• last year


00:00:19La situazione oggi a molto complicate
00:00:30Negli ultimi tempi è aumentato sempre di più il numero dei delinquenti minorenni
00:00:43e adulti nella nostra piccola comunità, perciò abbiamo deciso di accelerare il processo
00:00:50per la formazione del complesso orchestrale della Casa del Popolo, ecco guardate bene
00:00:57Una cellula politico-sociale della nostra comunità ha un'orchestra e un'altra non
00:01:08ce l'ha, ma così non va compagni, io ho già pensato di parlarne al direttivo, cioè
00:01:16in questo senso, voi tutti sapete quanti diversi problemi stiamo affrontando nella nostra società
00:01:23in questo momento del suo sviluppo, perché noi dovremmo essere peggiori delle altre
00:01:29case del popolo, questo io vi chiedo, se ci sforzassimo di più potremmo, potremmo essere
00:01:39sicuri che la nostra Serajevo diventerà presto uno dei centri più importanti della musica
00:01:44leggera e popolare, ho finito compagni, grazie.
00:02:03Dichiaro aperta la riunione dell'organizzazione della gioventù presso la Casa del Popolo,
00:02:07propongo il seguente ordine del giorno, primo formazione dell'orchestra di musica leggera,
00:02:12secondo partecipazione ai lavori giovanili scoprie 63, terzo varie.
00:02:42Lotteria, un dinero, avanti gente, chi non compra non vincerà, lotteria, un dinero
00:03:07al biglietto, forza gente, forza gente, soltanto un dinero al biglietto.
00:03:37Lotteria, un dinero, avanti gente, chi non compra non vincerà, lotteria, un dinero
00:04:07al biglietto, forza gente, soltanto un dinero al biglietto.
00:04:37Non fumare figlio di puttana o ti prendo il cazzotto, hai capito ?
00:04:593 a te, 3 a te, e 3 a me.
00:05:06Che ne faccio di questo portafoglio ? Butalo idiota.
00:05:21Ecco che arriva quel cacciaballe, chissà che ci racconterà adesso.
00:05:29Che razza di troia che la giudica, da non crederci.
00:05:42Arriva appena smesso di piovere, che ci nascondiamo sotto quella quercia, al buio, e io faccio per
00:05:50toglierle le mutande.
00:05:51Porco Giuda, le mutande non le aveva, allora la prendo da dietro, a chiappe nude, e subito
00:05:58passo a darmi da fare.
00:05:59Stacca ti do un cazzotto se mi interrompi mentre parlo.
00:06:03Non ti interrompo, sto solo suonando.
00:06:05Suonati il cazzo va, ti farebbe meglio ascoltare.
00:06:08Che cosa devo ascoltare, un mare di balle ?
00:06:10Pensa a farcela in piedi come me.
00:06:16Me la lavoro ben bene.
00:06:22Le gambe mi tremano, quando dall'alto da una foglia casco una goccia, toc, qui, sul
00:06:26piede, proprio come un colpo di frusta.
00:06:28Il pisello si smoscia di colpo e va giù come un tronco morto.
00:06:32Quella mignota mi chiede che ti succede ?
00:06:34E tu cosa le hai risposto ?
00:06:56Che cosa fate ?
00:07:04Ci si sta sfottendo.
00:07:06Mi state sfottendo, eh ?
00:07:08E clicker sta raccontando strozzate.
00:07:10Devo dirti una cosa, Tino.
00:07:21Cosa combina questo brazzo, lo sa soltanto Dio.
00:07:23Senti questa, cosa combina, è uscito di galera solo venti giorni fa.
00:07:27E quanto tempo c'è stato ?
00:07:28E perché lo chiedi a me ?
00:07:30C'è la chiave con te ?
00:07:32Ne avrò bisogno questi giorni.
00:07:34Non c'è nessun problema, io sto sempre lì.
00:07:37C'è qualche novità ?
00:07:38No, nessuno.
00:07:41Ciao, brazzo.
00:07:44Quanti ne abbiamo oggi ?
00:07:47Possibile che nessuno sappia che data è ?
00:07:49È il 23.
00:07:51È importante ?
00:07:52Non è importante.
00:07:54Domani saranno sei anni giusti giusti.
00:07:56Sei anni di che ?
00:07:57Sei anni di sistemazione provvisoria.
00:08:00Papà dice che hanno deliberato.
00:08:02Non ci credo più.
00:08:04Sono cinque anni che dicono bugie.
00:08:06Bugie a lui e lui a me.
00:08:12Su, vieni a dormire.
00:08:16Mamma, quando andiamo al mare ?
00:08:26Davvero andiamo domani al mare ?
00:08:45Oh Dio mio, questo può accadere solo a Sarajevo.
00:08:53È ubriaco ?
00:08:55Non proprio, fratello.
00:09:15Quando è andata a dormire la banda ?
00:09:17Un'ora, un'ora e mezza fa.
00:09:19Dai, svegliali.
00:09:22Non farlo, Marco, per piacere.
00:09:52Allora ?
00:09:54Ho picchiato lino.
00:09:56Perché ?
00:09:58Ho fumato.
00:10:08Quale lotteria ?
00:10:11Mi dicono che hai saccheggiato mezza casa.
00:10:14Ho fatto la lotteria.
00:10:16Un dinaro al biglietto.
00:10:18E tu ?
00:10:19Ho fatto la lotteria.
00:10:21Un dinaro al biglietto.
00:10:26Dai, scrivi.
00:10:28Primo punto.
00:10:35Cosa vuoi tu ?
00:10:37Papà, siamo in vacanza.
00:10:38La scuola è finita.
00:10:43Le mie scuse, mitko.
00:10:44Cancella pure.
