• last year
00:01Carrie's still out there.
00:03She needs us to find her.
00:05Let me go!
00:08Please just tell me where Carrie is.
00:10I'm sorry.
00:13Well, it looks like there are some human remains in there.
00:16Whoever it is has been in there a lot longer than two days.
00:20Charles Reid.
00:21He's always abusing young girls, he said.
00:23I've got preliminary ID on the remains.
00:25The body belonged to Chloe Whelan.
00:30Let's get you home.
00:31Your father was innocent all along,
00:33so why would he kill his own family?
00:35You know, Charlie looked me in the eye right before he pulled that trigger
00:38and said he didn't kill Roshi.
00:41I think the killer's still out there.
01:00On a hollow, hearty ground
01:07We know not the fire in which we burn
01:14Though we sing and we sing and we sing and we sing
01:21Oh, we are drowned
01:29The lost and found out
01:51The lost and found out
02:21The lost and found out
02:51The lost and found out
03:21The lost and found out
03:51The lost and found out
04:22And in the town of Blackwater,
04:24the body exhumed from the lake last night
04:26has been confirmed to be that of Chloe Whelan,
04:28who was reported missing from the town 20 years ago.
04:31The car she was discovered in
04:33belonged to deceased suspect Charles Reid,
04:35a local restaurant and...
04:40You all right?
04:45too many noises, you know the way?
04:49too many noises, you know the way?
04:53How do I look?
04:58It's just, Shanahan asked to see me this morning,
05:00so I thought I'd...
05:01you know.
05:05Um, let's not pick up the boys later and maybe get a takeaway, yeah?
05:17Have I said something?
05:22two dead women being pulled out of the lake.
05:25Feels a bit weird to be celebrating that kind of thing with the kids.
05:30All right.
05:32I'll take away.
05:42Right, boys, let's go!
05:44Come on, come on, come on, come on.
05:45Come on, come on.
05:47Mark on the way out, you on the way back.
05:52Seatbelts on, lads.
06:15Come on.
08:56Wake up.
09:18Well done, Gardner Furlong.
09:20We've been thrilled to be on the other side of this one.
09:22You played a big part.
09:23Thanks, sir.
09:24Have they interviewed Carey yet?
09:25Detective Lucy's on her way in, she'll handle it.
09:28If you wouldn't mind collating all the evidence for the case file.
09:30Yeah, of course.
09:31Thanks, sir.
09:40Celebrated chef and local restaurateur Charlie Reed
09:43suspected of the sexual assault of dozens of women over two decades,
09:48dies by suicide rather than face justice.
09:52All right, Bill, please, I don't think I can stomach another word.
09:57That utter scumbag, Charlie Reed.
10:00All those years coming in and out of this house
10:02and to think right under our very noses.
10:04How could I have not seen it?
10:06He was a sociopath.
10:07No one saw it.
10:09The festival.
10:10How are we going to handle this?
10:13Should we cancel?
10:14Sure, it's already in full swing and the launch is tonight.
10:19Of course, we have to respect the victims and their families.
10:23But also, we have a duty of care to all the small business owners in Blackwater
10:27who've been preparing for this all year.
10:30Now, we can get through this.
10:32We have to.
10:43Christmas! Christmas!
10:46Christmas! Christmas!
10:49Christmas! Christmas!
11:17Is that all from the case file?
11:29What are these?
11:31Jewelry retrieved from Charlie's car.
11:33Must have belonged to Chloe.
11:35I'm going to go talk to Carrie.
11:36Look, don't put these into storage just yet.
11:39Looking for something in particular?
11:40No, I just want to look through them myself.
12:03Hello, Carrie.
12:05My name is Detective Inspector Fia Lucy.
12:08Remember me?
12:11I'm so, so sorry for your loss, Carrie.
12:15Believe me, this is the last thing I want to put you through right now, but
12:19before we can close this case, I need to ask you about the night your mother went missing.
12:25You understand that, don't you?
12:30Do you have any other family here?
12:34Not that I know of.
12:36That's what started everything going wrong between us in the first place.
12:42I wanted to know things
12:46more than she was willing to tell.
12:49I should have just left it alone.
