00:10:39And I also got you your apartment.
00:10:41I'm really scared.
00:10:43You shouldn't joke, Frank.
00:10:45In a town with a 2% vacancy rate,
00:10:47a real estate agent is God,
00:10:49and that's what I am.
00:10:50A real estate agent.
00:10:51It's a swell apartment, Dave.
00:10:53Go away.
00:10:55Nope, I'm on you till you leave.
00:10:57You can't stop me from doing anything.
00:10:58I don't have to stop you.
00:10:59All I have to do is watch, wait,
00:11:01and make the call to Buffalo.
00:11:03You gonna run and tell Mommy?
00:11:06That's right, Frank.
00:11:08I'm gonna run and tell Mommy.
00:11:13I'll see you in the morning.
00:11:14For what?
00:11:29Hey, come on.
00:11:34It's kind of long, your line of work.
00:11:35I don't need this.
00:11:36I don't give a shit what you need.
00:11:39Hey, Doris.
00:11:43Where'd he live?
00:11:45Oh, Pacific Heights.
00:11:48Owner of rent?
00:11:49Oh, upstairs apartment, two bedroom.
00:11:55Keys are in his pants over there.
00:12:00Ha, ha, Doris.
00:12:04You know,
00:12:05it's always...
00:12:08Come on.
00:12:13Frank Falangic, meet Doris Rainford.
00:12:16Doris said she'd be willing to hire you on.
00:12:19As what?
00:12:20General help.
00:12:21You'll love it.
00:12:22No, I won't love it.
00:12:23I won't love it so much
00:12:24you're not even gonna do a bit like it.
00:12:25Yes, you will.
00:12:26You got an unorthodox way
00:12:27of being interviewed for a job.
00:12:36Roman said to get you a job.
00:12:38This is it.
00:12:39It's yours to fuck up.
00:12:40However, if you fuck it up,
00:12:42I will be on the phone to Buffalo.
00:12:50Guess what, Doris.
00:12:52Frank's decided to take the job.
00:13:32How about this one?
00:13:35I'm Becky.
00:13:36Addict and alcoholic.
00:13:38Hi, Frank.
00:13:40Hand me a plate.
00:13:50I also got an eating disorder.
00:13:52Good for you.
00:13:53What, that I can say it?
00:13:54Yeah, it took me so long.
00:13:58And then I realized...
00:13:59I was never full because
00:14:01I felt so empty inside.
00:14:13No, no.
00:14:14You're not supposed to eat those.
00:14:15They're just for show.
00:14:20No, I'm kidding.
00:14:22I'm Tom.
00:14:25It's your first time?
00:14:26I've had cookies before.
00:14:27So what do you think so far?
00:14:29It's alright.
00:14:30A little talky.
00:14:31Yeah, you know, um...
00:14:33Some people kind of tend to wallow in it.
00:14:35But they, you know,
00:14:37go months at a time without saying anything.
00:14:42Plus, it's a really good place to meet guys.
00:14:46I'm not...
00:14:48It's okay.
00:14:50I'll get over it.
00:14:54I'll get over it.
00:14:59Hi, Brenda.
00:15:00Hi, Brenda.
00:15:01Just a couple of things.
00:15:02They're ripping up the playground next door,
00:15:04so you'll have to park on the street
00:15:06for the next few weeks.
00:15:07Second, I have a new list of sponsors
00:15:09if anyone is looking or looking to switch.
00:15:12Raise your hands when I call your names.
00:15:18And Susan.
00:15:19Have all volunteered.
00:15:21And the thing is, at a certain point,
00:15:23you just decide that the bar is not an option.
00:15:27I just decide that.
00:15:29Odds are you're going to drink again.
00:15:30You have to want to quit.
00:15:32Doesn't seem like you do.
00:15:34Part of me does.
00:15:35Which part?
00:15:36Some part I don't like.
00:15:38Not like the dark meat on the chicken?
00:15:44Give it up because you want to.
00:15:46Not because everybody in the room is staring at you.
00:15:49The first year, it's all about trying.
00:15:51If you think it's about solving your problem,
00:15:53you'll fail.
00:15:54A lot.
00:15:55I'm already pretty good at that.
00:15:57You wouldn't be giving up anything that you need.
00:16:01Does that mean you're my sponsor?
00:16:03Does that mean you're asking?
00:16:05Is this the part where we kiss?
00:16:35Well, let's not make this any harder than it's got to be.
00:16:37Thanks for coming.
00:16:38Have a nice time in New York?
00:16:39I'm happy.
00:16:41You see any shows?
00:16:50Nothing drastic needs to happen.
00:16:53I'm completely agreeable.
00:16:55You can plow,
00:16:57and I can offer you 15 cents on every dollar that we take off the union scheme at Bethlehem.
00:17:02We cleared this with your Chinese daddy?
00:17:04Let's get something straight, okay?
00:17:06They're just the money.
00:17:08I still do all of my own.
00:17:09I started this business after the war.
00:17:11Me and Stan Palanchik.
00:17:13Would you please spare me that G.I. Diary bullshit?
00:17:16You and that other thug started a gang just like everybody else around here.
00:17:20You got rich, you had a good run, and now it's time to retire.
00:17:24This isn't just about business, you Irish asshole.
00:17:26This is what I do.
00:17:28If you take it, there isn't dick left for me in Buffalo.
00:17:34Well, then get out of Buffalo.
00:17:47Hey, are you Frank?
00:17:50That's me.
00:17:52Doris said you could help me.
00:17:54I'm not following.
00:17:55I'm Laurel Pearson. I'm looking for my stepfather.
00:17:59And there he is.
00:18:00Oh, I'm sorry.
00:18:01No, don't worry about it. He's already dead.
00:18:04What'd he do? Tied himself up?
00:18:06I don't know.