00:10:47Rapporto sulla gestione finanziaria.
00:10:50Questo è uno.
00:10:51Secondo punto.
00:11:02Kerin, stronzo.
00:11:06La riunione sarà diretta alla Kerin.
00:11:10Perché non pensiate che papà è sbronzo.
00:11:13Dichiaro aperta la riunione la parola a papà.
00:11:16Propongo di abbreviare.
00:11:18Dobbiamo essere più costruttivi.
00:11:20Io personalmente non ho niente contro queste iniziative personali, cioè private.
00:11:25La creatività individuale va stimolata.
00:11:29Nella nostra società socialista.
00:11:32Compra i bottoni alla mamma.
00:11:33Va bene, papà.
00:11:34Compra una bambola americana.
00:11:36E la mia bicicletta ?
00:11:38Quanto costa ?
00:11:396.300, marca Czechoslovakia.
00:11:42Quando ne avrei risparmiato la metà, avvertimi e entro nell'affare.
00:11:45Dino, vai a prendere dell'acqua.
00:11:47Sena, non interrompere la solennità della seduta.
00:11:53Passavo vicino al campo e ho visto Dino fumare con certi avanzi di calendo.
00:11:57Non sono avanzi di calendo.
00:11:58Non cambiamo l'ordine della discussione.
00:12:00E tu chiudi il becco.
00:12:02E allora gli ho dato un sacco di bonte.
00:12:04Che avevamo stabilito l'ultima volta.
00:12:06Che non si doveva fumare.
00:12:09Ma cos'altro avevamo stabilito ?
00:12:11Tu stai scrivendo ?
00:12:14Ma ascoltate quello che sto dicendo.
00:12:17Fino a quando mi prenderete per il culo in questa casa ?
00:12:20Per il culo.
00:12:23Vacca boia.
00:12:27Tu, Kering, ascolta bene.
00:12:29Marco !
00:12:31Puzza via.
00:12:34In questa casa picchio solo io.
00:12:36Se cago sopra la tua maggioretà.
00:12:43Ma scalzoli disgraziati.
00:13:09For Christ.
00:13:26Ogni giorno sotto ogni riguardo progredisco sempre di più.
00:13:30Every day I progress more and more.
00:13:38How much did you train?
00:13:39Up to 200.
00:13:53This exercise makes the eyes more bright.
00:14:08Be careful.
00:14:09In the water you have to move your eyes to the right and left.
00:14:12The more you can resist.
00:14:13I try.
00:14:14Come on.
00:14:31How about you?
00:14:33It's not possible.
00:14:34You did not count well.
00:14:35You have to do it slowly.
00:14:36Come on.
00:14:45But I do not want to suffocate.
00:14:47Otherwise I will never find out.
00:14:51The lioness.
00:14:52The lioness?
00:14:53The lioness.
00:14:54The lioness.
00:14:55The lioness.
00:14:56The lioness.
00:14:57The lioness.
00:14:58The lioness.
00:14:59Liubise is meeting you.
00:15:03Hypnosis does not learn for show.
00:15:05Hypnosis must change the entire world.
00:15:09When the man has conquered his self-reliance
00:15:12self-rather than self-review.
00:15:19I understand.
00:15:21But what am I going to do tomorrow?
00:15:29Adesso tu dormi, tu dormi adesso, tu dormi adesso, le tue palpebre diventano pesanti, le tue palpebre diventano pesanti.
00:15:41Oh, ma che razza di cretino.
00:15:43Tu dormi, le tue palpebre sono pesanti, le tue palpebre sono pesanti, sono sempre più pesanti.
00:15:50Tu dormi.
00:16:01Però ti do diamo l'argomento.
00:16:09Come è andata?
00:16:11Due volte senza tirarlo fuori.
00:16:13Mi stai prendendo per il culo.
00:16:16Doppietta, ti giuro.
00:16:25Però che pezzo di...
00:16:29Un altro piccolo scacco.
00:16:38Servito, scacco matto.
00:16:43La gioventù d'oggi.
00:16:45Ogni giorno sotto ogni riguardo progredisco sempre di più.
00:16:49Mi dovrai dare la rivigilia.
00:16:59L'amore vuole distarte mille baci, mille carenze vuole allora con ventiquattromila baci.
00:17:08Felici con nove ore, un giorno freddi da perché, ogni secondo bacio a te.
00:17:16Niente bugie meravigliose, frasi d'amore appassionate, ma solo baci chiedo a te.
00:17:25Con ventiquattromila baci, con i frenati dell'amore.
00:17:31In questo giorno di follia, ogni minuto è tutto mio.
00:17:39Riccardo, non disturbarti.
00:17:41Spegni, rompi pari, arriva Brazo.
00:17:47Con ventiquattromila baci, con i frenati dell'amore.
00:17:52In questo giorno di follia, ogni minuto è tutto mio.
00:17:57Con ventiquattromila baci, felici con nove ore, un giorno freddi da perché.
00:18:05Con ventiquattro...
00:18:06Sottotitoli e revisione a cura di QTSS
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00:19:07Ripone !
00:19:10Dai da bere alla pleve.
00:19:11Non si può, Brazo, te lo giuro.
00:19:13Cosa dici ?
00:19:15Il direttore l'ha assolutamente proibito.
00:19:18Smaio ?
00:19:20Ma no, Smaio, è venuto uno nuovo.
00:19:24Quel guercio !
00:19:29Glielo spieghi lei, compagno direttore.
00:19:32Smamma, cieco !
00:19:36Non cerco guai.
00:20:07Sottotitoli e revisione a cura di QTSS
00:20:18Si prepara la sala.
00:20:21Brazo ! Brazo ! Brazo ! Brazo !
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00:23:20Vuole anche un microscopio?