12:52What makes you say that?
12:55Look, before Roisin and I met, I had very little going for me.
13:00Family to speak of, being in a bit of trouble,
13:03and so when we reconnected, it felt like this massive high, this new beginning.
13:08She did everything for me.
13:10Got me a flat, bought me clothes, gave me money.
13:13But there was so much I wanted to know, and she was so cagey about the past,
13:17always dodging the questions.
13:19Like, she had to be in charge of everything, where we met, when we met,
13:23hiding out in that crappy little flat the next time over.
13:27It felt like her dirty little secret, but at the same time, she was so good to me.
13:30It felt like her dirty little secret, but at the same time, she was all I had.
13:34It must have been really frustrating for you.
13:37Yeah, it was.
13:42The night your mother went missing, what happened?
13:46Look, I know this is really painful for you,
13:49but if you saw Charlie Reed that night, that would be very useful information for us.
13:54The guy's dead. He killed my mum. What's the point in going over it?
13:57Look, I don't want to ever find ourselves in a position
14:00where debts will be raised over this case. I owe that to you.
14:03And to your mum.
14:05And to Chloe Whelan.
14:07And to all the other women he hurt.
14:13Did you see him that night?
14:19Where did you see him, Carrie?
14:22At the hotel.
14:28I wasn't supposed to go there. She told me not to come round where she worked.
14:33All the secrecy. It was really starting to get to me.
14:36Either she wanted me in her life, or she didn't.
14:40So I just showed up.
15:18What are you doing here?
15:20I came to visit. Surprise!
15:24I said not to come to my work.
15:25Yeah, but...
15:27I thought we'd agreed.
15:31You'd bury me in a dingy flat while you're in your fancy hotel pretending I don't exist?
15:35Yeah. Totally agreed to that.
15:37Are you drunk?
15:39What's it to you?
15:41I'm serious, Carrie. You can't stay. You have to go.
15:44What's the matter? Am I bringing the tone down?
15:48Okay. That's enough.
15:50Get a taxi.
15:53I'll call you tomorrow.
15:57Go home.
16:20I didn't go home.
16:22I went back in and headed into the bar.
16:26And this guy shows up.
16:28Hey, I'm Charlie.
16:31I was so hurt and angry with Mum. He was just so nice to me.
16:36It felt good to be made a fuss of.
16:40He bought this really expensive wine and I got so drunk really fast.
16:46And then...
16:52Everything just went black.
16:56When I woke up...
17:04I'm in a bed. Half-dressed.
17:16He's on top of me.
17:25Next thing I know, there's this scream.
17:29She's on him like an animal. Punching him. Shoving him.
17:33What did he do to you?
17:35What did you give her? Tell me!
17:43I think he raped me, but I don't know for sure.
17:47I can't remember.
17:48I can't remember.
17:54Do you remember anything else? Did anyone say anything?
17:59She was just screaming at him.
18:02What did she say?
18:04You bastard. That's my child.
18:10You're going down. It's all coming out. Something like that.
18:13I was so out of it. I honestly can't remember.
18:18And then he just left.
18:22Mum called her friend.
18:24Liam? Yeah.
18:27That were the two calls she made to the burner.
18:32And the other night when you went after Charlie...
18:36What happened?
18:39I caught up with him at his car.
18:42I was going to kill him. I don't care if you know that.
18:45He got the knife off me and put me in his boot.
18:50We were moving when I woke up. It was all dark.
19:03He said something about him and Roshan making some kind of deal years ago.
19:08I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk.
19:10That he was going to tell me everything.
19:12That he was going to tell me everything.
19:14I'm opening the boot now.
19:19Are you alright?
19:25I ran away and then just...
19:31He was shouting after me. You've got it all wrong.
19:34Fucking liar.
19:37We were going to go to Spain together, me and mum.
19:42Start a new life.
19:45He tried to protect me. I'm the reason she's dead.
19:51No, no.
19:53We're going to get you help, Carrie.
19:56Gather professional support around you.
20:02First of all, you need to see a doctor.
20:06And you let us arrange that for you.
20:10And we're going to get you home safely.
20:15What home?
20:17She was the only family I had.