00:18:07I don't know either.
00:18:08I don't know either.
00:18:09I don't know either.
00:18:10I don't know either.
00:18:11I don't know either.
00:18:12I don't know either.
00:18:13I don't know either.
00:18:15What'd he do? Tied himself?
00:18:17It's not that easy in reverse.
00:18:20We need to change his shoes.
00:18:22We do.
00:18:23Mom wanted him buried in his favorite shoes.
00:18:26He was a big bowler.
00:18:32You don't seem too broken up.
00:18:35Even people you don't like die.
00:18:38I was thinking it kind of looked like a prick, if you don't mind me saying.
00:18:42No. No, not at all.
00:18:45Also, he seems to have enormous feet.
00:18:49Yeah, well, those aren't his shoes. I couldn't find his.
00:18:52Stole those from the chestnut lanes.
00:18:54Don't tell my mom.
00:18:59Might have to break his toes.
00:19:02Whatever gets the job done.
00:19:13You look beautiful.
00:19:20He looks real nice. Good job.
00:19:24Next time you might want to ease upon the rouge.
00:19:27He's looking a little raggedy, Andy.
00:19:31I would have to thank you.
00:19:33Abe looks like a real sport.
00:19:35I'm glad you're pleased.
00:19:37I'm sure he appreciates how much care you gave to him.
00:19:41To make everything...
00:19:43Take it easy, Mom.
00:19:48Just think, he's going out wearing his favorite shoes.
00:19:51And they fit like a glove.
00:19:54Can I help you to the car, ma'am?
00:19:56That'll be fine, thank you.
00:19:59Hang on a second.
00:20:08His lipstick was smeared.
00:20:10I got the eyes down. I'm still working on the mouth.
00:20:14You like working with makeup?
00:20:16I prefer it on women, really.
00:20:20Guess it's hard to meet real live ones in your line of work.
00:20:23I'm usually in the back.
00:20:25Although I've heard of some people in your position, you know, making do.
00:20:30I'll see you there.
00:20:33You're very strong.
00:20:36I think my mother might think you're cute.
00:20:39She's been through a lot.
00:20:42Hey, so maybe I'll see you soon.
00:20:44Geez, I hope not.
00:20:46Mom's still pretty frisky.
00:20:49And I'm perfectly healthy.
00:20:51No, look, if nobody dies, maybe we could get coffee sometime.
00:20:55Sure, that'd be nice.
00:21:25I'm sorry.
00:21:56It's a housewarming present.
00:22:02Yeah, right, I forgot. You're a killer.
00:22:04What do you want?
00:22:06Roman wanted to make sure you were okay out here.
00:22:11And now you know he's got his hands full back in Buffalo.
00:22:17I said I'd check, I checked.
00:22:19I'm sorry.
00:22:20Well, so...
00:22:23I said I'd check, I checked.
00:22:26You ball your socks, you floss,
00:22:30and you don't hide booze in the toilet tank.
00:22:36You live like a Mormon.
00:22:38You want to look up my ass too?
00:22:41Maybe later.
00:22:44Cashew butter.
00:22:46It's like peanut butter, but with cashews.
00:22:50What was wrong with peanuts?
00:22:56Remind me to be nice to you, cock.
00:23:09Hello, Laurel.
00:23:11Who's this?
00:23:14Frank Valenchik from the funeral home.
00:23:20Frank Valenchik. Funeral, finally.
00:23:23Just playing with the F's.
00:23:25For fun.
00:23:31I'm glad you called.
00:23:34I need those shoes back.
00:23:36Just kidding, Frank.
00:23:42Do you want to go out tonight?
00:23:45Yeah, with me.
00:23:46Oh, out.
00:23:50Well, yeah.
00:23:52Fucking great. I'm there.
00:23:56Calling you is about as far as I got, planning-wise.
00:23:59Well, I know places.
00:24:05I'm glad my stepfather died.
00:24:12You know, it's a whole lot easier fucking girls you don't like when you're really drunk.
00:24:19I realize that may sound harsh, but in my defense, a lot of them are drunk, too.
00:24:25If anyone was being taken advantage of, it was me.
00:24:30And that had to stop.
00:24:32Because it was there, there's pretty good reason for climbing Mount Everest.
00:24:37But it gets old pretty quick, in terms of nailing chicks.
00:24:43Why am I here?
00:24:48You okay?
00:24:49Yeah, I'm fine.
00:24:51So, where are you headed?
00:24:53I have a... thing to do.
00:24:58You know, if you're going to drink, drink.
00:25:01But please don't feel like you need to lie to me, okay?
00:25:04I'm not gonna drink.
00:25:06Okay, see ya.
00:25:07No, really, I'm...
00:25:09I mean...
00:25:12I have a...
00:25:15A what, Frank?
00:25:17A date.
00:25:18Is that okay?
00:25:20You think it's okay?
00:25:21I don't know.
00:25:22I'm not sure I've ever done it sober.
00:25:24That's why at the beginning there's not always room for both the program and women.
00:25:29Or men, for that matter.
00:25:31And you should just know going into it that...
00:25:34there's the possibility it might not turn out that well, that's all.
00:25:37You're giving me tremendous confidence here.
00:25:39I... I just mean that...
00:25:42you might be more raw than you realize.
00:25:45Do you mind if I ask what you do?
00:25:47I sell time.
00:25:49I thought that was still free.
00:25:51Only on PBS, and even then you gotta buy a tote bag.
00:25:54You lost me again.
00:25:55Commercial time for Channel 8.
00:25:58I was the Bay Area's top-selling rep last year.
00:26:01They gave me a plaque to hang on the wall.
00:26:06It's not like the advertisers had any choice.
00:26:08The word no means nothing to me.
00:26:19I should tell you something.
00:26:20You're gay.
00:26:22I'm in AA.