00:23:52A doll.
00:23:56Do you like them? They're beautiful, aren't they?
00:24:07Someone has made a request for the people's houses.
00:24:10Let's not touch this button.
00:24:12I'm just asking.
00:24:13If necessary, we are ready.
00:24:16Here, look at this.
00:24:30Bring a bottle of wine.
00:24:32Turn on the radio.
00:24:40Allow me a dance.
00:24:52The communism must arrive in the year 2000.
00:25:03You stop drinking.
00:25:05Then communism will arrive.
00:25:07Look, look.
00:25:08In communism there would be no right to alcohol.
00:25:11Better dead.
00:25:13Everything to everyone according to the possibilities and according to the needs.
00:25:17Is it clear?
00:25:18Of course it's clear.
00:25:19But forget the bottle and don't worry about communism.
00:25:25In communism, dear Dino, all these will be idiotic problems.
00:25:30What do you think?
00:25:33What I think is that in communism there will be no problems.
00:25:37Power will finally be ours.
00:25:39Communism and that's it.
00:25:40You have unclear ideas, Dino.
00:25:42I must repeat it to you always.
00:25:44Communism is a science.
00:25:46It works, studies and fights for the liberation of the proletariat.
00:25:50There will be no single cases.
00:25:52That's what I say, too.
00:25:53No, no, no.
00:25:54You don't say it.
00:25:55You only think of those two shitty shit on hypnosis.
00:25:58White paper, black dot and you there like an asshole.
00:26:01And you're not a big deal.
00:26:03You know something, you see.
00:26:05Sena, don't break it.
00:26:07First we all have to create communism within ourselves.
00:26:11And then it will be easy to impose it.
00:26:12Oh, look a little.
00:26:14Do you think a good hypnotist is enough to make communism succeed?
00:26:18I didn't say it.
00:26:19If you think so, I don't think so.
00:26:20No, don't fool me, Pulce.
00:26:22Don't cheat.
00:26:23You're saying nonsense.
00:26:25The failure of the classic German ideology.
00:26:28That's what looks like what you think.
00:26:30Marx digested these things from a piece.
00:26:33I have nothing against Karl Marx.
00:26:35Why does hypnosis bother you?
00:26:37Because it's idealism, reaction.
00:26:40Communism, my son, is created in factories.
00:26:43It has nothing to do with it.
00:26:44Is that clear?
00:26:45Even too much.
00:26:46It couldn't be more.
00:26:48Let the girl sleep.
00:27:02Humanity has been sleeping for two or three thousand years.
00:27:05Why not?
00:27:06You shouldn't do it.
00:27:09Is there anything more important than sleep?
00:27:13I really don't know what you're waiting for.
00:27:15That the donkeys fly.
00:27:21And that my little ones sleep.
00:27:23They'll make a great career.
00:27:25My God, I'll never move out of this house.
00:27:32You sleep.
00:27:35You sleep.
00:27:38Your eyelids are heavy.
00:27:42Your eyelids are heavy.
00:27:47Always heavier.
00:27:52Come on, go away.
00:27:54Go away.
00:28:05Only an experiment crowned by success
00:28:07will make it possible to overcome with self-suggestion
00:28:10all the adversities of our life.
00:28:12The patients of Dr. Emil Kühe,
00:28:15doctor of 1857,
00:28:17forced with the mechanics of the word
00:28:19themselves and their souls
00:28:20until the cure of the disease.
00:28:22The patients had to repeat,
00:28:24every day, under every look,
00:28:26I progress more and more.
00:28:40Is there anyone up there?
00:28:41No, there's no one.
00:28:43Then listen to me carefully.
00:28:44This is my hole.
00:28:45It will stay with you two or three days
00:28:47until I fix some things.
00:28:49Do you understand?
00:28:51Okay, no problem.
00:28:56He's a good boy.
00:28:57You don't have to worry.
00:29:00And you, kid,
00:29:01better not to complain about you.
00:29:03You know me, don't you?
00:29:04You don't have to be afraid.
00:29:05I assure you.
00:29:06Who's afraid?
00:29:07I'm not afraid of anyone.
00:29:10You, walk.
00:29:13Walk, if you don't want a shit discharge.
00:29:18But no.
00:29:19Take it.
00:29:48Where can I sleep here?
00:29:50Up there, you'll see.
00:30:43Is it comfortable here?
00:31:06It's late.
00:31:07I should go.
00:31:09Are you hungry?
00:31:15I could eat.
00:31:17I'm not hungry.
00:31:19Wait, I'll bring you something.
00:31:44What are you doing at this hour?
00:31:46I just want some bread.
00:31:48Sleep now.
00:31:50I can sleep only in the grave.
00:31:52I know that.
00:32:16Good night.
00:32:46Good night.
00:33:06Who are you looking for?
00:33:10One or two?
00:33:11One or two?
00:33:14Good morning.
00:33:15Where are you coming from?
00:33:17What do you mean?
00:33:18From bed.
00:33:19It's a little early for you.
00:33:21I have to work this morning.
00:33:35In La Colombaia?
00:33:37No, with friends.
00:33:38We're going to Eligio.
00:33:40There will be girls.
00:33:42What girls, dad?
00:33:43Thank you, dad.
00:33:44Let's go swimming.
00:33:46Come on.
00:33:49What do you have against girls?
00:33:52Women are salt.
00:33:54You can do without them.
00:33:55But it's all bullshit.
00:33:57I'm going.
00:33:58And do well.
00:34:03This trip to Eligio.
00:34:06Let go of hypnosis and self-suggestion.
00:34:09Do you need money?
00:34:11No, dad.
00:34:12What do you need?
00:34:13Without money, you can not do anything.