20:20I've got nothing now.
20:35I'm sorry.
21:05I'm sorry.
21:35I'm sorry.
21:51What is it?
21:53Charlie, wait.
22:20It was 2004.
22:23I remember it because it was the night Chloe Whelan disappeared.
22:29There was a house party about half an hour out of town.
22:36Me and my friend got a lift with this lad she knew.
22:42Charlie was with him.
22:47He was really nice to me.
22:50Got me a drink.
22:53He was a real gentleman.
22:59He was popular.
23:02I guess I was flattered his attention was on me.
23:06We did kiss.
23:09I remember that.
23:14But then after that everything went black.
23:22I woke up in a strange bed with no memory of what had happened.
23:29The only drink I had was the one he gave me.
23:31For years I tried to convince myself that it was just a drunken one-night stand and...
23:39And even if I had the courage to confront him, sure he'd believe me.
23:47And then I met you.
23:52But since they found that car with Chloe Whelan on it,
23:56I've never seen it again.
24:01There's no Chloe Whelan in it, it's just...
24:06It's all coming back.
24:12There's no question.
24:19He raped me.
24:31He raped me.
24:39Get the sexual assault treatment unit a call, let them know you're on your way.
24:44And stay with her for as long as you can, yeah?
24:45Of course.
24:46Of course.
24:59Detective Lucy, do you have a minute?
25:09Right, listen up all.
25:11I just wanted to say well done to everyone.
25:14In particular, the excellent police work of Detective Lucy and Garda Furlong was key in finally bringing this case to a close.
25:23It has for far too long overshadowed the town of Blackwater and...
25:27Well, we're very happy to be moving on from it today, eh?
25:35Well done.
25:37Listen, it's going to be fairly quiet here for the rest of the day, why don't you take some time off?
25:43We got our man.
25:45Did we?
25:47It's just been really bothering me what he told me on the pier.
25:50Charlie, he told me he didn't kill Roshi.
25:53He also denied it to Carrie when she went after him.
25:56I admit it's not a pretty victory, but it's closure for a lot of people in this town.
26:03And whatever else your father did, he was never guilty of Chloe Whelan.
26:07That's true.
26:09But why he would have killed his own family is still a mystery.
26:14I've got to go back to work.
26:17I thought you said we weren't busy.
26:18Take the win.
26:22Have a bit of cake.
26:44I said no comment. Now get away from the door or I'll call the guards.
26:48Serena, it's for you, Lucy. Can I please come in?
26:51I've already been down the station. I've answered all your questions. There's nothing more I can tell you.
26:57You had no idea.
26:59Of course I fucking didn't!
27:04I'm sorry.
27:06I'm sorry.
27:08I'm sorry.
27:10I'm sorry.
27:16I'm sorry.
27:17Look, I'm not here to doubt you, Serena.
27:21You know, I figured you'd be gone soon.
27:26And that I wouldn't get the chance to say that.
27:30I'm sorry for what you're going through.
27:33You know, I have some experience of what it's like to be in your shoes.
27:38And I just want to say that you're entitled to your grief.
27:41No matter what the circumstances.
27:45That's the one thing no one thinks about.
27:51Well, thank you.
27:58You're the only one to say it.
28:02Where'll you go?
28:08I don't know.
28:10Somewhere I can't be found. Oh, God.
28:17What he did to those women.
28:21And then he'd come home here to me and...
28:26Oh, it's not your fault.
28:28But how could I have lived with him all these years and not known who he was?
28:33You've done nothing wrong, Serena.
28:36And you'll get through this.
28:37You will.
28:46What was his relationship like? What role she?
28:50They were as thick as these.
28:53Always were.
28:56She didn't like it when we got together.
28:59Like it was an odd bond.
29:02An odd bond.
29:05She had him wrapped around her little finger.
29:10Expensive clothes. He got her whatever she wanted.
29:16It doesn't make sense.
29:18What doesn't?
29:20That he'd kill her.
29:23I try to tell you a lot that. And the rest...
29:27What do you mean, the rest?
29:28That he couldn't have been driving the car that Chloe Whelan was found in.
29:33Charlie couldn't swim.
29:38No. He was terrified of water.