00:26:24I just started.
00:26:26I'm raw.
00:26:32Well, are you okay?
00:26:35I mean, you're not gonna run out right now and get wrecked, are you?
00:26:39No, I'm fine.
00:26:41Well, okay then.
00:26:43As long as you're not gay.
00:26:45Thanks for telling me.
00:26:46It doesn't bother you.
00:26:48You said you just started, right?
00:26:51How many people have you told?
00:26:52So far.
00:26:55How many?
00:26:56I don't know.
00:26:58Seemed important to start off honest.
00:27:04That doesn't bother me at all.
00:27:12Besides, if I had to deal with dead bodies all day, I'd be drinking, too.
00:27:15Oh, I'm okay with the dead bodies.
00:27:21I came to believe that a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity.
00:27:29You believe in God?
00:27:30I went to First Communion.
00:27:32I think that's the last time I saw him.
00:27:34It doesn't have to be the guy on the cross or a golden calf.
00:27:37It can be anything.
00:27:39It's a God of your understanding.
00:27:41You know, you can make it a mountain, make it a bridge, make it whatever you want.
00:27:45Just make it something big, something good, and that's yourself.
00:27:56I generally like to run my own show.
00:27:59Yeah, you've done a real good job of that so far.
00:28:02Even if I did believe in God, I'm not so sure he wouldn't have anything to do with me.
00:28:06Well, the alcoholic's God is a very forgiving God, Frank.
00:28:09He's gotta be.
00:28:14I kill people.
00:28:17Excuse me?
00:28:18It's my job.
00:28:19I've been doing it almost my whole life.
00:28:21I mean, I get paid to do it.
00:28:22Don't just pick them randomly.
00:28:25In any case, I don't feel much guilt about it.
00:28:28My drinking was interfering with my work.
00:28:31That's why I'm here, so I can get sober and go back to killing people full time.
00:28:38Did you hear what I said?
00:28:39I did hear you.
00:28:40I'm just trying to figure out if you're being serious or not.
00:28:43What do you think?
00:28:45I think you're being serious.
00:28:49I hope this doesn't scare you off.
00:28:51Hey, I gave you a 20.
00:28:53No, I just want to know that it's not something you do for recreation.
00:28:59No, it's not.
00:29:00You gave me the wrong change.
00:29:02Are you drunk when you do this?
00:29:05But sometimes I couldn't go drinking because I had to kill somebody.
00:29:10And sometimes I'd miss killing somebody because I was out drinking.
00:29:14I didn't think I was nervous about you going on a date.
00:29:18Yeah, my change.
00:29:19I'm sorry.
00:29:20Excuse me.
00:29:21What did you get me?
00:29:23Just keep it.
00:29:25I don't know how you do this.
00:29:36I'm just waiting for my wife.
00:29:38She's trying on bikinis in there.
00:29:42Really, I have to tell her if she looks good or not.
00:29:44No, you have to stay out here.
00:29:46Where are you?
00:29:48At the mall.
00:29:49So why are you calling me?
00:29:51Hey, remember when you had to go to Florida for six months?
00:29:54After that Canadian thing?
00:29:58How was that for kids?
00:30:00Did they have a pool?
00:30:01What's going on, Steph?
00:30:03Pam and Daniel are going down there for a while.
00:30:06You're not going with them?
00:30:08They have to go.
00:30:10I have to stay.
00:30:12O'Leary's being an asshole.
00:30:14Watch your back.
00:30:15They might come after you.
00:30:16You want me to come home?
00:30:18Nah, forget it.
00:30:20You're out.
00:30:21Stay out.
00:30:22Yeah, Steph, but I should be there.
00:30:24Guess I just wanted to hear your voice.
00:30:26Do payash.
00:30:45You're not pregnant, are you?
00:30:48Not unless you put something in my egg roll.
00:30:52And then put my egg roll in the...
00:30:53Did I tell you where I lived?
00:30:54No, you didn't.
00:30:56I called the funeral home.
00:30:58Doris didn't want to tell me.
00:31:01I told her I was from the AIDS clinic and had to get you your test results, you know, right away.
00:31:07Oh, good.
00:31:09I can't wait to see her.
00:31:13Come on, I'll walk with you.
00:31:21You should try this.
00:31:23It's easier on the shins.
00:31:25So you're coming to dinner at my house?
00:31:28Nine o'clock in the morning.
00:31:29Can we make it later?
00:31:30Later, sure, but you'll be there.
00:31:33See you tonight, then.
00:31:34Hey, you wouldn't want to take me down the rest of the way.
00:31:36Maybe later.
00:31:41How are the dead this morning?
00:31:43Shut up.
00:31:44I'm in a good mood, okay?
00:31:45Not on my time.
00:31:47Who's this?
00:31:49Patrick Heaney.
00:31:50What happened?
00:31:51Well, Mr. Heaney had a heart attack on top of a long flight of stairs.
00:31:59Wakes tonight.
00:32:00He's got to be flush prepped and cascaded by four.
00:32:03I look forward to working with you, Dr. Rainford.
00:32:06Jesus, you're annoying when you're happy.
00:32:28Now that is one good-looking dead man.
00:32:59I'm drinking that.
00:33:18He hasn't looked that alive in years.
00:33:21I'm working from old pictures.
00:33:24You did this?
00:33:28Thank you very much.
00:33:29God bless you.
00:33:30You do good work here.
00:33:32I'm Walter Fitzgerald.
00:33:34Frank Palanchuk.
00:33:36Patrick here was my wife's brother.
00:33:38She's taken it pretty hard.
00:33:42See that?
00:33:43Will you have a drink with us, Frank?
00:33:46I'm trying to quit.
00:33:48I tried that once.
00:33:49Didn't take.
00:33:50When did you start?
00:33:51Not too long ago.