00:34:15First, the needs of the body.
00:34:17Then the needs of the spirit.
00:34:22Now you can go.
00:34:25And do not think about hypnosis.
00:34:31This afternoon we go to the uncle.
00:34:56This is Pietro.
00:34:57He's a man.
00:34:59He gave it to my uncle Bessio.
00:35:01He's a traveler.
00:35:03Do you know how many children he has?
00:35:07They do not have children.
00:35:08So they have a house full of sea.
00:35:24What's your name?
00:35:26Dolly Bell.
00:35:28Come on.
00:35:30I'm serious.
00:35:34Dolly Bell.
00:35:36Do not make fun of me.
00:35:37Dolly Bell is a blonde.
00:35:38What do you want?
00:35:39I can become one.
00:35:41Brazzo is a good hairdresser in Milan.
00:35:44What Brazzo?
00:35:45Brazzo, the one who brought me here.
00:35:47Why do you pretend not to remember?
00:35:50Yes, Brazzo.
00:36:05He called you that?
00:36:07How are you?
00:36:10I'm fine.
00:36:16Do not be afraid, my brother.
00:36:19Take the brake.
00:36:22Come on.
00:36:27What a shitty car.
00:36:36Come on, get in.
00:37:07What a shitty car.
00:37:16How much did you give him?
00:37:17Nothing, 200.
00:37:21I could buy 20 eggs and we could take a nice walk.
00:37:29I thought you would not come anymore.
00:37:32Come on, let's have a drink.
00:37:37Come on.
00:37:38I thought you would not come anymore.
00:37:41Come on, let's have a drink.
00:37:44If I tell you I'm coming, then I'm coming.
00:37:48And your peasants?
00:37:50Do not be vulgar.
00:37:54Come on, let's drink.
00:38:01Come on, let's go.
00:38:06Come on, let's go.
00:38:14Do you want?
00:38:16No, I do not smoke uphill.
00:38:17You do not smoke uphill or downhill.
00:38:20It's my business.
00:38:21I can smoke both uphill and downhill.
00:38:24Be careful, or you'll see the girl who comes to you and what you do to her.
00:38:28Then close your mouth.
00:38:30I closed it.
00:38:31It's the state that has to think about it, what can I do about it?
00:38:34You are a free man, are not you?
00:38:36Do not say nonsense.
00:38:38You know what Marx says?
00:38:39When there will be freedom, the state will no longer exist.
00:38:42You do not know anything.
00:38:44If Marx hears you, he goes around in the grave.
00:38:47Stop it with this usual boredom of speech.
00:38:49Do not you have any other topic to talk about?
00:38:51If it is for that, Baffone has already made him turn at least nine times in the grave.
00:38:56Let's talk about something else, which is better.
00:38:59To health then.
00:39:01May you live 200 years.
00:39:05Let's not exaggerate.
00:39:08Here they are.
00:39:11Come, come.
00:39:12Here are my housekeepers.
00:39:13Hello uncle.
00:39:14Where have you been?
00:39:15Good morning uncle.
00:39:16And you, how are you?
00:39:19Sit down, honey.
00:39:20Sit down, yes.
00:39:22One moment, uncle is coming right away.
00:39:23Sit down, sit down.
00:39:27Eat something, come on.
00:39:31Do you like it?
00:39:43Dad, when are we going to the sea?
00:39:46Ask mom.
00:39:47Mom, when are we going to the sea?
00:39:49Ask dad.
00:39:50Dad, when are we going to the sea?
00:39:52Tomorrow, tomorrow.
00:39:53Eat, eat.
00:40:00We want to start.
00:40:30Come on, come on.
00:41:00Come on, come on.
00:41:18Lino, are you crazy?
00:41:19Stay seated.
00:41:21Leave them alone.
00:41:23What are they doing?
00:41:27Look at me.
00:41:29Enough, enough.
00:41:32Lino, push them inside the house.
00:41:35You sit there.
00:41:36What a shame.
00:41:37What a shame.
00:41:54Isn't there a happier song?
00:41:57Did you suggest this one to me?
00:42:18The ideology and religion concern the miserable, my dear mother.
00:42:22I wonder about you.
00:42:26I want to kiss your lips.
00:42:31I want to kiss your lips.
00:42:43I want to kiss your lips.
00:42:48I want to kiss your lips.
00:42:57I always get a knot in my stomach.
00:43:00Don't bother me every time.
00:43:03You're the one who's bothering us all.
00:43:05Think only of yourself.
00:43:07Don't be ashamed in front of your sister, at least if you don't care about your children.
00:43:11The usual bourgeois phrases about the family.
00:43:15What are the shitty relationships between children and parents?
00:43:19The family must be abolished.
00:43:22But you know what's the reason.
00:43:23Poor women.
00:43:24Poor women.
00:43:26What's wrong with this coffee?
00:43:32The end of the family is written in the manifesto.
00:43:35Then ask for a divorce.
00:43:36I've never thought about it.
00:43:38Take your clothes off so you can abolish everything.
00:43:41Go away.
00:43:42So, favorites?
00:43:47Mark thinks he's a bourgeois.
00:43:50I know, I think Mark made that up.
00:43:52Shut up.
00:44:22What are you doing?
00:44:28Stop it.
00:44:43Let's go inside.
00:44:44Let's go.
00:44:51The sun never shines as it should in this city.
00:44:54No, my dear.
00:44:57No, it will never shine.
00:45:14The sun never shines as it should in this city.
00:45:19You're wet.
00:45:20Go away.
00:45:26Come on, you're going to get wet.
00:45:28No, ma'am.
00:45:29Come on, for the love of God.
00:45:31I don't want to.
00:45:32I don't want to.
00:45:34What do you think?