29:44This is DI Lucy. Please leave a message.
29:47Hey, Fia.
29:49Can we meet somewhere private, please? I need to talk to you about something.
29:59Jesus, I'm so sorry, Cian.
30:02It's just between us, yeah. I don't want to leave things.
30:04Of course.
30:07How did it come out?
30:09It was by chance.
30:11I was going through evidence this morning.
30:13I came across a birthmark on one of the photos.
30:17I knew straight away it was her.
30:20I'm sorry.
30:22I'm sorry.
30:24I'm sorry.
30:25I knew straight away it was her.
30:29I swear to God, I wish he was alive again so I could drown him in this fucking lake myself.
30:34You'd have an easy job.
30:36Charlie Reed couldn't swim. Serena just told me.
30:40How he got out of a sinking car and made his way to the shoreline is beyond me.
30:46Did you interview Carrie this morning?
30:50Charlie drugged and raped her.
30:52The night Roisin went missing.
30:54She walked in on it.
30:57So he killed Roisin to cover it up.
31:03It's unthinkable, isn't it? The extent of it.
31:06Two decades in a tiny place like this and no one even knew.
31:11Well, Roisin knew.
31:13Here, listen to this.
31:15You're finally going down.
31:18It's all coming out.
31:20Why did she wait till now to stop it?
31:24Loyalty. They were close friends.
31:28I found out my close friend was systematically drugging and raping women and using my place of business to do it.
31:35I reckon I would have gone to the guards the second I got wind of it.
31:39Then again, if that close friend had something on me, I'd be more inclined to keep my mouth shut.
31:47Charlie Reed is dead. I think we should take the win.
31:51It doesn't feel like a win.
31:54Look, if we're going to send Carrie back into her life, she needs to know that we did everything possible to identify her mother's killer.
32:03We need to be sure it was Charlie.
32:06What? Up until yesterday, everyone thought my father murdered Chloe Whelan and he didn't.
32:11We need more on Charlie, Cain. That's all I'm saying.
32:15Otherwise, the killer could still be out there.
32:19It's not the first time that's happened in Blackwater.
32:25Paradise, isn't it?
32:30If he didn't know any different.
32:48Hey. Hello.
32:55You went up to the house?
32:57Yeah, this morning. Didn't want to make a big thing of it.
33:03Am I too late for dinner?
33:05We were going to eat up the lunch. Can you come?
33:08Nah, I'm a bit wrecked.
33:11I'll make you a sandwich.
33:25Room service?
33:28Here, listen to this.
33:30Standing at a fixed point on the river's edge, I see you on the far side and my heart skips.
33:37If I swim to you now, would you think that too much?
33:41For a moment, I hesitate. Can I be so bold?
33:45But rivers are for diving into and shrieking at the cold.
33:49So I will swim this river and say, I love you.
33:53For I vow to have lived before I grow old.
33:58From dad to mom. Six weeks before they died.
34:02You ain't a terrible poet, but...
34:05You really love me.
34:07I love you.
34:09I love you.
34:11I love you.
34:12You ain't a terrible poet, but...
34:14He really loved her, didn't he?
34:19He loved all of us.
34:28All Ireland hurling final tickets.
34:31Aidan's birthday present.
34:33Look at the date.
34:35A week from the day they died.
34:38I mean, why would you buy hurling tickets for a son you were planning to kill?
34:43I went to the barn this morning to make comparisons of the crime scene photos.
34:50Oh, love, I can't.
34:52No, please, there's something I can't work out, darling.
34:55Look, there are wet clothes of dad's hanging on that line when I left that night.
35:00I can see them as clearly as I'm looking at you now.
35:03There's even a wet patch on the ground, look.
35:06But no sign of them.
35:07But no sign of them.
35:09Fia, no human being should experience what you've gone through.
35:12But as the nearest thing you have to a dad,
35:15all I want is to see you live your life.
35:19Don't let the past destroy any chance of that.
35:53Mum and dad say you're not coming to the launch.
36:00You're probably sick of my opinions.
36:03But whether you like it or not, you are the hero of the hour.
36:07Everyone's expecting you to be there.
36:10Press want their photos.
