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After The Divorce
00:00I'll kill her! I will kill her!
00:01Hey, nobody needs to get hurt!
00:02Don't stop moving for me!
00:03Just take it easy!
00:04I will kill her!
00:05I'm real!
00:06I will kill her!
00:07Hey, Lisa?
00:08It's gonna be okay.
00:10Trust me.
00:20I want a divorce.
00:32You have until the end of the week.
00:39I don't understand.
00:43On our third date, I had to help him pee.
00:48Zach's last girlfriend had left him right after the accident.
00:51I was hired by his family to be his nurse.
00:55It wasn't long before we were madly in love.
01:00While I mended his broken body, he mended my broken heart.
01:06We got married, and life was bliss.
01:10When you love someone that much, you would do anything for them.
01:14And I thought he felt the same way.
01:18Elyse, did you hear me?
01:20What is this?
01:24I think it'd be better for both of us.
01:25What now?
01:28If we separate.
01:30I wanted to scream and demand an explanation.
01:33I could never let him go.
01:35Is this about Delaney?
01:53When you needed her most, she left you.
01:57I was here.
01:58I stayed with you.
01:59And now you've been compensated?
02:12Each time Zach offered me money, it felt like a knife in my chest.
02:24I love you.
02:32Elyse Russell, as I live and breathe.
02:35Henry Bear.
02:38Wow, what brings you here?
02:40What are you doing?
02:41Well, I'm in the market for a job, actually.
02:44You're looking for a job?
02:45We just lost someone.
02:48Being busy made me forget about my troubles.
02:51And slowly,
02:53I managed to forget the past.
02:55Forget Zach.
03:02But just when I was moving on with my life,
03:06he showed up again.
03:10I need to speak with you.
03:13Okay, I'll leave you two alone.
03:19What the hell do you want from me?
03:21Man, just calm down.
03:24I need to ask you a favor.
03:26And I want answers.
03:28It's my grandmother.
03:29She has to speak with both of us.
03:30It's urgent.
03:31Have you even told your family about the divorce?
03:35She has to speak with you specifically.
03:37I knew it.
03:38You haven't even bothered to sign the papers yet.
03:40Okay, one thing at a time, Elyse.
03:41Will you speak with my grandmother?
03:43I don't know, Zach.
03:45I'm worried something might be wrong.
03:46She just loves you so much.
03:48This isn't about you and me.
03:50This is about my grandmother.
03:53So don't do it for me.
03:55Do it for her.
04:03Hurt people hurt people.
04:05And hurt people are just broken somewhere inside.
04:12I fix things.
04:14That's my nature.
04:15I can't help it.
04:24I have something for you.
04:28What is this?
04:29What are you doing?
04:30I wanted to say sorry for the whole services rendered thing.
04:32Yeah, that was pretty shitty.
04:33At least, please.
04:34My grandmother could not hear us arguing like this.
04:37Let's just...
04:38We'll talk later.
04:39Zach, I don't want your gifts.
04:40I want answers.
04:42It's just a small gift.
04:43I'm sorry.
04:44I'm sorry.
04:45I'm sorry.
04:46I'm sorry.
04:47I'm sorry.
04:47I'm sorry.
04:48I'm sorry.
04:48I'm sorry.
04:49I'm sorry.
04:50I'm sorry.
04:50I'm sorry.
04:51I'm sorry.
04:51I'm sorry.
04:52I'm sorry.
04:52I'm sorry.
04:53I'm sorry.
04:55Is this a gift?
04:57I thought you'd look beautiful in them.
04:59He was deflecting with earrings,
05:01and I hate to say it, but it gave me hope.
05:04Maybe he still cared.
05:05I'm sorry.
05:06I know it's not fair,
05:08But I really can't think of anything but my grandmother right now.
05:11When we're done with this?
05:13When we're done with this,
05:15We'll talk.
05:18How are you?
05:19I'm dying.
05:20What did the doctor say exactly?