00:33:52Well, what's the difference then, having it?
00:33:54No, really.
00:33:56I refuse a dying man his last request.
00:34:00You're dying?
00:34:01For fuck's sake, I'm talking about Patrick.
00:34:03That's what this party's all about.
00:34:05Sending him on his way.
00:34:09I can't.
00:34:10I'm working.
00:34:11I gotta keep an eye on things.
00:34:13He's not going anywhere.
00:34:16Ah, Katie.
00:34:17This is Frank from the parlor.
00:34:19He's who fixed up our Patrick all nice like this.
00:34:22God bless you.
00:34:24Oh, that's nice.
00:34:25Margie Rose.
00:34:26Margie, look.
00:34:27This is the man who fixed Patrick's cheekbones.
00:34:31Bless your heart.
00:34:32Will you have a drink with us, Frank?
00:34:34Really, I shouldn't.
00:34:35Says he's on the wagon.
00:34:38What is he, some kind of Mary?
00:34:40To Patrick.
00:34:42May neighbors respect you, troubles neglect you,
00:34:46the angels protect you, and heaven accept you.
00:34:50Patrick, the biggest pain in my ass,
00:34:53and the best friend I could have ever thought of having.
00:34:56To Patrick.
00:34:57To Patrick.
00:34:58To Patrick.
00:34:59To Patrick.
00:35:00To Patrick.
00:35:09Na zdrowie.
00:35:10Na zdrowie.
00:35:16Give this man another drink.
00:35:18There you go.
00:35:51Douche bag.
00:36:04Fuck it.
00:36:05Who wants to give me a ride?
00:36:08We're taking the bus home.
00:36:10Walter will come and pick up the car in the morning.
00:36:13After mass.
00:36:14Ah, for fuck's sake.
00:36:15Come on.
00:36:16I'll drive you a car.
00:36:17I can walk home from there.
00:36:18You don't know where we live.
00:36:23The buses for cripples and old people.
00:36:26All right.
00:36:28Here we go.
00:36:33Left is your brakes, right is your gas,
00:36:36and everything else is the same.
00:36:46I think you could pull over, maybe.
00:36:48I've got the platter of an 80-year-old man.
00:36:50Walter, we're almost home.
00:36:51You can hold it.
00:36:52Yeah, would you like to hold the phone?
00:36:55Francis, pull over.
00:37:18Francis, can you do an old woman a favor?
00:37:21What is it?
00:37:22Give us a kiss.
00:37:24Just a quick one.
00:37:25Walter won't mind.
00:37:26I don't think so.
00:37:28We're moving.
00:37:51Kathleen, are you all right?
00:37:55I'm all right.
00:37:56What happened?
00:38:00Walter, he made a pass at me.
00:38:27You look like shit.
00:38:28I need to tell you something.
00:38:29No, you really don't.
00:38:30Hey, get the fuck out.
00:38:43I missed dinner last night
00:38:45because I got drunk with little Irish people.
00:38:48Well, you missed some really good chicken.
00:38:50It didn't even occur to me.
00:38:54Well, fuck you, too.
00:38:56I'm sorry.
00:38:57I thought you were an AA.
00:38:59I thought you were supposed to be done with this crap.
00:39:01It's not that simple.
00:39:02I don't need simple.
00:39:04I just don't need assholes.
00:39:06I like you.
00:39:07You shouldn't be in the dark.
00:39:09I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know.
00:39:11I thought you didn't last night.
00:39:14There's more.
00:39:15There always is.
00:39:16I don't need this.
00:39:17I've had a lot of lies in my life.
00:39:22You haven't heard them from me.
00:39:29The drinking was messing with my work.
00:39:32At the funeral home?
00:39:33No, this is temporary.
00:39:35What do you do?
00:39:36I'm in personnel.
00:39:39Firing, more like.
00:39:41Anybody sitting on a drink tonight?
00:39:54Come on up.
00:40:01What's your name?
00:40:03Everybody, here's Frank.
00:40:10Hi, I'm Frank and I'm an alcoholic.
00:40:12Hi, Frank.
00:40:15I didn't really know I was an alcoholic until recently.
00:40:19I'm from Buffalo.
00:40:21Drinking's a pretty obvious thing to do there.
00:40:24You know, there's work and then there's whatever you do when you're not working.
00:40:29And I was either working or drinking.
00:40:34I guess I thought I kept the two pretty well separated.
00:40:36It had to be pointed out to me that that wasn't really true.
00:40:45I kill people.
00:40:50Not with my drinking.
00:40:52I actually kill people.
00:40:56For a living.
00:40:59I guess that makes me fucked up.
00:41:01I don't know.
00:41:02It's the only job I've ever had and I'm good at it.
00:41:04At least I was.
00:41:07It's like any business.
00:41:09You have company.
00:41:11Any business.
00:41:12You have competition.
00:41:14You identify them.
00:41:15You offer to buy them out.
00:41:16They don't agree.
00:41:17You go to other means.
00:41:18Everybody I killed knew it was a possibility.
00:41:25I've heard people here blame a lot of stuff on their families.
00:41:30I don't know.
00:41:32I like mine.
00:41:33I've got a choice.
00:41:36Drinking or them.
00:41:38I don't know the exact definition of the word alcoholic,
00:41:40but from what I'm hearing here,
00:41:42it sounds like I'm a pretty good one.
00:41:46I'm an even better killer.
00:41:48I want to do it again.
00:41:50I will do it again.
00:41:52But I know now the only way I'm ever going to get to do it again
00:41:56is if I stop drinking.
00:42:10I know now I can't do it alone.
00:42:14Proved that to myself last night.
00:42:19I'm not even sure I can do it here.
00:42:23And I'm really scared.
00:42:38Well, thanks for that, Frank.
00:42:43Actually went better than you think.