36:12You might as well give them what they want now, otherwise they'll hound you for days.
36:18Come on.
36:21Okay, give me ten minutes.
36:36That's one for the album, isn't it?
36:38Good to see you.
36:42We really appreciate your help.
36:44You okay?
36:55The place is hard.
37:04Dad said he went up to the house.
37:07Yeah, and the barn.
37:11There are answers there, I just need to find them.
37:15Well, whatever brings you closure.
37:24Here, stop. Pull over. Just right here.
37:26Okay, stop.
37:27Jesus, Fee.
37:29I'll just be a second, okay?
37:42This was recovered from the lake.
37:45You've never seen it before?
37:59Never gets any easier, does it?
38:04The only thing I'm glad about is finding out it wasn't your dad.
38:11We had a good relationship.
38:13He had great respect for you.
38:16We always assumed it was Jack who bought our office.
38:25Real diamonds?
38:28You would never have had that sort of money.
38:31Charlie, then, I suppose.
38:33It's not for a young chef to be splashing out on.
38:38So, it wasn't Charlie? Is that what you're saying?
38:42I'm not saying it wasn't him.
38:44I'm saying it wasn't him.
38:46I'm not saying it wasn't him.
38:48I'm not saying it wasn't him.
38:50I'm saying it wasn't him.
38:51It wasn't Charlie? Is that what you're saying?
38:54I'm overthinking things.
38:56This is the last thing we need, right?
39:01Chloe was a wonderful person.
39:04I really looked up to her.
39:07I'm so sorry for your loss.
39:13We'll say a prayer for you.
39:24Those Marjorie and Jean's wheelings.
39:40Wow, you've really pulled out all the stops, haven't we?
39:44Sure have.
39:48Oh, I'm delighted you're here.
39:49And we're all here together, as a family.
39:52Oh, Niamh!
39:54God, you look great.
39:56Oh, it's a pleasure to have you here.
39:58I love your earrings.
40:00Thanks, they're a birthday present from Bill.
40:02I think we all know what that means.
40:04That Deirdre bought them.
40:06Can I get a shot of you all together?
40:11Oh, that's lovely, thank you so much.
40:13Bill, the man of the moment.
40:15Thanks for having us.
40:17Brilliant to have you all here.
40:19It means the world.
40:23It really does.
40:25Fia, thanks for coming.
40:29Niamh, this morning we didn't know if we were going to go ahead.
40:31In fact, I said we should shut the whole thing down,
40:33but I was convinced otherwise.
40:35You've done a great service to the town.
40:37Blackwater's proud of you.
40:39Just doing my job.
40:41Anything we can do for you, just let me know.
40:49I love you.
40:51I love you too.
40:53I love you too.
40:55I love you.
40:57I love you.
40:59I love you.
41:01I love you.
41:03I love you.
41:05I love you.
41:07I love you.
41:09I love you.
41:11I love you.
41:13I love you.
41:15I love you.
41:17I love you.
41:25Congratulations on solving the case.
41:27Yeah, thanks.
41:31It's good to see you.
41:35Can I get you anything?
41:40some time alone together would be nice.
41:43Yeah, yeah.
41:45Or you could always go and fuck yourself.
41:47I just wish you'd think I am.
41:50No, Donna, I didn't mean to.
41:52No, I'm sure you never do.
41:54What do you take me for?
41:56Some random, no hope or single mum
41:59waiting for someone like you to come along
42:01and put a bit of sparkle in their life?
42:03Donna, no.
42:05Get your shit together.
42:07You may be a hero to everyone out there,
42:09but I am not your prize.
42:11Do you understand?
42:13Enjoy your evening.
42:15Hello, everyone.
42:17Hello, honoured friends and guests.
42:20It is my distinct pleasure
42:22to welcome the man
42:24who put Blackwater on the map,
42:26Mr Bill Maguire.
42:30Thanks, sunshine.
42:33Well, well, well.
42:35Here we are.
42:37We've been waiting for you.
42:39We've been waiting for you.
42:41We've been waiting for you.
42:42Well, well, well.
42:44Here we are.
42:46Welcome, everyone.