05:22failing in my final days I want you both near me at my side my only remaining
05:29wish is that you both be happy together and give me a healthy grandchild soon to
05:36make sure this happens I need you both to move in with me Geraldine you call me
05:43grandma I'm your family too grandma we wouldn't want to be a burden to you
05:47Elise you stood by Zach when he couldn't even stand we all know how
05:54unpleasant he was to be around back then you two need to continue the family
05:59bloodline I want you both to be the heirs of the Blackwell fortune what about
06:05the rest of the family oh the rest of the family can go suck an egg for all I
06:10care stand by me in my final days and I will leave everything to you do this for
06:18me please
06:27hello is Zach with you he's in the shower may I ask who's calling this is
06:33his friend I recognized her voice it was Delaney well he can't talk right
06:53even today looking at him made me shiver his broad shoulders were undeniably
06:59attractive I knew I was his past and I had nothing to do with his personal
07:10what'd she do what oh oh Zach you're gonna hurt yourself you did this
07:18did what Delaney she's in the hospital she was focused love together
07:24Zach we are still married she ate a bunch of pills her mother found her in
07:28the bathtub oh my god this is your fault my fault yes I didn't come home
07:33last night she must have assumed the worst and you you and my grandmother
07:38conniving against us Zach that's not true prove it
07:45come with me I need you to tell her the truth it wouldn't be pleasant but it was
07:51the least I could do all right everything's looking great I'll be back
07:58to check on you
08:05hey easy still I felt bad for her going off the handle after a single night
08:15apart but what I didn't expect to see was a mirror image of myself what is
08:21she doing here hey my grandmother and I were coming to an arrangement okay I'm
08:26gonna explain everything I just want to make sure you're okay right now I had
08:31insomnia I took some sleeping pills I promise I wasn't trying to do anything
08:36Delaney you ain't half the bottle police explain what happened we didn't
08:42want to disappoint his grandmother and no wonder he fell in love with me at
08:46first sight is I just a copy of the past I look exactly like her why didn't
08:52you ever tell me this he has a type police I never promised you anything I
08:57don't know you Jack look I'm a compassionate person a fixer but you
09:04have taken advantage of me and I'm done please stop you just listen to me stop
09:13so deals off then huh okay now you need the money I'm doing this for Geraldine
09:19not you so I will be cordial with your family I will be sweet around Geraldine
09:26I'll even make eye contact with you but once your grandmother is gone we're
09:32through so you admit it then huh it's always been a gold digger
09:43is everything all right son yeah everything's fine um my ex Delaney she
09:55ate a bunch of pills and they'd pump her stomach but she's gonna be okay can
09:58you call her on the phone I'd like to have a word yeah yeah of course
10:04it's ringing Zach I hope you're feeling better dear but my Zach is a married man
10:12and I advise you to stay away
10:31Jonathan Jonathan but we I know hey Jonathan no there's nothing we stop
10:44talking for two seconds I'm telling you right now my wife has been saying his
10:49name non-stop in her sleep Jonathan can get that I am paying you to
10:54find him your wife has no connection to a Jonathan whatsoever no Jonathan I'm
11:02sorry no okay
11:14hey you seem a little off today everything all right I'm fine did Zach
11:31do something no he did not well if you ever need to talk I'm here for you okay
11:37I'm fine Henry I'm your employee not your girlfriend I'm sorry
11:44no Henry I'm sorry it's all right I gotta go um are you good to
11:51walk up yeah good night
11:59I was so consumed by my thoughts I stopped paying attention and that's when
12:05it got downright deadly oh I'm sorry we're closed you're the granddaughter of
12:18John Williams yes I've admired your work well you can certainly come back and
12:28take a look at it tomorrow grab her
12:54what do you want from me
12:58how long will it take you to restore this painting this is a really elaborate
13:15piece this painting is quite large how long two weeks at least all right good
13:26you're coming with us what cops are here
13:35I'll kill her I will kill her nobody needs to get her don't stop moving for
13:40take it easy I will kill her I will kill her hey please it's gonna be okay
13:46trust me
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