00:42:45It did.
00:42:46How do you know they won't tell the police?
00:42:48It's Alcoholics Anonymous.
00:42:50Somehow I don't really feel that's what they had in mind
00:42:53when they came up with the name, but you never know.
00:42:57How do you kill them?
00:42:59Well, you just put it on a level with everything else,
00:43:02and you don't think about it.
00:43:04That's deep, Frank, but I meant literally.
00:43:06How do you do it?
00:43:07Guns, mostly.
00:43:10I need a drink.
00:43:12Can you give me a moment?
00:43:14Of course.
00:43:21You know, it's kind of a lot to swallow.
00:43:23All right.
00:43:29Why should I bother?
00:43:32Why should I bother?
00:43:34Because you don't want to be alone any more than I do.
00:43:41You know, it's sad,
00:43:43but that's actually good enough for right now.
00:43:52Go kill something.
00:43:57Well, I'll pick them up myself.
00:44:01That's a bullshit excuse, Bill.
00:44:03No, I don't have to try and understand anything.
00:44:06Everything I need to know, I already understand pretty goddamn well.
00:44:09So stay at home, Bill, crack a six-pack,
00:44:12watch your TV, and make yourself comfortable,
00:44:14because you just made a big mistake.
00:44:16Who was that?
00:44:18Bill Kabbalah, the guy from Diecast Direct.
00:44:20He says they're out of parts.
00:44:23The parts guy is out of parts.
00:44:26Oh, God!
00:44:29That Irish bastard is closing his fist.
00:44:34Maybe we should call the Greeks.
00:44:39Yeah, all right, fine.
00:44:41Let's call the goddamn Greeks.
00:44:45You know, it used to be shit like this happened,
00:44:47we could just call Frank.
00:44:49Frank's not here.
00:44:51Lucky fuck.
00:44:55President William McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo,
00:44:58the Pan-American Exposition.
00:45:00Somebody shot a president in Buffalo, and you thought,
00:45:03well, that's for me?
00:45:05No, see, he was shot on the 6th,
00:45:07but he didn't die till the 14th.
00:45:09For eight days, he was lying around in some mansion
00:45:11while the doctors tried to find the bullets.
00:45:19No, I still don't see.
00:45:21They were using an X-ray machine, but he was lying on the bed.
00:45:24With metal springs, so they couldn't find the bullets.
00:45:27He got sicker and died.
00:45:29Isn't that the kind of story that's supposed to make you grow up and become a doctor?
00:45:32I saw the point in all that poking around and malingering.
00:45:36You shoot somebody, you should kill them.
00:45:41I saw the need for precision.
00:45:44Oh, gutter ball.
00:45:54Can I get you anything to drink?
00:45:56I've got some great tap water.
00:45:59Comes out of that tap right there.
00:46:05It's a little late in the day for me.
00:46:13Why are you so nervous?
00:46:21I like older men.
00:46:25Because you're done experimenting.
00:46:28You're not gonna wake up tomorrow and tell me you're gay.
00:46:32What about drinking and the other thing?
00:46:37Nobody's perfect, Frank.
00:46:48What are you thinking about, sitting there all serious?
00:46:52My shortcomings.
00:46:55Women don't even pay attention to that.
00:46:58I'm talking about this.
00:47:03What is it?
00:47:05People I've harmed.
00:47:08You mean killed?
00:47:10Well, eventually.
00:47:12That's not the point. I mean harmed.
00:47:15People I've killed badly because I was drunk.
00:47:19This is your whole precision thing?
00:47:24Like here, look, Rutgers U.
00:47:27Took me seven bullets.
00:47:30With Karen with you, I was supposed to slit her throat.
00:47:33She moved, I got her in the eye.
00:47:35Fuck, Frank.
00:47:37It's a little early in the morning.
00:47:40Well, I'm serious.
00:47:42Jack Hensley, he saw me first.
00:47:44I had to chase him two blocks before I got him in the Dairy Queen parking lot.
00:47:47That's no way to die.
00:47:49So you got sloppy.
00:47:51You can't un-kill them. They're still dead.
00:47:54I don't regret killing them. Just killing them badly.
00:47:59So what then?
00:48:01I gotta make amends.
00:48:06There are many rewards that flow from the practice of making amends.
00:48:15So that's what you do.
00:48:17You do what you have to do. Thanks.
00:48:23Alright, these can be redeemed in any of our stores nationwide.
00:48:32That's five $25 gift certificates.
00:48:38I can't believe you had the addresses of their next of kin.
00:48:41Even drunk, I kept thorough records.
00:48:46So, a knife in the eye is worth 50 bucks off your next purchase at the Sony store?
00:48:53It's a start.
00:49:04Let me have a couple of kielbasa, will ya?
00:49:10Hiya, Roman.
00:49:20Do you know that my wife loves your sausage?
00:49:42We're fucked.
00:49:45Hardwood floors.
00:49:47Of course.
00:49:49With a view on three sides.
00:49:51Five bedrooms. Three and a quarter baths.
00:49:54Marble fireplaces. Walk-in closets.
00:49:58When it was on the market in 92, it went for a mil five.
00:50:02Now, it go for six. Six point five. Easy.
00:50:05Why'd you call me?
00:50:08They're tearing it down.
00:50:10Some building inspector with a bug up his ass did an earthquake retrofit check.
00:50:13Apparently, it's unsafe.
00:50:16And is it?
00:50:18It's got hardwood floors.
00:50:20Why does this have to do with me?
00:50:23I made a deal with the owner.
00:50:26I said he's paying him off, but he's not getting the real value of the property.
00:50:30The market is bullish, Frank.
00:50:35This is going to be worth maybe nine mil by the end of next year.
00:50:41What's your deal, Dave?
00:50:43If I could get this city off his back, he'll split the profits with me, and he sells.