00:45:37Come on, Mago.
00:45:39What's wrong with you again?
00:45:42Tomorrow I'm leaving for Skopje.
00:45:45I'm going to work as a volunteer.
00:45:48How did you go to school?
00:45:52What do you want me to buy for you?
00:45:57A bicycle.
00:45:58You're ashamed.
00:45:59What bicycle?
00:46:00Okay, okay.
00:46:01I'll buy it for you.
00:46:02Don't worry about them.
00:46:03Let them talk.
00:46:04Let them talk.
00:46:08Every day, in every regard, I progress more and more.
00:46:19Every day, in every regard, I progress more and more.
00:46:25Would you like to teach me what Marx thought?
00:46:32Here it is.
00:46:34He won't correct me anymore.
00:46:38I know Marx by heart.
00:46:45Marx is a great man.
00:46:47A great communist.
00:46:50Come on, drink a little.
00:46:51You'll feel better.
00:46:52Take him away.
00:47:04Dad, I'm leaving tomorrow.
00:47:07Don't come back without a qualified worker.
00:47:12Come on, sit down.
00:47:14Don't you see they're sleepy?
00:47:16Let them be.
00:47:17They're sleepy?
00:47:18I don't care who they are.
00:47:20I don't want to know anything.
00:47:23Don't shout.
00:47:24You'll wake up the neighbors.
00:47:26Come on.
00:47:34Let's go.
00:47:57I have a surprise for you.
00:48:03He's here.
00:48:05Who? Brazzo?
00:48:07He's not here.
00:48:14I thought you wanted to comb your hair.
00:48:17Thank you.
00:48:20I'm sorry.
00:48:22It's okay.
00:48:24Thank you.
00:48:32What are you doing up there?
00:48:39What's hypnosis?
00:48:43It's the power of suggestion.
00:48:45We can control others and ourselves.
00:48:49In the interest of common progress,
00:48:51of overcoming animal instincts,
00:48:53of man and of the human race in general.
00:48:57This will change the world.
00:49:00But my father doesn't believe it.
00:49:10He thinks that even without hypnosis
00:49:12you can reach communism.
00:49:14And where does this communism live?
00:49:17But communism is a human condition.
00:49:22You see,
00:49:24communism will triumph
00:49:25when everyone will have what they need.
00:49:28It must be very beautiful.
00:49:31I agree
00:49:35with the director.
00:49:37But in Bielave
00:49:39they have a light orchestra for more than a year
00:49:41and in Krasno they are already exercising.
00:49:43We tried to get in touch
00:49:46with the directors
00:49:47who promised us
00:49:48a guitar and a harmonica.
00:49:54We can't allow
00:49:56our young people
00:49:57to dance in other people's houses.
00:50:04We want to get together here
00:50:05and we got together
00:50:08just to use
00:50:09a part of our free time
00:50:11in the best way.
00:50:14And to express
00:50:15in this way
00:50:16I mean
00:50:17our artistic tendencies
00:50:19and inclinations.
00:50:23This activity
00:50:33the invention of new programs,
00:50:36the development of brotherhood,
00:50:39the strengthening of relations between us
00:50:41and the continuous search
00:50:42of new friendships.
00:50:45In this house
00:50:46there is a place for anyone
00:50:47who is talented,
00:50:49for those who love art
00:50:50and for all the friends.
00:50:52And the drummer?
00:50:54Ah, for him.
00:50:56I think there won't be
00:50:57any kind of problem.
00:50:59Seyo, instead,
00:51:00will remain in the folklore.
00:51:03This is another kind of music.
00:51:05I'm fine,
00:51:06I wouldn't know how to deal
00:51:07with all these screams.
00:51:09Topa will be the drummer,
00:51:10right Topa?
00:51:11No problem,
00:51:12comrade director.
00:51:15The House of the People
00:51:16will give the money
00:51:17for the instruments
00:51:20and you will have to practice.
00:51:41The House of the People
00:51:42will give the money
00:51:43for the instruments
00:51:44and you will have to practice.
00:52:13the House has bought
00:52:14the instruments,
00:52:15we will be a real orchestra.
00:52:17But what orchestra?
00:52:19I swear on my mother,
00:52:20there is drums, guitar, everything.
00:52:24The director tells you
00:52:25to come to the rehearsals.
00:52:37come here.
00:52:40Sit down.
00:52:46Sit down.
00:52:57Where have you been?
00:52:59With friends.
00:53:03Come on, turn it on.
00:53:10But I don't smoke,
00:53:11are you serious?
00:53:15Yes, I know you don't smoke,
00:53:17but turn it on.
00:53:41The shepherds know it too.
00:53:50When the shepherds
00:53:51graze the sheep,
00:53:53even that is hypnosis,
00:53:56they say it on the mountains.
00:54:00Every living being
00:54:01has certain areas on the skin
00:54:06that if you touch them,
00:54:08they cause
00:54:10secretions in the brain
00:54:12that block
00:54:15some parts of the body.
00:54:19And those are mobilized
00:54:20all here.
00:54:26There is nothing
00:54:28in the world
00:54:29outside of matter.
00:54:31The world is chemistry,
00:54:33chemistry is physics,
00:54:35physics is biology.
00:54:37Do you understand?
00:54:39The rest is dialectic.
00:54:43Come on, turn off that cigarette.
00:54:47Look at him,
00:54:48how he doesn't smoke.
00:54:58What are you doing?
00:55:01And what is inside?
00:55:03It's Italian.
00:55:04With 24,000 kisses.
00:55:06What does it mean?
00:55:08It means 24,000 kisses.
00:55:12I would like to know
00:55:13who counted them.
00:55:15It's just a song,
00:55:17just to sing.
00:55:19Come on, let's go.