42:48For reasons known to many of you,
42:50we had deep reservations
42:52about going ahead this evening.
42:54Not a decision we took lightly.
42:56And I'd like to express my gratitude
42:58to the members of the law enforcement community
43:00who are here tonight.
43:04The people of Blackwater
43:06are forever in your debt.
43:0820 years ago,
43:10there wasn't an awful lot going on
43:12and half the real estate outlets
43:14lay idle.
43:16And the bright young people
43:18like me and Furlong here
43:20were planning to abandon the place
43:22in droves.
43:24I stood on the bridge
43:26across the river thinking,
43:28how can we make this a place
43:30people flock to,
43:32not abandon?
43:34And I made a promise
43:36that in 20 years,
43:38the name of Blackwater
43:40will be recognised all over the world.
43:42I said, I said, I said,
43:44I said, I said.
43:49get a glass of water there.
43:52She's all right, she's all right, everyone.
43:56It's just been a long day,
43:58a long day for everyone.
44:00Please, please relax and enjoy yourselves.
44:13Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor?
44:15Yeah, I'm sure.
44:19It might happen, love.
44:22She knows.
44:24I'm so sorry, Eve.
44:29It's so strange.
44:31You bury something for 20 years
44:33and then in the space of a day
44:37you know,
44:39you're buried.
44:40In the space of a day you're
44:42reliving every second like it was yesterday.
44:46Do you want to tell us what you remember?
44:49The morning after the party,
44:51I was lying there in the bed.
44:54Charlie was beside me asleep.
44:59Someone came in.
45:03There was a musty smell,
45:05you know, like the one you get with wet clothes.
45:07Did you see his face?
45:12Wake up, Sunshine, wake the fuck up.
45:14Of course.
45:15Come on, something's happened.
45:16Of course.
45:17Just come on, will you?
45:19I heard his voice.
45:26He called him Sunshine.
45:30All those years,
45:32all those opportunities,
45:34all those fancy gifts,
45:36he was just
45:38buying my silence.
45:42Are you sure?
45:44Believe me, I wish I wasn't.
45:52Fear me.
45:54Fear me.
45:55Listen, listen.
45:57I know what you're thinking,
45:58but you're going to have to take a beat, okay?
46:00Yeah, go back to your wife.
46:17I need a word.
46:20What is it?
46:21I need to speak with Donald.
46:24It's all right.
46:28Now, what is so urgent that it can't...
46:29Charlie Reid wasn't driving the car that night, Chloe.
46:31We learned her out.
46:34It was Bill McGuire.
46:36He was the one having an affair with her,
46:37not Dad.
46:39Don't ask me how I know.
46:41I just do.
46:43Charlie was at a party that night.
46:44Bill went to Charlie for help.
46:46I have an eyewitness that puts him at the party
46:48and in the early hours of the morning.
46:51Jesus, fear, this is...
46:52I know.
46:54I know.
46:57Which is why I need your help.
47:00I need you on the lake with me tomorrow.
47:09What are we looking for?
47:11I don't know.
47:13But we'll know when we find it.
47:15Twenty-eight and a half metres.
47:23From the shore to where the car went in?
47:30Pierre, what's that?
47:33That was your dad's car.
47:37That was your dad's.
47:40Best spot for trout fishing on the whole lake.
47:44Sure didn't I see him there only the day before he passed.
47:51Is that it for you?
47:55Yeah, thanks for it.
47:56Let's take her home.
48:07So dad's fishing spot was 40 metres from where the car went in.
48:11Now you're my dad, out fishing for trout.
48:14And you see a car shoot off the road and land nose first into the lake.
48:18Next thing you see Bill McGuire surface trying to get to the shore.
48:21You'd be in shock.
48:23His clothes weighing him down.
48:24What would you do?
48:26Would you stand there and let him drown?
48:31I'd go in after him.
48:34Dad saved him.
48:36And he would have saved Chloe too if he knew she was there but he didn't know.
48:40Because Bill never told him.
48:42My family dies within 24 hours of Chloe wheeling Gomez.
48:47That's no coincidence.
48:49What are you saying?
48:52Bill McGuire.
48:55He's behind everything.
49:04I'm sorry.