00:50:49That's very exciting for you.
00:50:51Yes, it is.
00:50:53And it could be very exciting for all of us.
00:50:57As I thought there would be an opportunity for you to negotiate with the city.
00:51:05Frank, I'll give you a chance to ease back into things.
00:51:10You're doing so great with your recovery.
00:51:12Forget it.
00:51:14Come on, Frank. I've been more than courteous.
00:51:16You what?
00:51:18I got you your job. I got you a nice place to live.
00:51:20I didn't have to do that.
00:51:22I could have gotten you a shitty walk up in the Tenderloin or a studio in the Castro.
00:51:25You'd be up to your neck in dog collars and assless chaps if it wasn't for me.
00:51:29Not to mention the cashew butter.
00:51:31Asking for help should not be such a big production.
00:51:33Why are you walking like that anyway?
00:51:38Look, no shooting, no stabbing, no violence at all.
00:51:43If you can help it.
00:51:45Just strong, clear negotiation.
00:51:47I'll let you know.
00:51:49I'd appreciate that.
00:51:51Lick dick.
00:51:53Lick dick.
00:51:59Everybody laughs at the fat girl.
00:52:03But if I'm drunk, I can't hear them.
00:52:10Maybe the drinking helps me laugh at the fat girl too.
00:52:18Thanks, Becky.
00:52:20I know we're not supposed to respond directly to each other's stories,
00:52:27but I was hoping I could say something to Becky.
00:52:32Is that alright?
00:52:35Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.
00:52:38Becky, I think I might know how you feel.
00:52:43Life for me has pretty much been a pain in the ass.
00:52:46And I always thought there was reason enough to drink.
00:52:50I mean, sure, now and then,
00:52:53I'd kill somebody and I'd cash a check and that made me feel good, but...
00:52:59I just used the money to drink more.
00:53:02You know?
00:53:05I don't like me either.
00:53:07I don't like me either.
00:53:14Be thankful that something in you had the courage to say,
00:53:19enough, I'm not the worst fat girl in the world.
00:53:29Thanks, Frank.
00:53:31No problem.
00:53:37Up next is John.
00:54:56You should call Dave.
00:54:58I don't know.
00:55:01I know you're nervous,
00:55:03but you're doing so well.
00:55:06You've got real talent and a real opportunity here.
00:55:11I won't let you waste it.
00:55:16Now get out there and threaten to kill that city supervisor.
00:55:36Do we have an appointment?
00:55:38I just want to grab you for a moment.
00:55:42Just to talk.
00:55:44I assume there's a reason I'm not calling security?
00:55:47Why aren't you?
00:55:50I don't know.
00:55:52As disturbed as I am to find a man in his underwear in my private office,
00:55:57I don't exactly feel like I'm in danger.
00:56:00There you go.
00:56:01Supervisor Davis, the reason I came to you like this
00:56:04is precisely so you wouldn't feel threatened.
00:56:07Do you mind if I sit?
00:56:10So, why would I feel threatened?
00:56:13Are you planning on threatening me?
00:56:14Far from it.
00:56:15I'm here today as a harmless but concerned taxpayer.
00:56:18I'm aware your time is short,
00:56:20so I'll just quickly address my three main points.
00:56:23One, what I'm proposing would allow an historic building
00:56:25to be preserved for generations to come.
00:56:27Two, I'm not going to threaten you.
00:56:29I just want it to be preserved for generations to come.
00:56:32Two, this project would enhance your reputation
00:56:34as a sympathetic civic leader.
00:56:36Security, please.
00:56:37Three, I have a gun.
00:56:42Now I feel threatened.
00:56:51Hey, what do you say, Rosemary?
00:56:53Oh, hi, Steph.
00:56:56I'm sorry.
00:56:58We already made our bets.
00:57:00Hey, Chrapinski.
00:57:02Here to get a bet in?
00:57:04Hey, look, Irish guy's in a bar.
00:57:23Your time's up already.
00:57:25O'Leary wants you gone.
00:57:27Go out.
00:57:29Stupid Polack.
00:57:35Then he said,
00:57:37that house, that house sounds perfectly safe to me.
00:57:41And that was that.
00:57:43I put on my clothes and I went home.
00:57:50Here's to granting others the serenity
00:57:53to change the things you cannot accept.
00:57:55And the courage to accept large amounts of change serenely.
00:58:00And the wisdom to know the difference.
00:58:02Here's yours.
00:58:06You did this sober, Frank.
00:58:08You did a really good job.
00:58:10I'm proud of you.
00:58:12You're welcome.
00:58:15Now all you have to do is keep it up
00:58:17for the rest of your life.
00:58:22So, how's it going with her?
00:58:25She's still here.
00:58:27Well, it's getting late.
00:58:28If I'm not on the bridge by 11,
00:58:30I've got to work the truck lane, so.
00:58:32Can I catch a ride with you?
00:58:35Just got to use the bathroom.
00:58:38You're not staying?
00:58:40I don't think I should.
00:58:43It's not because I disapprove of what you did today.
00:58:47But you don't approve so much you want to stay.
00:58:49No, I want to stay.
00:58:52It's just,
00:58:53I've kind of been accused in the past of losing my boundaries.
00:58:56Which boundaries are those?
00:58:58You name them, I've lost them.
00:59:00Remember, the word no means nothing to me.
00:59:02Am I saying no?
00:59:07You're getting better, Frank.
00:59:10I need to make sure I am, too.
00:59:13Maybe I know what you mean.
00:59:15Well, all right.
00:59:18Thanks, Frank.
00:59:20See you later.
00:59:48Hi, Doris.
00:59:49Son of a bitch!
00:59:51What the hell are you doing?
00:59:53Working on being alone.
00:59:55Well, work on it someplace else.
00:59:57It's supposed to be a part-time job.