00:55:34Come on.
00:55:51Do you have the girl?
00:55:56Of course.
00:55:58And how is she?
00:56:01A love,
00:56:03with beautiful boobs.
00:56:06Can you kiss?
00:56:08Of course.
00:56:27Every day,
00:56:28under every look,
00:56:29I progress more and more.
00:56:30Every day,
00:56:31under every look,
00:56:32I progress more and more.
00:56:39It's important
00:56:40that the nose doesn't bother you.
00:56:41Turn your head.
00:56:43Like this.
00:56:44Open your mouth.
00:56:46Not like a fish, come on.
00:56:48Stick out your tongue.
00:56:53You have to touch
00:56:54everywhere with your hands.
00:57:00Come on.
00:57:11you're suffocating me.
00:57:15Who taught you?
00:57:17A student.
00:57:19Last summer,
00:57:20in one of my villages.
00:57:23I thought it was Brazzo.
00:57:27Brazzo was the second.
00:57:28But he doesn't like
00:57:29to kiss me.
00:57:31I don't know why.
00:57:53Come on.
00:57:55Come on.
00:57:58I want to go too.
00:57:59I want to go too.
00:58:05They're not good for anything.
00:58:08It's enough to get fat.
00:58:10Don't joke about these things,
00:58:15I want to go too,
00:58:24Normal or extraordinary?
00:58:28Come on.
00:58:44son of Seife
00:58:46and mother Zeynebe,
00:58:49the girl Tivovic,
00:58:51born in 1920,
00:58:53resident in Sarajevo,
00:59:06as the director
00:59:07of the Mens Operaia
00:59:11in case of my death,
00:59:14healthy mind,
00:59:17not led by anyone,
00:59:19in full freedom.
00:59:22I dispose as follows
00:59:24of my property
00:59:27as well as
00:59:29the property
00:59:31of those who live there.
00:59:43For my clothes
00:59:45my wife Sena
00:59:47will dispose
00:59:49so that no one
00:59:51can complain.
00:59:54As far as
00:59:55the cigarette holder,
00:59:57the lighter
00:59:59and the mouthpiece are concerned,
01:00:01I leave them exclusively
01:00:03to my son Dino.
01:00:06I also leave him
01:00:08nine books
01:00:10of Marxist studies.
01:00:14What is it?
01:00:19You'll live alone.
01:00:25you'll fall in love
01:00:27like a madman
01:00:30and you'll die late
01:00:32of natural death.
01:00:34You'll have a lot of money.
01:00:37Someone in your family
01:00:39will die soon.
01:00:41Come on, don't take me for a fool.
01:00:43I'm serious.
01:00:45I don't believe this.
01:00:47Give me your hand.
01:00:49Like this.
01:00:56Do you want me to keep dreaming?
01:01:01I dream of flying.
01:01:03I shake my arms sometimes
01:01:05and I take off.
01:01:07I fly over the streets of Sarajevo.
01:01:09People look at me
01:01:11and wonder how I don't fall.
01:01:14I fall
01:01:16and they scream.
01:01:19But I get off
01:01:21and I don't fall.
01:01:22They scream.
01:01:25But I get off
01:01:27and I get up again
01:01:29and I keep flying.
01:01:31Isn't it funny?
01:01:47Do you want me to tie you something?
01:01:53Come on.
01:02:05Do you really want it?
01:02:07Of course I do.
01:02:12Modern humanity is so advanced
01:02:14that it can be scientifically proven
01:02:16that man can influence
01:02:18climate change
01:02:20at will.
01:02:22It's just a matter of
01:02:24straightening the axis of the Earth.
01:02:27First of all,
01:02:29legs and feet.
01:02:31It doesn't matter.
01:02:35from an intellectual point of view
01:02:37this new man would be above us
01:02:39as much as we have moved away from him.
01:02:41Come on, what are you waiting for?
01:02:43Come on, you too.
01:02:46What are you waiting for?
01:02:48Come on.
01:02:50Come on.
01:02:52Come on.
01:03:14Open it.
01:03:16My arm.
01:03:23My arm.
01:03:25My arm.
01:03:27Go upstairs.
01:03:29What's wrong with my arm?
01:03:31Come on, get up.
01:03:35Get up!
01:03:53Take off your clothes.
01:03:55My arm.
01:03:57What's wrong with it?
01:03:59Take off your clothes when I tell you,
01:04:20Go upstairs.
01:04:22Go upstairs.
01:04:35What's wrong with you?
01:04:37Do you have a tight ass?
01:04:41And you?
01:04:43Where are you going?
01:04:52My arm.
01:04:54My arm.
01:05:22My arm.
01:05:38My ears are ringing.
01:05:43tell the old woman to heat the peppers.
01:05:53On the blue seashore
01:05:56Where the wind was blowing
01:05:59I dreamed of a blue Susan
01:06:02How holy I was
01:06:05And while I was talking to her
01:06:08The birds were singing
01:06:11And the wind was blowing
01:06:14And the birds were singing
01:06:17And the wind was blowing
01:06:19And the wind was blowing
01:06:22And the wind was blowing
01:06:25Hey, you're doing something.
01:06:30You're doing something.
01:06:35Why are you crying?
01:06:38Who's crying?
01:06:40You, asshole.
01:06:42I'm not crying.
01:06:44I'm not crying.
01:06:46I'm not crying.
01:06:49I'm not crying.
01:06:59Did you spit on her or not?
01:07:02Yes or no?
01:07:04Yes, I spit on her.
01:07:19Did you spit on her?
01:07:49Did you spit on her?
01:08:36Come on, wake up, Pietro.
01:08:49Come on.
01:08:59What's up?
01:09:01The old man wants you. You have to go to the hospital.
