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Welcome to our channel! In this video, we present a profound recitation of Surah Al-Ma'arij, the 70th chapter of the Quran. Surah Al-Ma'arij, also known as "The Ways of Ascent," discusses the events of the Day of Judgment and the fate of those who deny the truth. It vividly describes the horrors of that day, the swift ascent of angels, and the eventual fate awaiting the disbelievers. The surah also emphasizes the importance of patience, prayer, and sincere devotion to Allah. It reminds believers to remain steadfast in their faith and prepare for the hereafter by adhering to the path of righteousness. Allow the powerful verses of Surah Al-Ma'arij to inspire a deeper reflection on your spiritual journey. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insightful Quranic recitations!

The content provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace professional religious advice or guidance. While we strive to present accurate and up-to-date information, please consult with a qualified Islamic scholar or authority for any specific religious concerns or questions. The recitation and interpretation of the Quran can vary, and individual experiences may differ.

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#سورۃ_المعارج #قرآن #اسلامی_تعلیمات #روحانیت #قرآن_کی_تلاوت #اسلام #اسلامی_تعلیم #قرآن_سیکھیں #قرآنی_حکمت #قیامت_کا_دن #اسلامی_تاریخ #سورۃ_المعارج_کی_تشریح #سورۃ_المعارج_کی_تلاوت #اسلامی_مواد #اسلامی_ویڈیو #قرآن_کی_سیکھ #مسلمان #اسلامی_یاددہانی #روزانہ_قرآن #مقدس_قرآن #قرآن_کی_آیات #ایمان #الہی_رہنمائی #اسلامی_حکمت #اسلامی_علم #اسلامی_حوصلہ_افزائی #امن #قرآن_کی_تلاوت #اسلامی_ایمان #الہی_وحی #اسلامی_پیغامات #اسلامی_عکاسی #اسلامی_زندگی #روحانی_سفر #قرآن_کی_عکاسی #اسلامی_آگاہی


00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:14A questioner asked about a punishment that will come to pass
00:21For the disbelievers, there is no defender
00:26From Allah, the Lord of the Ascent
00:30The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him on a Day
00:37whose measure is fifty thousand years
00:42So be patient with a beautiful patience
00:47Indeed, they see it far away
00:52And We see it near
00:55On the Day when the sky will be like a pool
01:00And the mountains will be like a mountain
01:04And no friend will ask a friend
01:09They will be shown that the criminal would like to take his children from the punishment of that Day
01:19And his wife and his brother
01:23And his faction that supports him
01:27And whoever is in the land altogether, then he will save him
01:36No! Indeed, it is a waste
01:41A waste for the evil-doers
01:45It invites those who turn back and turn away
01:49And he gathers, so he is aware
01:52Indeed, man was created weak
01:58When evil touches him, he is torn
02:02And when good touches him, he is prevented
02:06Except for those who pray, those who are constant in their prayer
02:15And those in whose wealth is a known right
02:23For the beggar and the deprived
02:30And those who believe in the Day of Recompense
02:35And those who are afraid of the punishment of their Lord
02:43Indeed, the punishment of their Lord is not secure
02:49And those who guard their private parts
02:55Except for their wives or those whom their right hands possess, then they are not blamed
03:07So whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors
03:17And those who are to their trusts and their covenant obedient
03:24And those who stand by their testimonies
03:32And those who guard their prayer
03:38Those will be in gardens honored
03:47So what is wrong with those who disbelieve before you?
03:52On the right and on the left is a punishment
03:57Does every one of them aspire to be admitted to a garden of pleasure?
04:07No! Indeed, We have created them from that which they know
04:17So I swear by the Lord of the east and the west that We are able
04:28That We may change for a better one than them, and We are not driven
04:38So let them go out and play until they meet their Day which they are promised
04:50The Day when they will come out of their graves in haste as if they were going to a feast
05:01Their eyes humbled, humiliation will cover them
05:07That is the Day which they were promised
05:16Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