00:59:59Come here.
01:00:01Come here.
01:00:20If I'm going to be working this late,
01:00:22he's not the only one getting embalmed.
01:00:25This is it, isn't it?
01:00:27What if?
01:00:28No matter what you do, you know,
01:00:30no matter how good you are,
01:00:32you die,
01:00:34then there's nobody else around.
01:00:36Well, he's not exactly going to be washing himself, now, is he?
01:00:42Hey, get the hell out of here.
01:00:44I don't need you getting all freaky on me
01:00:46in the middle of the night.
01:00:49Just go be alone with somebody else.
01:00:59Hey, thanks for the drinks.
01:01:01No worries, man.
01:01:02Feel like getting one more?
01:01:05I know a place around the corner as well.
01:01:07All right.
01:01:08Yeah, I'll meet you there.
01:01:09Hey, nice to meet you.
01:01:11You remember me, don't you?
01:01:12I don't know.
01:01:13So nice to meet you.
01:01:14I know.
01:01:15I was looking at you.
01:01:17I know.
01:01:18I was looking at you.
01:01:29It's Roman.
01:01:39How'd it go?
01:01:41I talked to Spiros and his brother.
01:01:42They said if they wanted to back a losing team,
01:01:44they'd buy the Sabres.
01:01:45Fucking Greeks.
01:01:47Hey, hey, hey, they gave us democracy.
01:01:50You're going to ruin your eyes in this light.
01:01:58We're going to come out on the other side of this.
01:02:01I'm going to fix it.
01:02:07Money's no good here.
01:02:08I'm the king.
01:02:09I'm not a villain.
01:02:10And half of North Beach.
01:02:13How did that happen?
01:02:34What do you say, Franklin?
01:02:37I'm going to go get a beer.
01:02:39Another one down here.
01:02:46You did me a huge favor today, Frank.
01:02:55Maybe you want to come hang with us.
01:02:58You know, meet some of the guys.
01:03:00You need to shut up now.
01:03:05You know, you know, you're right.
01:03:07You know, you know, you're a loser, Frank.
01:03:12It's just, what's it like to have absolutely no self-control?
01:03:19In real estate, you learn to expect a certain amount
01:03:21of natural resistance.
01:03:25That's the part I like.
01:03:27Breaking their wills.
01:03:30But with you, what did it take?
01:03:31Me asking.
01:03:33You do what you're told, Frank.
01:03:35You're a victim.
01:03:37You let people fuck you.
01:03:38I'm going to drink this drink.
01:03:40And when I'm finished,
01:03:42do not be in this bar.
01:03:48You're not the only guy in town with a gun, Frank.
01:03:55Keep them coming.
01:03:57Keep them coming.
01:04:06You got any food?
01:04:08Check the fridge.
01:04:09Pam made a whole thing of Golumpki.
01:04:12Henry, go get some food.
01:04:40It's him.
01:04:50Hey, Roman, it's me.
01:04:52Yeah, I know.
01:04:56Hey, Roman, it's me.
01:04:58I just thought I'd call and say goodnight.
01:05:17Frank, stand at the front door.
01:05:19Step, get back.
01:05:36It's Henry.
01:05:40Henry's got a key.
01:05:49Come on in, Henry.
01:06:14Here, I'll get this.
01:06:15Give me the shotgun.
01:06:17Give it to me.
01:06:18Go take this.
01:06:19Check the basement.
01:06:30What was that?
01:06:34I'm coming.
01:06:59All right, let him in.
01:07:36You know, Roman,
01:07:38you could have still plowed.
01:08:12GUN CLICKS
01:08:59They're all dead.
01:09:03O'Leary shot Roman in my front hallway.
01:09:08Couldn't even shoot him standing up like a regular guy.
01:09:12Steph, wait. Go slow.
01:09:14He hit me over the head to protect me and...
01:09:19You want me to come get you?
01:09:24Stay out there.
01:09:26Live your life.
01:09:28It's my fault.
01:09:30I should have killed O'Leary.
01:09:35You're a loser, Frank.
01:09:40I can't trust you anymore, Frank!
01:09:46The Alcoholics' God is a very forgiving God, Frank.
01:09:58I could really use a hand right now!
01:10:07You do what you're told, Frank.
01:10:09You're a victim.
01:10:10You let people fuck you.
01:10:23Hi, Breach Laurel. Leave a message at the beep.
01:10:28Laurel, hi.
01:10:30You're sleeping.
01:10:32I guess that's just as well.
01:10:34There's no way to tell you this. It isn't going to make me sound like an asshole, but...
01:10:38I'm leaving for the airport and I probably won't come back.
01:10:43I would have just hurt you. Forget me.
01:10:46I'm a joke.
01:10:49Find somebody better.
01:10:51There'll be other funerals.
01:10:54I'm sorry.
01:11:06So, are you going to find a meeting when you get there?
01:11:09Across my heart. Both.
01:11:13This isn't the place for this, Frank.
01:11:15I can't exactly take it on board with me.
01:11:18What am I supposed to do with it?
01:11:20Kill bad guys.
01:11:23Crack walnuts. I don't care. You were kind to me.
01:11:27I want you to have it.
01:11:29I'll thank you when I shoot something.
01:11:40What the fuck?
01:11:42What the fuck are you thinking?
01:11:44What are you doing here?
01:11:46Not letting you get away with this.
01:11:47With what?
01:11:48With being a pussy, Frank.
01:11:49I told you, I'm not any good for you.
01:11:52Don't you think I have anything to say about that?
01:11:57I'm not helpless, Frank.
01:11:59If I'm getting screwed over,
01:12:00I'm really quite capable of figuring it out for myself.
01:12:04And the only screwing over that I've gotten from you so far
01:12:06is that bullshit message that you left on my machine.