01:09:04Every time I try to think about it, I have nothing to tell you.
01:09:07You have a head, you have a soul.
01:09:10You have a soul, too.
01:09:12Without you, I wouldn't realize it.
01:09:16Go with the women.
01:09:23Loneliness is bad.
01:09:26It's the worst disease.
01:09:29But it doesn't take you to the hospital.
01:09:32Who knows?
01:09:35It seems that there is no hope for man.
01:09:43Have you hypnotized that woman?
01:09:47Are you kidding me?
01:09:50No, I'm not kidding you. I'm serious.
01:09:53Did you do something to her?
01:09:55What are you talking about?
01:09:57The activity of the senses based on elementary instincts.
01:10:02So little.
01:10:05In the mouth.
01:10:07In the mouth?
01:10:09We kissed.
01:10:16It's not bad.
01:10:20I understand. You have to go slowly.
01:10:23Women also love freckles.
01:10:46I love you.
01:11:46Do you want to go to the moon?
01:11:49I bet 4,000 pages.
01:11:51Happy or sad, I don't care.
01:11:54One day I'll be lost.
01:11:56The second kiss.
01:12:00Stop. Don't hit like a fool.
01:12:03No, you're not in the right place.
01:12:05Come on, let's get out of here.
01:12:16The rhythm is not right.
01:12:21Are you listening to me?
01:12:23Yes, I hear you.
01:12:25I hear a lot.
01:12:29Does your father have something serious?
01:12:31It seems so.
01:12:36Who is she?
01:12:39It's my business.
01:12:41I thought you could trust me.
01:12:44I have nothing to tell you.
01:12:50As for Brazo,
01:12:53stay away from him.
01:12:56The police came here.
01:12:59A few days ago he escaped from prison.
01:13:03He has a girlfriend in Milan.
01:13:06She is a prostitute.
01:14:03Come on.
01:14:29How are you?
01:14:33What's going on?
01:15:03What's going on?
01:15:14Kerim is back from work.
01:15:26Let's take a walk.
01:15:30And dinner?
01:15:38Frigna, at night.
01:15:40Help her.
01:15:42Let her go.
01:15:46This is not a joke.
01:15:49I understand.
01:15:53Good morning.
01:15:55Let's go.
01:16:01Come on.
01:16:13Do you need money?
01:16:16No, thank you.
01:16:25Let's go.
01:16:55Let's go.
01:17:1750 dinars.
01:17:19To whom?
01:17:21To Kerim.
01:17:23To Kerim.
01:17:33Drink more.
01:17:35It's time to go.
01:17:37Drink more.
01:17:53How much do you think you'll get?
01:17:56You're a fool.
01:17:58And you're not a fool.
01:18:00How much do you give me?
01:18:02I'll give you 500, if you're not sick.
01:18:05We could have talked about 1,000.
01:18:09Here's 1,000.
01:18:11But if you're sick, give it back to me.
01:18:13Yes, of course.
01:18:17I'll kill you.
01:18:23I'll blow your face off.
01:18:50Here you go.
01:19:20Here you go.
01:19:44Dear friends,
01:19:45allow me to present to you with particular pleasure
01:19:47the star of our exciting evening,
01:19:49Dolly Bell,
01:19:50who, after a long tour of success in Asia, Africa, Indonesia, Belgium, Spain and France,
01:19:55will perform in front of the New Zealand audience.
01:19:57The number will be the Midnight Blues.
01:20:02Dear guests,
01:20:03I would like to ask two kind gentlemen
01:20:05to approach the stage.
01:20:08Here, do you want to?
01:20:11do you want to come?
01:20:13Don't be afraid.
01:20:14It won't be unpleasant at all.
01:20:16Take it.
01:20:17You'll hold the eagle on one side,
01:20:19and you on the other.
01:20:20Like this.
01:20:21Take it, please.
01:20:22This way,
01:20:23you'll have the right to a special prize.
01:20:25And now,
01:20:26dear guests,
01:20:27the time has come
01:20:29for me to present to you,
01:20:30and it's a great honor,
01:20:31the star of this evening's show,
01:20:33the gracious
01:20:35Dolly Bell.
01:20:37A big round of applause for Dolly Bell!
01:21:07Thank you.
01:21:37Thank you.
01:22:07How are you?
01:22:26Are you all right?
01:22:30I'm fine.
01:22:32How did you find me?
01:22:34Watrocki told me.
01:22:36And who is Watrocki?
01:22:38The director of the house.
01:22:40He's around here.
01:22:42I hug him.
01:22:45Does he come often?
01:22:48Once a week.
01:22:50It depends.
01:23:06Why don't you get undressed?
01:23:21Me too.
01:23:50Thank you.
01:24:18Thank you.
01:24:47Thank you.
01:25:16Thank you.
01:25:47Thank you.
01:25:48Thank you.
01:26:15Thank you.
01:26:37Thank you.
01:27:06Thank you.
01:27:07Thank you.
01:27:29Vino, eh, cosi non va, non va, non va.
01:27:59Mordi, mordi per il tuo brazo, mordi, eh, mordi.
01:28:28E come hai saputo dove sta ? Ma ha mandato una lettera.
01:28:43Mamma, tu hai visto questa lettera ? No.
01:28:47Non per posta, me l'ha data Quattrocchi, il direttore della casa.
01:28:53E allora ?
01:28:56Allora è successo tutto fin quando non è arrivato Brazzo.
01:29:00Lui chiedeva dei soldi, lei non ne aveva.
01:29:02Allora l'ha presa a calci.
01:29:04A quel punto sono scattato dal paravento come una bella.
01:29:06E che ci facevi dietro al paravento ? Dai, Karim, non provocarlo.
01:29:09Gli ho dato una testata allo stomaco e lui è caduto.
01:29:13Ho aspettato che si rialzasse, gli ho dato un destro.
01:29:15Poi un calcio tra le gambe e è ricascato.
01:29:19Ho visto che non si muoveva più e l'ho lasciato lì.
01:29:21Va bene, concludi ora.
01:29:23È tutto.
01:29:25Allora l'hai liquidato.
01:29:27Va bene, i figli vanno coi ruffiani e lui non è contento.
01:29:30Sei comportato da uomo, scrivi.
01:29:33Uno, stai scrivendo ?
01:29:38Vendere subito i piccioni.
01:29:42Uno ha.
01:29:44Con i soldi ricavati, comprare una bicicletta.
01:29:53Due, demolire la colombaia.
01:29:56Demolisci la casa tu, fa la cosa migliore.
01:29:59Sono tavole, legno da bete.
01:30:01Sì, sì, le tavole sono da bete.
01:30:03Seno, non frignare.
01:30:05Saranno buone per il fuoco.
01:30:07Allora, dove siamo arrivati, eh ?
01:30:11Da nessuna parte, è finito.
01:30:18Allora via, tutti a letto.
01:30:20Su, banda di mascalzoni.
01:30:29Però l'ha ipnotizzata.
01:30:35Dai ciclista, riposa un po'.
01:30:51E' stata proprio bella.
01:30:59Molto bella.
01:31:02Continua a leggere.
01:31:05Ma la scienza e la tecnica moderna hanno talmente provocato...
01:31:10...l'evoluzione della scienza.
01:31:14Continua a leggere.
01:31:17Ma la scienza e la tecnica moderna hanno talmente provocato...
01:31:21...l'evoluzione della scienza.
01:31:26Tanto che si pensa al raddrizzamento dell'asse della terra...
01:31:28Dai, ti prego, aiutami a girarlo.
01:31:45Tutti questi lavori potrebbero essere eseguiti...
01:31:47...da un esercito di cento milioni di tecnici...
01:31:50...di tutti i paesi del mondo...
01:31:52...e nel tempo equivalente al corso di una vita umana.
01:31:56Quale prima cosa, lungo i due poli dell'emisfero...
01:31:59...si potrebbe costruire una grande muraglia.
01:32:02Così, in luogo di un clima estremamente rigido...
01:32:05...congelata di meno 88 gradi...
01:32:08...ottenuto il raddrizzamento dell'asse della rotazione terrestre...
01:32:13...potrà regnare un'eterna primavera.
01:32:21Beh, sembra...
01:32:26...una buona idea.
01:32:28La massa verde dell'oceano indiano...
01:32:31...turba l'equilibrio del nostro pianeta.
01:32:34Con il prosciugamento di questo oceano...
01:32:37...la superficie della terra sarebbe aumentata...
01:32:40...di 91 milioni e 200 mila chilometri quadrati.
01:32:45Trasformata in un granaio...
01:32:47...questa superficie potrebbe sfamare...
01:32:50...nelle condizioni dell'estate eterna...
01:32:52...circa 146 miliardi di uomini.
01:32:54Quanti come?
01:32:56146 miliardi.
01:32:59E adesso in quanti siamo?
01:33:01Due o tre miliardi, non so esattamente.
01:33:05A me...
01:33:08...non mi ci contare.
01:33:20Continua ancora.
01:33:35Con la liberazione delle masse acquose degli oceani...
01:33:38...la terra sarebbe alleggerita di 72 quadrillioni di tonnellate...
01:33:42...e si allontanerebbe dal sole di 30 milioni di chilometri.
01:33:46Un anno dovrebbe 425 giorni, invece di 365.
01:33:50E ci sarebbe una sola stagione.
01:33:53L'eterna primavera.
01:33:57Questa è una cosa intelligente.
01:34:01Ma succederà tutto questo?
01:34:03Tu che ne dici?
01:34:07Io penso di sì.
01:34:13Sarebbe bellissimo.
01:34:20E anche quell'autosuggestione è buona.
01:34:31Continua ancora.
01:34:37Diminuirebbe considerevolmente anche la forza della gravità...
01:34:41...e di conseguenza il peso degli esseri viventi...
01:34:44...che renderebbe possibile il loro sviluppo fino a misure gigantesche.
01:34:50Gli uomini sarebbero i veri titani.
01:34:53Aprebbero l'altezza dei giganti.
01:34:55I limiti della vita arriverebbero tra i mille e i cinque mila anni.
01:35:01Sotto l'aspetto intellettuale, questo uomo nuovo sarebbe lontano da noi...
01:35:06...quanto noi ci siamo allontanati dalla scimmia.
01:35:25Mettetelo per me.
01:35:55Un pochino ancora.
01:35:57Verso questo.
01:36:25No, no, no, no.
01:36:28No, no, no, no.
01:36:30Lo sai di me che l'ho fatto? Lo sai di me che l'ho fatto?
01:36:50E io che l'ho fatto?
01:36:54E io che l'ho fatto?
01:36:57E io che l'ho fatto?
01:37:08Ma che cosa avete fatto?
01:37:16Era un comunista.
01:37:28Alzatelo di là.
01:37:43Con te faremo poi conti a casa, cretina.
01:37:47E' un uomo che non ha capito niente.
01:37:51E' un uomo che non ha capito niente.
01:37:54Con te faremo poi conti a casa, cretina.
01:37:58I wanna be alone.
01:38:21Stamattina c'è stata la riunione del direttivo.
01:38:25Ciccio ha procurato dei nuovi strumenti.
01:38:29Avremo la batteria e la chitarra.
01:38:34Lado e Topi impazziranno di gioia.
01:38:40Non dirà ancora niente.
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