01:12:08Laurel, I'm a drunk and a killer.
01:12:10And I still want to be with you.
01:12:12Doesn't that spell anything after you, Frank?
01:12:14I know what has to happen. You can't be a part of it.
01:12:16Didn't you learn anything in that stupid program?
01:12:18You don't know what has to happen.
01:12:19You don't know shit about how to run your life.
01:12:22It's not that simple. I saw you last night.
01:12:24Well, I fucked my boundaries.
01:12:27You know, I wanted to see you, so I came.
01:12:29Well, I almost killed you.
01:12:32I pointed my gun right at your head,
01:12:35and I almost killed you.
01:12:38You were going to shoot me, Frank.
01:12:41It turned out to be you.
01:12:42I was drunk.
01:12:44You did it.
01:12:48Don't do this, Frank.
01:13:01Hold on.
01:13:03Boarding pass?
01:13:08I can't let you through without a boarding pass.
01:13:10I'm sorry, ma'am.
01:13:13Do I really look like I want to go to fucking Buffalo?
01:13:18Pittsburgh passenger, Mrs. Jensen,
01:13:20please report to the check-in counter at gate 5.
01:13:41I'm sorry.
01:14:37I used your toothpaste.
01:14:41The Chinese think O'Leary's a genius.
01:14:44He's bought three legitimate businesses with their money,
01:14:47in addition to taking all our stuff.
01:14:50It's like we don't exist anymore.
01:14:54We don't.
01:14:58They have one last meeting.
01:15:00Money, routes, shares.
01:15:03Some serious business talk.
01:15:08It's tomorrow.
01:15:12One day at a time.
01:15:18Did you find one?
01:15:2011 sober, 8 o'clock, labor hall.
01:15:23You want me to go with you?
01:15:25Not to that meeting.
01:15:29Not to the other one either.
01:16:07Hey Ray, how are you doing?
01:16:09Looking good, buddy.
01:16:10Looking good.
01:16:12Jim, haven't seen you for a couple of weeks.
01:16:16He's going to a meeting.
01:16:17He's a drunk.
01:16:19Put two in his head.
01:16:20Got it.
01:17:12Howdy Holly.
01:17:14Hi Earl.
01:17:15I see some new faces here this morning.
01:17:17Let me go over some round rules.
01:17:19We meet early and we break early.
01:17:22We don't have guest speakers and we don't have time for rambling.
01:17:26We're here so everybody gets to speak his mind,
01:17:29have a donut and get on with his day.
01:18:00Stay there.
01:18:01Get your hands up.
01:18:02Don't move.
01:18:04What are you doing?
01:18:06I can't breathe.
01:18:07I can't breathe.
01:18:11I'm Ray.
01:18:13And I'm an alcoholic.
01:18:15Hey Ray.
01:18:16Pretty big day for me.
01:18:19It's Sherry and my anniversary.
01:18:2320 years.
01:18:34Well, I guess you could say I put her through a lot.
01:18:36She's been really great.
01:18:38Hey, could somebody get the curtains there?
01:19:00No problem.
01:19:02I know you think you know Frank pretty good.
01:19:04I know you think you know Frank pretty well,
01:19:06but there's probably a few things you're not going to want to hear.
01:19:09Like that he came back to Buffalo to kill Edward O'Leary
01:19:12so he could stop him and the rest of the Irish
01:19:14from getting into bed with some Chinese sugar daddy
01:19:16and wiping your family off the map.
01:19:19Oh, and he's a really big drunk.
01:19:26He's really opening up.
01:19:35Well, I guess that's about it then.
01:19:39Unless any of our new faces would like to say something.
01:19:44Come on out.
01:19:53My name's Frank and I'm an alcoholic.
01:19:56Hi Frank.
01:19:59I just moved back after a few months
01:20:01I just moved back after a few months away,
01:20:03sorting out my life, that type of thing.
01:20:05I've had a rough time recently.
01:20:08I don't know if
01:20:11coming home is a good idea or not, but
01:20:16my work is here in Buffalo.
01:20:18I'm needed.
01:20:21That part's easy to figure.
01:20:22I can focus on that.
01:20:23But the other part, my life, I don't know.
01:20:27It's hard here.
01:20:29It's hard here.
01:20:32I'm not the same guy who learned to be a drunk
01:20:34in my parents' garage.
01:20:37I don't see myself the same way.
01:20:38I know now that I have
01:20:41people I care about, a person I care about.
01:20:54I have a person I want to have care about, me.
01:20:59I can't run away from that.
01:21:02She won't let me.
01:21:06I guess
01:21:09what I'm saying is, Laurel,
01:21:12I love you.
01:21:16I'm ready to spend my life with you, whatever happens.
01:21:21I love you too, Frank.
01:21:28I love you too.
01:21:37It looks like James is here.
01:21:39I hope he turned up the heat.
01:21:58Come on.
01:22:04Can I get you a drink, Frank?
01:22:06No, thanks.
01:22:13Get in.
01:22:28Here to kill me, are you?
01:22:32Well, then you won't mind if I get myself a drink.
01:22:37You know, a guy like me, Frankie, I can't drink out of the bottle.
01:22:46You could pull an army tank out from behind there.
01:22:49I'd still kill you.
01:23:09You know I got friends coming.
01:23:11Come out from around there.
01:23:22Are you good at your job, Frankie boy?
01:23:24Didn't used to be.
01:23:26Well, how about now?
01:23:44Don't kill me, Frank, okay? Don't kill me.
01:23:53Well, it was worth a try.
01:23:55You should think about getting yourself into a program.
01:24:08Now I got that.
01:25:08Anybody here with one week?
01:25:12One month?
01:25:15Six months?
01:25:19One year?
01:25:23Anybody celebrating one year?
01:26:06My name's Frank and I'm an alcoholic.
